The Fatal Strain (61 page)

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Authors: Alan Sipress

BOOK: The Fatal Strain
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and livestock revolution
Vietnam outbreak (2005), novel strain
virus, strengthening of
See also
genetics, bird flu virus
Nabarro, David
Naipospos, Tri Satya Putri
Nam, Hoai
Nanshan Zhong, Dr.
Naresuan, king of Thailand
Narti, Made
National Pediatric Hospital (Vietnam)
Naval Medical Research Unit 2 (NAMRU-2)
Newin Chidchob
New Territories
Ngoan, Nguyen Thi
Nicoll, Dr. Angus
Nidom, Chairul A.
Nigeria, bird flu outbreak
Nik Aziz Nik Mat
Nikon Inmaee
Nirundorn Aungtragoolsuk
Nirun Phitakwatchara
Omi, Shigeru
Orussey Market
Oshitani, Dr. Hitoshi
Osterhaus, Dr. Albert
Osterholm, Dr. Michael T.
on emergency preparedness
Oxford, John S.
Palese, Dr. Peter
conditions for
influenza virus.
influenza pandemics
preparedness for.
emergency preparedness
Peiris, Malik
Pennsylvania Hospital
Perdue, Dr. Michael
Phalla, Kong
Phapart Thieuviharn
Philadelphia, Spanish flu (1918)
Philadelphia General Hospital
as intermediate hosts
See also
swine flu
plague, origin and spread of
Plant, Dr. Aileen
Plummer, Dr. Frank
politics, interference with prevention efforts
Polo, Marco
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Potter, Dr. Ellen C.
agricultural practices, risky
Asia, significance to people
devastation by influenza
disease transmission by.
bird flu transmission
slaughter of.
See also
chicken farming; cockfighting; ducks
Pranee Thongchan
Prasert Thongcharoen, Dr.
professional credentials
Thailand investigation
Prasetyaningsih, Rini Dina
Prathum Buaklee
chicken business, development of
rebuilds chicken business
amantadine, illegal use, China
disinfection procedure
donations needed for
drug-resistance issue
failure and politics
flu testing problem
poultry, slaughter of.
and poultry farming practices
scientific constraints to
Thailand campaign
Prince of Wales Hospital (Hong Kong)
Purba, Agenda
Qiao Songju
Qinghai Lake/Bird Island
quarantine, noncompliance
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Hong Kong)
Queen Mary Hospital (Hong Kong)
Rafei, Iwan Siswara
Ram Khamheng, king of Thailand
epidemiologists; World Health Organization (WHO)
Reye’s syndrome
rice farming, Thailand
RNA viruses, flu as
Rodier, Guenael
Rohland, Klaus
Roongroje Thanawongnuwech
RT-polymerase chain reaction
Russian flu
Ryan, Dr. Michael
as Alert and Response Operations director
epidemiology investigations
SARS containment
Ryan, Jordan
Sakuntala Premphasri
Samaan, Gina, Indonesia investigation
Samida, Ibu
Samrouy Buaklee
San Francisco, plague (1894)
Sangwan Klinhom
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Scotland, H5N1 detected
seasonal flu
fatalities from
flu outbreak (2003) in U.S.
origin of
progression of
Sembiring, Tempu
Senne, Dennis
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Canada, misdiagnosis
China outbreak (1997)
civets as carrier
civets, culling
epidemic, end of
compared to flu
government inquiry into investigation
human-to-human transmission
identification of
transmission/speed of infection
WHO response to
wild-game markets, testing animals
Yi Guan investigation
Shantou University Medical College (China)
Shortridge, Kennedy
Sims, Dr. Les
Siriraj Hospital (Thailand)
Sitthidej Sanrin
Slingenbergh, Jan
Soendoro, Dr. Triono
Soeroso, Dr. Luhur
Soeroso, Dr. Santoso
Sompao Hoonsin
Somporn Panyastianpong
Southeast Asia.
specific countries
Sovann, Ly, Cambodia investigation
Sovanratana, Khy
Spanish flu (1918)
dead, burial of
fatalities of
global reach of
origin and spread of
Philadelphia, devastation of
public chaos
similarity to bird flu
symptoms of
victims, age of
speed of infection
and emergency preparedness
and globalization
Starr, Isaac
Stohr, Dr. Klaus
Strategic Health Operations Center (SHOC)
Struchesky, Elizabeth
Sudarat Keyuraphun
Sumatra outbreak.
Supari, Siti Fadilah
Indonesia sample sharing conflict
writings of
swans, and disease transmission
swine flu
formation, genetic factors
H5N1, relationship to
hospital ER visits
prediction, impossibility of
and brain
Hong Kong cases
Indonesian cases
lungs, devastation of
in poultry
Spanish flu (1918)
Thailand cases
Vietnamese cases
in emergency plan
resistance to
Taniguchi, Dr. Kiyosu
Tashiro, Dr. Masato
Taubenberger, Jeffrey
chicken farming, infection risks
chickens, symptoms/death
duck farming, infection risks
economic boom
first human fatalities
flu victims, symptoms
H5N1 identified
human-to-human transmission
livestock revolution
poultry, devastation by flu
Prasert investigation
prevention efforts
public, lack of information to
rice farming
transmission, points of origin
wet markets
WHO, lack of disclosure to
Thaksin Shinawatra
Tiet canh vit
Tinh, Nguyen Duc
Tonle Sap, Cambodia
transmission of virus
bird flu.
bird flu transmission
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Troedsson, Dr. Hans
Trung, Duc
Tsang, Dr. Thomas
Tuan, Nguyen Sy
turkey, and bird flu
United States
chicken farming, disease prevention
emergency preparedness, lack of
flu outbreak (2003)
health care system, limitations of
HHS preparedness system
Spanish flu (1918)
Urbani, Dr. Carlo
Uyeki, Dr. Timothy
CDC, role at
Indonesia investigation
professional credentials
Vietnam investigation
of birds, limitations of
controversial methods
Indonesia program
Indonesia sample sharing conflict
Vietnam, development of
Van, Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuong
Van, Dr. Nguyen Thu
Van Dyke, Anne
duck blood, recipe with
economic boom
Fukuda investigation
H5N1 identified
H5NI, spread from China
Horby investigation
human-to-human transmission
illegal activities, documenting
initial cases
pandemic risk (2005), investigation of
poultry, devastation of
poultry workers, lack of protection
prevention, neglect of
retreat and reemergence of flu
shifting pattern (2005)
symptoms of flu
transmission, points of origin
Uyeki investigation
vaccine, development of
wedding party case
WHO, lack of cooperation with
WHO actions
genetics, bird flu virus; influenza virus; mutation of virus
Vui, Nguyen Xuan
Wat Phnom, merit birds
Webster, Dr. Robert
bird flu transmission to
Wei, Lessie
West Nile Virus
wet markets, dangers of
wild-game markets, and SARS
witch doctors, traditional remedies, use of
Wood, Dr. John
Wook, Dr. Lee Jong
World Health Organization (WHO)
Alert and Response Operations
alert levels
Chan as director general
China, lack of cooperation with
command center
critics of
in disease-control network
emergency planning
Fukuda as influenza chief
Global Influenza Surveillance Network
global strike force
Indonesia, lack of cooperation with
and Indonesia outbreak
International Health Regulations
local politics, interference from
origin/development of
pandemic risk (2005), investigation of
Prasert as consultant
SARS, response to
Stohr, role of
and Thailand outbreak
Vietnam, lack of cooperation with
and Vietnam outbreak
World War I,
Wu Chung House
Yan Li, Dr.
Yanzhong Huang
Yersin, Alexandre
Yi Guan
professional credentials
Qinghai Lake/Bird Island investigation
research, halted by government
and SARS investigation
Yuenyong Opakul
Zhang Libin
Zoonotic diseases
and agricultural practices
increase in
plague, origin and spread of

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