The Forbidden Land (38 page)

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Authors: Kate Forsyth

BOOK: The Forbidden Land
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There was also a small pile of golden medals hung from blue ribbons. Embossed upon the medals was the design of the rayed hand and the words, ‘League of the Healing Hand’. These were passed out to all the members of the league, who pinned them to their coats with great excitement.

‘Well, now we came to the last three o’ ye,’ Lachlan said. ‘I must admit, I have had the most trouble thinking o’ appropriate gifts for ye three. Dide, ye were the first to swear fealty to me, in those dark and terrible days when I was first transformed back into a boy after so many years trapped as a bird. I was only fifteen and ye were only nine, but in all those years ye have never once faltered in your allegiance, never once hesitated in risking everything to help me, never once failed me. How can I reward such love and loyalty?’

‘Ye canna, master,’ Dide said steadily. ‘I do no’ seek reward.’

Lachlan nodded, bending and pulling Dide to his feet so he could embrace him warmly. ‘I ken. But for once I am going to ignore your wishes. Nay, do no’ say anything. This reward is as much for dearest Enit as for ye.’ He smiled at the old jongleur, who sat huddled in her shawls by the fire. She smiled back at him affectionately.

‘Now, I canna deny that Dide the Juggler has been my most useful spy. He can travel anywhere in Eileanan and be welcomed by all. He can listen to gossip as much as he likes and no-one lifts an eyebrow. He signs songs in my praise for the common folk to hear and tells tales o’ my bravery and wisdom with so much conviction none thinks to disbelieve him. I must admit I would hate to lose all this and so, as long as Dide feels the itch in his feet, well, I shallna be discouraging him.’

‘One day, however, he may begin to be bored with the road and long for a nice cosy house with a warm fire. So I hereby bequeath to ye the lands and castle o’ Caerlaverock in Rionnagan. It is a most bonny estate, Dide, overlooking Kilvarock Loch and rich too. The castle itself is only small but very pretty and the lands are fertile. There is a manager in there now, who can look after things as long as ye want him to.’

Dide sat down heavily. ‘Ye’ve given me a castle?’

‘Aye. Caerlaverock. Is it no’ appropriate, since I am giving it to a family that sings as beautifully as any skylark? And if ye are to have a castle, ye must have a surname, Dide, and a plaid and badge and a motto too. I thought we could figure all that out later, though the shield must feature larks in it, since that is to be your name.’

‘My name?’

‘Aye. Dide, will ye kneel afore me?’

Dide looked across at his grandmother, who nodded, smiling. So Dide obeyed, though he looked pale and troubled.

‘I name thee Laird Didier Laverock, the first earl of Caerlaverock, in gratitude for the many services ye have done me.’

‘But I be naught but a jongleur,’ he protested. ‘Can ye just turn me into an earl like that?’

‘I be the Rìgh, I can do anything I like,’ Lachlan replied, very pleased with himself.

Dide sat down, looking rather dazed, as Lachlan turned then to Jay. ‘I did no’ ken what to do for ye, Jay,’ the Rìgh admitted. ‘I would have given ye a bonny new fiddle but ye have the
viola d’amore
and there is no finer instrument in all o’ Eileanan.’

‘And I’d want no other,’ Jay said earnestly. ‘Indeed it was a kingly gift when ye gave it to me and one that was no’ deserved.’

‘Deserved then and deserved now,’ Lachlan said with a grin. ‘I would like to do something for ye, though, Jay, if ye would tell me what ye’d like.’

‘I want for naught,’ Jay said. ‘I already have all I want, my viola and being taught to play it properly. That is all I have ever wanted.’

Lachlan nodded. ‘I thought that was the case. But come, there must be something else? Gold, fine clothes?’

‘I’d like to be taught to read and write,’ Jay said, surprising them all.

‘Och, that is definitely something I can do for ye,’ Lachlan said when he had recovered from his astonishment. ‘Nellwyn says ye have a real talent, the brightest talent she has ever kent. Ye could be a Yedda if ye chose, she said, and ye will definitely need to be able to read and write if ye seek to join the Coven.’

Hot colour rose in Jay’s lean cheeks. ‘I would like that, if she truly believes I have talent,’ he said. ‘Though I willna be a Yedda. I do no’ wish to use my music to murder.’

Lachlan nodded slowly. ‘I respect that, Jay, though one’s choices are no’ always as easy as all that. If ye truly wish to study to be a witch, though, I can arrange for a scholarship to the Theurgia for ye. Caerlaverock is only a day’s ride away from Lucescere so ye will be able to visit Enit and study music with her whenever ye want.’

‘Thank ye, Your Highness,’ Jay cried, his hazel eyes very bright. ‘I would love that!’

Finn stared at him enviously, then looked at Lachlan with desperate hope in her eyes. So far the Rìgh had understood all of their heart’s desires as well as if he had read the Samhain wishes they had all burnt on the sacred fire. Would he know hers as well?

Lachlan smiled at her. ‘So I hear ye want to be an adventuress, Finn?’

Her heart leapt. ‘Aye, your Highness.’

‘And happen a sorceress too, if ye have the talent?’

‘Aye, Your Highness.’

‘I do no’ think your father would be happy to ken that.’

‘He has Aindrew,’ Finn pointed out, ‘And this new wee babe that’s on its way. He doesna need me.’

‘But he loves ye and wants the best for ye,’ Iseult said gently.

‘Surely the best thing for me is to be happy?’ Finn said desperately, feeling tears welling up. ‘Indeed, Your Highness, I’d rather eat roasted rats than be buried alive in that dreary auld castle! Canna I go to the Theurgia with Jay and study to be a witch? And then, whenever ye need me, I’d be right there. I could saddle up and ride out that very night, and do whatever it is ye need doing. Why, I could hunt down that cursehag the Fealde for ye and get back Elfrida’s money. Or I could find the Lost Horn of Elayna or the Ring of Serpetra. Will ye no’ speak to my father on my behalf, Your Highness? Please?’

Lachlan nodded. ‘Aye, Finn, I shall. Indeed, it would be a waste o’ your talents for ye to be naught but a banprionnsa! I can see ye being very useful to me and the Coven.’

‘Thank ye,’ Finn cried.

‘But if ye are to become a sorceress, ye must learn to mind your manners,’ Iseult said, her eyes dancing. ‘Ye shall have to stop smoking that filthy pipe, and learn to speak without scorching people’s ears, and most importantly, ye’ll have to learn humility. No more boasting, Finn!’

‘Och, what a dray-load o’ dragon dung!’ Finn cried. ‘I shall no’!’

Aedan MacCuinn:
the first Rìgh, High King of Eileanan. Called Aedan Whitelock, he was directly descended from Cuinn Lionheart (see
First Coven
). In 710 he united the warring lands of Eileanan into one country, except for Tìrsoilleir and Arran, which remained independent.

Aedan’s Pact:
Aedan MacCuinn, first Rìgh of Eileanan, drew up a Pact of Peace between all inhabitants of the island, agreeing to live in peace and not to interfere in each other’s culture, but to work together for amity and prosperity. The Fairgean refused to sign and so were cast out, causing the Second Fairgean Wars.

Ahearn Horse-Laird:
one of the First Coven of Witches.

Aislinna the Dreamer:
one of the First Coven of Witches.

Anghus MacRuraich:
the Prionnsa of Rurach and Siantan. He uses clairvoyant talents to search and find.

south-east land of Eileanan, consisting mainly of salt lakes and marshes. Ruled by the MacFóghnans, descendants of Fóghnan, one of the First Coven of Witches. Independent from the rest of Eileanan.

deeply forested land ruled by the MacAislins, descendants of Aislinna, one of the First Coven of Witches.

autumn equinox:
when the night reaches the same length as the day.

Anti-Witchcraft League, set up by Maya the Ensorcellor following the Day of Reckoning.


Ban-Bharrach River:
the southernmost river of Lucescere which, together with the Muileach River, make up the Shining Waters.

princess or duchess.


May Day; the first day of summer.

sea loch in Clachan.

Berhtilde the Bright Warrior-Maid:
one of the First Coven of Witches.

the female warriors of Tìrsoilleir, named after the country’s founder (see
First Coven
). Cut off left breast to make wielding a bow easier. Say they are ‘married to the spear’.

evil, awful.

the Blessed Fields. Rich farmland lying south of Rionnagan, ruled by the MacThanach clan, descendants of Tuathanach the Farmer (see
First Coven

Blue Guards:
the Yeomen of the Guard, the Rìgh’s own elite company of soldiers. They act as his personal bodyguard, both on the battlefield and in peacetime.

Book of Shadows, The:
an ancient magical book which contains all the history and lore of the Coven.

Brangaine NicSian:
the daughter of Gwyneth NicSian’s younger sister. She is named Banprionnsa of Siantan in the Second Pact of Peace.

Bright Soldiers:
name for members of the Tìrsoilleirean army.

but and ben:
a small crofter’s cottage, usually of only two rooms.


the end of winter and beginning of spring.

a small fighting ship, fast and manoeuvrable, with a broad bow and a high narrow poop deck. It was rigged with three or four masts, of which only the foremast carried a square sail. The other masts carry triangular lateen sails, making the caravel easier to sail in fickle winds.

strongly built, three-masted vessel, carrying two courses of square sails on the foremast and mainmast, and a lateen sail on the mizzenmast. Such ships are equipped with only a limited amount of armament and are designed primarily for carrying cargo.

land of the Sea-Witches, the most northern county of Eileanan. Ruled by the MacSeinn clan, descendants of Seinneadair, one of the First Coven of Witches. The MacSeinn clan has been driven out by Fairgean, and taken refuge in Rionnagan.

race of faery creatures, renowned for empathic abilities and knowledge of stars and prophecy.

southernmost land of Eileanan, ruled by the MacCuinn clan.

stringed instrument like a small harp.

a heavy, two-edged sword, often as tall as a man.

small woodland faery.

mountain faery with the power of assuming the look of a boulder. The most powerful can cast other illusions.

applications of the One Power through spells, incantations and magical objects.

Cuinn Lionheart:
leader of the First Coven of Witches. His descendants are called MacCuinn.

applications of the One Power through will and desire.

cunning man:
village wise man or warlock.

wicked faery race, prone to curses and evil spells. Known for their filthy personal habits.



Day of Betrayal:
the day Jaspar turned on the witches, exiling or executing them, and burning the Witch Towers.

Deus Vult:
war cry of the Bright Soldiers, meaning ‘God wills’.

a jongleur.

large, fire-breathing flying creature with a smooth, scaly skin and claws. Named by the First Coven for a mythical creature from the Other World. Since they are unable to adjust their own body temperature, they live in the volcanic mountains, near hot springs or other sources of heat. They have a highly developed language and culture, and can see both ways along the thread of time.

measure of drink.

Donncan MacCuinn:
eldest son of Iseult and Lachlan.

Has wings like a bird and can fly.

Dùn Eidean:
the capital city of Blèssem.

Dùn Gorm:
the city surrounding Rhyssmadill.


the Great Life Spirit, mother and father of all.

largest island in the archipelago called the Far Islands.

Elemental Powers:
the forces of air, earth, fire, water and spirit which together make up the One Power.

elven cat:
small, fierce wild cat that lives in caves and hollow logs.

Enit Silverthroat:
a jongleur; grandmother of Dide and Nina.

when the sun crosses the celestial equator; a time when day and night are of equal length, occurring twice a year.


gladly, willingly.

Fairge; Fairgean (pl):
faery creatures who need both sea and land to live, and whose magic is strange and brutal. The Fairgean were finally cast out of Eileanan in 710 by Aedan Whitelock when they refused to accept his authority. For the next four hundred and twenty years they lived on rafts, rocks jutting up out of the icy seas, and what small islands were still uninhabited. The Fairgean king swore revenge and the winning back of Eileanan’s coast.

Fang, the:
the highest mountain in Eileanan, an extinct volcano called the Skull of the World by the Khan’cohbans.

Faodhagan the Red:
one of the twin sorcerers from the First Coven of Witches. Particularly noted for working in stone; designed and built many of the Witch Towers, as well as the dragons’ palace and the Great Stairway.

Feich the Raven-Winged:
witch who wove a cloak of invisibility; descendant of Brann, one of the First Coven of Witches.

Firemaker, the:
honorary term given to the descendants of Faodhagan (see
First Coven
) and a woman of the Khan’cohbans.

First Coven of Witches:
thirteen witches who fled persecution in their own land, invoking an ancient spell that folded the fabric of the universe and brought them and all their followers to Eileanan. The eleven great families of Eileanan are all descended from the First Coven, with the MacCuinn clan being the greatest of the eleven. The thirteen witches were Cuinn Lionheart, his son Owein of the Longbow, Ahearn Horse-Laird, Aislinna the Dreamer, Berhtilde the Bright Warrior-Maid, Fóghnan the Thistle, Rùraich the Searcher, Seinneadair the Singer, Sian the Storm-Rider, Tuathanach the Farmer, Brann the Raven, Faodhagan the Red and his twin sister Sorcha the Bright (now called the Murderess).



General Staff:
the group of officers of the Yeomen of the Guard that assists the Rìgh in the formulation and dissemination of his tactics and policies, transmits his orders, and oversees their execution.

Ghleanna NicSian:
mother of Anghus MacRuraich, and the last Banprionnsa of Siantan. After Ghleanna married Duncan MacRuraich (Anghus’s father), the thrones of Rurach and Siantan were merged into one, and Anghus inherited both. He later dissolved the Double Throne so that his niece Brangaine NicSian could inherit.

steward to a laird.

Gladrielle the Blue:
the smaller of the two moons, lavender-blue in colour.


ravenous creatures that nest and swarm together, steal lambs and chickens from farmers, and have been known to steal babies and young children. Will eat anything they can carry away in their claws. Collective noun is ‘screech’.

Great Crossing, the:
when Cuinn led the First Coven to Eileanan.

Gwyneth NicSian:
daughter of Ghleanna NicSian’s sister, Patrice, and married to Anghus.


a rainbow-coloured sea serpent with many heads that lives in the shallow waters near the coast of Eileanan. If one head is cut off, another two grow in its place and its spit is deadly poisonous.

a matchlock gun with a long butt, usually fired from a tall stock.

soldier bearing and firing a harquebus.

faery creature of the sea and lochan; tricks people into mounting it and carries them away.


Isabeau the Red:
apprentice to Meghan of the Beasts.

Iseult of the Snows:
twin sister of Isabeau.

Ishbel the Winged:
wind witch who could fly. Mother of Iseult and Isabeau.


Jaspar MacCuinn:
eldest son of Parteta the Brave, former Rìgh of Eileanan, often called Jaspar the Ensorcelled. Was married to Maya the Ensorcellor.

a travelling minstrel, juggler, conjurer.

Jorge the Seer:
witch who can see the future. Was burnt to death by the Bright Soldiers.


children of the Gods of White. A faery race of snow-skimming nomads who live on the Spine of the World. Closely related to the Celestines, but very warlike. Khan’cohbans live in family groups called prides, which range from fifteen to fifty in number.

The Key:
the sacred symbol of the Coven of Witches, a powerful talisman carried by the Keybearer, leader of the Coven.


Lachlan the Winged:
Rìgh of Eileanan.

first day of autumn; harvest festival.

League of the Healing Hand, The:
formed by the band of beggar children that fled Lucescere with Jorge the Seer and Tòmas the Healer.


a sycophant or toady.

Linley MacSeinn:
the Prionnsa of Carraig.

loch; lochan (pl):

loch serpent:
faery creature that lives in lochan.

the heritage of all the MacCuinns, the Inheritance of Aedan. When they are born their hands are placed upon it and a connection made. Whoever the stone recognises is the Rìgh or Banrìgh of Eileanan.

ancient city built on an island above the Shining Waters. The traditional home of the MacCuinns and the Tower of Two Moons.


son of.

one of the eleven great families; descendants of Ahearn the Horse-Laird.

one of the eleven great families; descendants of Aislinna the Dreamer.

one of the eleven great families; descendants of Brann the Raven.

one of the eleven great families, descendants of Cuinn Braveheart.

descendants of Faodhagan, one of the eleven great families, newly discovered.

one of the eleven great families; descendants of Fóghnan the Thistle.

one of the eleven great families; descended from Berhtilde the Bright-Warrior Maid.

one of the eleven great families; descendants of Rùraich the Searcher.

one of the eleven great families; descendants of Seinneadair the Singer.

one of the eleven great families; descendants of Sian the Storm-Rider.

one of the eleven great families, descendants of Tuathanach the Farmer.

Magnysson the Red:
the larger of the two moons, a crimson-red in colour, commonly thought of as a symbol of war and conflict. Old tales describe him as a thwarted lover, chasing his lost love, Gladrielle, across the sky.

Maya the Ensorcellor:
former Banrìgh of Eileanan, wife of Jaspar.

Meghan of the Beasts:
wood witch and sorceress of seven rings. She can speak to animals. Keybearer of the Coven of Witches before and after banishment of Tabithas.

Melisse NicThanach:
newly crowned banprionnsa of Blèssem.

Mesmerd; Mesmerdean (pl):
a winged ghost or Grey One; faery creature from Arran that hypnotises its prey with its glance and then kisses away its life.

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