The Girls in Blue (42 page)

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Authors: Lily Baxter

BOOK: The Girls in Blue
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She met his anxious gaze with a tremulous smile. ‘That was stupid, but I’ve been just as bad. I’ve made a complete mess of things.’

He drew her slowly towards him. ‘I’ve been dreaming about this moment, my darling. But I never really believed that it would happen, and then
now when I saw you walking towards me I knew that everything was going to be all right.’

‘What changed your mind? It nearly broke my heart when you didn’t answer any of my letters. I just didn’t know what to do.’

‘I’m so sorry. I must have been crazy, and it was my mother of all people who put me straight. She came to see me last week and she told me about your visit to the auction rooms. She said she’d kept quiet about it until she was certain that I was really on the mend. I just wish I’d listened to you when you came to the hospital all those months ago, and I cringe when I remember what I said to you.’

She laid her finger on his lips, shaking her head. ‘Forget all that now. I’ve had to take a good look at myself since then too. I was a bit confused about everything, but I’m not now. I know what I want and it’s you. Say the word and I’ll never leave your side. I can look after you. I can get a job and support both of us.’

He silenced her with a kiss. When they finally drew apart he brushed a stray strand of hair back from her forehead, smiling tenderly. ‘I’m not crippled, Miranda. I couldn’t run a marathon and I’ll always have a bit of a limp, but I’ve been passed fit to leave this place whenever I like. Funnily enough I’m still technically in the RAF, but I don’t think I’ll ever fly again.’

‘When can you leave here?’

‘I could have left months ago, but I suppose I was
to face the world. It sounds a bit feeble, but they’ve been marvellous here.’

‘Could you come with us today? Jack and Rita brought me here in Chloe. It would be a bit cramped but you could come back to Highcliffe with me now. I want you to meet Granny and Grandpa, and Dickens the cat, and of course Annie, who’s the one who keeps everything going, and I’ll telephone Maman in London and get her to come down at the weekend …’

He stopped her talking with a kiss that went on for a very long time. ‘I can’t wait to meet your crazy family,’ he said, punctuating his words with kisses. ‘I want them to meet my family too.’

‘That’s not a problem. We can invite your mother and Fliss and her fiancé for Sunday lunch. Annie will grumble, of course, but she’ll love to show off what she can do with a few potatoes and a bit of scrag end.’

‘It sounds wonderful, but there’s something I need to know first.’


He was suddenly serious. ‘Do you think you could put up with a boring auctioneer with a gammy leg for the rest of your life?’

‘Is that a roundabout way of proposing to me?’

‘I love you, Miranda. I’ve loved you since the first moment I saw you, and if that’s corny I’m not going to apologise, because it’s true. I’ve been desperate to see you again and I know I’m rushing
and doing this really badly, but please say yes.’

She looked deeply into his eyes and she knew that this was where she had always wanted to be. She smiled as she traced the outline of his jaw with the tip of her finger. ‘Yes, a hundred times yes. I love you too, Mad Dog Maddern.’

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Version 1.0

Epub ISBN 9781446456255

Published by Arrow Books 2012

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Copyright © Lily Baxter 2012

Lily Baxter has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

This novel is a work of fiction. Apart from references to actual historical figures and places, all other names and characters are a product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental

First published in Great Britain in 2012 by Arrow Books
A Random House Group company

Addresses for companies within The Random House Group Limited can be found at:

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 9780099562658

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