The Fire Mages' Daughter (13 page)

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Authors: Pauline M. Ross

BOOK: The Fire Mages' Daughter
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“Very true, Highness. And do you consider yourself suitable?”

“That is not for me to say, Honoured.”

He continued as if I had never spoken. “More suitable than, say, Highness Zandara?”

I said nothing.

“She has already shown excellent judgment,” he went on. “Her understanding of her position, her choice of drusse…” He paused, not even looking at me, but I understood the jibe. Zandara had set out to choose a drusse from each of the noble houses in turn, starting with the highest ranked. It was a commendable scheme, if you had no more emotion than a fly. Whereas I had chosen from the heart.

He licked his lips, and there was a malevolent glitter in his eye. “But perhaps we can find you a husband, one of these suns. An alliance with one of our neighbours – one of our
neighbours – would be so appropriate, do you not agree? We would all be so
for you.”

“You are so considerate,” I said. “It has been most entertaining talking to you, Honoured, but I must not keep you from your important duties.”

He bowed smoothly, not quite as low as protocol decreed, and departed. I was heartily glad to see him go. Nasty little man.


Zandara made her report to Yannassia, proposing a modest invasion into the Clanlands. The Drashona’s senior advisors clustered round the table in the planning room as she spread the map out, the corners weighted with stones.

“The easiest starting point is here, by the northwestern fortress. We can sweep down and take the trading village at once. From there, we can follow this valley through the hills. It is an old road, so it should be level going. The spies report that the bridges still stand. That will bypass the black-bark forest, clear out a number of clan settlements in the hills and bring us through to this valley here, where there is a small stone-built town, ruined, of course. That is a good base for us, since these hills shelter us from the wider Clanlands beyond. There is only one pass, very defensible. Then we can begin cropping the black-bark forest.”

“That would be very profitable,” Yannassia said, her eyes shining. “We have never been able to get enough of it, and the prices are ridiculous. The tanners will be thrilled.”

“The healers, also,” Zandara said. “There are a number of uses for the bark and the leaves. We will have enough to sell on to the Port Holdings, too.”

“Any thoughts on this plan? High Commander, you approve?”

The High Commander stood a little straighter. “From a military perspective, Most Powerful, it is a low-risk campaign, with a good chance of holding the gained ground indefinitely.”


“The Blood Clans are an unknown variable. They may seem like non-fighters, but there are historical records which say otherwise. Their beasts—”

“Are a legend,” Zandara said, her pale eyes cold as a fish. “Besides, if there is any substance to the stories, we will doubtless find out very quickly, while we are still able to withdraw within the bounds of Bennamore.”

“That is true,” the High Commander said, but she frowned all the same.

“Any other thoughts?” Yannassia said. “Yordryn?”

Her brother, the current heir, was invited to these meetings as a matter of courtesy, but he always looked as if he’d rather be somewhere else. Anywhere else, in fact. Now he shook his head.


“I do not like the idea. Why the rush to war? Why not try again to negotiate a deal with the
byan shar

Zandara smiled pityingly. “How long was he here, and yet no progress was made? He was the one who dangled the idea in front of us, and then refused to come to the point. He is dangerously unstable. Perhaps the clans will stop supplying us altogether. We must secure our supply, by force if need be.”

I could see some sense in that. A small incursion, not too deep, just to take control of a portion of the forest, and leave the major part of the Clanlands untouched. That would be lower risk. But I could foresee problems.

“The black-bark forest,” I said. “The army is to march around the outside of it, you said? What about the interior of it?”

Zandara smiled at me. “As I am sure you know, sister, a black-bark forest is quite impenetrable. The roots grow upwards, the branches bend downwards – it is impossible to get through.”

“Well, yes. For an army, perhaps. Not impossible for the forest clans. And if the army bypasses the forest and sets up camp here…” I stabbed the map with a finger. “…it will have the forest at its back, with who knows how many hostile clansfolk. It could be surrounded by clans.”

Two spots of colour appeared on Zandara’s cheeks, but her voice remained calm. “This has all been considered. Even if there are clans in the forest, they cannot match the skill and experience of our army.” There was a murmur of approval round the table at this remark.

“I agree,” Yannassia said. “You may begin preparations, High Commander. The determination of the optimum date is left to you. Zandara, you will continue to research these forest clans. We do not want any surprises.”

There was no point in arguing. I had a bad feeling about it, all the same.


13: The Eagle

Most people streamed out of the planning room and away to their next engagements, or, more likely, to spread the news far and wide that Bennamore was going to war for the first time in a generation. I gazed down at the map, and wondered where Ly-haam was. The far edge of the map showed just a little of the vast inland sea that was the heart of the Clanlands. I tapped it with my finger. Perhaps he was there, somewhere. That was where most of them lived, so it was said.

“Yes, I should have liked to take the lake, too,” Yannassia said. Only the two of us remained. “That is where the real profits can be made. A source of fish without bargaining with the Port Holdings – that would be so useful to us. And there is a great city there, so it is said. Like the Imperial City, perhaps. But if we can consolidate this first foothold, then in a few years we can expand again.”

“If we can consolidate it,” I said slowly.

She waved a hand impatiently. “Whatever happens, it will still be useful practice for the army. They need a skirmish or two every once in a while to keep them in shape. It is a long time since the last war, for I do not count the Vahsi.”

“Seventeen years.”

“Yes, when your father was High Commander. That was rash of him, but fortunately it ended well.”

“It was a brilliantly unexpected move,” I said. “That is often how the best leaders make gains.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Rash,” she said crisply. “No planning, no discussion, he just… took off. And just as abruptly decided not to conquer, but to reach an alliance with them. Most irregular. It ended well, but… he was so irrational at the end, I was quite concerned.”

“Irrational?” I said in a small voice. I’d already discovered my mother was not quite the unselfish creature I’d imagined. I didn’t want any unpleasant surprises about my father.

But she smiled. “Never mind. Not important. Is that handsome drusse of yours waiting for you? Better go and find him.”

Arran was indeed waiting outside for me, along with Cryalla, and Yannassia’s bodyguard. The three of them were chatting and laughing when we emerged from the planning room. The two bodyguards sprang to attention, while Arran uncoiled himself from the bench where he’d been lounging.

“Come along, you two,” I said. “I have an expedition for us.”

“Excellent!” Arran said, but Cryalla frowned. Bodyguards are strangely resistant to unplanned excursions.

I led them to a discreet door hidden behind a curtain. Behind it, uncarpeted stone steps wound down to the basement and up to the upper floors.

“Servants’ stairs,” I told them. “I don’t want anyone to know where we’ve gone.”

“Highness—” Cryalla began.

“We are going onto the roof,” I said. “Nowhere improper. Nowhere we shouldn’t be. But I have a mind to keep this particular expedition secret.”

“Most intriguing,” Arran said. “Should we be in disguise, do you think? I have a false moustache somewhere.”

Even Cryalla laughed at that. When we reached the top floor, we exited from the servants’ stair and walked a short way down the corridor. This particular part of the Keep was the residence of a number of elderly senior servants, now retired, who kept to their apartments. I was reasonably confident we would not be observed.

There was another door, this one not concealed, but the stairs beyond it were just as unadorned, spiralling up to the roof. We emerged in a large, domed room, packed with telescopes of various sizes.

“The observation room,” I said. “A few scholars come here at darkmoon to view the stars and the erratic moons. Here… this will be useful.” I picked up a small, hand-held telescope and led the way to a side door. There were ancient wool cloaks on pegs beside it, and Arran and I bundled ourselves up before stepping out onto the roof.

Probably the Keep had been a defended fortress at one time, for there were high walls with crenellations on both sides, each with a long stair to a narrow landing near the top. Here and there guard-posts were built into the stairs. But otherwise the roof was flat, the space windblown and empty.

“Now, tell me what you can see. Way up there.”

I knew where to look, so it wasn’t difficult to make out the tiny dot far above us, circling lazily. It was the third time one of Ly-haam’s eagles had ventured back to Kingswell, and this time I wanted a closer look at it.

Eventually, Arran managed to spot it. “A bird? Is that what this is about?”

“A big bird. Here – have a look.”

He and Cryalla both peered through the telescope, but although they could see that it was a bird of some sort, it was hard to gain any idea of the creature’s size. I was the only one who knew it was an eagle. And only I knew where it came from.

I didn’t know what it wanted, though. Was it here to keep an eye on me? If so, perhaps standing on the roof would attract its attention. That was my hope, anyway.

Practice had made it easy for me to switch to the bird’s perspective. It always made me dizzy for a moment, looking down from that great height. Then I realised he – no,
– wasn’t looking at the Keep at all. She was focused on a group of riders heading for the hunting forests.

I knew that Clan people with an affinity for certain beasts could make them obey their will. It must be so, for how else could they ride them? Did I have the same ability? I had no idea how to do that. For some time, I sent thoughts to the bird, hoping to direct its gaze towards the Keep and our little group on the roof.

Nothing happened. The bird began to drift further away, leaving the city behind. In frustration, I jumped up and down, waving my arms.

“Over here, you stupid bird! This way! Look at me, will you!”

Astonishingly, its gaze turned. Looking through its eyes towards the Keep, I could see myself as a tiny figure bobbing about, arms flapping.

Several strokes of those massive wings and within a few heartbeats it was right above us, wheeling down, head tilted to watch my antics. It was a strange feeling, being inside that great creature gazing down at myself, and simultaneously looking up at those vast wings.

“Gods, it is enormous!” Arran breathed behind me. The bird’s shadow blotted out the sky.

“Highness, run!” Cryalla yelled. I heard the rasp of her sword being drawn. Then a wisp of sound, as Arran drew his own sword. His was less businesslike, a slender affair, but not just for show.

“Nonsense,” I said. “Put your swords away. She will not harm us.”

” Arran’s voice was incredulous.

There was no hostility in the bird at all, only curiosity and, perhaps, excitement. Behind her mind, I was aware of another consciousness, suddenly drawn towards us. Ly-haam, I was sure.

Stretching out my awareness, I could see through his eyes, too. A room with decorated walls, rugs on the floor, a large, polished table with crystal glasses and decanters of golden wine. Even as I wondered where that was, I sensed his astonishment.


The word wasn’t spoken, it was no more than a thought popping into my mind.

With a scrabbling of giant claws, the bird landed some distance away from us, still gazing fixedly at me. Cryalla placed herself in front of me, but impatiently I pushed her aside.

“Princess, if you understand me, wave your left hand.”

Laughter bubbled up in me. I waved, feeling Ly-haam’s instant excitement. The bird must have felt it, too, for it raised its head and squawked, flapping its wings momentarily.

I wanted to say something to Ly-haam, but no matter how I tried, nothing seemed to get through. Perhaps there was a knack I hadn’t yet learned, or my capabilities were limited.

As I walked slowly forward towards the bird, she stared at me, her huge, golden eyes unblinking. She towered over me, head tilted as she watched me approach. She must have been almost as tall as the domed roof of the observation room.

Behind me, Cryalla’s warning sounded at my shoulder, then the creak of her armoured leather as she shadowed me. Arran appeared at my side, sword raised, slipping instantly into bodyguard mode.

The eagle sat motionless as I drew near, but her eye shifted to Cryalla and her sword, then flicked to Arran. As the great head moved, I caught sight of a leather harness half buried amongst the feathers.

So that was how Ly-haam had managed to disappear so abruptly! Clever. And proof that his people did indeed have some close bond with certain animals, despite Zandara’s scepticism. I made a mental note to tell her at the next opportunity. She was so sure of herself, it would be amusing to correct her.

“Princess, I wish—”

Abruptly, my awareness of Ly-haam was cut off. It was as if he had popped like a soap bubble, one instant there, the next – nothing. The eagle hopped backwards away from us, and with several mighty flaps, lifted herself into the air and away.

My eyes strained after her until she was no more than a dark point on the horizon.


Two nights later, I startled awake, a voice in my head.

“Princess! Can you hear me? Princess!”

It was still dark, only the night lamps casting a soft glow over the room. Beside me, Arran slept, his blond hair spread out across the pillow, his masculine features softened in sleep, making him look very boyish.

I rolled onto my side so that I could gaze at him, memorising every angle and hollow of his face.

“Princess! Come up to the roof! I want to see you.”

The eagle was perched up there, and, much as I wanted to see her again, it would be cold enough tonight to freeze a statue. I ignored the voice, snuggling deeper into the bedcovers.

“Princess! Princess!”

I knew no way to shut him out of my head. He was going to pester me until I complied. Cursing Ly-haam and his whims, I crept out of bed, and threw on a random selection of warm clothes, with a heavy winter cloak on top. I tiptoed out of the room, and through the silent apartment to the main door. It opened on well-oiled hinges, without a squeak.

Outside, the corridor was empty. A surge of anger washed through me – where were the night guards to protect me from creeping assassins? But then, excitement – I was free! I could go to the roof without the disapproving eyes of Cryalla or anyone else. There were voices round the corner to my left – the missing guards chatting with their counterparts on the apartment’s servants’ entrance, no doubt – so I turned and ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction.


“All right, all right! I’m coming,” I muttered.

A burst of excitement in Ly-haam’s mind.
“You can talk to me!”

Hmm, was that the trick of it? So easy!

Seeking out another servants’ stair, I started up the steps two at a time, but soon slowed. I’d had so much energy after my visit to the Imperial City, but that had worn off now. I was back to my usual self, not ill but not bouncing with vitality, either.

As soon as I pushed open the door at the top of the stairs, cold air blasted me. I shivered, pulling my cloak tightly around me. There was no sign of the eagle, but I knew she was near the observation room, where I’d been before.

“Come to me, bird,” I whispered, feeling quite foolish talking to myself.

But it worked. I didn’t see her until she was close enough to darken the stars, but I heard the rush of her wings, and felt the icy wind she stirred up. And I could see her in my mind’s eye. I knew exactly where she was.

“You are so beautiful, Princess,”
came the thought in my head.

“I am so cold, Ly,” I said. “What do you want?”

“To see you. To talk to you.”
A long pause.
“I miss you.”

“Well, you know where I am,” I said crossly. “If you want to see me, come here in person. Good night, Ly. And don’t do this again. It’s very annoying.”

There was a surge of anguish washing through my mind, and then he was gone. I was glad of it, but there was a tinge of guilt, too. Still, I owed him nothing, and it was rude of him to invade my mind like that. I’d have to find a way to shut him out if he tried again. It was quite unsettling.

The eagle sat motionless, and this time, with no Cryalla or Arran at my back waving a sword, I dared to go right up to her. Her eye followed me, but there was no fear in her. My mind and hers were connected, and she knew I wouldn’t harm her for the world.

“You’re a beautiful creature,” I said, reaching up to riffle her neck feathers gently. “And so powerful. It must be an amazing thing to fly like that, to soar above the earth like a goddess of the sky. I can see it through your eyes, but I could never feel it… unless…?”

I ran my hands over the harness around her neck. It was plain leather, with an extra piece each side fashioned into a kind of stirrup, and a small strap to hold on to. Even so, it seemed a flimsy affair, when it was all that stopped a rider from plummeting to certain death.

“Would you carry me?” I said softly. “If I asked you politely? Would you, eagle?”

For answer, she lowered her head so that I could mount easily. I’d like to say that I considered the consequences carefully, or thought about it even for a single heartbeat, but I didn’t. In a rush of excitement, I threw one leg over her neck, thankful that I’d chosen to wear trousers, arranged my feet in the stirrups, grabbed the strap and waited.

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