The Elderine Stone (26 page)

Read The Elderine Stone Online

Authors: Alan Lawson

Tags: #magic, #wizard, #evil, #fantasy, #warped, #wolf

BOOK: The Elderine Stone
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Jason now knew what lay ahead of him. The seal which Elindril had spoken of was the seal holding the Lord of Darkness within the Elderine Stone. Now that he was here, perhaps the Dark Lady could break this seal, and he was the only one who could stop her. He paused for a moment, thinking this over. If he failed this quest, she would be able to release her lord, and the world that he had entered would be lost forever; everything that he had seen, everyone that he had met, his new friends, all destroyed.

Are you alright, Jason? You look awfully white.” Emily said as she walked over to Jason.

Yes, Yes, I’m fine, really I am. I just had a thought.”

Are you worried” she paused and lowered her voice, so that only Jason could hear her, “about what lies ahead? I know I’ve said this before Jason, but I am here for you, we all are! And by my word we will get through it. You are the one and don’t forget that.”

Jason smiled, he somehow struggled to do so, he was grateful for the encouragement but that alone would not take away the fear he felt inside.

Devon and Grimble had stopped now too, they were now cautiously looking around for any creature that might try and ambush them and strike them down before they even had a chance to face the presence of evil deep within the temple.

Sherbit on the other hand was hopping along as he usually did, humming the tune that he often hummed. If the others had more attention to spare, they would have noticed his strange actions that were rather unfit for this particular time and place. It almost seemed as if he was possessed or that he had lost all control of his natural thinking. Perhaps he was over come by the situation, and had reverted to a child like persona so that he could face what was to come. Or perhaps there was darkness within waiting to be released. No one noticed, as they continued to walk down the hall. They continued to pass statues much like the large statue in the temple’s entrance hall that had welcomed them. The stone walls seemed cold, and shielded an ancient history from those that walked by them.

In the distance they could hear the crackling of a huge fire, and the sounds of chains being hit against the stone walls, as those who were held captive tried desperately to escape though their attempts were in vain. Apart from these distance noises, the halls were surprisingly quiet.

I hate to be the one to break up our little rest, and believe me, I could do with one, but don’t you
think we should try and get this bit over with, or at least get to the stage were we face the Dark Lady.” Devon turned around and mumbled to Grimble “I’d hate to be picked off before we reach her, imagine the stories.”

Grimble nodded in return as if agreeing to the shame they would face if something did happen to them before they had a chance to fight the dark lady.

We can’t be far now, from the outside this temple doesn’t look that big, so we should reach the inner chambers soon.” Emily stated almost matter-of-factly.

Well let’s get moving then, The Dark Lady is more than likely aware that we are here. It would be best, not to keep her waiting” Jason said as he continued to walk down the remainder of the large hallway.

The corridor ended at a junction, they had two choices as to which direction they should now go. Going back the way they came was certainly not an option. Jason thought that no matter which direction they took now the destination would most likely be the same. Before Jason could make a final decision in direction they should take, a gust of wind blew past him from the left corridor to the right. It wasn’t that fierce but was strong enough to blow the torch flames completely out along the wall of the left corridor and cause the ones in the right to flicker.

Well that’s my decision made for me I guess.” Jason said aloud to himself.

The corridor was not that long at all. Jason could see that the corridor connected on to what looked like a large chamber. He noticed that there were several more large statues plotted against the far wall, each cloaked and bowing to an invisible master. He could hear heavy breathing, deep breaths in and out, it didn’t take him long to realise that these were his own. He felt a cold shiver pass over as each hair on his body stood on end. He knew what lay ahead in that chamber. There seemed to be some form of magnetic field that affected only him, he felt pulled towards it, but he could not explain it. He took one final step, he was now at the end of the corridor, and he could see so much more of the large chamber that lay a head of him.

Jason took a deep breath, trying to inhale as much as he could. Without looking back he walked into the chamber, not for one second moving his eyes from the far wall, if she was in this room he didn’t want to see her. Stopping when he felt he was half way across, Jason breathed out. He could hear the torches crackling quietly along each face of the old stone walls, what sounded like a large fire could be heard burning at the top of the chamber; although he didn’t want to look, not yet at least.

He was unsure if his friends had followed him this far or if they were still standing in the connecting corridor, but he most certainly did not feel alone, someone else was with him. His heart raced as he decided to look up and towards the end of the chamber. Excitement mixed with fear passed over him in rapid succession, boosting his adrenaline to carry out what needed to be done.

Slowly he lifted his eyelids, with each movement he could see more of what lay at the end of the chamber. Situated at the end of the room in the centre was a platform area reached by three steps, two large figurines on either side, each holding a bowl. Jason could now see the large fire, it burned in a majestic fire place, but what was more, he could see someone standing in front of it. This someone could only be one person, The Dark Lady. She was cloaked in a long black garment that reached out onto the floor in an effort to trap any colour and life from those who would seek it. The figure slowly turned around, lifting her head slightly, so that she could face her new guest.

“I have waited a long time for this.”

Jason looked at the lady that stood in front of him, her face was pale and drawn, her eyes blackened, forcing an expression of agony and emptiness across her face, yet she still presented an attractive visage. Her jet black hair was almost hidden beneath her hood, but that which Jason could see was long and straight, a few strands lay against the side of her check. Her voice was cold, as if her soul had been drawn from her, yet somehow, Jason felt an unusual warmth and welcoming tone.

Years have passed, and I have waited, waited for the coming of the chosen one. Who could have foreseen that the chosen one would be you? Not even the wisest of them all could have figured that one, but I knew. I knew it would be you, why else would I be here if you were not the chosen one.”

Jason tried to figure out what this mysterious lady was saying, riddles had never been a problem before with him, but never before had he been apart of the riddle itself.

“What are you trying to say?” Jason asked feeling more courage fill his body than he had ever experienced.

Don’t you realise who I am Jason? Don’t you remember me?” The Dark lady pitched forward displaying a grin across her face mocking innocence.

No!” shouted Jason “I don’t remember you, why should I? This is not my world!”

No Jason it is not, and nor is it mine, thirteen years is a very long time my boy isn’t it?” again the Dark lady grinned as she moved ever closer to Jason. “I knew that you would follow me here in time and fulfil the prophecies, who else would be the great hero of the Elderine Order other than the son of the Dark Lady?”

“No it can’t be true!” Jason exclaimed in horror, “You can’t be!”

“And why not? Deep down you know it is true, you can feel the calling, you can feel the power of the Elderine Stone, you know we are of the same blood, Join me Jason, together we could free the Lord of Darkness and rule under his power”

There was a sudden cry from the back.

“You know that is not true! No one can ever rule with the evil one in power, he will destroy all! Don’t listen to her Jason!”

Emily, was standing at the end of the hall, the others were standing with her.

“Ah your friends Jason, I’m glad that you have made friends with the right families, all very powerful in their own rights, and of course Sherbit, I had to send him along to make sure you arrived here safely, he did a good job don’t you think?”

“What? Sherbit that can’t be, you didn’t trick us?” Jason cried out in horror

“Didn’t you recognise the tune he always hummed Jason? Didn’t it bring back the memories?” The Dark Lady smirked as she held her hand out to Sherbit.

You are lying. You are just trying to trick me!”

Oh, come on now, do you think I would be that low to do a thing such as that? Silly boy! Jason you have yet to learn so much. Sherbit here is merely possessed, of course he led you to me, and after all he could do nothing other than what I had commanded.”

You evil, foul witch! You …”

Before Emily could finish, the Dark Lady had already started expressing distain towards her.

Of course, young Emily, what a sharp tongue you have. I see you have learnt a lot from you grandfather, but haven’t we all?” The Dark Lady laughed.

And what do you mean by that?” Emily demanded, her grandfather held a special place in her heart and she wouldn’t let anyone speak ill of him, especially this old crooked crone.

The Dark Lady chucked, she was clearly enjoying this, a group of young children who were certainly no match for herself, after all she a powerful witch, channelling the powers of evil. She could summon dark spirits with a single breath, standing opposite her stood a young apprentice mage, a prince and his protector and of course Jason, a boy from another world, the hero called forth to destroy the Lord of Darkness and his minions. How silly they are she thought.

The room grew still as the friends glanced around their surroundings. A battle was imminent, they all knew that. This talking had prolonged the inevitable. They all knew the Dark Lady had been clever using this time to unnerve them, to cause fear and confusion. On their journey they each had something to learn, Jason more than the others of course, but still each stood there for a reason. Devon who had been silent for the most part was slowly picking up his own courage. He had his name, his reputation and his family heritage to stand for. For years he believed much of what the New Order believed, that he would be the one to destroy the Dark Lady, but now that he stood here he understood that it was truly Jason’s destiny. Nonetheless, it was his destiny to make sure that Jason did not fail.

“How dare you speak ill of Master Talathin! He is a great man, I will have no one speak ill of the New Order or its members!”

Oh the young prince speaks at last, you think with all that tutoring you receive in the palace walls that you would have more wits and intelligence at your disposal. Perhaps all that studying has made you lose your edge on reality! Master Talathin is not who he seems to be. Come on your highness don’t you see” The Dark Lady laughed again in mockery of the prince.

Tempers were rising, Devon could not stand these outrageous bursts against his family and their close friends, everyone was entitled to their own opinion in the kingdom but it was inappropriate to speak against the New Order.

That is it I will not stand here whilst you speak ill of all that is good!”

“You think you are a match for me boy? How exactly do you think you will be able to defeat me, for that is what you plan is it not?”

We are more of a match than what you think!” Emily screamed back, her emotions carried every word.

Well then what are we waiting for? Clearly I can’t get the boy to join my side, even though it would be for his and your own best interest to be by the side that will prosper. But alas we will just have to say goodbye for good this time Jason.”

“Enough we have come to destroy you and we will not fail!” Jason screamed as he prepared himself for what was to come.

As you wish.” The dark lady said with an evil chuckle, “Let it begin.”

Grimble moved forward, stretched his arms and shoulders, then he stopped. He stood for a few moments, enough time to gain everyone’s gaze. The room again grew quiet as all watched in suspense as Devon’s protector, edged forward, and then stopped again.

Looking down to the stone floor, Grimble stooped and seemed to pick up what looked like a small stone, he grasped at it then rose up again. With the stone firmly in his hand Grimble took another step forward, and once again stopped, his eyes fixed firmly on the Dark Lady, whose eyes were firmly fixed on him. Moving his arm back over his shoulder, Grimble aimed and flung the stone towards his target. Eyes followed the stone as it hurtled through the air towards the Dark Lady. With a thump the stone landed paces away from where the stones target stood. Everyone in the chamber stared at the stone, and then one by one, they lifted their gaze and directed it towards Grimble, who was still standing in his throwing position.

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