The Great Texas Wedding Bargain (15 page)

Read The Great Texas Wedding Bargain Online

Authors: Judy Christenberry

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance, #Cowboy

BOOK: The Great Texas Wedding Bargain
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Saying those words wouldn’t be easy. But he regretted not saying them during the night. He wanted her to know that she had his love, his devotion. And he wanted to hear her say the same thing to him.

He discovered the kitchen empty except for Faith when he came in. “Hi, where’s everyone?”

Faith had a slight frown on her face. “Megan and the children are upstairs, cleaning up for lunch. And you’d better, too. The social worker and Cal are coming to eat with us.”

“Okay. Thanks, Faith.”

Cleaning up wasn’t what chased him up the stairs double-time. He rushed because he wanted to see Megan. But as he reached the top of the stairs, she and the children were coming down.

“Hi, sweetheart,” he said enthusiastically, grabbing her for a quick kiss.

She pulled away and, grabbing Torie’s hand, brushed past him.


“Wait!” Torie squealed. “I want Daddy to kiss me, too.”

“Later,” Megan said, never stopping.

“Megan, what’s wrong?”

“The social worker’s on her way.”

And that was the only explanation he got. Panic streamed through his veins. He’d been right to worry. Megan was unhappy.

He dashed into the bathroom for a quick washup. Maybe it was the sudden appearance of the social worker that had frightened her. He’d done what he could to protect her by asking Cal to come as a witness.

That must be what it was. Megan was thinking about the social worker and had set aside her private life. He felt a little reassured at his deduction. After all, he’d seen Megan shut him out before when she’d been worried about the children.

After the social worker departed, they’d talk. He’d explain that he was on her side, always. That they should share their concerns. She’d agree.

That’s what marriage was all about, sharing the good times and the bad.

Even though he hurried, Cal and the social worker were coming in the backdoor when he got to the kitchen. There would be no talking to Megan now.


deep breath and calmly greeted Cal. Then she extended a hand to the woman beside him.

“Thank you for coming. I hope it wasn’t too hard a trip.”

The woman smiled, seeming friendly. “Not at all. I’m delighted because it gives me an excuse to visit family in Lubbock.”

Megan introduced the children and her mother, then Rick. She’d known the moment he entered the kitchen, but she hadn’t acknowledged his presence until now.

“I believe lunch is ready. Why don’t we go ahead and eat and then you can ask whatever questions are necessary and look around the house.”

They all sat down, Torie insisting on her now customary place beside Rick.

“Daddy, you didn’t kiss me like you did Mommy,” she immediately complained.

Rick leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Sorry, angel, Mommy was in a hurry.”

Megan noted the social worker’s observation and drew a deep breath. Torie was being a good witness without any prompting.

The next hour was nerve-wracking. After the meal, the woman asked a lot of questions. Rick never suggested he go back out to work, taking it for granted he should remain for the questioning.

Megan had hoped he’d excuse himself. Instead, he sat at the cleared table. He even reached out and clasped hands with her after Torie had gone to go play. She’d tried to hide her reaction, a sudden clenching of her nerves.

The woman hadn’t noticed, but she knew Rick had.

Finally, the woman stood. “Well, that’s all the questions. All I need now is to see the rest of your home. Then I’ll be on my way. Mr. Astin, if you want to get back to work, that will be fine.”

Rick hesitated, but Megan prayed he’d leave. She couldn’t maintain her calm exterior much longer.

“Okay, thanks.” He leaned over and kissed Megan before rising and striding to the door.

Suddenly, she couldn’t stand his hypocrisy any longer. Rising, she said, “Excuse me just a moment. I forgot to give my husband a telephone message.

“Rick?” she called as she reached the back porch.

He spun around, surprise on his face. Then he hurried to her, his arms outstretched.

She stepped back and he frowned, her message clear. “You had a phone call. Gerald Roberts, your business manager, asked that you call him right away.”

Her words must’ve given him a clue to the frost in her gaze. He reached for her again. “Megan…”

She took another step back, avoiding him. “He said it was important.”

Then she turned and went into the house.

Chapter Fifteen

Rick tried to think.

How much had Gerald revealed? Rick wanted to head back into the house, grab Megan and demand she talk to him. But the social worker was still there. He couldn’t do anything to risk the children.

He hurried to the barn and pulled the cellular phone out of his saddlebag. He’d approach the problem from another angle, Gerald.

A few minutes’ conversation with the man told Rick Megan knew enough to be upset. He wanted to fire Gerald. But he didn’t. The man had served him well for a number of years. He couldn’t blame his lack of honesty on Gerald.

“I hope I didn’t cause any problems. I didn’t mean for your number to get out.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Rick said wearily. “I’ll have to change the number, but I’ll let you know the new one. Only keep it locked up, okay?”

“I promise, Rick.”

Rick quickly dialed the local phone company, requesting a change of number, unlisted.

He debated what to do next. Though he considered going back out to work, he decided to do some chores in the barn, waiting until Megan finished with the social worker.

He settled down in the tack room, mending some of the equipment that had suffered wear and tear. As a boy, he’d done a lot of that work, under his father’s tutelage. His father had assumed Rick would follow in his footsteps, running the small family farm.

Rick had discovered a talent for computers, however, an intuitive understanding and an excitement he couldn’t ignore. He figured his dad would be amused if he could see him now.

As he worked on the pliant leather, the familiar scent bringing comfort, his mind turned to his present situation. He knew he owed Megan an apology and an explanation. But what they’d shared, not only last night but during the past two weeks, had to count for something.

She would give him a chance to explain.

A few minutes later, he picked up the cell phone and called the house.

“Hi, Faith, it’s Rick. Is Megan there?”

“No, Rick, she had to go to work, remember?” Faith sounded impatient.

“I forgot. Is everything all right?”

“No. I’m going crazy answering the phone. Megan told me to say no comment to any questions, but for some reason, a lot of strangers are calling for you. What’s going on?”

“Sorry, Faith, I’ll be right there.”

“Where are you?”

“In the barn. Hang on. I’ll take over the phone as soon as I can.”

It was time to face his past and hope he could link it to the future. With Megan.


required for her job helped Megan get through the rest of the day. When all the patients were gone and her duties completed, she took a moment to gather herself together.

“Are you all right?” Samantha asked. The doctor had come into the last examining room without Megan hearing her.

“Of course,” Megan said at once, offering a weak smile. “How are you feeling? Is the pregnancy still making you tired?”

“So-so. Megan, are you sure everything’s all right? Today you seemed tense.”

It was tempting, so tempting, to tell Samantha her problems. But she couldn’t. Whatever his reasons, this was Rick’s home. She might leave after she gained custody of the children, probably would leave, because she couldn’t bear being around Rick without… “No, nothing’s wrong. The social worker came today, but I think everything went well.”

“What did she say?” Samantha asked eagerly.

“When she left, she said she thought our home was perfect, and the children were well-adjusted. She couldn’t see any problems.”

“That’s wonderful. Do you mind if I tell Mac?”

“Of course not, though probably Cal turned over the tape.”

“What tape?”

“After she left, Cal pulled out a mini tape recorder. He said he and Rick had decided to record her visit in case there was any, uh, undue influence when she wrote the report.”

“You mean like with the judge?” Samantha asked thoughtfully.

“Yes,” Megan said with a sigh. Another reason to be grateful to Rick. Not what she needed.

“Mac said he thought the only reason the hearing went so well was Rick making sure the reporters and the mayor were there,” Samantha added, matching her sigh. “It’s discouraging to see so many corrupt people, isn’t it?”

Megan bowed her head. More gratitude. “I certainly chose the right man to marry, didn’t I?”

Instead of answering, Samantha studied her. Then she asked, “Have things changed? I mean, are you getting to know each other?”

Hysterical laughter rose in Megan. Getting to know each other? Oh, yeah. “Uh, yes, but—but we’re going to hold to the agreement. When I get custody of the children, we’ll get a divorce.”

She should’ve known better than to say anything. She was too distracted to watch herself. After all, she was talking to a medical doctor and the wife of a lawyer. Samantha picked up on her words at once.

“A divorce? Not an annulment?”

Damn, damn, damn. She could feel her face flooding with color. Unable to face Samantha, she looked away.

“Oh, Megan, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. It’s none of my business…but I can certainly understand how…Mac was impossible to resist, even though I had a lot of reasons to. If you need me to prescribe birth control pills, just let me know.” She reached over and hugged Megan, then left the room.

Birth control pills.

Had Rick used a condom?

Admittedly, she was inexperienced, but she hadn’t noticed if he’d done so.

Had she been so stupid as to risk a pregnancy with a man who had promised to divorce her? Or annul her or whatever it was called?

Apparently she had.

She rubbed her forehead, hoping to ease the intensifying headache that was throbbing between her eyes.

Suddenly, she decided she couldn’t go home. Not now. She needed some time to think. To prepare herself to face Rick.

She grabbed the phone and dialed their number.

“Hello?” Rick answered.

She struggled to speak. “I want to speak to Mom.”

“Megan? When are you coming home? I’ve been waiting for—”

“I need to speak to Mom.”

She shuddered with relief when her mother spoke into the phone.

“Hello, dear. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, but I’m going to assist with Florence’s class tonight, Mom, if that’s all right. Can you manage the children by yourself?”

“Of course, dear, but…but Rick told me…are you sure you’re all right?”

“I’m fine. I’ll be home around ten.”


and the children’s bedtime, Rick sat down with Faith and gave her the complete explanation of his past, and why he’d accepted their proposal. It sounded silly now, that he’d been operating his ranch on a limited budget to see if he could make a success of it. To challenge himself. Knowing all the time he had enough money to operate a ranch ten times its size with all the help he wanted.

But his life had been a mess. He’d buried himself in his work because his marriage had been a disaster. His wife had divorced him because she didn’t think he had enough money for her, or time. Then he’d sold his company, leaving himself with nothing to do. His parents were dead. He’d been alone.

He’d needed a new life.

Hard work and a friendly community had given him peace, if not happiness. It had taken Megan and her family to bring him that.

Faith had been understanding and sympathetic, he thought, because he didn’t tell her what had happened last night.

“I’m sure Megan will eventually forgive you, Rick, but—well, Drake was such a liar. He hid a lot of things from Andrea and us. It won’t be easy for Megan.”

“No, I know. But my intentions were good, Faith. And I love your daughter. I don’t intend to let her walk away from me, from what we have.”

“It has to be Megan’s decision, Rick,” Faith said, leaning forward. “You see, Drake didn’t give Andrea any choice, either. Nothing would scare Megan away faster than trying to force her.”

“I didn’t mean—thanks, Faith, for the good advice. I assume you don’t have any objections if it’s Megan’s choice?”

“Of course not. You’ve been wonderful. The children and I consider you family. If Megan is happy…” Her voice trailed off and she sighed. “I love living here.”

Rick smiled, hoping he could keep all of them living there. If he couldn’t, he vowed he’d be the one to leave. He couldn’t live there without Megan now.

“I’ll do my best,” he assured his mother-in-law.

Faith went up to bed, leaving Rick to await Megan’s return.

As the clock neared ten, he grew more and more nervous. Finally, he moved to the porch, sitting in the porch swing in darkness, awaiting her return.

When headlights appeared on the road, he held his breath. The car turned into their drive and he watched as Megan parked the car and got out. She was only a shadow in the dark, but her outline was that of a defeated woman. Her shoulders slumped, and she walked slowly, as if she had no strength left.

And she never saw him.

He waited until she reached the back door to speak.


She whipped around, startled. “Rick! I didn’t see you.”

“Join me in the swing?”

“No. I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” As she finished speaking, she turned to enter the house.

“What bed are you going to sleep in?” he asked quietly, though he already knew the answer.

After a tense silence, she said softly, “Mine. I’m going to sleep in mine.”

“Megan, can’t we talk? I’d like to explain why—”

“We’ll talk,” she assured him, her voice tight. “But not tonight. I can’t, tonight.”

He wanted to hold her, to comfort her, as he’d done at other times. He wanted to love her. But the desperation in her voice told him she would accept nothing from him right now.

“Okay,” he agreed and watched relief in her sagging body. “When?”

“I can’t…I can’t think, right now. Give me a couple of days…please.”

He couldn’t resist her plea. He loved her. With a quiet acceptance, he nodded.

She went into the house, shutting the door behind her.

He only hoped she hadn’t locked it.


company called the next morning with their new number. Abruptly, the phone calls stopped. Rick gave the new number to Faith, and through her to Megan, and cautioned them about whom they gave it to.

Megan had gone in to work. Rick had waited for her to come down that morning. It had been a wasted effort. She’d looked pale, drawn. She hadn’t eaten anything, though he’d offered to fix breakfast.

She also had scarcely spoken to him.

Faith, also up, had waited until Megan left. “Your talk didn’t go well?”

“We didn’t talk. She asked for a couple of days to…to think.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I agreed.”

“That was kind of you. And wise. I’m sure she’ll listen to you soon.”

Rick shrugged his shoulders again. What choice did he have?

“What are you going to do today? Aren’t you going to work?”

“I’m going to hire some more help, so I don’t have to put in so many hours. And I’ve got some projects to work on. My business manager has located an opportunity in Fort Worth that I want to look into.”

“You’re moving to Fort Worth?” Faith asked, startled.

“No. I’m not moving anywhere unless…I can run it from here, visiting Fort Worth only two or three times a year. But it would provide some jobs, be a challenge to me.”

“Cactus could use a few more jobs, too. Mabel and I were talking the other day about our young people leaving to find jobs in Lubbock.”

Rick frowned. “You’re right, Faith. I’ll keep that in mind.” The project in Fort Worth involved hardware for the future. But he had an idea for a software program, too. Maybe he could start it up here, in Cactus.

He went up to his bedroom, where his computer was. If they all stayed…when they all settled in, he might add onto the house, build an office where he could work without leaving home.

Before he started work, he called Mac to give him his new number.

“I’ve been trying to reach you,” Mac said at once, “and the number rang without any answer.”

“Sorry, I had to change the number. Some reporters got the old one and wouldn’t stop calling.”

“Things are happening fast. I had word that Moody got out of prison last night. He could be on his way here.”

“What? That fast? Damn! Have you told Megan?”

“No, I wanted to talk to you first. Cal and I discussed the situation. We think it would be best if Faith and the children were hidden away somewhere until we’re sure what Moody is going to do.”

“That’s a good idea. I can fly them—”

“Cal’s mother offered to have them visit her.”

“Here in Cactus? Do you think that’s wise?” Rick had thought he could send them on vacation. He didn’t believe Moody really wanted the children or cared about them enough to travel very far.

“I’m not sure Megan would stand for them to go far away,” Mac said. “You can ask her but—”

“She’d agree if it meant their safety. I could send her with them.”

“I thought about that, but I think she’ll have to confront Moody at some point. Better to get it over with.”

“I won’t have her in danger,” Rick protested.

“She won’t be. Cal will provide protection. The man won’t be able to find your place without asking directions. So we’ll have advance warning.”

Rick sighed. He didn’t like what was happening, but his choices were limited. “Okay, what do I need to do?”

“Talk to Faith and Megan. Have Faith pack some things and get her and the kids over to Mabel’s right away. Megan will have to stay away from them for a few days, to make sure she isn’t followed.

“And give Cal your new number so he can let you know what he hears.”


After talking to Cal, Rick hurried back down the stairs. “Faith,” he called. She answered him from the kitchen.

He explained Mac’s plan. When she hurried out of the kitchen to pack some necessities, he picked up the phone and dialed the clinic’s number.

Without trying to talk to Meg, he asked for Samantha. “I’m sorry to bother you,” he said when she came on the line, “but I don’t think Megan will talk to me.” Then he explained what was happening.

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