THE FALL (Rapha Chronicles #1) (The Rapha Chronicles) (37 page)

BOOK: THE FALL (Rapha Chronicles #1) (The Rapha Chronicles)
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Study guide

  1. A worldview is a particular set of beliefs we hold regarding the foundations of life and our universe. Whether we realize it or not, our worldview is like a lens through which we perceive what we regard as truth. How has your worldview been affected by reading
    The Fall
    ? Positively? Negatively? Expanded?
  2. God is a major character not only in this book but also in the course of human history. What are your thoughts on God? Does He/She exist? Do you believe God is accurately depicted in the Bible? In this book?
  3. If God knows everything, even the future, why would he create Lucifer? How did Rapha answer this question? What do you think?
  4. Do you believe Adam and Eve’s relationship with and faith in God grew or lessened after Eden? Discuss.
  5. What character qualities seemed to predispose Cain toward Lucifer’s temptation? What character qualities drew Abel to choose God over Lucifer? Do you believe even Cain could have received God’s forgiveness?
  6. Throughout the Bible, stories are told of rivalry, even enmity, between brothers—Cain and Abel; Isaac and Ishmael; Esau and Jacob; Joseph and his elder brothers, etc. Do you think this might underscore the rivalry Lucifer felt toward Adam, and mankind in general?
  7. In the story, God’s plan tends to follow directly on the heels of a monstrous defeat. Put another way, God can make beauty from ashes. Have you experienced this phenomenon in your life? Discuss.
  8. It’s very easy to look at the evil in the world around us and wonder how God—if He even exists—could allow it to happen. What are your thoughts??
  9. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:8 (New International Version) that “Love never fails.” Do you truly believe love is stronger than evil? Discuss.
  10. How do you think Adam and Eve were different when they had Seth than they had been when Cain and Abel were born? How do you think this difference might have affected Seth’s upbringing?
  11. It’s hard for us to grasp the depth of God’s holiness, grace, and love. Where do you unwittingly draw the line between forgivable vs. unforgivable? Terrorists? Pedophiles? Abortionists? Murderers? Rapists? Fallen Televangelists? Fallen Angels? Lucifer? Yourself?
  12. Read Isaiah 53 aloud emphasizing verse 5.

    “But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
    the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.”

    How do you believe Jesus fits into history and world religions?

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