The Good Daughter

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Authors: Diana Layne

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Kidnapping, #Murder, #Organized Crime, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Sports, #Thrillers, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Good Daughter
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Diana Layne





Praise for Diana Layne, a Golden Heart® Finalist:



, Diana Layne delivers all the elements of a classic romantic suspense—fast pace, a layered and twisty plot, memorable characters and the perfect balance of sensuality. An exceptionally well-executed element of Mafia culture combined with a high level of danger make the book fresh and impossible to put down.”

~Linda Castillo,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Breaking Silence





This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,

and incidents are either the product of the author’s

imagination or are used fictitiously, and any

resemblance to actual persons living or dead,

business establishments, events, or locales, is

entirely coincidental.



COPYRIGHT © 2012 by Diana Layne


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used

or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without

written permission of the author except in the case

of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


Contact Information: [email protected]

Cover Art by Shanel Anderson

Editor: Theresa Zumwalt


Black Gold Books

PO Box 1683

Corsicana, Texas 75151














Chapter 1


Naples, Italy


Dai, andiamo!

Marisa Peruzzo slammed on the Audi’s horn, the blaring sound having little effect in the din and congestion. The tangled morning traffic crawled, and the cobblestone streets crammed with cars and lined with historic buildings, were too narrow for her to pass. Trapped.

No! Her brother had too much of a head start for her to be trapped.

.” She hit the redial button on her cell phone. She had called the number ten times in as many minutes.

Come on, Paolo, answer,” she muttered.

His voicemail clicked on again. She screamed, raised her arm to hurl the phone, and just managed to stop herself before she smashed it on the dashboard. It would be of no use if it were shattered. And maybe, just maybe, Paolo would get her earlier frantic message and call.

Be safe, be safe, be safe.” Her chants alternated with curses at her father and brother.

What she’d overheard--the casual way her father had told her brother to ‘deal with them’ and her brother’s sinister laugh in response had her dashing out the door the first moment she could escape.

What did Massimo have planned to ‘deal with them’?
Them being Paolo and his father Giuseppe. It couldn’t be good.

Her brother, capable of many atrocities, took a special delight in torture, breaking legs, crushing hands. Once he’d castrated a man for making a pass at his girlfriend.

Marisa’s stomach clambered up high to her throat.

Don’t think about it. Concentrate on reaching Paolo
. If only she hadn’t been delayed by her father trying to initiate trivial early morning chitchat. At least he hadn’t caught her eavesdropping, hadn’t learned her secret, that she’d been the one feeding information to the
Guardia de Finanza,
Italy’s anti-Mafia force, in an attempt to stop him and his dealings. He would have had his ever-present bodyguards take her hostage if that had happened.

Carlo Peruzzo had that kind of power. After what he had done to her mother, Marisa wouldn’t put anything past him. When she learned the truth that his actions had robbed her of a sane, cognizant mother, it only made Marisa more determined to bring her father down. Her life had been hell with no one to protect her from her father’s machinations.

No, that she was still free to come and go was proof she hadn’t been the reason for his order, and she grasped hold of the slender tendril of hope that he said ‘deal with them’ and not ‘kill them’.

Paolo Zambrotta, a policeman dedicated to ending organized crime in Italy, was her chance to get out of the family crime business, her chance to make a new life for herself. Her chance for love, something she had never planned until she met him. Recently, she had even allowed herself to entertain visions of holding her and Paolo’s child in her arms.

She couldn’t let that chance be ruined!

Carlo had tried one warning already. He had ordered the Zambrotta family restaurant burned. Only Paolo’s father Giuseppe had witnessed the crime and was willing to testify. Paolo now held hope of getting at least some
La Cosa Nostra
, if not her father, locked away.

It had to be the upcoming trial. Carlo must be worried about a conviction. Giuseppe had been sequestered and untouchable. Perhaps poppa thought to send another message to the older man by going after Paolo this time.

Oh, hurry!” Marisa punched the horn again.

As if in an answer to her prayers, the snarl untangled just enough so that--

At the unexpected opportunity, she stomped the accelerator, bullying her Audi V8 through a small opening in the traffic, somehow managing not to crash into another car.

Springing free of the congestion, she sent her thanks heavenwards and floored the gas pedal, working the gearshift like a pro to race up the steep hill to Giuseppe’s house. Paolo was due to pick up his father from protective custody for the first court date--she glanced at her watch--oh, no! Her heart thudded. He would have to pick Giuseppe up in mere moments to arrive at court in time.

More than a block away, she grabbed her phone again. Hit redial. She swerved around the corner onto Giuseppe’s street.

The phone was ringing.

But she was almost there. She could see the house, Paolo’s familiar dusty white Fiat parked out front. She smiled. The day suddenly seemed brighter. Relief almost made her limp--

The explosion rocked her Audi. Flames shot fifty feet in the air, glass shattered. She slammed on the brakes, her car screeching as it slid to a stop. The impact threw her head into the deployed air bag. The phone flew out of her hand.

Then everything went silent.

Her head pounding, blood dripping from her nose and a cut on her forehead, her vision blurred, she dragged her gaze upward and stared in horror at the fire blazing before her.

Paolo’s car engulfed in flames.










Chapter 2


Five Years Later, New York City


Dave Armstrong watched the condensation collect around the neck of the beer bottle, roll slowly downward, and soak through to the napkin underneath. Another untouched and fast-warming bottle of brew going to waste.

No help for it. He was on the clock. He’d only bought the drinks because he needed to keep this table. The one his informant Sandro had specified when he guaranteed someone high up in the Peruzzo crime family would make contact tonight at ten. In a bar so far from Little Italy, Dave was sure it’d been chosen so the contact wouldn’t be recognized.

He removed the piece of gum he’d been chewing, rolled it in the old gum wrapper, and opened a new piece. The last piece. Damn gum lost its flavor so fast, though the first burst of spearmint gave false promise it would last. Sort of like every relationship he’d been in, he thought.

Man, he was totally bored if he was comparing gum to women.

And the TV shows always made his job at the FBI sound so exciting. Yeah, right.

The waitress stopped by his table, providing a brief diversion. “You wanna waste another beer, good-lookin’?” she asked with what he now thought of as her trademark overly bright smile and hopeful gaze.

During the course of the evening, she’d been by often enough--he knew her name was Bobbie Jo and she was another Southern transplant like him, determined to make it big in New York. Only he didn’t want to make it big in New York. Just catch the bad guys.

Yeah, fine,” he told her, doing his part to keep the tip money flowing her way.

Hoppin’ John’s Beer Bar had certainly lived up to its name this evening. The bar was crowded and noisy, full of women in tight jeans and halter-tops, and men with big belt buckles longing to get laid. After more than two hours, his head pounded in rhythm with the Country & Western wannabe band’s attempt at honky-tonk. Their rendition of
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
made him want to cry right along with them.

Dave tapped his fingers on the table and mentally reviewed the top guys the FBI hadn’t pinched in this last bust who might be willing to flip. Or was it one who already had been arrested and was willing to deal? The biggest bust in history, but Carlo had managed to escape the net. Truth be told, many of the mobsters that they got were going to walk without more information. And for certain they couldn’t nab Carlo without more information, but chances on getting that seemed slim.

Carlo had a particularly nasty reputation for offing people who crossed him. And Dave couldn’t come up with anyone that brave.

Yet Sandro had promised the contact would have useful information and he would know him as soon as he saw him--

Dave corrected himself and sat up straighter when she entered the bar. He would recognize
. Sandro had never specified male or female, Dave realized as his heart rate kicked up a few notches. His jaw would have dropped if he hadn’t been the kind of guy trained not to show his emotions.

Hell, who wouldn’t be shocked?
Carlo Peruzzo’s daughter. The Mafia princess herself.

Her gaze scanned the room until she saw him. Though her lips were pressed in a straight line, a sparkle flashed in her eyes as if she did know just how she shocked him.

She walked purposefully toward him, making her way through the crowded tables. Black designer jeans hugged nice curvy hips, and her full breasts were covered with a pink plaid, pearl-button western shirt. Interesting color choice. A leather belt wrapped around her waist, and his focus narrowed. Best he could tell the belt was pink, too. And there were some kind of pink jewels inlaid in the buckle.

He hid a smile. The only thing that would complete the color coordination was if she had on--he looked down, yep, pink cowboy boots. Pretty-in-pink cowgirl-Mafia princess. That certainly wasn’t an image he expected to see.

With her head high, and her gaze fixed on him she seemed unaware--or unaffected--by the attention she garnered. And she certainly got a fair share of stares. He saw more than one man pause with a drink halfway to his mouth, head swiveling to keep track as she walked past.

Dave had never seen the high-and-mighty Mafia daughter in anything other than expensive business suits, with her hair pulled back and her makeup understated, but tonight she wore this chic knock-off cowgirl look well. With her dark wavy hair swinging free around her shoulders, her smooth olive skin glowing, and lips a luscious color of pink to match as well, she could raise the lust level in a saint.

Dave was no saint.

But he was a professional, and he would make certain not to let her looks affect him.

Marisa slid into the chair opposite his. “Hello, Agent Armstrong.” Her husky voice matched her hot cowgirl look and went a long way toward shattering all of his previous ice princess illusions.

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