The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic (48 page)

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Yet in August it was reported that Michelle Obama had spent forty-two days on vacation in the past year—one out of every nine days—the cost of which was mostly footed by American taxpayers. Her trips included jaunts to Panama City, Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, South Africa, Latin America, Vail, and Corvallis, Oregon.
This was before the eleven-day Martha’s Vineyard vacation, which would bring the grand total to fifty-three days. On top of this, as in a previous trip to Hawaii, Mrs. Obama took a separate flight to Martha’s Vineyard just so she could arrive with her kids four hours earlier than the president, at an additional cost to taxpayers of thousands of dollars.
While some defended the president’s need for downtime, others noted that it wasn’t just the vacation itself that was objectionable, but that Obama had promised that during this time he would be “meeting every day” with congressional leaders until they reached a budget deal. He had also scolded Republicans for “walking out of the room” and had assured the nation he had exercised leadership on the issue.
Obama just could not be shamed no matter how luxuriously he recreated while America’s economy floundered. ABC News’ Jake Tapper asked Press Secretary Carney about the impression Obama’s eleven-day vacation might have on the American people, and why, if he was demanding that Congress take these negotiations seriously, he could indulge in “the R&R?” Carney replied, “I don’t think Americans out there would begrudge the notion that the President would spend some time with his family.” Besides, he continued, “there is no such thing as a presidential vacation. The Presidency travels with you. He will be in constant communication and get regular briefings from his national security team as well as his economic team.”
This is especially interesting coming from Carney, who once denounced President George W. Bush’s working vacations as photo-ops.
With the recent S&P downgrading of America’s credit rating, the congressional impasse over the debt, and the volatility of the stock market, some criticized Obama for going on another vacation. “Perception is reality and they’ve got some bad reality,” commented Dana Perino. Even veteran Democratic strategist Bob Shrum said, “The Congress and the president shouldn’t be on vacation while tens of millions of Americans are on forced vacations in the form of unemployment.”
But in the end, it seemed that no amount of self-indulgence, taxpayer expense, or unnecessary security hassles could keep President Obama from doing precisely what he pleased, precisely when he pleased. The UK
reported that while in Los Angeles in September, Obama wanted to get his workout in. One reporter described what she saw. “‘Go on—who is it?’ I asked the workmen stapling thick black plastic over the windows of the hotel gym to which I belong…. A stroll down the street told me what they wouldn’t. A 40-strong motorcade comprised of blacked-out SUVs, Cadillacs and two armored limousines was parked outside the building. SWAT teams lined the rooftops—their black balaclavas just visible in the sunlight—and above, a Vietnam-style helicopter presence was starting up. President Obama had come to stay.”
But not overnight, mind you. He was only in L.A. for twelve hours on a fundraising junket. As the
‘s headline read, “Only Barack Obama would bring a SWAT team with him to the gym: No one is allowed near US President Barack Obama when he visits a downtown Los Angeles gym for a workout.”
It was only natural, one supposes, that Obama would seek to impress his foreign counterparts with his luxurious lifestyle. On March 14, 2012, Obama and his guest, British Prime Minister David Cameron, flew on Air Force One from Washington, D.C. to Dayton, Ohio, and back to watch an NCAA tournament game between Mississippi Valley State and Western Kentucky. Nile Gardiner of the UK
calculated the cost just for the use of the presidential plane at $478,000. This, said Gardiner, was “symbolic of a big government mentality in Washington that has led to the largest budget deficits since World War Two.” Although one might expect a Brit like Gardiner would appreciate the extravagant attention Obama bestowed on the British prime minister, he saw it for what it was. “The trip to Ohio,” said Gardiner, “looks very much like an election year visit to a crucial swing state, with David Cameron being cynically used as a campaign prop.”
Meanwhile, as Obama was adamantly resisting meaningful spending cuts and holding out for higher taxes, his Office of Government Ethics showed just how out of touch his administration was and how it applied one rule for itself—extravagance—while urging austerity for the rest of us. Judicial Watch reported that this agency was planning a taxpayer-funded conference at a luxurious golf and spa resort in Orlando, Florida. The federal government would fly hundreds of its employees—whose job description, ironically, is to promote high ethical standards in government—from Washington, D.C. to Florida.
Perhaps the most maddening aspect of Obama’s cavalier lifestyle is that it all comes at the expense of the taxpayers to whom Obama preaches the virtue of frugality. He and the first lady jet in style from city to city and country to country, scolding the wealthy for not paying their fair share and for offending all of us with their private jets. We the people, it seems, are expected to simply accept our fate—which, on our current trajectory, is national insolvency—and not ask why the same man who stirs our resentment against more wealthy Americans enjoys a lifestyle on par with European royalty—all financed by our own hard work. Obama himself need not worry about our future debt crisis, since he’ll be collecting a generous presidential pension. For the sake of the rest of us, we should get him collecting that pension four years early.
n 2012, as the GOP presidential primary contests were unfolding and many Republicans voiced dissatisfaction with the field of candidates, a surprising number of conservatives began to rationalize that our most important goal in November was to win both houses of Congress. If we were to succeed in doing that, they argued, we could stop Obama’s agenda and prevent further damage until the 2016 election, when we would no longer have to contend with the bizarre phenomenon of a president whose personal approval ratings remain much higher than those of his policies.
I am skeptical of the conventional wisdom that Obama is still personally popular. Even if some Americans remain duped by his faux charisma, they have seen how he has behaved in office: the bullying, the class warfare, the demonization of opponents, the narcissism, the rigid dogmatism. I was and remain confident that Obama is eminently beatable as long as Republicans don’t repeat their mistake of soft-peddling Obama’s disastrous record and the danger he represents to the republic, and as long as they aren’t cowered into diluting their agenda and abandoning their platform—a decidedly conservative platform—on the mistaken assumption that the only way to defeat him is to cater to so-called centrists.
If there were ever a time in our history that conservatism should be a winning message, it is now, after the nation has suffered from nearly four years of unbridled liberalism. Unlike today’s mainstream liberalism, mainstream conservatism is not extremism, and Republicans must quit apologizing for it and running from it. If Republicans soften their message too much, they will demoralize their base and reduce voter intensity, which will be devastating if we are to overcome the inevitable electoral chicanery that we’ll see in 2012 from Team Obama’s nationwide, coordinated community organizing effort.
The way to win this election is to accentuate and emphasize the stark contrasts between the conservative agenda—a true blueprint for hope, optimism, and national resurrection—and Obama’s actual, abysmal record. We’ve not had a president since Jimmy Carter who has performed so poorly on the economy, foreign policy, and social issues. More important is our runaway national debt; no U.S. president has ever been so willing to push America over the financial cliff as Obama’s doing now.
No matter what went on before, no matter how much each party may have contributed to the accumulation of our national debt, Obama has shifted our deficit spending and debt trajectory into hyper-speed, and he and his entire party defiantly refuse to reverse this horrifying trend. They offer no constructive solutions and no semblance of a plan even to stop the fiscal bleeding, much less restructure entitlements to avert the impending disaster. Instead, they demagogue and stir up angst and distrust between people on the basis of race, gender, and, most notably, economic “class.” Obama and his Democrats attack the productive and successful, the corporations and the banks, though nothing constructive can come from his broadsides except, from his perspective, a sufficient diversion from his egregious record, without which he can’t possibly win reelection.
Whatever we do, we cannot buy into the false notion that a GOP House and Senate will be sufficient to hold us over until 2016. The country, as scrupulously documented in these pages, is on autopilot to bankruptcy. We have only a short window to restructure our entitlements—according to Paul Ryan, between two and three years. So Obama’s reelection would ensure that we remain on that course. Not only would a Republican Congress be virtually powerless to reverse Obama’s bankrupting policies, but he would see his reelection as a green light to do further end-runs around Congress by ramping up his mischief through renegade administrative agencies that would doubtless be even more defiant and unaccountable in his second term.
Moreover, if you think Obama was radical during his first four years, then wait until he is reelected and has four whole years when he doesn’t have to worry about the voters. Just contemplate his agenda to date: his assault on the Constitution, the rule of law, the American idea, and his numerous apologies for America; his attack on the free market and American businesses, corporations, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; his appointment of radical czars and liberal activist judges; his $868 billion corrupt and wasteful stimulus bill; his annual deficits consistently in excess of $1 trillion; his reckless path toward doubling the national debt in two terms and his obstruction of entitlement reform; his miserable economy and sky-high unemployment record; his S&P credit downgrade; his mistreatment of our allies and pandering to our enemies; his reprehensible treatment of Israel; his high-handed, unconstitutional invocations of military action without congressional consultation, much less approval; his conversion of the War on Terror into a law enforcement matter; his insulting and semantic redefinition of war to “overseas contingency operations” and “kinetic military actions”; his unconscionable assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; his government’s takeover of GM and Chrysler and his restructuring of its loans by lawlessly subordinating the rights of secured creditors to his unsecured union allies; his war against the states on immigration enforcement, abortion funding, and traditional marriage; his EPA’s end-runs around Congress and its imposition of draconian rules on American citizens; his unilateral forgiveness and restructuring of mortgage indebtedness; his federal takeover of student loans; his gutting of the military and our national defenses; his support of Big Labor; his NLRB’s attack on businesses; his public efforts to intimidate the Supreme Court; his empowering of ACORN and all its corruption; his commandeering of one-seventh of the nation’s economy and thwarting the people’s will in cramming ObamaCare down our throats; his atrocious Dodd-Frank financial bill; his war on oil drilling, the Keystone XL pipeline, and the rest of the conventional domestic energy pantheon; his corrupt federal funding of Solyndra and other green energy debacles; his grossly politicized Department of Justice with its abominable Fast and Furious operation and subsequent cover-up and its racialist application of voter intimidation laws; his war on religious liberty and the right to life; his slander of insurance companies, banks, oil companies, private jet owners, and America itself; his arrogant lack of transparency; his endless rote speeches; his bullying, divisiveness, race-, gender-, and class-warfare; and the myriad other items documented in this book and in
Crimes Against Liberty
Next, consider what else Obama might have accomplished had the GOP Congress not stood in his way: cap-and-trade; another $50 billion stimulus bill for high-speed rail; his $447 billion American Jobs Act; capital gains tax hikes; other income tax hikes during his perpetually sluggish economy; and many other spending schemes stopped dead in their tracks—for starters.
Finally, try to imagine what types of overreaches he would attempt if he were reelected. I have no doubt that if he wins in November, America will be destined to pass the point of no return in its headlong rush to Grecian-style bankruptcy, European socialism on steroids, national weakness, and the end of American freedom as we know it. It will be little comfort to be vindicated in these predictions, because that would mean that our generation had squandered the glorious legacy of freedom bequeathed to us by our parents and grandparents, and that we would have stolen from our children and grandchildren this same wondrous legacy.
It is still not too late to save America and restore her to a path of greatness, of robust liberty, and of economic prosperity. But I fear it is not hyperbole to suggest that it very well may be too late if we don’t end this madness in November 2012 by voting Barack Obama out of office. God bless all you patriots fighting for the survival and continued greatness of this nation. God bless the most wonderful Constitution “ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man,” and God bless this American Republic.
gain, I must first thank everyone at Regnery Publishing, with whom I continue to enjoy a tremendous working relationship and whose professionalism and competence make the entire book-writing experience enjoyable instead of drudgery. I especially want to thank Marji Ross and Jeff Carneal for their ongoing support and confidence and for their wisdom in all aspects of the publishing business. I am also indebted to Harry Crocker for his friendship, mentorship, counsel, and enthusiasm for every project in which I’ve been involved. A sincere thank you goes out to Mary Beth Baker for her proofreading prowess and to the entire Regnery design team, notably Henry Pereira.
For this book as well as its forerunner,
Crimes Against Liberty
, I owe particular gratitude to my primary editor, Jack Langer, for his insight and invaluable ideas, his total accessibility, his work ethic and punctuality, and his unique editing skills which seem to be particularly suited to my writing strengths, and, more importantly, weaknesses. Many thanks as always to my buddy Greg Mueller and his team at Creative Response Concepts for quarterbacking the promotion and marketing of this book along with the excellent marketing staff at Regnery.
I also wish to thank the Heritage Foundation team for their scholarship and writings, and extend a special thanks to Mike Brownfield for clarification on certain articles. Thanks also to John Fleming for providing high resolution charts for this book.
Thanks also to my friend Connie Hair, who works with my friend Congressman Louie Gohmert. Congressman Gohmert graciously arranged for my phone conversations with Congressmen Trey Gowdy and Darrell Issa, who each talked with me in separate, long phone conversations fielding every question I had about Operation Fast and Furious. Thank you also to Katie Pavlich for discussing certain issues about the operation; Katie has just published a fabulous and comprehensive book on this scandal,
Fast and Furious
, to which I devote a mere chapter in this book, that is must reading for those who want to learn the full story of this sordid series of events.
I also thank Conor Sweeney, chief of staff for Congressman Paul Ryan, who patiently walked me through the key differences between Congressman Ryan’s original Path to Prosperity and his revised version, as well as other related subjects. His explanations were invaluable. I must also thank my friend Ben Domenech, whose friendship with Conor got me in that door. If you get a chance, check out Ben’s “The Transom,” an excellent morning daily summary of the relevant news items including his trenchant analysis.
Thanks also to my very good friend Andy McCarthy for his friendship, support, and input on certain national security and terrorism issues on which I required edification for chapter ten.
I’d also like to thank Steven Ertelt for his fine reporting on life issues and his willingness to answer certain questions I had about some of these issues.
As in my previous books I must repeat that I am honored by my friendship with two indispensable forces of nature and incredible talents for the conservative movement and for America: Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. I am forever appreciative of their loyalty and reliability, and their support on my books and countless other things.
Once again I must thank my brother Rush for personally inspiring me, for opening up doors for me directly and indirectly, for leading the charge for American conservatives, and for truly making an immeasurable and positive impact on this nation and the preservation of its Constitution and freedom tradition. It’s amazing how often and unfairly he is maligned by people who have never heard his show and instead rely on the vicious slander of others whose antipathy is based on his unparalleled effectiveness as a communicator of the conservative message. On the other hand, no one has a more loyal fan base of people who recognize and appreciate his unique talent, political insight, and his broadcasting and comedic genius.
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