The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1)
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"Yes," said Lockwell. "We must set wards around the castle. I have projects that cannot fall into the wrong hands. I know Blackthorne has sensed them. I am surprised that you did not mention them."

"I was about to," said Blackthorne, "when I saw one for myself. Whatever it is you are working on must be extremely dangerous."

"To certain people, it is very dangerous."

"Lockwell is this something we need to worry about?" asked Kerreth.

"No, Kerreth. Local business only to remain on Amloth."

"Are the Daerlan at risk?" asked Navir.

"No," said Lockwell. "I am trying to re-energize some talismans. But their power is useful to a select few."

"That's good," said Gorm. "Too bad more magic items did not have such limitations."

"Yes, I agree," said Navir. "I would study this technique of yours, Lockwell. It may be useful."

"Begging your pardon, Navir," said Lockwell. "The result is useful, the technique is foul and I will speak no more about it."

"Very well," said Kerreth. "It's time to ride. King Kal, are you ready?"

"Lead on, good Veralier. I shall be one of your company for a little while. May I prove honorable."

"I do like him," said Taina.

"Mother," whispered Moria. "King Kal is mortal. You can't be serious! That's the reason why we have to watch Loric when he's out for an evening. Are you getting the same sickness?"

"Oh, all right."

Kerreth shook his head and saluted Lockwell and Quink. He turned his horse to the northwest and set off at a trot. The Talos Company followed him into the fields. Lockwell and Quink stood watching.

"A curious group," said Quink. "I almost wish there was a place for me with them."

"Yes, a nice thought and you would be welcome. However, you are mortal and would be long dead before they even noticed."

"You are cheery, Lockwell. Thanks."

"I think you look to me for the wrong things, Quink. I am never cheery. Come, we have work to do."

Chapter 25


The Turuck soldiers that left the main host rounded to the west of Far Greening, burning the outlying homes as they approached the walls. The houses had been abandoned in haste; doors hung open, pots still simmered over their fires. A trail of dropped items led to the walled city. Hal was occupied to the south by the main force leaving Bert Kalen's small castle force to stop the west attack. Several dozen Nunari had remained at Far Greening in thanks of James joining Lan Tagjet's quest. They joined the defenders to repel the Turucks. Bert Kalen allowed people to shelter inside the castle but forced the men to pick up arms to defend the city and castle. He knew the Turucks would burn the city if they breached the walls but he had too few to defend both the city and the castle.

Bert Kalen cursed the Turucks for the burning and knew the siege could end badly. He ordered water to be ready and called his sergeants to him.

The people of Far Greening fletched arrows and gathered any tool that could be used as a weapon. Most of the soldiers had gone with Hal. Bert Kalen looked down at the faces of children and their grandparents armed to fight. The castle would not resist long.

"We may slow them if we send a sortie at them," said Bert Kalen. "But we have too few defenders. We cannot send out more than a handful. They must be volunteers. I cannot command a soldier to certain death."

"Then move quickly," said Elizabeth. "Or the chance will be lost. Who will lead the sortie?"

"I will," said Bert Kalen. "They are my men. I cannot ask them to do what I will not."

"No, I'll lead it," said Ank Rak, the Nunari Bearclaw. "You are needed here. I do not know castle warfare. I will only get in the way. On open ground I give my best. I will take whoever volunteers."

"I may not be able to open the gates to let you back in."

"I understand. I am a warrior. I know the odds. Be at peace Eslendian. I will do what I must and so will you." Kalen looked at the strong tanned features of the muscular man- the dark eyes, the determined chin. There was no doubt in Ank Rak.

"So be it." Bert Kalen shouted for volunteers to join Ank Rak.

The Nunari gathered around Ank Rak and listened to the Bearclaw exhort them to fight for Nuneland as well as Eslenda. He noticed a tall Eslendian girl dressed as a guard had joined the Nunari. All the Nunari and a dozen Eslendians rushed through the gates, veering west to meet the enemy. Arrows rained from the walls onto the Turucks then Ank Rak hit them. A bull of a man, his sword cut through shields and armor as the pushed back the point of the Turuck line. The Turucks fought fiercely and Ank Rak could not help but admire their prowess. Still, he gave no quarter and Turuck after Turuck fell to his blade.

Ank Rak drove back his enemies, his onslaught fierce and overpowering. His great strength and stamina overwhelming. His sword struck time and again without respite. The Turucks force was larger but it could not sweep aside the defenders. The Turuck commander ordered his line to lengthen around the defenders and close in around them. The Nunari fought well but the numbers finally began to weigh on them. As they tired fresh Turucks rushed to take their comrades places and the Nunari strength wore down and they began to die.

Amidst the battle, Ank Rak sensed someone fighting back to back with him. His opponent fell and he risked a look behind him. A tall woman hacked the arm off a Turuck and turned to Ank Rak grinning.

"This is why I joined the guard!" cried Teresa Butler.

Ank Rak saluted her and returned to his fighting.

The Turucks fell back drawing the defenders after them, and then hit the defenders with a dozen Shadow Runners. The defenders were overwhelmed, falling back behind Ank Rak and Teresa Butler. Teresa struck first but found the speed of the Shadow Runners put her on the defensive. She blocked, and blocked again, giving ground to her foes. She stumbled, a blade caught her thigh, and she fell. A shadow stood over her and she heard his voice.

"None shall pass!" cried Ank Rak.

His blade was a blur as he held off the Shadow Runners. The defenders took courage and pushed forward to engage the Turucks. The battle went on.

Teresa got to her feet in time to kill the Shadow Runner creeping behind Ank Rak. She pulled her sword out of its neck and engaged the enemy again. Ank Rak smiled as she stood alongside him again. She ignored the pain in her leg, it was a shallow wound and there was no time for it.

The Turucks outnumbered them and cut through their ranks too easily. Many Nunari died in their path. Ank Rak motioned Teresa to a rise and they fought back to back, keeping the Turucks at a disadvantage. But the majority of the Turucks passed them by, heading for the castle. A dozen Turucks remained around Ank Rak and Teresa. After half of the Turucks lost their lives, the others ran to the company assailing the castle, leaving the two defenders alone.

"We have been cut off. See, more Turucks have come to join the siege," said Ank Rak. "We cannot return to the castle."

"Can we aid them?"

Ank Rak sighed and rested on his bloody sword, tip stuck in the earth. He looked for their fellow defenders but the ground was covered in dead.

"We are only two, fierce thought we may be. We cannot help them, but perhaps we can find help. Prince James and Lan Tagjet headed northward and I hope will be returning soon. They must be warned before they walk into the hands of the Turucks."

"But we are to the southwest of the castle. The Turucks are stationed all around it. We will have to travel up the coast to evade them."

"You are correct, Teresa. We have far to go."

Teresa tried to catch her breath, thinking of their choices. Ank Rak was right: they had to warn Prince James.

"I like your accent. I like the way you say my name." She was still flushed from battle and bounced on the balls of her feet. Ank Rak smiled at her youth.

"I like saying your name. You are a strong warrior, Teresa Butler. I am glad you are with me."

"Me too," she said softly.

Ank Rak grasped her hand and together they scavenged supplies from the dead Turucks and headed north. They moved slowly through the brush into the longer grasses well away from the lines of the Turucks. Far Greening was completely surrounded by the enemy.

"The ground is too open for us to approach the river," said Ank Rak. "We must go further west to the edge of the forest to be able to reach the river without being spotted. If they see us heading for the forest they will assume we are merely escaping. If they catch us on the river it will go ill for us."

"Let's go to the forest," said Teresa. "I must do something or go mad. I can't watch my friends die."

"Nor can I."

They watched the fields before them and saw no movement. The Turucks concerned themselves with Far Greening and did not see them move from their hiding place. They ran swiftly and lightly over the grasses to avoid the thudding footfalls that might alert scouts. The covered a hundred yards when the hum of an arrow raced toward them. Ank Rak fell silently to the ground. Teresa stopped to help him. An arrow pierced his left shoulder and it was deep. Teresa saw the shapes of Turucks spread out across the field determined not to let them slip through their grasp. She pulled the Nunari to his feet and she tried to support his weight over the last yards to the trees. Teresa did not believe they would be safe in the trees but her mind needed to focus on something. Another arrow hummed overhead. She did not look back. Her breathing was labored and Ank Rak grunted in pain with every step. She heard the Turucks running now as they closed in on the pair.

Finally the shade of the branches found them and they continued several more yards and crashed at the foot of a tree. Ank Rak howled in pain.


"Your heart is fine, and your effort is commendable. It's your aim that needs work. That's not the side I would have wished to hit the ground. But I thank you all the same."

"Not for long. The Turucks should be upon us any moment."

"Still, it was a worthy effort," said Ank Rak. "Where are the Turucks?"

"I don't know. They, they are gone? I don't understand. I can't see them at all."

"They will no longer bother you," said a shadow next to them. He stepped out into the light.

"A Turuck!" Teresa tried to jump at him with her sword, but Elberra stopped her with her spear butt. Teresa flopped to the ground. The blue Anethean leaned over her. A Daelan approached and smiled.

"Sorry for the surprise," said Taina. "Darkin is a Turuck, but he owes no allegiance to those chasing you. He is a friend."

"A Daerlan defending a Turuck?" asked Ank Rak. "These are strange days. And what are you?" He spoke to Elberra.

"I am an Anethean from the east of Anavar."

More shadows appeared around them.

"We are a special group," said Kerreth Veralier. "Many diverse individuals travel with us. We are the Talos Company."

"Talos Company?" said Teresa. "My father used to tell my brother and me about them. Stories and legends. I never thought they really existed."

"What stories?" asked Gorm. "Did they mention names?"

"Altair Talos."

"My father," said Taina.

"My brother," said Gorm. "Who else?"

"It was so long ago. I can't remember much except my favorite was Kerreth."

"Ah," said Taina. She thumbed at Kerreth.

"He's your man. Or half-man, half Zidar, if you prefer."

"Kerreth?" said Teresa. "The real Kerreth?"

"Kerreth Veralier at your service." He bowed and Gorm choked. "How may we help you?"

"Have you no eyes, Kerreth?" said Moria. She pulled out bandages and examined Ank Rak's shoulder.

"Well, yes. Who are you?"

"I am Teresa Butler, a guard of King Hal's. This is Ank Rak, a Nunari Bearclaw. We were fighting outside of Far Greening but the Turucks were too many. Far Greening will fall soon if it hasn't already."

"Hobart, Loric! Scout the castle and return quickly. We will meet across the river. We will wait for you to recover yourself. As soon as Ank Rak is ready to move, we must go."

"I will be ready once the bandages are tight."

"You are a hearty man, Ank Rak," said Kerreth.

The company moved out quietly. The figures of Hobart and Loric long lost to Teresa's sight.


"Queen Elizabeth!" cried Bert Kalen. Many defenders fell to the raining arrows of the Turucks and fire was set to the gate. Bert Kalen had no reinforcements and Far Greening would be overrun soon. Ank Rak's small force had been overrun and the Turucks turned their full attention to the castle.

He waved at the Queen as he ran to her side.

"We are lost. You must escape. Talen can guide you and Queen Mary through the escape tunnel. Make haste! The Turucks will force the gate soon." He called for Talen to join them. "Take them through the tunnels to the sea. Keep out of sight."

"I can't leave my people to the Turucks!"

"We will survive if we surrender. You will be dead. Get out while you can. I'd rather be a slave to the Turucks than live free knowing you died when I had the chance to save your life."

"Come!" said Talen, a young boy barely in his teens. "I know the way. We can go west to the coast. Come, come."

Elizabeth grabbed her bow and followed Talen. They found Queen Mary and D'siderin near the north wall.

"We must leave. The gate will be breached soon. Follow us."

D'siderin looked troubled. "I should stay and defend this place."

"No," said Elisabeth. "Mary and I need your help. Talen is willing but he is still young and cannot fight against grown men. I am Queen and I need your services."

D'siderin nodded. Mary smiled.

Talen led them into the stables to a rear stall. There he uncovered the latch, raking the straw aside. He pulled it upward but it was heavy. D'siderin gave him a hand. It creaked open.

"Go down," said Talen. "I can close it. I have hidden two lanterns to the left. There is flint there. Please light them." Talen took a pike off the back wall, patting it gently. "It's time to go, my friend. We have practiced long. Let's pray it was enough."

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