The Fancy (18 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes,Lawrence James

BOOK: The Fancy
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and raised on a plantation, to be sold off one day.

“After dinner, I wil be giving you a new book to

read, but for now – in answer to your question, an

Earl is a Lord-…”

“Like Jesus Christ, in the bible?”

“Not quite, he – has greater power, I – merely

own land, property, lots of it, passed to me upon the

death of my father, who was a Marquis-...”

“Wha’s a Marquis?”

Quinton smiled, chewing, swal owing he

answered, “A Marquis is a man who has done

something honorable in the eyes of the monarchy,

thus, they bestow upon him a title, lands, an area in

which is his to gain benefit, wealth from. If he takes a

wife in marriage and she blesses him with sons, it is

the eldest son who wil inherit al that is his-…”

“You the oldest son, Quinton?”

“Yes, I am the eldest son. I have a brother, and

long ago, had a sister as wel , unfortunately, she died

at a very young age; I wanted to save her, I could


“I wanted to understand why she died. Nothing

else meant more to me than that – getting to the

bottom of this mystery of life and – death.” He

explained, continuing to enjoy his meal.

Suga found herself lost in a dream as she took

in al there was about him. The color of his skin, the

curly mink like texture of his hair; his captivating blue

eyes, his engaging smile and his matter of fact way;

eyes, his engaging smile and his matter of fact way;

his honesty, his care, his treatment of her from the

moment he found her in the ship.

“You are – beautiful – Quinton, as beautiful as

anything I have ever seen.”

He looked up smiling, “Wel said; very wel

said. That’s what I want to hear, properly spoken


“That is another thing we positively must get

right, your manner of speech; we have much to do in

a short time.” He went on as if she had not just cal ed

him beautiful.

“Eat up.” He nodded to her food that was

growing cold.

Suga gave a nod, picked up her fork and once

more began eating – thinking, she would do this for

him; she felt that she owed him; she must do what

was expected of her and told him so.

“I want you – proud of me, Quinton. I wil do, my

bit, and speak as you want.” She glanced up, stil shy

at times, gazing at him showing her slight smile.

He was done eating, and with his elbows on

the table, chin resting on his knuckles, eyes

twinkling, “You – real y think that I am beautiful?” He

asked, flirting with her.

She blushed and nodded, hesitant to speak;

she felt she must learn to form her words correctly

before saying what she thought.

He found it hard to take his eyes off of her, and

wondered if she could handle having him that night,

“Suga … look at me.”

Her eyes met his immediately.

“This night, and every one to come – you wil

share my bed. The other room is yours stil , but not to

sleep in, you understand?” He asked gently.

She nodded, that she understood and went

back to nibbling at her food, feeling his eyes on her.

She glanced up at him, “You – want me – Quinton?”

“I do, I do – so much so, that – I fear I spoke too

hastily in saying that I could wait. Even so, if you did

not wish it – I would never again, force myself on

you.” He could barely control his breathing with his

passion for her so intense.

Suga felt her heart take off beating madly;

below, a tingling throb she had never felt made her

thighs squeeze in reaction, al due to Quinton and the

way he made her feel. She stood, taking her food

and putting it on the floor for Moose; who devoured it

within seconds; without a word, Suga headed for the


Quinton sat for a moment, trying to catch his

breath, trying to calm himself, closing his eyes,

breathing deeply he too rose from his seat, and

already his erection was prominent, aching, coming

to life for what he longed to do to her. Buying time for

himself to calm down, he went about checking both

doors and al windows.

“Moose, there’s a good boy,” He scratched his

head, behind his ears, “… you guard the house as

we sleep boy, you hear?” Of course the animal

hadn’t a clue of what he meant, but was excited al

the same for his attention.

Blowing out the flames of each lantern, he

carried the last one up to their room. Upon entering,

the fire was going and there, in bed, she sat,

beneath the covers, her shoulders bare, her slender

arms holding them in place over her breasts; his

eyes traveled across the room to where her clothing

lay across his sea chest. Al was quiet aside from

the crackling fire. Setting the lantern on his nearby

bureau, Quinton went to the bench next to it, sat

down and started removing his boots.

The entire time, Suga sat watching him; neither

saying a word, he, for once, found his tongue tied.

She watched him remove his stockings, next his

vest, then his shirt. His chest was hairy; the pattern

was centered and shaped like a diamond, the

bottom of which sent a line of hair trailing down his

firm stomach, disappearing into the waist band of

his trousers.

She gulped, nervously, yet resolved, unable to

pul her eyes away as he unbuttoned the front panel,

letting it fal away to reveal the top of his crotch and a

thick thatch of pubic hair. Her eyes flickered from

there up to his eyes and back down again, unsure if

she should be watching him as he went to push them

down; she chickened out at the last moment and

looked away.

Quinton chuckled, “Surely, my little rat-slayer is

not afraid.”

Shy, she glanced back to look right at it – and

made a face, grimacing, “Can’t think o’nothin’ the

Lord make, uglier than that.”

Quinton exploded into laughter; he laughed so

that he ended up staggering to the bed and moving

the covers back, clambering in next to her, unable to

the covers back, clambering in next to her, unable to

stop the mirth that bubbled continuously from him.

“Shame on you, al that our Lord has done, he has

done to perfection.”

Unable to help herself, she covered her mouth,

letting escape a bit of laughter, the first real laughter

Quinton had ever heard from her. No matter how she

tried to hold it in, it poured out, spil ing between

them, making him control his own just to hear it. She

had a deep throaty, raunchy type of laughter that

came straight from her gut, and went right to his

loins, arousing him al the more. He moved closer to

her, taking her hand away from her mouth; she

sniffed, pul ed her bottom lip in, moistening it and

shielded her eyes, lowering them from him.

“You – make me happy, Suga; you make my

soul light up with laughter and joy and admiration.”

“It has been such a long time – longer than I can

remember ever feeling as I do now. Is it any wonder

that I never married; You see I was waiting for you,

waiting – to find you.” He moved closer stil , his hand

going to her slender neck, pul ing her toward him as

he slanted across her, to kiss her luscious ful lips

again, easing his tongue into the seam of them,

brushing it across her teeth and final y into her

mouth. Slowly savoring the taste of her, his hand

traveled lower to the covers, pushing them down her

body to reveal her pert, round breasts; his palm

covering one with a squeeze, kneading it gently;

from one to the other, with the pad of his thumb

rubbing the sensitive peaks while the slant of his

body and leaning pressure coaxed her to ease onto

her back further into the bed where he could move

over her when ready.

Already their breathing had become labored as

the sensual tension between them built. Suga could

feel his lengthy erection rubbing against her hip,

hard, hot and ready to penetrate; the sensation

made her flood with wetness, a moan escaped with

her rising urgency. His fervent kisses moved from

her lips, over her chin, down to her neck, leaving fire

in its wake.

There was no doubt about where he was going;

Quinton had imagined kissing her breasts hundreds

of times, if not thousands and now, final y, he would.

He had a problem however, he ached to be inside of

her; he ached to feel her heat surround him, he

wasn’t sure how long he could hold out to ensure that

she too, felt al the pleasures that were now coursing

through his body, growing in volume so he was

barely able to keep control.

The heat of his warm moist mouth covered one

of her nipples sending a jolt of pleasure so acute it

almost brought Suga’s back off the bed – she cried

out his name, grabbing his head, her fingers in his

hair so that he would not stop suckling at her

sensitive tips.

“Ach – Quinton, oh…” She gasped, feeling the

room spin around them.

His pelvis gyrated, rocking back and forth

against her thigh; his hand left her breast to his

mouth to seek something more; traveling over her

flat stomach and down to the thatch of dark hair

covering her heated mound – his fingers went on to

part the wet folds, sliding lower toward her throbbing

entry where they glided in to test her readiness.

“Emmm…” She whimpered, spreading her

thighs for him, moving against his seeking fingers

that rubbed and teased her, finding her swol en and

hungry for him – he could not wait; he was only

human. “I cannot bear a moment more of this.” He

gasped, moving over her leg to position himself

between her thighs; there he lined himself up,

pushing at her entry, spreading her tender folds and

pressing to penetrate.

Suga cried out because she was stil sore from

earlier, but in no time, his thick length was sunken

deep, swol en, stretching her to accommodate him;

his lips rained kisses upon her face and neck, as his

body was swept away with riding her; having built up

such a hunger, a longing, a need, he could not get

control of it, he pumped hard and deep, rubbing

against her smal nubbin, he pressed himself to rest;

to give her a moment, but his need forced him into

stroking more intensely.

Biting her bottom lip, Suga held onto him and

tried to meet his powerful thrusts, pul ing her thighs

up, crossing her legs over his buttocks, she felt a

strange sensation, a heightened tingling that was

spiraling from the center of her nubbin that he kept

grinding against, before long, she was pressing

against him, rocking beneath him, stroking with him

to increase that feeling until it started growing on its

own, expanding at a maddening speed that was

piercing her to the core of her womanhood;

something felt as if it erupted, exploding so that she

something felt as if it erupted, exploding so that she

cried out his name, over and over with her lower

body jerking and bucking wildly beneath him,

snatching hold of his abundant sex to suck and pul

him in deeper – locking him in place until he too

exploded – climaxing along with her, he groaned as

his body purged itself, emptying al within her.

Breathing hard; Quinton lay braced above her,

kissing along her ear, the side of her neck; glorying

in the feel of her hands stroking up and down the

center of his back; nuzzling below her ear, “Aye, now

– you are truly, truly mine.” He murmured. Sleep did

not stay with them long that night with Quinton

wishing to repeat the act twice more; as for Suga,

what Quinton wanted, Quinton could have, she would

not deny him.

Chapter X

Having been in a deep sleep, Quinton’s eyes

suddenly opened with him murmuring, “Sarah…”

Suga lay peaceful y in his arms; she’d been

awake for a while thinking about a name for herself,

but didn’t wish to move from such a heavenly spot.

Yet, the sound of his voice and the name he cal ed

out made her glance up from his shoulder, “Sarah?”

She asked.

He smiled, kissed her brow and rose naked

from their bed to show her what came to him in his

sleep when at the same time Moose began having a

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