The Final Shortcut (36 page)

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Authors: G. Bernard Ray

BOOK: The Final Shortcut
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“I hate that we had to meet under these circumstances, I believe we could be friends in a different situation. You will let me know where you settle won’t you?” Clyde nodded his head and mustered a faint smile.

“I’m very glad you came along when you did, there’s no telling how long this would have gone on….”

A car full of teenagers drove by and shouted obscenities at them before speeding off. Ramone grabbed his radio to call in their tag number but Clyde stopped him. “Don’t, just let them go. I can’t blame them for feeling hatred for us. After all they probably ate…” the words choked in his throat and his face twisted with pain. “This town will never be the same, neither will I. We’ll find a quiet place where no one knows us and try to live a normal life. I was close to retirement anyhow.”

A large moving van pulled up and turned to back in the driveway. Rosa immediately took the initiative and talked to the driver. She would handle their affairs here and make sure that both their homes were packed with care. Everything would be in storage at the moving company until they called for it. The group stood in silence. Ellen ambled up to Clyde and took his hand, her face stained with tears. Without another word they parted company each climbed in their vehicles to leave. As they pulled away from the curb Clyde took one last glance in the rearview mirror at his home. His only hope was that someday he would be able to forget all about Bontonville and his family home. But he was sure that he would forever be haunted by his life in the mountains.


The End


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