The Girlfriend (Single Wide Female in Love, Book 2) (3 page)

Read The Girlfriend (Single Wide Female in Love, Book 2) Online

Authors: Lillianna Blake,P. Seymour

Tags: #chick lit

BOOK: The Girlfriend (Single Wide Female in Love, Book 2)
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“I have Mace.” I raised an eyebrow.

“No, you don’t.”

“What? Yes, I most certainly do and I’m not afraid to use it.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think you will be able to.”

“Listen, I don’t know who you are, or why you know my name, but I am a happily almost-engaged woman and I don’t welcome your attention. So either leave me alone or I will use it.”

He laughed. He actually laughed. I was stunned.

“Go ahead.” He smirked.

“Okay, I will!” I reached into my basket to get my purse only to find that it wasn’t there. “What?” I stared at the empty spot.

“You dropped your purse near the bananas. One of the clerks brought it to me. I thought it was you from your driver’s license, but—uh—you look pretty different.”

I cringed. My driver’s license picture was from about fifty pounds ago. He continued, “I didn’t want to tell you I had it because you could lie and say it was yours when it wasn’t. You know?”

I was mortified as I processed what he’d said. In my overreacting mind, I already had him cast as a psychotic stalker looking for love.

He tilted his head toward the end of the aisle. “It’s up at the deli counter, but now I’m a little afraid to give it to you. You’re not going to Mace me, are you?”

“No.” I frowned. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s alright. It’s good to know how to defend yourself. I’ll go get it for you.”

“That’s alright. I’ll go with you. I need some meat anyway.”

“Okay.” He fell into step beside me. As we reached the counter he looked over at me. “So what exactly is almost engaged, anyway?”

“Never mind. Can I just have my purse?”

He laughed and grabbed it from behind the counter. Once he handed it over, I remembered to be polite.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Just promise me that you won’t Mace me the next time you see me.”

“I promise.” I had no problem making that promise, as I doubted that I would ever show my face in the store again.

After I checked out I hurried to my car.

By the time I got back to my apartment I was still feeling pretty embarrassed. I tried to carry all of my grocery bags inside in one trip. I was almost to the door when I felt one of the bags get much lighter. I groaned as I realized the bag had split open. My nectarines were rolling across the floor. I dropped down onto my hands and knees and crawled after them. I grabbed one and tried to grab for another, only to grab on to a shoe instead.

“What are you doing?” Max laughed.

I looked up at him with a shy smile. “I might have had a grocery bag malfunction.”

“I can see that. Here, let me help.” He dropped down to the floor as well and helped me collect the wayward nectarines. “Let me help you with the rest.” He grabbed a few of the bags while I collected the remnants of the broken bag.

“I didn’t know you were coming over.”

“I had a few minutes free and thought I’d stop by.” He sighed as he put the bags on the kitchen counter. “Okay, the truth is that I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” I smiled and placed my hands on his chest.

He gazed into my eyes. Then we kissed. What amazed me the most after a year of dating Max—and knowing him much longer than that—was that when we kissed, it still felt just as thrilling and intoxicating as it did that first time. The kiss lingered longer than usual. When I finally broke away from him, his smile couldn’t have been brighter.

“There, now I feel better.” He chuckled.

“It’s so nice when we get to spend extra time together.” I pretended not to be hinting at anything as I put the groceries away.

“Yes, it is.” He handed me the yogurt.

“I look forward to seeing you all of the time.”

“Me too.” He caught me around the waist and stole a quick kiss. “But right now I have to go. I really did only have a few minutes.”

“Well, you arrived right on time. My grocery hero.”

“Any time you need me.” He kissed my forehead and then headed for the door.

I couldn’t help but think about how lucky I was. Maybe I didn’t have the ring yet, but I had his love, and that was all that really mattered to me.

Once I’d put all the groceries away, I looked back at my computer. I knew I had work that I could do.

After getting together with Stephanie, I thought about the way women’s lives were changed when a relationship that they’d hoped for didn’t go the way that they’d planned. I decided that I would incorporate that into the next chapter I was writing. It didn’t matter what size you were, how old you were, or where you lived, we all had the same heartbreak when it came to a romance gone wrong.

Chapter 6

Over the next few days Stephanie and I texted back and forth throughout the day. We talked at least once a day. I might have used a bit of her experience as motivation for getting a few chapters under my belt. Stephanie was very open about the signs that she’d missed and how she knew better for the next time.

The mention of signs made me think that I needed to pay a little more attention to Max. Not because he might be showing signs of addiction or abusive behavior, but if there were signs for negative behavior, there had to be signs for positive behavior too. Women were bombarded with all of the things they should watch out for, but what were the good signs that should reassure them that they were in a healthy relationship?

I set up a day trip for the three of us so that Max and Stephanie could reconnect. There was a show at a botanical garden nearby that I’d always managed to miss each year. I was looking forward to having the chance to actually go this time.

I chose my favorite flowered print shirt so that I could blend in. This wasn’t just a pleasure trip, though—I took a small pen and notebook with me. I wanted to study Max and come up with a list of signs that he was a great guy—to use it for research for one of my books.

Max picked me up that morning and then we drove to Stephanie’s house.

“Flowers.” Max said as he turned down Stephanie’s street.


“Do they have food there?”

“I’m sure.” I smiled.

“I hope so.”

I patted his knee. “It’ll be beautiful, I promise.”

“I’m just saying there are lot of other things that we could be doing—like not going to a flower show.”

I looked over at him. “If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to.”

Max parked the car in Stephanie’s driveway. He turned to look at me. “Sammy, I want to go anywhere that you are. Even if there are bees. Do you think there will be bees?”

I tried not to laugh, as he seemed very concerned about potential bees. “Don’t worry, Max, I will protect you from any bees.”

He didn’t look convinced as we got out of the car. Max started to walk up to the front door. I hung back near the car.

“Are you coming?” He glanced at me.

“I’ll be there in just a minute.”

He looked from me to the front door and then shrugged. From the tension in his shoulders I could see that he was a little anxious. I remembered that this was likely the first time that he’d seen Stephanie since they’d broken up. As he walked up to the door, I pulled out my notebook. I jotted down a good sign.

He wants to be wherever you are, even if it’s not something he enjoys.

“Hi!” Stephanie opened the door and stepped outside.

She had a big floppy hat on that made me immediately envious. I hadn’t even thought of the opportunity to wear a big hat to a flower show. She paused beside Max as I caught up to him.

“Hi, Stephanie, I love your hat.”

“You don’t think it’s too much?” She laughed. “I bought this thing to use at the beach but then haven’t been to the beach since. I thought I could get some use out of it today.”

“I think it’s perfect. What do you think, Max?” I looked over at him.

Max’s eyes widened. “I think it’s—uh—it’s a hat.”

Stephanie and I looked at each other and laughed. I immediately felt a camaraderie with her. We looped arms and headed for the car with Max trailing behind us.

The drive to the botanical garden was all giggles and recounting past stories of things we’d done together. Max listened intently. I noticed that he looked a little surprised about some of the things that Stephanie and I had gotten into. I thought this was funny since they paled in comparison to the things Max and I had gotten into together.

“Stephanie is single, Max, so who of your friends are we going to set her up with?”

Max stared out through the windshield. “I don’t know. I think Rick and his girlfriend just broke up.”

“Absolutely not. No setups!” Stephanie shook her head so wildly that her hat slipped off. “I don’t want any blind dates, or anything like that. If it’s meant to happen, it will happen naturally.”

“That’s a good way to look at it.” I nodded. “I promise, no setups without your permission.”

“Great.” Stephanie looked out the window.

I watched her expression as she stared at the passing scenery. I knew how lonely I’d once felt, despite the fact that I worked hard to be confident on my own.

Chapter 7

When we arrived at the gardens, I slid my arm through Max’s. I was a little surprised when Stephanie hooked her arm right through Max’s also. Max looked uncomfortable as he glanced at me. I smiled at him and gave his arm a little squeeze. He nodded and didn’t pull away from Stephanie. The gardens were in full bloom with flowers of every color.

“Look at this!” Stephanie pointed out a huge purple flower. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Oh yes, it is.” I stared at the rich color on its petals. “Don’t you think it’s gorgeous, Max?” I smiled. “Max?” I turned around to see Max headed for the concession cart.

“Must be more interested in his stomach.” Stephanie smiled. “I could use a drink too, actually. Do you want anything?”

“No, thanks.”

I frowned as I pulled out my notebook. It wasn’t like Max to not even offer to get me something as well. That certainly wasn’t a good sign to jot down. But he was here when he would much rather be somewhere else, I reminded myself.

I decided to take a few minutes to watch him as if I were studying an animal in the wild. I watched as Stephanie walked up beside him. Max looked over at her and instantly smiled. She said something to him and he threw his head back and laughed. Then he reached out and touched her elbow. He leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear. Right away I wanted to know what he was whispering to her. It seemed strange to me that he had barely spoken to me, but apparently needed to confide something personal to Stephanie.

“Calm down, Sammy.” I shook my head. “You’re making too much out of it.”

Still, it was hard for me not to notice that Max edged closer to her. Stephanie was not skinny, but she was not big either. She had a voluptuous figure that I felt many men enjoyed.

As I watched, Max and Stephanie turned to walk back toward me. I noticed that Max had two cups in his hands. My heart warmed. Here I was judging him for being friendly to my friend and not asking me if I wanted a drink, when he had taken it upon himself to get me something without asking.

“It’s getting a little warm. I thought you might want some lemonade.” Max smiled proudly as he offered me the drink.

“Thanks so much.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I still wondered what they’d been whispering about, but I told myself to let it go.

When Stephanie and Max walked ahead of me I pulled out my notebook. I added another sign to the list.

He knows what you like to eat and drink.

I didn’t have to tell Max that I enjoyed a lemonade on a hot day. He knew me well enough to know what I liked.

I caught up with them at the butterfly garden. The three of us walked through the fluttering works of art together. There was something magical about the way that butterflies floated through the air. I slid my hand into Max’s. He squeezed my hand and pulled me close to him.

“Alright, I guess this wasn’t the worst idea.” He winked at me.

I enjoyed the fact that he was willing to try something new.

We decided to have lunch at the small cafe in the garden. There was plenty of outside seating.

“I’ll go grab the food, you two find a good table,” I said.

“Okay.” Stephanie smiled brightly. “That will give me a chance to grill Max.”

“Grill him?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, you know, just the normal stuff.” Stephanie’s eyes glowed with mischief.

I nodded, but I still wasn’t sure what she meant. It wasn’t as if she had to get to know Max. I was sure she already knew him pretty well. I tried to push that thought out of my mind.

I headed into the cafe to get our food. There was a window that overlooked the outside dining area. Once I ordered the food, I couldn’t resist looking out the window. I saw Max pulling out a chair for Stephanie to sit in. Stephanie sat down and reached up to touch his hand in gratitude. It was an innocent gesture, I knew it was, but it made my jaw clench.

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