The Greek & Latin Roots of English (53 page)

Read The Greek & Latin Roots of English Online

Authors: Tamara M. Green

Tags: #Language Arts & Disciplines, #Linguistics, #General, #Vocabulary, #Etymology

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sedeo-sedēre-sessum = sit

semen, seminis = seed

semi = half

senatus, senatūs = senate

senesco-senescere = grow old

senex, senis = old man

sentio-sentire-sensum = feel

septem = seven

septimum, septimi = seventh

sequor-sequi-secutum = follow

serpo-serpere-serptum = crawl

servio-servire-servitum = serve

servo-servare-servatum = protect; keep

servus, servi = slave

sesqui = one and a half

sex = six

sextum, sexti = sixth

signum, signi = sign, seal

silva, silvae = forest

simia, simiae = monkey

sine = without

sinister, sinistri = on the left; unfavorable

situs, sitūs = place

socius, socii = ally, companion

sol, solis = sun

solidum, solidi = firm, dense

solus, solius = alone, only

solvo-solvere-solutum = loosen, untie

somnus, somni = sleep

sono-sonare-sonatum = sound

sopor, soporis = deep sleep

soror, sororis = sister

species, speciei = view, appearance

specio-specere = look at

specto-spectare-spectatum = observe

spero-sperare-speratum = hope

spiro-spirare-spiratum = breathe

spondeo-spondēre-sponsum = promise

stella, stellae = star

statuo-statuere-statutum = set up

sto-stare-statum = stand

stomachus, stomachi = stomach

stringo-stringere-strictum = bind; cut off

struo-struere-structum = build; arrange

studeo-studēre = be eager for

stupeo-stupēre = be stunned, be amazed

suadeo-suadēre-suasum = advise, urge

sub = under

sum-esse-futurum = be; exist

summum, summi = highest

sumo-sumere-sumptum = obtain, buy

super = above (preposition)

superior, superioris = higher

supremus, supremi = highest


tango-tangere-tactum = touch

taxo-taxare-taxatum = charge; rate

tego-tegere-tectum = cover

tempestas, tempestatis = storm

templum, templi = temple

tempus, temporis = time

teneo-tenēre-tentum = hold

tergum, tergi = back

termino-terminare-terminatum = end

terra, terrae = land

terreo-terrēre = frighten

tertius, tertii = third

testor-testari-testatum = show; witness

texo-texere-textum = weave

tibia, tibiae = flute; shinbone

timeo-timēre = be afraid

tolero-tolerare-toleratum = bear, carry

traho-trahere-tractum = drag

trans = across

tres = three

tribunus, tribuni = tribune

tribuo-tribuere-tributum = give, pay

tuba, tubae = trumpet

tueor-tueri-tuitum = watch; protect

turba, turbae = crowd

turpis, turpis = wicked

tutor, tutoris = guardian, protector


ulterior, ulterioris = farther

ultimus, ultimi = farthest, last

ultra = beyond

unum, unius = one

urbs, urbis = city

ursus, ursi = bear

usura, usurae = interest

utor-uti-usum = use, employ

uxor, uxoris = wife


vacca, vaccae = cow

vaco-vacare-vacatum = be empty

valeo-valēre = be strong

vapor, vaporis = gas, vapor

varius, varii = different

vas, vasis = vessel

veho-vehere-vectum = carry, drive

velox, velocis = fast

vena, venae = vein

venio-venire-ventum = come

ventus, venti = wind

ver, veris = spring

verbum, verbi = word

verso-versare-versatum = turn

verto-vertere-versum = turn

verum, veri = true

vestigium, vestigii = footprint, trace

vestio-vestire-vestitutm = dress, cover

vestis, vestis = clothing

vetus, veteris = old

via, viae = way, road

vicinia, viciniae = neighborhood

video-vidēre-visum = see

villa, villae = farmhouse

vinco-vincere-victum = conquer

vir, viri = man

viridis, viridis = green

virtus, virtutis = manliness; excellence

virus, viri = poison

vita, vitae = life

vivo-vivere-victum = live

voco-vocare-vocatum = call

volvo-volvere-volutum = turn

voro-vorare-voratum = eat

votum, voti = vow

vox, vocis = voice

vulgus, vulgi = crowd

vulnus, vulneris = wound

About the Author

TAMARA M. GREEN is professor of classics and chair of the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies at Hunter College of the City University of New York.

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