The Fire Within (5 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: The Fire Within
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“What’s the matter? You can’t deal with a little bit of sex?” she teased.

He bristled visibly at her remark.

“That’s an odd comment coming from you, Sky.”


“Seems like you’re already into this sex game,” he continued. “The way you were practically sitting in Loverboy’s lap when you two drove up in the truck, I could see the sparks shooting out the windows. If there was a gas leak around here, we would have all been blown to kingdom come.”

“We were just getting acquainted. Like you were doing with that Loren woman’s tongue.”

He arched a dark eyebrow at her.

“You heard about that, did you? Any objections?”

“Why should I care? You’re a free agent again. Just like I am.”

Sizzling tension whipped through the air between them putting her senses on full alert.

“Do you still want to go through with this assignment? Even if it means you might lose your virginity before you leave this farmhouse.”

“Is that a promise?” she asked.

His eyes darkened and its intensity startled her.

“Is that an invitation?” he asked.

“What do you think?”

“Don’t toy with me, Sky. You may not like the results.”

“You don’t scare me, big guy.”

A shiver of excitement rippled through her when she read the intent in his eyes. The son of a bitch was going to kiss her. Before she could protest, not that she wanted to, his hands roughly cupped her face and he lowered his head toward hers. His warm mouth sealed over hers in a hard possessive way. A little too hard. A little too firm. A little too perfect.

No more mister nice guy. He was a man who knew what he wanted and the confident way he was kissing her, he wanted her.

She moaned softly, giving into the headiness of his mouth sliding over hers. Her arms slipped around his neck and her fingers feathered into his soft hair.

His kiss intensified, making her feel punch drunk. Need for him made her breath catch. Made her pulse quicken. She parted her lips allowing him access to her mouth. When he came in, the provocative heat of his tongue slammed against hers. She moaned shamelessly at the deep pleasure of their tongues touching.

His trembling hands unbuttoned her blouse while he kept his hot mouth expertly moving over hers, distracting her from wanting to stop him. She savored the sexy flavor of his full lips and she loved the coiled need unwrapping deep inside her pussy.

He tugged her blouse over her shoulders, allowing it to slip off. Cool air breathed over her bare breasts, making her nipples stab into the air. She arched as his hot hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs gently caressing her stiff nipples until they were aching with need. The intimate gesture set her pussy on fire and she wanted him to touch her down there. Like the first time he’d done it with his fingers.

In desperation, she slid her hands from his neck and splayed her palms against his warm chest. His muscles quivered beneath her fingertips as she traced a line downward, brushing her fingertips over the hard muscles of his flat stomach. After following the silky path of curly hair that led to the belt line of his tight pants, she struggled to unfasten the button and sighed into his hot mouth at the crisp sound as she lowered his zipper.

In a few seconds, she would guide him inside her pussy. Oddly enough, where the idea had once frightened her, it now excited her.

“I think Loverboy put something in your drink,” Jim whispered as he broke the kiss for a moment and then fused his mouth over hers again.

Something in her drink

Shouldn’t she be…alarmed at that suggestion? She wasn’t though. She enjoyed the sharp friction of his chin stubble rasping against her trembling lips. Loved the heat zipping through her body as she pressed herself against him.

On a groan, he broke the kiss and pushed her against the countertop. Dropping his hands from her breasts, he gazed upon them.

“You look damn good, Sky. Damn good.” His voice was thick with arousal. A faint smile lifted his lips. “Now I wonder if you taste as good as you look.”

She blinked in surprise as his head lowered. His hot tongue shot out and licked her right nipple. The warmth of his rough tongue against her tight flesh startled her. Without warning, he popped her nipple into his moist mouth. Rays of pleasure zipped through her breast making her shiver.

His hand clamped over her other breast. He kneaded her roughly, and suckled her nipple. His mouth was warm and wet. His tongue constantly jabbed at her tender tip, sending sexually charged messages to parts south.

His zipper forgotten, Sky reached up and smoothed her hands over his shoulders, enjoying the cords of muscles there, before cupping the back of his head and pulling his face into her swollen breast. This time she couldn’t stifle her cry as his teeth sharply nipped her nipple.

Something untamed and delicious whipped through her, leaving her self-control in ruins and anxious for him to take this even farther.

“Fuck me, Jim. Please fuck me,” she gasped.

Her words made his mouth still on her nipple. Then he pulled away.

He stared at her with eyes dark with desire. His pupils flared with need and his breath was raspy and hard.

His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed. “I want to fuck you so bad right now it hurts. But how do I know you’re ready for me? How do I know you won’t say no? How do I know he didn’t put something in your drink?”

“How do you know I had something to drink?” she asked, quite ready to deny she’d been drugged.

“I can taste it and I can smell it on your breath.”


Desperation made her shameless.

“I want you, Jim. More now than ever.”

His eyes widened at her answer and she fought to inhale air as the familiar shade of hurt shone in his eyes.

He didn’t believe her. He thought she was teasing him?

Sky reached out to him but he backed away. His hands were held up in defensive gesture as if to ward her off.

“You’ve been drugged, Sky.”

She shook her head. “No, I want you.”

“Stay in your room until it wears off. Fake being sick if you have to.”

Like hell.


“I’ve got to go. They’re expecting me.”

Turning away, he quickly slipped out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.


Sky stomped her foot as frustration whirled through her. Was Jim right? Had the bartender slipped something into her drink making her feel hot and bothered? Gazing into the bathroom mirror, she frowned. Her bare breasts were swollen, her nipples red and taut. Her lips were red and full from his kisses.

She looked pathetic. She looked like a woman who wanted to be fucked, yet devastated because of rejection by her one true love. She’d offered herself to Jim and he’d walked away.

Son of a bitch

Sky shook her head. She had no one to blame but herself. The next time she saw him, she’d make sure he understood she wanted him. Drugs or no drugs, the next time she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

take a long cold shower. That would fix the problem of her wanting sex with Jim. Or maybe it wouldn’t.

Visions continued to swirl inside her mind. Of Jim stepping into the shower to join her. Water sluicing off his naked body. Muscles rippling in his arms as he reached out and cupped her swollen breasts in his big hands. Her, reaching down and grabbing his hot rigid shaft…

Her vagina clenched in response and Sky moaned. The sultry sound ripped her back to reality.

Okay, she’d better skip the shower.

Turning off the taps and the bathroom fan, she then grabbed her blouse. Frustrated, she left the bathroom. Through the dimness that enveloped her room, she noticed the slim white package containing the vibrator where Jim had tossed it earlier.

She licked her lower lip. She was too wound up to be any good right now. Her skin felt too hot and too electrified. Jim was right. Something had been put into one of her drinks.

She needed to take care of business, so she could clear her head. Within moments, she’d locked the door to her room. After unwrapping the toy, she then cleaned it in the bathroom, grateful an energy packet had been included. After she slid off her shoes and her tight skirt, she slipped between the sheets and flicked on the machine.

The low hum from the vibe was music to her ears. She smiled and closed her eyes. All she needed to do was…

She gasped as the vibrator pushed past her puffy pussy lips and rubbed her ultra-sensitive clit. Damn that feels so good. She moaned quietly as she rubbed the round head of the quivering machine in circular motions around her clit. Shivers of pleasure trembled within her. Without hesitating, she slid the huge vibrator away and with two fingers from her other hand, rubbed them against her clit where the machine had just been. As she massaged, she inserted the vibrator into her wet vagina and gasped as her pussy muscles clenched around the intrusion.

Keeping up the strokes to her clit with her fingers, she slowly, erotically slid the vibrator out. Breathing hard, she thrust the vibrator in again and began using long and powerful strokes as she imagined Jim fucking her. Just the thought of Jim making love to her, had her coming. Erotic spasms crashed into her. She shuddered at the intensity, and cried out
shamelessly as she rode the pleasure waves, while bucking into the carnal convulsions.

When her orgasm subsided, she forced herself to focus on the quietness sinking into the farmhouse. Beside her bed, a cool breeze sifted through the slightly open window. The whispering wind caressed her hot cheeks and soothed her feverish body.

An bird screeched somewhere in the distance. Leaves rustled and floating through the layers of natural noises, came an odd sound that didn’t quite fit.

A creak. Like someone opening a door. Her breath caught in her lungs.

Was it
door opening? Had Jim decided to join her? Adrenalin stabbed through her and she sat up in the bed. Along with the surge of excitement came a kaleidoscope of physical sensations. Her heart began to hammer. Her breasts felt larger, swollen, aching with anticipation. Her nipples tingled and throbbed at the same time.A powerful need to be touched crawled along her skin like wildfire. Her body hummed.

Oh great, there was no doubt now, Jim had been right. She wouldn’t be here in a strange bed, masturbating, if she hadn’t been drugged. This was so not right. Not like her. Yet, she couldn’t stop the anticipation of craving sex from slowing.

Shoot! She should have anticipated something like this happening. Saturna, with it’s Earthy atmosphere, was a pleasure planet and sex drugs were plentiful and normal here.

She tensed as another creak ripped through the silence. And then another. It was followed by a low, drawn out moan.

Oh great! Someone was having sex. Like was everybody on this planet drugged?

Groaning her frustration, she climbed out of bed. In the darkness, she groped for her clothing. Instead of finding them, her hands touched the wood of the night table where she’d put them. She jolted. Where were her clothes?

Cursing beneath her breath, she searched the area beside the night table and found nothing. She spied a lamp on the night table, and flicked the switch. Nothing happened.

A man’s erotic groan drifted through the air making Sky’s heart pound harder. Was it Jim?

She listened intently. More groans. She couldn’t be sure if it was him. She tiptoed to the door and to her surprise found a flimsy light colored, very short nightie hanging on a door hook.

Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. While she’d been masturbating, someone had entered her locked room and taken her clothing, replacing them.


Opening her door, she poked out her head and listened.

The hallway was alive with moans, groans and squeaking bed springs. She envisioned Jim. He stood in front of her, his body tense with arousal. Muscles laced his nude body. Sky’s pulse skittered. Her legs trembled as he studied her nakedness. He held his thick erection in one hand, and with his other hand, he stroked his immense length.

He smiled.

She creamed.

A strange banging sound ripped her from her erotic vision.

She blew out a tense breath. She needed to focus on her assignment, not fantasize about Jim.

The knocking sound continued. Was someone hitting on a door? Was someone locked in a room somewhere? Could it be an unwilling sex slave? Maybe the missing woman they were searching for?

On shaking legs, she quickly slipped on the negligee and crept into the dark hallway.

The banging sounds came from next door.

She tiptoed down the hall where she was surprised to find the door open. Peeking inside, her heart fluttered at the sight. Candles flickered everywhere and the scent of vanilla wafted beneath her nose. She squinted through the semi-darkness toward the noise and froze.

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