The Forced Bride (27 page)

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Authors: Sara Craven

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Forced Bride
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She said huskily, ‘I—I thought you didn’t want me…’

‘Always—always.’ Raf’s eyes were anguished as they met hers. ‘From that first moment, and for ever.’ He took a step

towards her, then hesitated. ‘Emilia, listen to me,carissima . You said you wished to have no more to do with me, and it

may be that things have become so wrong between us that there is no way back. But, even if you cannot love me in the

way that I long for, I still wish to take care of you, and our child.’

He drew a deep breath. ‘If you come back to me—to my protection, I will ask for nothing else. We will live as you


Her brows lifted. ‘You mean—myself at the house and you in your apartment in Rome You’d agree to that’

He bowed his head. ‘If that is what you wish.’

‘I’ll tell you what I wish,’ she said with sudden fierceness. ‘I wish you would take me in your arms and never let me go.

Because there’s nothing in this world for me without you.

‘I wish I’d said “Don’t go” on our wedding night, and shown you then how much I wanted you.

‘I wish you’d sleep with me tonight and every night for the rest of our lives. And that you’ll live with me, and scold me

and spoil me and make me laugh. And take care of me and all the babies I hope we’ll have.

‘And I wish with all my heart that you’ll believe me now, my darling, when I say—ti amo. I love you—love you…And I

always have.’

He came to her, lifting her off her feet and putting her down on to one of the sofas as gently as if she were made of glass.

Then he knelt beside her, his face buried against her stomach, and she stroked his hair with tender hands and whispered

all the things she had never dared say to him before, and knew that the freedom she’d wanted was hers at last.

When Raf raised his head, there were tears on his face. He said softly,

‘Do you believe in miracles,mi amore ’

‘I believe in us.’ She kissed him on the mouth, her lips warm and lingering as they smiled against his. ‘And, whatever your

doctor friend may say,mio caro ,’ she whispered huskily, ‘tonight you will most definitely need to shave. And that’s a



ISBN 978-1-55254-808-0


First North American Publication 2007.

Copyright © 2006 by Sara Craven.

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