The Enclave (The Verge) (3 page)

BOOK: The Enclave (The Verge)
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Port Curtin is the largest Australian Colonial Outpost within the Stromlo section of the Verge.  It is also the headquarters for the Earth Federation
Third Fleet, and a place that held bad memories for Katherine. 

Standing just behind the helm, Katherine had a good view of Port Curtin from the forward view port.  Beside her stood her XO and Second Officer.  She was to report immediately upon arrival to Admiral Baverstock’s office, no detours; no delays; she would be taking Shepherd with her.  Coulthard as XO would stay with the ship.

Katherine was surprised at the Admiral’s presence at Port Curtin.  Baverstock was supposed to be at Port McMahon awaiting the arrival of Battle Group Two with Hyde and his ship in tow.  Whatever was the reason to pull the
out from the flotilla, it also pulled the Admiral out from his part in Hyde’s capture. 

This can’t be due to a simple babysitting run, there has to be more to it.

Vaguely, she heard Mark Hunter talking with Curtin Port Authority and Katherine’s stiff shoulders dropped slightly as the Port Authority assigned the
a pilot and a berth.  Hunter had got the
to Curtin in just over six hours.  Six hours was enough time for Battle Group Two to capture Hyde and be on their way back to Port.

“Mr. Hunter.”

“Yes Skipper?”

“Once we’re docked, go and get some sleep.  You need it after this run.  I’d give you extended shore leave as well but I don’t think we’ll be staying long.”

“Thank you Captain.”

She caught his grin of pleasure as he turned to reply to a query from the Authority pilot.  The man thrived on any good word or compliment she gave him.  Tom said it’s due to Katherine being a hard taskmaster – any good word, no matter how small means that you’ve exceeded expectations.  But Katherine agreed with Coulthard’s assessment.  That being respected helped to bring out the best in people.

At least there was one person on board who was happy.

As they came closer to Port Curtain, the atmosphere on board the
became more sullen and angry, though no one openly said anything.  Katherine understood their resentment because she felt it as well.  But everyone will have to grin and bare it when their passengers come aboard.

As the
made its way slowly through the shipping lanes to its assigned berth, Katherine looked away from the view port.  She was not interested in viewing the Curtin docks, though Katherine noted that Battle Group’s One and Four are in Port.

Surely one of them had a ship that could take this Ambassador to Junter?
  Katherine clamped down again on her anger.  Even after six hours it was still smoldering within her. 
What’s done is done.  Nothing I can do now can change it.

“Lieutenant Shepherd, you’re with me.  I want to be out of the airlock as soon as the
is secured.”

“Yes Skipper.”

Tom fell in smartly behind Katherine as she left the helm and made her way through the narrow corridors to the airlock.  Both the lieutenant and herself were dressed in their best uniforms and though she would never admit it to her officers, Katherine had spent a great deal of time on her appearance.  First impressions count and she wanted to have this diplomat on the back foot from their first meeting.

They waited in silence as around them they felt the familiar vibration of the ships power core slow down and finally stop. 
Its sudden absence always left a peculiar sensation in Katherine’s legs and belly that would disappear within a half hour of leaving the ship.  Sometimes she was a little enviable of people like Tom who felt no difference at all.

A short chime indicated that Addie, the
main computer, was online in the airlock.  ‘
is now docked at Curtin berth UVG46497.  Commander Kirk and Lieutenant Shepherd have been cleared to disembark.  Admiral Baverstock requests Commander Kirk’s immediate presence in his office.’

“He’s not going to give you a moment’s reprieve is he?”

“Makes me wonder how much pressure Fleet is inflicting on him,” Katherine said quietly as Addie ran through the airlock pressure equalization checks.

“Makes me wonder who this Ambassador is to have Fleet this involved at all.”

The loud click as the airlock mechanism disengaged distracted Katherine from answering.  But it was a question that had kept popping up in her thoughts after her earlier talk with Tom.

A popping noise followed by a brief whoosh of escaping air announced that they were now finally free to leave the airlock.  Both officers stepped out of the ship onto the covered gangway that connected them to the dock.  Waiting at the other end was Admiral Baverstock’s personal aide, Lieutenant Paul Hillier.

Katherine liked Hillier.  He had actually seen active service as an exchange officer with the American Fleet and wasn’t solely focused on getting the correct paperwork from Baverstock’s officers.  (In fact, Hillier usually completed most of Katherine’s common paperwork and ensured that her reports were corrected when she filed them.  Katherine wasn’t big on paperwork.  It also helped that he wasn’t a hard person to look at in the flesh.

“Good morning Commander Kirk, Lieutenant Shepherd,” Hillier called to them as they came down the gangway.

“That’s his opinion,” Tom whispered under his breath.

“Hello Lieutenant Hillier,” Katherine replied, giving him a small smile. 

“Admiral Baverstock wishes to see you.  I’m to escort you.”

As they both fell in beside Hillier Katherine decided to try and lean on the slight friendship she had with the Admiral’s aide to see what information she could extract.

“Have you been busy?”

“No more than usual.  Though hopefully things will calm down a little once Battle Group Two finishes its cleanup- Oh, I’m sorry Commander.”  Hillier stopped as he remembered who he was speaking to.  His face flushed in embarrassment.

“It’s okay Paul. 
‘Fleet commands and we obey’
.  Katherine rattled off the old line automatically, only now realizing how true it really was.

“When I heard that the
was to be pulled from the line, well, I know all the hard work you and your crew have put in to get that bastard…”  Hillier’s voice trailed away as he realized that there was nothing he could really say that would make any difference.

By now they were walking through the wide corridors of the Curtin Port Authority and would soon be crossing over into areas restricted to Fleet Personnel.  If Katherine was going to ask the question, she’d better do it now while the Lieutenant was still flustered.

“Paul, do you know the real reason why we were pulled out to do a babysitting run?”

He may act it sometimes but Lieutenant Hillier was no fool and as he turned his shrewd eyes on her, Katherine knew he would tell her nothing. 

“That’s for the Admiral to tell you.”

“Can you at least tell me why the Admiral is here and not at Port McMahon waiting for Hyde to be delivered to him?”

“He was ordered back as you were.”

Katherine and Tom glanced at each other in confusion.  Something was going on and both officers did not like to be kept in the dark.

They walked the rest of the way to the Admiral’s office in silence.  Katherine’s mind ran through seemingly infinite rationales for what was going on, but for some reason, deep down, her gut told her it had something to do with Hyde.  Battle Group Two should have captured him by now, but Katherine was beginning to think otherwise.

It was
early in the morning at Port Curtin and the only personnel within Third Fleet Headquarters were the night staffers and poor smucks like Hillier who had been called in. Even so, Katherine still heard murmurs of recognition as she walked through the corridors.  Katherine automatically returned every salute that was given as her thoughts churned away.  Once she heard Adveral mentioned, but the name more often on their lips was Yunga.  That was a time in her life she would prefer to forget.

Once they reached the Admiral’s reception area, Lieutenant Hillier was still relaxed and happy, but Katherine watched as he quickly clothed himself again in the role of Admiral’s aide.  It was then that she heard voices coming through the slightly open door to the Admiral’s office.

“Please wait.  I’ll just tell the Admiral that you are here.”

“What the hell is going on?” Tom asked as soon as Hillier left the room.  “I can understand Fleet stuffing us around but the Admiral?”

Katherine shook her head.  “I don’t know Tom, but I have a very bad feeling about this.”

“Your gut feelings have never been wrong yet,” Tom growled but softly.  The voices from the other room had suddenly stopped.

“My gut feeling didn’t help me when Adveral was attacked.”

“Stop punishing yourself for being alive Kath.  As you always say,
‘What’s done is done and there’s nothing you can do to change it’.”

“Lieutenant I-”

“And don’t try and pull rank on me.  You know I’m only telling you the truth.  I’m the only one who would dare to.”

Katherine shut her mouth.  There was nothing she could say to that.  Tom Shepherd knew her better than anyone else alive and the scrapes they’d both been through had earned him the right for candid speaking.  But the Admiral’s reception area was not the place for it.

“Don’t start psychoanalyzing me now Tom.  This is not the time or place.”

Tom slowly nodded, but Katherine knew that he would pin her down on this later when the time was right.

The door to the Admiral’s office swung open to reveal the slim form of Admiral Bryan Baverstock, his thin sandy hair was neatly trimmed and his moustache looked like it belonged on his top lip.  Baverstock only topped Katherine’s five and a half feet by a hand span, but still he radiated respect and strength, he would go into bat for his people.  And this slight man inspired loyalty in all who served under him, a feeling Katherine well understood.  The Admiral helped her when she needed it and Katherine was grateful for that, so was most of the

“Commander Kirk.”  The Admiral’s eyes flicked to Tom.  “Lieutenant Shepherd.”

Both officers immediately came to attention and gave the Admiral a crisp salute.

“Stand easy both of you,” Baverstock said as Hillier stepped passed him through the door and sat down behind his desk.

So, is this meeting to be private then?

Katherine’s eyes flicked again to Tom as they relaxed their stance, clasping their arms behind their backs in the time-honored tradition.  Tom wasn’t looking at her.  His eyes looked focused on the Admiral.  He cocked his head slightly and Katherine realized that he was looking at something beyond the door.  The Lieutenant was better positioned to see inside the room, and what he saw intrigued him.

“Come in.”  The Admiral turned and went back into his office.  Katherine went first and Tom fell in behind her.

The Admiral’s office was large, housing a functional desk, office chair, several
visitors’ chairs, several bookshelves and cupboards and a large vidscreen dominated a sidewall.  The office was completely bare of anything that would reflect the personality of its occupant, but even that says a lot about the man.  Then Katherine’s eyes fell on what had captivated Tom’s attention.

Standing quietly next to the desk was a young woman dressed in a simple, well-cut business suit, the only adornment was a string of pearls around her neck.  Her hair was long, straight and very blonde.  She was definitely not military.  And Katherine instantly took a dislike to her.

The woman stared frankly back at Katherine; her expression gave away no hint of her thoughts.

Don’t tell me that this is the Ambassador?
Katherine tried not to let her distaste show.

Tom stood at ease beside her and Katherine did not need to look to see that his eyes would be lingering over this woman.  Katherine briefly wondered why this should annoy her before pushing the feeling away.  She was being protective of her crew, that’s all.

The Admiral sat down behind his desk and the woman sat back down in the seat she had been occupying.  Before the Admiral could say a word, the woman spoke.

“You took us by surprise
Commander; we were not expecting you for another three hours.”

Katherine did not answer.  Who was this woman who thought she could speak to her before the Admiral?  This was a reason why Katherine hated bureaucrats – always so full of themselves.  The Admiral flashed the woman a curt look before speaking to his officers.

“Commander Kirk, Lieutenant Shepherd.  The Ambassador is on his way.  He sent his aide ahead to finalize the naval arrangements for this embassy.  And now, Ms Hayes,” the Admiral gestured towards the door.  “Please wait outside.”

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