The Eyes of the Dragon

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Authors: Stephen King

BOOK: The Eyes of the Dragon
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Table of Contents
The Eyes of the Dragon
A tale of archetypal heroes and sweeping adventures, of dragons and princes and evil wizards, here is epic fantasy as only Stephen King could envision it.
A kingdom is in turmoil after old King Roland dies and his worthy successor, Prince Peter, is imprisoned by the evil Flagg and his pawn, young Prince Thomas. But Flagg's evil plot is not perfect, for he knows naught of Thomas's terrible secret—or Prince Peter's daring plan to escape to claim what is rightfully his. . . .
Stephen King has taken the classic fairy tale and transformed it into a masterpiece of fiction for the ages.
“The sorcery of Stephen King . . . is expertly seductive. . . . The kind of book that keeps you up, red-eyed with fatigue, until two a.m. because it's not possible to stop turning the pages.”
The Washington Post Book World
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First Signet Printing, January 1988
Copyright © Stephen King, 1987
Illustrations copyright © David Palladini, 1987
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eISBN : 978-1-101-13807-6

This story is for my great friend BEN STRAUB, and for my daughter, NAOMI KING.

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