The Great War for Civilisation (227 page)

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Authors: Robert Fisk

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521 published a 320-page guide:
La France en guerre d'Algérie

521 Amnesty International demanded an investigation: Amnesty International,
France must now face up to its judicial obligations
, 3 May 2001.

521 “a cowardly silence”: Rachid Mokhtari in
Le Matin
(Algiers), cited in
Courrier International
, 10–15 May 2001.

521 “Middle Eastern Islamic fanaticism”: See
Daily Star
(Beirut), 27 March 2004, “The public relations war: Algeria, France and imperial America,” by Arun Kapil.

523 “we really contaminated the Algerians”: L'Express, 14–20 March 2002, p. 105, interview with Annie Rey-Goldzeiguer.

527 “They will not talk about the future”: interview with Hassan Tourabi, Khartoum, 1 December 1993.

546 “we watched the bitter struggle”: See
Jerusalem Post
, 5 December 1995, “Rabin always calm, obstinate, in control of the facts,” by Chaim Herzog.

547 vile dossier of decapitated corpses:
La barbarie du terrorisme: Victimes civiles de la barbarieterroriste catégories socio-professionelles touchées 1990–1994
, Algiers 1994.

548 FIS front organisation publishes:
The Atrocities in Algeria: A Photographic Testimony
, 1994, published by “Human Services,” PO Box 198, Southall, Middlesex UB1 3PR, UK.

(n.) 552 By 1995, the Algerian government:
Livre Blanc du Terrorisme en Algérie
, Ministère de l'Intérieur, des Collectives Locales de l'Environnement et de la Réforme Administrative, Algiers 1995.

553 “In the back of the restaurant”: See
Irish Times
, 2 May 1998, “Killed for a column,” by Lara Marlowe. The translation of Mekbel's last column below the chapter-head was also by Marlowe.

558 So much for conciliation: For the full interview with Meziane-Cherif, see
Independent on
, 12 March 1995, “Whatever you do, just don't mention torture to the genial ‘eradicator,' ” by Robert Fisk.

(n.) 559 “Because Islam is the religion of the Book”:
Index on Censorship
(London), May/June 1994, pp. 112–16, “Goodbye to the Enlightenment,” by Karim Alrawi.

565 Fatima's crime had been her beauty: See
El Watan
(Algiers), 14 March 1995, “Des femmes atrocement assassinées,” by Slima Tlemcani; see also
(Algiers), 14 March 1995, “Une Fille et trois femmes assassinées en 48 heures: Egorgée devant l'Ecole,” by Ilham Djanine.

575 “I was moved to Cavignac police station”: Interview with Dalilah (full name known to author), Archway, London, 15 October 1997.

577 “They gave us vaccinations”: Interview with Reda (full name known to author), Knightsbridge, London, 14 October 1997.

579 he watched suspected “Islamists” interrogated: Interview with Abdessalam (full name known to author), Knightsbridge, London, 14 October 1997.

579 “in most cases, joined the terrorist bands”: Letter from Ahmed Benyamina, Algerian ambassador in London, to
The Independent
, 1 November 1997.

579 “there is no credible, substantive evidence”: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Policy Statement on Algeria, May 1998.

580 forcibly returned him to Algeria: See
, 10 May 1997, “Refugee sent back home to his death,” by Patricia Wynn Davies.

580 When Mary Robinson: See
, 10 December 1996.

580 It produced a report that might have been written: UN,
Report of the panel appointed by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations to gather information on the situation in Algeria
in order to provide the international community with greater clarity on that situation
, 16 September 1998.

580 When Amnesty International condemned: Amnesty, 16 September 1998,
Algeria: UN
Panel report a whitewash on human rights

580 An earlier European Union mission: See
Irish Times
, 21 January 1998, “EU troika ‘treads softly' and avoids embarrassing its hosts,” by Lara Marlowe.

580 “to stop condemning Algeria from afar”: See
Irish Times
, 5 January 1998, “Hand-wringing by EU over Algerian massacres will no longer be enough,” by Lara Marlowe.

(n.) 580 The Belgian authorities deported: See
, 10 December 1996; see also
Enlightenment: The Algerian Community in London
, vol. 5, no. 31, 2 August 1996, “Communiqué on the murder by torture of a FIS member deported from Belgium to Algeria.”

581 “defend the regime by denying”: Abdelhamid Brahimi, “Algeria's Tragedy: The Necessity for a Peaceful Commitment,” address to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Irish Parliament, Dublin, 8 April 1998.

581 Although Algeria . . . sent $20 million in arms: See
The Times
, 17 January 1983, “Algeria gave PLO $20m for arms to fight Israel,” by Christopher Mosey.

581 During the Cuban missile crisis: Interview with Algerian foreign minister Lakhdar Brahimi, Algiers, 23 March 1992.

582 “the violence appears to have generated”:
Washington Post
, 13 June 1997, “A Ray of Hope in Bloody Algeria: Atrocities Turning the Public Against Islamic Terrorists,” by John Lancaster.

582 “now that the White House has decided”: Agence France-Presse report from Algiers, cited in
Le Monde
, 14 March 1998.

582 “It's not impossible”: Interview with General Mohamed Lamari by the Algerian Press Service, 28 October 1997.

582 “to compare a rape in a police station”: Quoted in
Le Monde
, 20 March 1998, “Des intellectuels français dénoncent les violations des droits de l'homme en Algérie.”

582 recent research suggests: See Aggoun and Rivoire,

(n.) 582 misuse of my articles in
The Independent
: Letter to author from Mary Mourra Ramadan, lawyer for Anwar Haddam, “president of FIS parliamentary delegation abroad,” including U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review, Office of the Immigration Judge, Arlington, Virginia, Comprehensive Submission of Government's Exhibits and Witness List, File No. A22 751 813 of 3 February 1997.

583 Algerian security forces were implicated: See
Le Monde
, 7–8 June 1998, “La sécurité algérienne pourrait être impliquée dans le drame de Tibehirine,” by Henri Tincq.

583 But international human rights groups: See
Human Rights Watch
, vol. 10, no. 1, February 1998, “Neither Among the Living nor the Dead: State-sponsored ‘Disappearances' in Algeria”; also Amnesty International, 3 March 1999,
Algeria: “Disappearances”: The
wall of silence begins to crumble

584 Nezzar left France when: See
Le Monde
, 28 April 2001, “Le départ précipité du général Nezzar provoque les protestations des défenseurs des droits de l'homme,” by Florence Beauge.

584 He wanted Algerians to forget: See
Irish Times
, 18 September 1999, whose correspondent Lara Marlowe cynically—and accurately—reported that “optimistic economists believe the generals have now accumulated enough sports cars and Paris apartments to be willing to share Algeria's wealth with its people.”

584 Amnesty International appealed: Amnesty International, 30 July 2004, “Algeria: Newly discovered mass grave must be fully investigated.”

Chapter Fifteen: Planet Damnation

589 “a rough, direct-talking leader”: Richard Murphy interview,
International Herald Tribune
, 29 July 1990.

589 “promised not to use force”: See Independent, 21 March 1991, “U.S. warned Iraq against invasion,” by Rupert Cornwell.

(n.) 590 “Most Arabs are convinced”: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 3 October 1990,
PoliticalDimensions of the Gulf Crisis
, by Robert Mabro, p. 13.

595 “Sensitive areas”: See A Soldier's Guide: Saudi Arabia (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Army, Chief of Public Affairs, Command Information Division, 1990), p. 29.

596 “sense of distress”: Associated Press, 26 October 1990, “Pentagon Lists Taboo Subjects for Troops in Saudi Arabia,” by Ruth Sinai.

596 thanks to the 1988 $23 billion Al-Yamamah arms contract: see
, 13 March 1992, “Report on Saudi arms deal suppressed,” by David Hencke and Richard Norton Taylor.

598 “powerful battle force”: Brig. Gen. James M. Lyle,
Winning in the Desert II
(Leavenworth, Kans.: Fort Leavenworth Media Support Center, September 1990).

609 “her nuclear weapons”:
Sunday Telegraph
, 2 December 1990, “When war-war is better than ‘just war' jaw,” by Edward Norman.

611 The one thing he regretted: See
Independent on Sunday Magazine
, 18 February 1996, “How We Met: Matthew Symonds and Andreas Whittam Smith,” interviews by Isabel Wolff.

611 “This news put me”: De la Billière,
Storm Command
, p. 181.

(n.) 611 The computer was returned: See
, 26 June 1991, “Gulf war plans returned by a ‘patriotic thief,' ” by Tim Kelsey.

612 “Why did you not fulfil”: Saudi Press Agency, 15 January 1991, “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in reply to the message of Saddam Hussein.”

616 “I have already issued the terrible orders”: Schwarzkopf,
It Doesn't Take a Hero
, p. 412.

622 “Thursday morning was one of those moments”:
Philadelphia Inquirer
“pool” dispatch from USS
John F. Kennedy
, 17 January 1991 (“Combat Pool Three,” navy carrier, ref RUFRSGG7170).

624 “except for the 100 hours of Desert Storm”: See
Washington Post
, 5 November 1997 (Hoagland article) and
Washington Post
, 6 November 1997 (Cohen article), cited in
East Report (Washington, D.C.), Fall 1998, no. 208: 35, “Short-Circuiting the Media-Policy Machine,” by Sam Husseini.

628 they destroyed a river bridge crowded with pedestrians: See
, 8 February 1991, “Allied raid on bridge kills 47 civilians,” by Patrick Cockburn;
, 18 February 1991, “Death comes to a town almost forgotten by war,” by Alfonso Rojo.

(n.) 629 “The bomb, called a GBU-28”: Reuters, 4 July 1991.

632 Chinese would complain: Agence France-Presse, quoted in
International Herald Tribune
, 14 June 1996, “Everest Pollution Laid to Gulf War.”

(n.) 637 Arabs spent $84 billion: Arab economic report for 1992, prepared by the Arab League, the Arab Monetary Fund, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development and the Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries; bin Sultan,
Desert Warrior
, pp. 292–3; see
Middle East Reporter
(Beirut), 12 September 1992, p. 17; see also
Financial Times
, 2 August 1991, “Arab countries still owe $7 billion for Gulf war costs,” by Peter Riddell.

638 “began to devise a plan”: de la Billière, p. 222.

(n.) 640 “I was stepping on bodies”: Associated Press report from Baghdad, 21 March 1991.

(n.) 640 The most thorough investigation:
New Yorker
, 22 May 2000, pp. 48–82, “Overwhelming Force: What happened in the final days of the Gulf War?,” by Seymour M. Hersh.

643 Some people, Hurd said: Hurd interview in
The Times
(London), 2 August 1991.

Chapter Sixteen: Betrayal

646 “Rise to save the homeland”: See
Middle East Reporter
(Beirut), 25 February 1991, p. 4, “Iraqis Urged to Revolt, Save Country from Dictatorship, War.”

647 the Iraqis had tried to jam: See
Middle East Reporter
(Beirut), 4 January 1991, “Anti-Saddam Radio Believed Jammed.”

647 “the allies to liberate Iraq”: Interview with Haidar al-Assadi, Beirut, 3 May 1998.

649 Iraqi dead at up to 150,000:
Middle East Reporter
(Beirut), 1 March 1991.

649 had claimed that 26,000 Iraqis:
Jumhouri-y Islami
(Tehran), 19 February 1991, cited by Dilip Hiro in letter to
The Independent
, 8 February 1992.

649 When a Pentagon source:
, 12 September 1991, cited by Hiro, as above.

650 dropped nearly as many tons:
International Herald Tribune
, 10 July 1996, quoting
York Times
article by Tim Weiner, “Smart Arms in Gulf War Are Found Overrated.”

650 “35—almost one-quarter”: Associated Press report from Washington, 13 August 1991, “Gulf Friendly Fire Casualties Rise,” by Susanne M. Chafer.

650 The independent U.S. General Accounting Office: See International Herald Tribune, 10 July 1996, op. cit.

650 In fact, as Seymour Hersh:
New Yorker
, 26 September 1994, pp. 86–99, “Missile Wars,” by Seymour Hersh, esp. p. 92.

(n.) 650 Timothy McVeigh, a promising young soldier: Reuters report in
Irish Times
, 3 June 1997.

652 All of this I duly reported: See
, 27 March 1991.

(n.) 652 Other testimony to Kuwaiti persecution: See, for example,
, 20 March 1991, “La grande peur des Palestiniens du Kuweit,” by Jean Michel Thénard.

657 The refugees who now streamed: See
, 14 March 1991, “Rebels ‘hanged from tank gun barrels' by Saddam's men,” by Sharif Imam-Jomeh (Reuters) and Nora Boustany (
Washington Post

658 “Better the Saddam Hussein”: Guardian, 13 March 1991, “Britain and U.S. part over Iraqi rebels,” by Hella Pick.

661 would be compared to the Soviet demands: See, for example,
, 28 March 1991, “Fiddling while Basra burns,” by Godfrey Hodgson.

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