The Forgefires of God (The Cause Book 3) (48 page)

BOOK: The Forgefires of God (The Cause Book 3)
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Anne-Marie turned to Carol, Lori and Sky.  “You three?  Leave with the Canadians.  Get out of here as fast as you can, before your
ensnares you.  Tell your underlings it’s their job to clean up the messes you’ve made and just skidoodle! 


A half hour later Carol, Lori and Sky left with the Canadians.  The world felt very heavy on her shoulders.  Van was still as happy as a kitty in a catnip patch.

Gail still wasn’t sure she believed what just happened.  Their three darker friends off to tame the self-stabilizing Chimera bear the Madonna, Sky and Armenigar couldn’t tame?  She smelled a logic flaw somewhere in this, as if she had been rolled, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on where.  As far as she could tell, the Madonna didn’t have much more charisma in her than Beth.  Surely she was mistaken.  This would all work out in the end.  Wouldn’t it?

In any event, she needed to go talk to Tonya.


To be continued in

Beasts Ascendant

(The First Chronicles of the Cause)



The best of the Focuses are only as good as the Transforms and non-Transforms in her household.

“Lives of the Focuses”

(Van Schuber, Pub.1973, St. Martins)


Fiction By This Author

Transforms Universe:


The Commander Series Novels

Once We Were Human

Now We Are Monsters

All Beasts Together

A Method Truly Sublime

No Sorrow Like Separation

In This Night We Own

All That We Are


The supplementary Commander Series Stories:

The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio One

All Conscience Fled (The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Two)

The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Three

The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Four

The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Five

The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Six

No Chains Shall Bind Me (The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Seven)

The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Eight

The Good Doctor’s Tales Folio Nine



The Cause Series Novels

The Shadow of the Progenitors

Love and Darkness

The Forgefires of God

Beasts Ascendant (The First Chronicle of the Cause) (coming April/May 2016)


Indigo Universe:


Storybook Crazy


99 Gods Trilogy Novels





99 Gods Trilogy Supplementary Stories

Tales From The Anime Café (Part One)

Tales From The Anime Café (Part Two)


Author’s Afterword

Thanks to Randy and Margaret Scheers, Michelle and Karl Stembol, Gary and Judy Williams, Alex Farmer, and as always my wife, Marjorie Farmer.  Without their help this novel would have never been made.


Cover credit goes to faintsmile28 for the chrysanthemum, the Brooklyn Museum via Wikimedia Commons for the spear, and Shutterstock for the rest.

I hope you enjoy reading this novel, which marks the end of the first story arc within the Cause series.  More will be coming in this series.

If you enjoyed this novel, you can find out further information about the Cause series, the background mythos of the Transforms universe, and about other fiction, on  Try the Author’s Facebook page for news and comments (  Interesting and helpful comments are encouraged.  Tell your friends.  Post reviews.

Provisional future publishing schedule:

Beasts Ascendant (The First Chronicle of the Cause) (coming April/May 2016)

No Small Dreams (coming later in 2016)

An Age Without a Name (coming later in 2016)

…and more to come, later



Randall Allen Farmer




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