The Free Republic of Texas 2015 (19 page)

Read The Free Republic of Texas 2015 Online

Authors: TJ Reeder

Tags: #Genre Fiction, #War, #Action & Adventure, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: The Free Republic of Texas 2015
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The fighting soon spread all along the border and right into the border cities, East LA was in flames with the gang bangers shooting at any white person they saw, but soon it was apparent to the bangers that what they thought to be cowardly whites were in fact not cowards, the bangers were finding out that what they took as cowardly conduct was just the outer coating of what Americans took as being civilized , but as the Japanese  and Germans learned, Americans are truly the sleeping dragon of myth. soon the more militant whites were taking the war right into the barrios, the police weren’t able to stop it and the National Guard while looking like they were working at stopping it were in fact perfectly willing to see it happen after a lot of the Mexican Americans in the guard turned their weapons on the white guardsmen, they too joined in the battle.


It was sweeping the entire border region, as the drug lords and Mexican military armed the ones who wanted to “Take back what was stolen”.


Most of America sat glued to their TV’s watching the all out war that was raging on the nightly news, but not all were watching, many were loading up their cars and trucks and heading for the fighting as American men always have for the most part.


The fighting was moving into the other states that had large Mexican populations, the cause was usually local bangers deciding they wanted in on the excitement, and meeting up with perfectly willing Anglos who were very happy to get it on with them.


What nobody knew was that none of it had to do with drugs and the trucks didn’t hold drugs, they held 80 men who could almost pass as Mexicans but who were Jihad’s, all trained to use the many weapons and explosives they carried with them, the drug lords were getting a huge payday for their part and the side benefit of seeing their brothers taking the fight to the hated Americans, they did not care what the ragheads were going to do, it wasn’t their problem.


During the days fighting was raging on the border the terrorist were spreading out all over the country preparing to bring the “Jihad” to the Great Satan.


We were, like everybody in the country watching the news and wondering if this was the starting acts of the worst to come. Jody had been in touch with Song and was told that it would be very wise to stick close to the ranch and to avoid the obvious places that might be a target.


We had in turn passed the information on to Jim who had heard nothing not on TV and it had been quiet in this part of Texas. We told him as soon as we had more info we would let him know and he promised to do the same.


Bill dropped in and told us what he knew and that it was suspected that the trucks involved in the initial crossing may have had people not drugs as cargo, but nobody knew for sure. But that if it got worse he would like for Joan to come over to the main ranch as he was going to be working the border.


Song contacted us from a pay phone and told us that it was suspected that the drug lords had smuggled in terrorist, when asked how we would know he said well when the first car bomb goes off.




After the attacks on the school buses in Israel things were very quiet over there, so quiet that most of the world saw it as the lull before the storm, but the stupid fanatics thought they had put the hated Jews in their place and had them hiding in fear, it never ceases to amaze me at how stupid those bastards really are, they thought that by blowing up 3 school buses they would bring fear to the hearts of the Israelis? God they were stupid.


In Feb while the world watched the US and Mexico embroiled in what amounted to a war, the Israelis just watched and listened and waited, they knew that sooner of later the fools who planned the attack would have to come out of hiding and dance around singing about how brave they were when killing children, and they did, at a huge rally the leaders of the faction who planed and executed the attack came out to accept the praise of their people.


The Israelis waited until the wild eyed fanatical leaders were up on the back of a truck and then sent in 5 cruise missiles, when the smoke cleared there was nothing left of a 4 square block in the heart of Beirut, and the entire leadership of the faction was gone along with several thousand of their supporters, there was complete silence across the land, never had this happened, never had the Jews retaliated like this. Never had they showed so many disregards for the non combatants, never…


Now they had and now they were prepared to carry the fight to everybody in the Middle East who wanted Israel dead. And they were there by the thousands, the tens of thousands, Millions…


In the hours after the attack, the entire leadership of the Israeli Government stood together and listened when their leader informed the Moslem world that from this day forward anybody calling for  the destruction of Israel would be met with force, anybody.


That the time for talking was over that all Israel wanted was to live in peace but it was willing to die for that peace and willing to wipe out all of Islam to do it.


And of course the very next day the evil looking old man in Iran stood in the open and demanded to a crowd of many thousands that Israel die! That a jihad was now declared and all of Islam would fight !And the crowd went wild cheering and waving signs, and in the 5 minutes he had  left on the earth the crazy old mad man waved and smiled.


They never heard the cruise missiles coming nor did they know when they went off, it was over so fast that once again only silence was heard, then the crying and screaming started, they had been warned; they only had to just agree that the Israeli people had a right to live but they couldn’t do it.


The US state department was going crazy trying to kiss everybody’s ass in the Middle East; they didn’t notice that there was a lot less ass to kiss.


When the Sec. of state issued a long and scathing call for the Israelis to stand down the Israelis closed their embassy and left after leaving a letter telling the US to shut the hell up, they were tired of bleeding while Americans danced with the devil for oil and that Americans needed to wake up before it was too late when it came to dealing with the Moslem world.


The letter was also sent to every large news outlet where it was of course picked apart by the so called “Experts” who knew less then most people.


For two weeks there was an unearthly quiet in the Middle East, then Iran declared war on Israel and launched missiles of their own, none made it to within 50 miles of the border of Israel, all of the ones fired from Israel made it to their targets wiping out almost the entire infrastructure of the country. No lights, no water, no leaders. All gone in the space of an hour.


Israel never said a word, just kept on living, But their borders were closed so tight that a mouse could not make it through, the Israelis military rounded up every Moslem living in the country and after checking them they were told it was their choice, they could stay if they could live in peace, or if not they could leave, taking all their property. Very few left and then only the hot headed young men all vowing to return. The ones who stayed were issued an ID card that they were required to carry at all times.


Everybody knew the time was coming when the Moslem world would attack, and most of the world knew that if it came to it Israel would go out in a ball of fire that once and for all would solve the Arab / Israel problem.


The whole world was holding its breath waiting for the bright glow of the nukes over the Middle East; everybody knew it would happen just not when.


Three weeks after the outbreak in the Middle East, a car bomb went off in a Jewish neighborhood in the suburbs of New York, it was parked in front of a large restaurant where several hundred people were holding a traditional Jewish wedding.


The blast took down the entire building, the charge was in a van with sand bags inside to direct the blast, in front of the charge was boxes of nails, the first responders were on film throwing up after going into the shell of the building, but the worst was yet to come, 45 minutes after the blast, a car driven by a dark skinned man crashed through the barriers and when in the middle of the emergency workers it too blew up. The whole thing caught on film by a camera crew in an overhead news chopper which also got hit with wreckage from the blast and was lucky enough to make a controlled crash in the next street over. Nobody was injured in that crash.


America watched in horror as the results of the blast stayed on the news channels , all in all over 500 people died in the blast, only a few were pulled from the building, the emergency workers caught in the second attack were more lucky because the blast went up more then out but  many died, many more wounded.


The war Jody had talked about had come to America, and the people were showing themselves to be truly sheeple, calls from all sides for gun control, yet not a shot had been fired except in the border wars flaring up almost daily someplace at or near the border, The fools in Congress were all red faced and seeing who could come up with the most restrictive new laws, as if we had attacked ourselves.


Things had quieted down in the weeks after the bombings but  we knew it  was far from over, and on a nice Saturday morning two men walked into a large mall and opened fire with AK’s after throwing grenades down on the second level, it was shooting fish in a barrel, then they started walking fast thru the building shooting with great control, one firing while the other reloaded, At last their luck ran out when three men who had their CCW weapons with them took the men under fire, the two gunmen were both killed and one of the brave citizens.


The first thing the cops did when they got there was to cuff the two men who had stopped the killing, the crowd that gathered almost lynched the cops who were saved by their supervisor who arrived in time to effect the release of the two men, but he wouldn’t return their weapons saying they needed them to compare bullets recovered from the scene, one of the men said on camera that the only place they would find his bullets was in the dead men.


Once again the sheeple of the Brady bunch bleated about how guns caused the massacre, while ignoring the fact that it was three armed citizens who saved the day, not the police.


It was determined that the shooters were from the Middle East as were their weapons. The media clowns were babbling a mile a minute trying to out freak each other and the people sat glued to their boob tubes believing these fools knew any more then they did!



At last a tape was delivered to the media, the speaker claimed that his group of brave freedom fighters only wanted peace and the destruction of Israel of course and were prepared to keep killing Americans until we came to our senses and stopped supporting Israel, all in the name of God of course.


A week later a Van stopped in the street in front of an elementary school and 3 men using 3 RPG’s fired a total of 15 rockets into the school and then calmly drove off.


This time the people doing the yelling weren’t the sheeple, it was the silent majority, calling for a Jihad of our own and the President went on TV and said as soon as he knew who to shoot he’d damn well shoot the S.O.B.’s but this didn’t help much.


And across  the land the American people were looking more and more at the Moslem communities that has sprung up around the country, resentment was high because these people came here to be free but had never tried to become a part of the country, instead they brought their country with them and refused to even learn the language .


Jody and I sat watching the latest news and just shook our heads in disbelief as our so called leaders just mouthed their own party line, none willing to speak up on their own, no guts in the whole damn bunch.


A week later the newest leader in Iran ordered the launching of over a  hundred missiles at Israel, some got through the anti missile screens and as it turned out they were packing gas, as thousands across Israel were choking to death the sky’s lit up over Teheran and a big piece of the country was turned to glass.


Pandora’s box was opened and the lid would never be closed again, every Moslem country in the middle east opened fire with whatever they had, none of which was much, Israel did not use nukes against those countries that did not use WMD’s but their cruise missiles were pin point and the Capitals of most of the middle east were history.


World markets started crashing as a result of the wars in the Middle East; the dollar crashed and took down the entire economy over night, the same in all of Europe.


The President was on TV begging the American people to please be calm and give his plans a chance. But that was wasted breath, the riots started when it became clear that there was going to be no checks in the mail, for anybody, the usual suspects decided that it was time to riot and burn and it started.


Every major city reported fires burning out of control, firemen and cops being shot at when they tried to get thru the riot areas, soon it was clear that nothing was going to save the areas that were burning, so the fire fighters pulled back and set up lines to fight the oncoming fires, the rioters were now running ahead of the fires and starting new ones, it was madness, and of course the booze from all the stores they were looted didn‘t help.


When the two lines came together somebody from the rioters groups started shooting at the cops, who fired back, soon the dead and wounded were piled up in rows and yet they came on, shooting as they came, many were using full auto AK’s and it became clear the riots were planned and the killing was meant to make things even worse.


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