The Ghost Files 2 (The Ghost Files - Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Ghost Files 2 (The Ghost Files - Book 2)
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Dan pushes me down onto one of the couches. We’re back in the library, I realize. He sits down next to me this time. I’m trapped between him and the couch arm. Eli glares at him, but for once Dan ignores him. He’s completely focused on me.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Squirt?” he asks, the concern clear in his eyes.

I nod and take a sip of tea. “Yeah, I’m good. Eli sent the ghost running.”

“No, I killed it,” he corrects me. “I sliced it through with a blessed blade. Kills them dead.”

“Thank you,” I tell him.

“You’re welcome, Hilda.”

I close my eyes and count to ten. He has just saved my life. It’s okay. I’m not that mad. Oh, why am I even bothering? I’m up before Dan can stop me, my fist barreling down at Eli. He grins, catches my hand and twists, pulling me down on top of him.

“Uh-uh,” he whispers. “You’re not getting the drop on me again, Mattie.”

I’m extremely aware of being pressed against him, the feel of him under my fingers, his breath against my cheek. My stomach clenches and I get a little nauseous again. Why does this happen when I get close to him?

“Stop flirting with your brother’s girlfriend before you get hurt, Eli,” Mr. Malone tells him sternly.

“Dan’s not my boyfriend,” I say softly, staring into Eli’s gorgeous eyes.

“You sure he knows that?” Caleb asks snidely.

I glance over at Dan and see him standing a few inches from us, his face enraged. He has no right to be mad at me. He was the one who made the decision to date someone else.

“Be careful of her hands,” Dan growls, reaching down and yanking me up. “She’s just had surgery. Where are your bandages?”

“Where’s your gris-gris?” Doc asks, alarmed.

Dan had tied it on top of my bandages. It must have come off when the bandages did.

I shrug. I have no clue where either are.

Dan is gently running his hands over mine, checking for injuries. He pauses over the fresh scar on my wrist. Oddly, I don’t even shiver when Dan touches me, but when Eli does, it’s all I can do to keep from a full body shudder. Dan’s touch makes me feel safe and loved. Eli’s is more edgy, dangerous, and a little scary because of the emotions it evokes. Dang it, I wish Meg and I were still on speaking terms. I need to talk to a girl about this stuff.

“I’ll head out and get you some new bandages first thing in the morning,” he says and leads me back over to the couch. “How did you lose your bandages and your gris-gris?”

“I guess somewhere between the house and the cellar,” I say. “I don’t remember getting there, though. It was like I blinked and then I was in the dark.”

He ran his thumb over my forehead. “You got a goose egg here. Did you hit your head, too?”

My hand comes up to touch the sore spot and I hear Caleb gasp. I quickly move my hands to my lap, trying to hide them. There are still several places that have pins in them and look a little deformed. I’m very self-conscious of them.

Dan shoots Caleb a glare. “Don’t worry about it, Mattie. They look fine.”

I nod, but refuse to meet anyone’s eyes. Not something I’d planned on sharing with them. “Look guys, can we pick this up in the morning? I’m tired and I just want to get some sleep.”

“Of course,” Doc murmurs. “I don’t think you should be alone though, Mattie. Something in this house seems to have targeted you and we still haven’t dealt with the demon that’s hunting you.”

“I’ll be with her,” Dan says. “She’ll be fine.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Mr. Malone frowns. “The demon shows up when you’re around, Dan. You might not be the safest person for her right now. Caleb and Eli can watch over her.”

“Over my dead body,” Dan hisses. “I’m not trusting her safety to anyone but myself.”

“Son,” Mr. Malone steps forward and Dan flinches back against the couch. Mr. Malone stops, looking sad. “Your brothers will protect her with their life. I promise she’ll be safe with them.”

“No,” Dan refuses, stubbornly. “She’s not going anywhere with anyone but me.”

“What if Caleb and Eli takes shifts with you?” Doc suggests. “That way if the demon shows up, you’ll have someone there to help you.”

“It’s a good plan, Dan,” I tell him softly.

“Fine,” he growls.

“I’ll take the first shift,” Caleb says before Eli can. I think Caleb knows Dan might do physical harm to Eli at this point.

I stare from Dan to Caleb to Eli. It’s going to be a long night.










Chapter Sixteen



After changing into my favorite pj’s, I walk back into my room to find Caleb and Dan staring at each other. I bet neither has said a word since I left them fifteen minutes ago. It’s so sad. Just seeing them together, it’s obvious they’re brothers. Neither knows what to say to the other.


“Caleb, can Dan and I have a few minutes alone?” I ask.

Caleb frowns. “I don’t know, Mattie,” he says.

“Please?” I give him my best pleading look.

He sighs, but gives in. “I’m going to be right outside the door. Don’t upset her.” He glares at Dan.

Dan’s eyebrows shoot up and he gives me a questioning look.

I shrug. “You know I talk in my sleep, but apparently I do it when I’m unconscious, too. They won’t tell me what I said about you.”

“I can guess.” Dan sinks down onto the bed. “I’m sorry, Mattie. I really screwed up, didn’t I?”

“Dan, I don’t want to talk about that right now,” I say and crawl under the covers. “It’s too painful. What about you? How are you? Do you know what you’re gonna do?”

“They think I’m a monster,” he whispers.

“No, they don’t,” I deny. Well, maybe the boys do, but not Mr. Malone. He’s just grateful his son is alive.

“Maybe I am a monster.” He sighs and lays back, tucking his hands under his head. “She’s my mom. I know what she did is wrong, but she’s my mom, Mattie.”

“It’s okay, Dan.” I roll to face him. “I understand. You love her.”

“It’s not okay, Squirt.” His voice is a little hoarse. “What she did to me, to the Malones, to you. None of it’s okay.”

Selfish Mattie has been quiet long enough. “Dan…did your PI…did he find out who my parents are?”

“No. He said he’s hit dead ends. The one lead he has is my mom and Phil said he’d leave it up to me to figure out where to go from here.”

His mom knows who my parents are. I want to demand he take me to her this minute so I can get answers, but I can’t do that. He’s hurting so much right now. Even I’m not that selfish when it comes to the people I love. And I do love him.

“Caleb and Eli are really, really mad,” he says. “Do you think they’ll call the police? I’ve been debating if I should call Mom all night.”

I don’t think Caleb would without talking to his dad. He’s too much like Dan. Eli, on the other hand, he’d do it. “Call her. Don’t ask her any questions if you don’t want to, but I think Eli is mad enough that he might call. He’d be trying to do the right thing, but I don’t think he’s thinking it through, thinking about all the pain he’s going to cause you, your dad, and your brother.”

“Oh, God—Dad,” Dan whispers. “I haven’t even thought about him.”

Mr. Richards will be devastated. He loves his wife, his family. Nothing is more important to him. This is going to rip them to pieces.

Dan sits up and fishes his phone out of his pocket and stares at it. “I know I shouldn’t warn her. I know that, but…”

“Doesn’t matter what she did, Dan, she loves you. I know that better than anyone else in this house. I’ve seen her look at you. What she did was beyond wrong, but she’s been a good mom. I know it’s hard, I know you don’t want to turn her in, I know all these things, but I know in the end you’ll do the right thing because of who you are, who
raised you to be. Doesn’t mean you can’t warn her, though.”

“Mattie, if she runs, we lose our only lead on your parents.” He looks so serious, so sad. I can’t believe he’s thinking about me right now.

“Your PI is good, he’ll find something,” I say, knowing in my heart he won’t. The truth of my parents will probably disappear with his mom.

He stares at me, his heart in his eyes. He’s broken. This broke him. I want to curl myself around him and tell him it’s going to be okay, but I force myself to stay still. “What…what do I say to her?” he whispers.

Like I know? Why do people always insist on asking me stupid questions like that?

“I don’t know,” I say at last. “Just call and you’ll know what to say.” Pretty sure he won’t but it’s the best I got right now.

He sighs and finds the number in his address book. He puts the phone on speaker and then lays it down on the bed. I’m surprised he’s using speakerphone. Dan’s usually a very private person.

“Dan?” Mrs. Richards voice comes through.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Honey, where are you? I talked to your captain today and she said you’d requested a few weeks off to deal with a personal matter. What’s wrong? How can I help?”

She sounds so worried and genuinely concerned. Dan closes his eyes, a tear finally slipping down his cheek.

“I’m in New Orleans, Mom.”

“New Orleans?” Her voice has gone soft. “Why are you in New Orleans, Daniel?”

“I know about Amelia Malone.”


Even I’m impressed with how confused she sounds.
Points to you for being a great liar, Mrs. R.
, I think snidely.

“Amelia Malone, Mom,” he whispers hoarsely. “My birth mother, the woman you killed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“Don’t, Mama,” he says harshly. “I already spoke with the people who helped you. I know Claire Hathaway is your sister and that she helped you.”

“Did that…
…put you up to this?” she demands, anger in her voice. “I knew the minute I laid eyes on her she was trouble. You should have listened to me about her.”

She means me. Even I flinch at the accusation in her tone.

“I was helping Mattie try to find her father,” he says. “The PI looking into it found out what you did to me
to her. We know you helped your sister take her from her family.”

“You don’t know anything about it!” his mother shouts through the phone. “Those people…we saved her, saved

“Saved me? You killed my mother and stole me from my family! Why for God’s sake would you do that?”

“Daniel, I love you,” she whispers. “You are my son and nothing is going to change that. What I did, I did out of love and desperation. You don’t know what kind of people they were, what they did…” she sighs. “I gave you a good life, loved you. Doesn’t that count for something?”

He hangs his head. He’s so heartbroken. I sigh and give up. Crawling behind him, I wrap my arms around him, fitting my legs out against his own. My head rests on his back.

“Mama, I love you. That’s why this is so hard.”

“Are you…are you going to turn me in, Dan?” Her voice is small, hesitant.

“I’m a police officer, I know I should, but—”

“But nothing,” she says hurriedly. “You’re my son and I’m your mother. Nothing can be done about the past. What’s done is done, Dan. We’re a family. Me, you, your father, and your brother. We’re happy. Isn’t that enough?”

“God, Mom,” he almost sobs. “This isn’t fair. What you did is awful. What about Amelia Malone’s family? Don’t they deserve justice? To know their son is alive?”

What’s this? He isn’t telling her he already met the Malones?

“Dan, you don’t understand,” she argues. “That family…they’re different. You don’t know what kind of people they are. I had to save you from them. It’s best if you stay as far away from them as possible.”

“Why?” he asks. “They didn’t do anything to you. Don’t they deserve the chance to know me and me to know them?”

“Daniel, stay away from them!” she shouts, frustrated. “I’ve worked too hard to keep you safe all these years to have you throw it all away out of a sense of misplaced justice.”

“Misplaced?” he asks in disbelief. “You murdered a wife, a mother, and stole her child! How is it misplaced to want them to know the truth?”

“Everyone thinks she died in a car accident,” she says wearily. “Just let it be, Dan. Come home and we’ll talk about it.”

“What about, Mattie, Mom?” he asks, instead of answering her plea to come home. “You and Claire took her from her parents, too. Who are they? Who are her parents?”

“That girl,” Mrs. Richards snarls. “I knew she was going to be trouble. I begged Amanda to leave her alone, but she wouldn’t and look where it got my sister! She’s dead because of that girl.”

It’s so strange to hear Mrs. Richards call my mom Amanda. I know that’s her name, but to me she’s Claire Hathaway.

“Your sister tried to kill Mattie!” Dan says, shocked. “How is it Mattie’s fault she’s dead?”

“I knew that she’d be the death of Amanda,” Mrs. Richards says. “Bad blood, that one. My sister wouldn’t be dead now if she hadn’t taken that girl and ran. It followed her all her days, until she gave in and tried to keep her safe the only way she knew how. If she was dead, Mattie would be safe from herself and her family. I should have known Amanda would kill herself. I should have stopped her, should have refused to help her.”

Mrs. Richards is crying. I can tell how much she loved her sister and I can hear the anger and the rage directed at me. At least now I understand why she dislikes me so much. It has nothing to do with me being a “violent child” but because she blames me for her sister’s death. Just proves what I’ve always thought. I’m a walking disaster, dangerous to anyone who gets near me. My screwed up life always spills over and causes problems for everybody else.

“Mom, what your sister did is not Mattie’s fault,” Dan says quietly. “She was only five years old. You can’t blame her for your sister’s decisions.”

Mrs. Richards sighs. “Dan, please just come home and we’ll talk about this.”

“I can’t, Mom,” he says. “Who are her parents?”

There is silence on the other end.

“Who are they?” he demands. “She has a right to know who her family is!”

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