The Fifth Kingdom (11 page)

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Authors: Caridad Piñeiro

Tags: #Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: The Fifth Kingdom
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Most men would jump at the chance to have a no-strings-attached kind of relationship, but then again, Bill was not like most men. In retrospect, he had suffered in his young life thanks to just that kind of situation and now she wished she hadn’t made the offer.

The ride to the museum located at the opposite end of Chapultepec Park was short and uncomfortably silent. The air around them charged with awareness of each other and of the mission they would soon undertake. A dangerous mission that might risk of their lives and Miranda’s no matter how careful they might be.

As the limo pulled up to the entrance to the museum, Bill once again resumed the role of the loving and attentive fiancé, taking her arm and guiding her to the guest check-in area. At the podium he provided his alias, but her real name as they had decided upon earlier that day. They had prepared their stories and rehearsed them and when they were able to meet Hector Lopez, Deanna had her script of what she was to reveal and how to lure the man into another meeting.

If Lopez took the bait, they would have to spend the better part of the next day creating decoy pages and maps from the journals Miranda had sent Deanna.

The hostess quickly confirmed they were on the guest list and provided badges to be worn throughout the museum grounds. She also gave them programs explaining the various exhibits and events that would be happening during the gala.

Waitstaff immediately approached them with appetizers and flutes of chilled champagne. Deanna’s stomach growled from the enticing smells—their whirlwind day had not allowed for a quick bite before heading to the event.

She accepted one tiny pastry and daintily bit into it. Buttery pastry surrounded a flavorful ham and chorizo filling. “Delicious,” she declared as Bill handed her a glass of champagne.

Clinking his glass against hers, he said, “To our future life of adventure,

Fully committed to their ruse and finding Lopez, she pushed onto her tiptoes and leaned toward him. Laid her hand on his powerful chest. “
, every day with you is an adventure.”

Then she kissed him, hard and hungrily. Intensely enough that no one nearby would doubt their status as a couple and sexily enough to attract attention. Sexily enough that he would be tempted to take her up on her earlier offer.

When she finally pulled away, a bright red flush stained his cheeks and he stuck his finger under his collar and pulled to loosen the tightness.

With a wicked smile, she sipped her champagne and watched him drain his and grab a second from a passing waiter.

Easing his arm around her waist, he held her close and bent his head to whisper for her ears only, “Let’s mingle,
mi amor

They strolled through the various exhibit rooms, pausing here and there to view the assorted displays in the museum’s permanent collection in addition to the reason for the gala: a new exhibit of Mayan artifacts on loan from the Peruvian Museum of Gold.


“Incredible workmanship,” Bill said. He peered down at a golden ceremonial knife used during religious rituals, but even though he was examining the relic, he kept an eye on everything going on around him via the various reflections on the glass cases. So far he had not seen anyone resembling Hector Lopez or the three Primera Mexico leaders with whom Lopez was known to have regular contact. Their photos and bios had been in the papers the attaché had provided that afternoon.

“There is an amazing cloak woven of gold thread in the Peruvian collection. Hopefully they brought that also,” she said and at his nod, they continued their stroll, exchanging small talk and caresses the way a couple in love might. Pausing to grab another bite here and there from the waitstaff.

Their amblings eventually took them to the room holding the Aztec Sun Stone that had been mentioned so often in Miranda’s research. The twenty-four-ton basalt stone was in a place of honor, symbolizing as it did the people of Mexico. Deanna stood beside him and there was excitement in her voice as she pointed to the various glyphs and explained their meanings.

“The god in the center is Tonatuih. He’s the god of light. It’s said that the Aztecs sacrificed humans to keep Tonatuih and the other gods appeased.”

“And if they didn’t appease the gods, Cortez’s landing might end the Fifth Kingdom?” Bill asked. After he did so, he noticed someone standing a few feet away who had the general build and coloring of Hector Lopez. At Bill’s words, the man turned and from a quick look out of the corner of his eye, Bill thought they had finally hit pay dirt.

“Some scholars believe that the Aztecs thought Cortez’s arrival did signal that the Fifth Kingdom would soon come to an end,” Deanna explained.

“I guess the Aztecs weren’t so wrong. Cortez brought illness and destruction, and nearly wiped them all out,” he said, keeping a wary eye on Lopez as he approached and stood next to them, champagne glass in hand.

“They did not call themselves Aztecs. They were the Mexica people,” Lopez said. He sidled closer to where they stood before the Sun Stone.

Bill glanced down at the man, who was several inches shorter than either he or Deanna and stout through his middle, giving him the appearance of a fireplug. “You are?” Bill asked, shifting back slightly to invite him into their discussion.

“Dr. Hector Lopez,” he replied and offered his hand. Lopez read their name tags and his face suddenly brightened when he noted Deanna’s name. “You wouldn’t be
Dr. Vasquez?”

Deanna smiled and shook his hand. “You’re probably thinking of my father, Gonzalo.”

Lopez continued to pump her hand effusively. “No, not at all,
. I just read your most recent paper on archaeoastronomy in Olmec monumental art. I’m so grateful that your mother provided me with a copy because it was quite fascinating.”

A perfect opening,
Bill thought. Maybe too perfect and he just hoped Deanna would handle it well.

“I’m glad you enjoyed the essay. Are you friends with Miranda?” she asked, extricating her hand from his and slipping it into Bill’s. He squeezed it and smiled down at her lovingly.

“We’ve recently been working together on her latest project. I’m an authority on some of the archaeological sites in the area. Are you here to see your mother?” he asked, his keen-eyed gaze not missing a thing as it took in their joined hands.

Deanna peered adoringly up at Bill and placed her hand on his chest, making sure to display the glittering engagement ring just in case Lopez had not already noticed it. “Actually, Bill is here on business so I thought I’d tag along. This will be our first trip together since we got engaged.”

Lopez’s head swiveled back and forth between the two of them and his gaze narrowed slightly. “I see. What kind of business are you in, Bill?”

“Oil equipment. I came to meet with the PEMEX folks about some new machinery for their refineries.” He then bent his head slightly to drop a kiss on Deanna’s temple.

“So it’s a vacation of sorts for you then, Dr. Vasquez?” Lopez inquired, focusing on her once again. His gaze calculating as if he was trying to discern if what they were saying was true.

“I guess you could say that. I plan on doing some shopping and hanging by the pool with a cool drink. Maybe even treat myself to a massage in the spa.”

“But no visit with your mother?” he pressed, remaining latched to that topic like a pit bull with a bone.

“My mother asked me to spend some time with her, but we haven’t really been close in quite a while.” The strain in her voice was unmistakable, adding to the veracity of the story they had decided on for their cover.

“But it would be nice for you to settle things with your mother,
mi amor
. Especially since we hope to have kids some day. They should know their grandmother,” Bill chimed in, following with the cues they had agreed upon.

“Family is very important after all,” Lopez added, clearly ensnared in their discussion, but for his own reasons.

“I know,
. But she’s not answering her cell phone or her emails so how badly could she want to see me?” Deanna complained.

“Maybe she’s out at her dig. She did want you to join her there,” he said and Deanna rolled her eyes theatrically. When she spoke, the annoyance was totally convincing.

“I’ve told you before, Bill. She’s been on this wild goose chase for most of my life.”

Lopez, seemingly sensing the tension, immediately jumped in to assist. “I have spoken with Miranda about her discovery and I don’t think it’s a goose chase. I believe she may have found something quite important.”

“And you didn’t think it was so crazy when you read Miranda’s notes, my love,” Bill reminded, earning a reluctant shrug from Deanna and even greater interest from Lopez, who inched his body even closer.

“Her notes were on the money, but I’m not about to take off on my own to find her on some Mexican hillside. Especially since we’re only here for a few days.”

Grinning, Bill hugged her playfully. “Well that’s the good thing about being the boss. No one will yell at me if I take a couple of days off from work.”

Deanna smiled up at him and caressed the side of his face. With her high heels, they were almost of a like height, making it way too easy for her to brush a kiss across his lips. “You’re too sweet to offer that. But if I can’t contact her—”

“Maybe I could help somehow? Try to reach her for you?” Lopez said, taking the bait and running with it.

“If you can, I would appreciate it. Although I’m not sure about joining her at her dig, it would be nice to at least see her for a little bit,” Deanna said.

Como no
A daughter should be able to spend some time with her mother.” Lopez reached into the pocket of his tuxedo. He removed a business card and handed it to her and Bill did the same, providing Lopez with a fake business card for his oil equipment company.

“Deanna and I plan on taking tomorrow off for some personal time, but you should still be able to reach us on that cell number,” Bill indicated.

“Wonderful. In the meantime, I must mingle. A number of my clients are here and I should touch base with them.” Lopez bowed and walked off, leaving the two of them staring after him. A few feet away he paused to chat with another couple for a few minutes and then moved on, clearly intent on making the rounds.


“That seemed a little too easy,” Deanna said, returning her attention to the Sun Stone.

“We’ll know better tomorrow. I suspect that after he announces that he was unable to reach her, he’ll ask us if we know the location of where she might have her base camp and offer to help us get there so that you can see her,” Bill posited.

“And we’ll have a fake location ready. Do you want to head back and work on that?” she asked, but her stomach issued a noisy growl. The tiny bites of appetizers had not been enough to quell her hunger.

“How about we get dinner and then go to work?”

“I thought you’d never ask. If you’re game, there is a great restaurant not far from here in the
Zona Rosa

Zona Rosa
? Isn’t that area a little…seedy?”

She playfully tugged his arm. “Is my big bad fiancé worried about a few ladies of the night?”

Bill pulled her near and with a grin, whispered close to the shell of her ear, “I’m only worried about one lady in red at the moment.”

Plastered against him, it was hard to control her own reaction to his masculinity, especially when he looked devastatingly dangerous in his formal wear. “We could always order in.”


“And miss a walk along the wild side? Never,” he teased and taking hold of her hand, urged her in the direction of the museum’s main entrance while dialing the limo driver so he could pick them up.

The car was promptly at the curb when they exited, but when Deanna provided the name and address of the restaurant, the driver met Bill’s gaze in the rearview mirror. Bill confirmed the address and with a shrug, the driver pulled away. Since the
Zona Rosa
was not all that far from their hotel, the drive took less than ten minutes.

“I’ll wait back at the hotel. Call me when you’re done,” the chauffeur instructed as he left them at the door to the restaurant.

The area might have seen some better days in certain parts, but the restaurant was clearly still popular. Nearly every table was taken, leaving them with an intimate booth for two in a fairly private alcove at the back of the dining area.

They sat side by side, sharing some wine and a delicious assortment of food. It occurred to him that she was more delicious as the meal progressed. They ate, sharing bites of each other’s plates and talking some more. Mostly about her assorted trips to a number of out of the way locales as well as those places he had visited during his missions. It made him realize how he had misjudged her at that first meeting, thinking that she was hiding in that shoe box-sized office at her prep school.

There was no lack of life in the woman sitting beside him, enjoying with gusto each bite of food and every tidbit of knowledge they revealed. By the time they left, arms wrapped around each other, he was intoxicated from a combination of the food, wine and Deanna.

A heady and dangerous combination it occurred to him when they entered their suite and stood in the living room, staring at one another expectantly. Wondering what to do next.

She finally broke the standoff by saying, “It’s late. Would it be all right if we worked on the journals and maps tomorrow?”

He thought about sitting next to her once more, intimately huddled over the papers. Too much dangerous temptation right now since he was already feeling near the edge. “It makes sense. It’s been a long day and you must be tired.”


The last thing Deanna was feeling was tired. Anxious, nervous, needy would have probably been better descriptions of her emotions at that moment. Especially the needy part. She needed to feel his arms around her. She needed to hear that hesitant chuckle of his and see the dimple when his uncertain grin dared to emerge. She wondered how it would feel to have the weight of his big, beautiful body pressing her into the mattress. Surrounding her with the kind of comfort she had not ever experienced before in her life.

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