The Enforcer (10 page)

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Authors: Nikki Worrell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Enforcer
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Taking another swig of her drink, Lacey told him no, Steven had never actually hit her. Although with the way Steven had started coming around again right before she left and the nasty messages he left her, she wouldn’t have put it past him. And he did grab her in the driveway the last time she saw him. It was like he was becoming obsessed with her, and she had felt safe having thousands of miles between them. She wasn’t sure if she felt safe with Steven here or not. It was so hard for her to imagine that the man she loved for so long would truly want to hurt her.

She also told Jody that even though she knew Steven was wrong, there was still a part of her that felt sad because she wasn’t enough. “That’s the problem with emotions. You can’t reason them away. I just felt like I was, I don’t know,
when I saw him in the pool house screwing Jessica, you know? I just wasn’t good enough.”

Jody stroked her palm with his thumb. He just needed to keep touching her. “You aren’t just ‘good enough’ Lace; you’re
good. He was a fool then, and he’s a fool now for showing up here. Any guy who won’t take ‘no’ for an answer shouldn’t be trusted.” Jody wanted to punch Steven into another century. Sounding harsher than he had a right to, he said, “You need to promise me that you’ll call me when he does finally show his face. I don’t want you to be alone with him.”

Even though she knew that Jody meant well, it sounded like he was giving her a command which was not the right thing to do. Lacey figured this was his ‘thing.’ She knew he couldn’t be as perfect as he appeared and was beginning to think that being commanding and possessive of what was clearly
yet his was his imperfection.

“While I appreciate the sentiment, you’re not responsible for me. Nor do I need you to be. I’m a big girl, and I can take care of myself.” She pulled her hand away and took another sip of her drink.

“Come on Lace, I didn’t mean it like that.” Jody told her about his sister, which made Lacey understand him a little better. After what happened with Karen, Jody became more protective than he already was.

Lacey said, “I just want to forget about him, you know? I don’t want him to occupy any of my thoughts.”

Jody stood up, pulling Lacey up with him. “
I can help with.” He took both her hands in his and put them on his chest. Tilting her head back with a finger under her chin, he watched her lick her lips in anticipation. Jody ran his hands up her arms, cupped her face and then proceeded to kiss her senseless. Lacey curled her fingers, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt.
So much for him keeping his hands and lips to himself,
she thought

Keeping a firm hold on her, Jody gently maneuvered Lacey around until her back hit the wall
He moved in closer, until he could nestle his thigh between her legs. When she felt him hardening against her, Lacey made little sounds that drove him mad. He wanted her like he wanted his next breath, and with each swipe of her tongue, he was finding it harder and harder to control himself. He ground his hips into her, making her squirm, trying to get closer still. Even though they were fully clothed, the feeling was exquisite.

As a distraction he hoped it was working, but
, he was behaving like a cave man again. She deserved better than to be mauled on the deck. Some part of Jody’s mind began to function again, and he gently pulled away from her. Breathing hard, he asked, “Did it work?”

Was he kidding? “Huh?” When he had her against the wall, she thought she might actually come. His lips and tongue, combined with the pressure of his thigh against her, was almost enough to send her over the edge. She was so close and
not done with him yet. Lacey grabbed Jody’s shirt and pushed him back until he sat down on the bench. Still panting, she climbed onto his lap and straddled him. Sliding her fingers into his hair she went right back to his lips. Nipping his bottom lip, she whispered, “I think I need a little more distraction.”

Groaning, Jody gave up all thoughts of being a gentleman and ran his hands up under her shirt. “Jesus Lace, you’re so soft,” he mumbled against her lips. Just as he was about to hit pay dirt, Zoe came out. He quickly lowered his hands and let out a frustrated groan.

“Whoops...sorry to interrupt, but Steven’s here.”

Well, that was one sure fire way to make an erection disappear. Jody walked through the door, pulling Lacey behind him. “I’ll take care of this,” he said.

Poking him in the back she said, “Oh no you most certainly will not! My ex, my problem. As a matter of fact, you keep yourself hidden. I think it’ll go easier if he doesn’t see you.” The pounding on the front door grew louder and more insistent.

Zoe winked at Jody. “Guess Lacey’s not so indecisive about you anymore, huh? Now off with you. Don’t worry; she can take care of him.”

“Come on Baby, open the door for me. I know you’re in there. We need to talk. Please Pookie …” Lacey made a gagging face and went to open the door. Jody made himself scarce and ‘hid’ in the kitchen with Zoe. On his way there, he smacked Lacey’s bottom and whispered, “You call me if you need me, you understand?” She rolled her eyes and said, “Yes, sir.”

Lacey opened the door and looked at Steven, waiting for old feelings to wash over her. She was relieved to find that there were none. There was nothing but indifference. She wasn’t really even mad at him anymore. That’s when she knew that her heart was not ruined forever. She was over him, and he could never hurt her again. It was a freeing feeling.

Steven walked in and grabbed her in a fierce hug. Lacey immediately pushed him away and walked over to stand on the far side of the couch to put some space between them. Taking a deep breath, Steven started talking. “Okay Lacey, I deserved that and a lot more. I’m sorry Baby, I truly am. I realize now that I was wrong to fuck Jessie like that. If it wasn’t our wedding day maybe it wouldn’t have been such a big deal, but it was. It was stupid of me to do that.”

“Not a big deal?” Lacey laughed without humor. “I really didn’t want to know but I have to admit, I’m kind of curious now. How many times did you fuck other girls?”

Putting his hands out to his sides, palms up, he shrugged. “God, I don’t know, Babe. I travel a lot, I get lonely. What is the big freaking deal? It’s just sex.
the only woman I’ve ever made love to. Look, let’s just put this behind us and start over. And if I mess up again, I promise to tell you.”

Truly laughing now, Lacey responded, “Oh my God, you’re serious. That’s hysterical. No Steven, that’s never going to happen. You and I are over. We have been for a long time now. You need to leave me alone.”

Steven was starting to get pissed off. Why was she being such a bitch? She was acting totally unreasonable. He walked over to the couch and vaulted over it not giving her a chance to get away. Grabbing her hair, he held her there and kissed her. It was a punishing kiss. She tried to push him off, but he wouldn’t let go of her hair. She kicked him so hard that he stumbled backward, breaking a lamp behind him and falling to the floor. At the same time, Jody came running in with Zoe on his heels.

Again with the protective thing. Shit.
Jody was on Steven before he could even get back up. One hand was fisted in Steven’s shirt and the other was raised and ready to do some serious damage to Steven’s face. Lacey threw herself at Jody grabbing onto his raised fist. “Don’t … Jody, stop!” He looked back at Lacey and dropped Steven back to the floor. That’s all Jody needed before starting the season on a new team. Bad press. She wasn’t going to let that happen.

Steven sneered at Jody and looked back at Lacey. “So, you got yourself a replacement.
what this is all really about. God, you’re a slut.”

Lacey’s eyes widened, completely baffled by his comment. “What? Me? I met Jody almost a year
I caught you with Jessica. You have some big balls if …” Lacey stopped, shook her head. W
hy am I still talking to him?
“Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Please, just leave. Now.”

“No, wait. Shit, I’m sorry Lacey. You’re right, none of it matters anyway.” With a huge grin on his face he said, “Listen, I finally made it. My manager got me a huge tour in Europe. I’m even going to be playing with the London Symphony. Come with me. Let’s start over.”

Lacey was beginning to believe that Steven might be bipolar. He was an ass one minute and apologizing and excited the next. That did not make for a stable human being. Having Jody there gave her the courage she needed to get rid of Steven for good. “Okay, Steven. You have to listen to me.
me. We’re done. I have no feelings for you. Not love, not even anger … well not much anger. You need to move on with your life. Go to Europe. I wish you luck.”

Steven looked surprised that she didn’t want to go with him. Was she insane? It was Europe. They could travel all over. Jerking a thumb toward Jody he said, “Lacey, if this is about Muhammad Ali over here, you’re crazy. I’m going to be filthy rich. I could buy you anything you wanted. And remember, I
you.” Giving her what she now considered his sleazy look, he continued, “I know how to make you scream, Baby. Does he?”

Steven was entirely too sure of himself. Jeez, was he always like that and Lacey just didn’t see it? What an ass. She almost felt embarrassed for him. She was just about to answer him when Jody piped up. He’d had more than enough of this jackass.

“All right, we’re done here. I know all of Lace’s spots, too, but I prefer her begging, not screaming. And I can almost guarantee you that I can buy and sell you. The NHL pays pretty well.” Steven smirked at that.
What a joke...a fucking hockey thug.

Lacey was done with both of them. She was seriously pissed off at the whole scene. She couldn’t believe Jody implied that they were sleeping together. “Enough! Both of you. This is not a pissing contest. For the last time, Steven, GET … OUT! Jody … I’ll deal with in a minute.” She walked over to Steven, grabbed his arm and escorted him to the door. “Goodbye Steven.”

“Think about this Lacey. I’m never coming back. This is your last chance. I’m serious. You’ll never see me again. Come on, you can be with a classically trained pianist or a hockey goon. Not a hard choice when you compare the two, is it Babe?” Steven stood there with a smug smile on his face. He actually thought she was going to change her mind. He was delusional. Having heard enough of his rambling, Lacey pushed him out the door and slammed it shut. “Your loss. Enjoy your Neanderthal.”

Lacey spun around to confront Jody. When Zoe saw the look in Lacey’s eyes, she excused herself and took off to her room giving them privacy. “All right buddy … out with it. What was that about? You like me begging better than screaming? That was out of line. Whether or not we’re sleeping together yet is none of anyone’s business.” Jody stood there smiling while Lacey ranted at him. “And wipe that grin off your face.” She crossed her arms, which pushed her breasts up.
Damn, she’s hot when she’s pissed off.
He couldn’t help but zero in on something Lacey said.

“Yet? You said ‘not sleeping together yet.’ I like the way you think Lace.” He was
able to continue with a straight face. “But try to give me some time. I’m not just an easy lay, you know.” With a cocky grin on his face, Jody started walking out. He wanted to make sure Steven had left. “See you Wednesday.” At the last second, he decided that he might as well go for broke. Still smiling, he quickly walked back to a speechless Lacey and gave her another toe curling kiss. Then he winked at her, turned around and left feeling better than he had in a long time. Life was fun again.



Jody never did catch up to Steven, but he drove around Zoe’s neighborhood just to make sure he wasn’t parked somewhere waiting for Jody to leave. It really did seem like Steven finally accepted that Lacey was done with him, so Jody wasn’t overly concerned. Mostly, he seemed more like an egotistical ass than a real threat. Trying to get Lacey to go to Europe with him was a last ditch effort.

Since it was still somewhat early, Jody decided to head over to Vlad’s. A bunch of the guys were there watching an old Stanley Cup Finals game. Vlad had a huge penthouse apartment overlooking the ocean. Aside from the two bedrooms, the apartment was one big 3,000 square foot open space. With a sixty-inch flat screen HDTV, a well stocked bar and a loaded beer fridge, it was one of the best places to watch sports. The guys who didn’t feel like watching TV made use of the pool table or dart board. Vlad’s place was a true bachelor pad.

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