The Game of Shepherd and Dawse

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Authors: William Shepherd

Tags: #esoteric fiction, #spiritual books spiritual healing personal growth, #understanding the world, #parables for today, #understanding self, #understanding reality

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The Game of Shepherd and Dawse


Published 2016 by William Shepherd at Smashwords


Copyright © 2016 Ramox productions




Ramox productions have asserted their moral right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with sections 77 & 78 of the copyright, designs and patents act 1988


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A catalogue record of this book is available from the British library


ISBN 978-0-9954710


Cover design by Dan Williams


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The characters names, stories and events in this book are fictitious. Apart from some general facts, any resemblance to actual events, locations or persons living or dead is purely coincidental




Chapter One: Shepherd Wood


Chapter Two: Mr Sadsoul


Chapter Three: Dickie Duckley overplays his hand


Chapter Four: Aman


Chapter Five: Finding Aman


Chapter Six: A hideous knowledge comes to light


Chapter Seven: The home help


Chapter Eight: The hunt begins


Chapter Nine: Nettie


Chapter Ten: What were they to do?


Chapter Eleven: Mr Bibble and the 3c gang


Chapter Twelve: Juju


Chapter Thirteen: Sally Sour makes mischief


Chapter Fourteen: Sally drives in the coffin nails


Chapter Fifteen: Nettie wanders off


Chapter Sixteen: Dawsey Dale


Chapter Seventeen: Sally Sour rides again


Chapter Eighteen: Michael Stains


Epilogue: The Theory of Shepherd and Dawse


Bridal manor. Those happy little pills


About the author, about the editor


Definition of a Shepherd


Shepherd, noun (PEOPLE)


A person who encourages others along their life paths, especially in kind, helpful and caring ways.


Definition of a Dawse


Dawse, noun (PEOPLE)


Those who hurt, maim and destroy the people around them and the environment they live in.






Beautiful things can only stay beautiful when beautiful people are looking after them”. ~ The inhabitants of Shepherd Wood


The inhabitants of Shepherd Wood were extremely content. Shepherd Wood was a naturally idyllic haven for them. Deep in the middle of the wood was a large open glade where deer, antelope, oxen and many other animals roamed freely and served the needs of the inhabitants. Running through the glade was a beautiful river that was plentiful in fish, and alongside the river were beds of reeds for making everyday items such as baskets, thatch and all manner of things. The people lived on one side of the river, and on the other side was an area where the communal meetings were held and where the evening’s entertainment would take place. Despite the different activities on either side of the river, it was only one community and it was at peace with itself.


Shepherd Wood stretched for mile after mile, and it supplied all that any community could need. The trees in Shepherd Wood were greatly loved and respected by all the inhabitants. Every single person who lived in Shepherd Wood had their own tree, when a child was born they would wait until they could walk and they would be taken on a tour of the wood. The first tree that the child tapped with their hand or sat up against would be known as their tree and they would grow over the years in the same way that their tree grew. Sometimes people would even consult their tree for guidance by sitting with it and meditating for an answer, which sounds a little silly to us but back then people knew about the consciousness of trees and the knowledge that they held. Because everyone had their own tree they had a sense of connection with nature right from the day they were born which meant that they always lived in harmony with nature.


There was another reason why the peoples of this time valued and respected trees so much and that was because the tress provided so much of the nourishment that they needed and also provided so many of the materials that they used on a daily basis.


Every year the whole community would harvest the forest and replenish their food stocks for the coming winter. They would harvest Hazelnuts and sweet chestnuts which would be kept for themselves and also to feed to the wild pigs which would give the meat a very nice flavour. They would collect apples, pears plums and cherries which would be dried and stored for a later date.


They used the oak trees for the structures of their houses and used crushed acorns to make flour with and an ancient style of coffee. They used the ash tree to make charcoal with and handles for tools and bespoke furniture. They used birch trees to make containers from its bark and they would tap the tree for its resin and to make wine from.


There was also a great supply of berries and vegetables which would be harvested every year, while always leaving plenty for the regeneration of the forest. Shepherd Wood was a living, breathing supermarket that had practically everything that anyone could want or need and so long as the woodland was managed in the proper way, it would always stay that way.


All in all, Shepherd Wood was a truly wonderful place and all who lived there deeply appreciated its many wonders. The inhabitants lived in peace and they were in equilibrium with their surroundings, ensuring they never spoiled nature’s masterpiece.


Shepherd Wood didn’t have 'rules' as we know them today. People acted out of pureness and a kind-hearted instinct so there was no need to have a rule of law. If by mistake somebody upset someone else, their higher self would get around to alerting that person and they would then make amends. In turn, if anyone was upset by someone else’s actions, it wouldn’t bother them for long, as they knew it wasn’t intentional and there was no ill feeling amongst any of them.


In regards to work, everyone pitched in. Laziness was not a habit that plagued Shepherd Wood. If a person did wake up one morning and didn’t sense enough energy for working, they simply wouldn’t work that day. No one would look at them any differently, as everyone knew the chores would still be done in good time. People in Shepherd Wood were not told what chores they had to do and everyone just did what they were most attracted to. If you happened to really enjoy fishing, then that’s what you did or if sewing was your enjoyment, then you did sewing to earn your keep. Working like this ensured that whatever you did, you were inspired to do so and you did it to the best of your ability. Most importantly you enjoyed your trade. If at any point you decided you fancied a change, then you would swap with someone else. This happened quite a lot in Shepherd Wood and was encouraged, which meant that almost everyone was multi-talented.


Upon a nearby plain, lived people of all ages and styles. The elders were respected for their knowledge and experience, and the younger inhabitants were respected for their energy and enthusiasm. Wisdom, experience and knowledge were passed down from one generation to the next, including ways of hunting, sewing, building and so on. The air was always filled with contentment and happiness of a kind that few today have the opportunity to experience and up to the start of our story, this pleasant way of life had been going on for several thousand years. However, as history has often demonstrated, this utopia was not to last.


Even though the time in history was 13,000 thousand years ago, the technology possessed by these people was in many ways far superior to the technology we know today. But unlike our current technology, which is all based and built around the use of electronics, the technology these people possessed was a more earthy-type of technology. That is to say, these people had mastered techniques of manipulating earth, wood and stone. There were all manner of devices these people used and many we would not be familiar with today. It is truly amazing what one can do with earth, wood and stone when those are focused upon as your sole materials.


Over time, many of these techniques and technologies would be lost, aside from a small handful that did manage to be passed down through generations. The inhabitants of Shepherd Wood also had a vast knowledge of apothecary herbs, weather and astrology. Again, some of this knowledge survives today though most has been lost to the ages.


The dwellings that residents of Shepherd Wood lived in were not the kind of mud huts one might suspect from this period. Rather, they were quite technical abodes that each owner had specially built and no two houses were the same. Each house had everything in it that one might need for maximum comfort and maximum functionality. They all had very comfortable beds, relaxation areas, cooking areas and a sanitation system that would make us today look a little backward. The stoves were very cleverly designed too, in such a way that almost no heat loss was created. Therefore, you needed only the smallest amount of fuel to use your stove for cooking and heating – about a tenth of what we use today.

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