The Gypsy Blessing (38 page)

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Authors: Wendi Sotis

BOOK: The Gypsy Blessing
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William nodded, looked thoughtful for a minute, and then his brow furrowed. “Mother, you say there is a second part of the ritual. I saw Elizabeth collapse after the first part and her grandmother caught her. Will that happen again?”

The Darcys looked to each other. His father shrugged his shoulders slightly and shook his head. Lady Anne replied, “We honestly do not know, William, but I imagine so. The
was an exhausting ritual to perform, and it is not nearly as complex as the
. “

? Of what do you speak, Mother?”

“When I was alive, I was the Priestess of
, William. Every year, I performed the ritual that provided protection for the people of the Tribes.”

“And Georgiana?”

“Georgiana is the Destined One, but she was too young to train when I passed. My mother said that Catherine and I, being identical twins, were both Heiresses, but I was the stronger of the two, and so I became Priestess. When I passed into the Otherworld, Catherine was the only one alive who could perform the ritual. My sister had always been jealous of my being chosen over her, especially since she was several minutes older than I, and she refused to train Georgiana. I am afraid she has not fulfilled her responsibilities well, dear, or you would not be called upon now to protect the High Priestess.”

“Aunt Catherine has denied Georgiana of her birth-right? Is there no one else who could train Georgiana?”

“The High Priestess could. She has been taught all the rituals, but she cannot perform any except her own. But William, there cannot be two Priestesses of
at the same time. Catherine would have to agree to the arrangement, and so far, we have not been able to convince her.”

William nodded and filed away this information for the future. His mind felt as if it were caught in a whirlwind with all he was learning tonight, but he had to ask as many questions as possible for he knew he would not have this opportunity again for another year. His thoughts moved back to Elizabeth, as they usually did since he had met her. “You say Elizabeth will probably collapse after she performs the second half of the ritual—will there be no one there to catch her?”

“Not unless you go to her, son. Although the High Priestess may be present at any of the other rituals, only an Heiress and the current High Priestess’s Soul Mate are permitted to attend the
. The
, the medicine woman, will come to attend her when the sun reaches a certain point in the sky, but since she must be certain she does not interfere with the ritual itself, she will not arrive until hours after the ritual is complete. If any souls are delayed in returning, The High Priestess would need to keep the portal open, or else they will be trapped here. I cannot even imagine how exhausted she would be.”

“Then I shall return to the meadow. I cannot allow Elizabeth to become injured when she falls.”

The trio walked back toward the clearing where Elizabeth was now standing with her grandmother once again, but they stopped far enough away so that she could not hear them speak.

“It would probably be better if you remain out of her sight until the conclusion of the ritual, William.
is not the time to confront her and urge her to accept your offer of assistance; we cannot risk upsetting her. The ritual must be completed perfectly!” his mother advised. Smiling, she caressed her son’s cheek. “Next year, you will be standing at her side throughout the

“I wish I could be as certain as you are, Mother.”

“It is time for us to leave you, William,” his father said.

“I will miss you both.”

“You will do well in your task, of that we have no doubt. We are very proud of the man you have become,” his father replied. Lady Anne nodded and smiled, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

As his parents returned to the meadow, William moved back to his previous hiding place.



Chapter 2

Elizabeth had been looking forward to the
for months. She anticipated her meeting with a number of diverse personalities this night and knew she would never tire of thinking of them. It was a source of amazement to her that royalty from around the world would come especially to meet and converse with her, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, who in the living world was considered by most to be nothing more than a
country nobody

There were interesting conversations to be had with the souls of people she had read about in history books, as well as people from all levels of society, and she had made a point of learning of the numerous cultures throughout history. She thoroughly enjoyed arguing logic with philosophers, speaking of current and historical world events with politicians and military leaders, and discussing literature, poetry, and plays with the authors, poets and playwrights themselves.

These were her most treasured hours of the year, and they were also quite exhausting. However, at no time in the past had she felt as fatigued as she did now when doing all this after the discussion of Mr. Darcy with Grandmama. Elizabeth’s weariness was apparent to her grandmother as the time of the Return approached, and she rejoined Elizabeth.

“Elizabeth, it is time for me to depart until the next
. Please think about all that we discussed earlier. Young Mr. Darcy will have a subject of vital importance of which to inform you soon. Please listen to what he has to say as if it were coming from me. I love you, my dear!”

Elizabeth embraced her grandmother. “Oh, Grandmama! Thank you for your patience, as always. I will miss you so very much!”


November 1, 1811

William watched as Elizabeth began the conclusion of the ritual. Souls would enter the meadow from all directions and bow to the High Priestess. The lights would join a multitude of others that were hovering above the meadow as if waiting for something to happen.

Once again, the sound of her voice mesmerized him, and she moved elegantly in the Dance. Knowing that she was safe this time, his observation of her movements sent his heart racing for an entirely different reason than fear.

Elizabeth lifted her face and raised her arms up to the sky. Not knowing how long it would take to return the souls to the Otherworld, William moved from his place and advanced towards her from behind, winding through the opaque souls very slowly so that he would not attract Elizabeth’s attention. The people nodded to him in greeting, treating him as if he belonged there. Perhaps they were accustomed to seeing a Soul Mate at

As the last note faded, all the lights drifted toward her, and her body began to glow as they reentered the Otherworld. Perhaps it was because he was closer this time, or mayhap it was not present during the Opening Song, he knew not, but now he could feel a change that he had not detected earlier. The air felt thicker, almost as if a heavy fog hung around him, and it tingled against his skin. An intensely sweet scent filled the air—one that he could not identify, but was not unpleasant—mingling with the fragrance of burning wood from the bonfire.

After many minutes, the glowing light that surrounded Elizabeth faded. He caught her as she fell, cradling her against his chest. Removing the half-empty cup from the tree stump, he shifted to sit upon it, gently positioning Elizabeth in his lap. Mimicking what he had seen her grandmother do earlier, he held the ancient cup to her lips, carefully helping her drink a few drops at a time until the remainder of the brew was gone.

If this had been the first time he had seen her in this condition, he would have been terrified for her sake. After seeing her thus earlier and witnessing her recovery, he was only mildly concerned, and so he allowed himself to indulge in the great pleasures of filling himself with her scent, gazing upon her beauty, and memorizing the way she felt in his arms. Before he realized what he was doing, his hand caressed the delicate skin of her cheek and smoothed her silky hair back from her face. Although he was tempted beyond anything he had ever experienced, he did manage to prevent himself from kissing the lips that had tantalized him since he first had seen her, wishing for her to be a
participant in their first kiss.

Could his parents be correct in their assertion that Elizabeth was his Soul Mate? Was it possible he was worthy of winning her love?

Would he be capable of protecting her from the evil that would seek to harm her? His brow creased as he questioned his abilities.

Elizabeth moaned softly, and her long eyelashes began to flutter against her cheeks, interrupting his reverie. Knowing she would soon awaken, William steeled himself to what he expected her reaction would be when she found herself in the arms of a man she so despised. He watched as she opened her eyes and blinked a few times before focusing upon his face.

In that instant, William felt absolute confidence surge through him, down to his very core—without question he
do whatever was necessary to successfully protect this woman that he loved so completely, independent of whether she could ever care for him in return.


Elizabeth was confused. She could not remember where she was, but she knew she should not feel so incredibly content, comfortable, and safe just now—so
and something smelled so good here. She wanted to snuggle closer to this wonderful feeling of warmth, one she could not remember knowing before and regretted having to give up. But it was required of her; there was something she must do. No! There was something she must
! Yes! She had completed the
, and she must drink the brew in order to begin her recovery!

Reluctantly, Elizabeth forced her eyes to open, and they came to rest on a pair of dark eyes she recognized at once.
Oh my! The fabulous scent and the comforting warmth is
Mr. Darcy?
His eyes held hers prisoner, and she saw complete adoration emanating from them.
Could Grandmama be correct? Does he love me?

Exhausted, her eyes lost focus for a moment, and she blinked, breaking their gaze. She whispered, “May I have the cup, please?”

“I have already given you the drink, Miss Elizabeth. Would you like some water? There is a stream nearby; I can get you some.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “Perhaps in a few minutes, thank you.” She closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest, filling herself with the heavenly scent she now knew was his. She could not help but fall asleep, the rhythm of his heartbeat calming hers.


William had been watching Elizabeth sleep in his arms for he knew not how long when he heard a twig snap and looked up. Miss Jane Bennet was standing at the edge of the clearing, staring at the pair with her mouth gaping open. William’s colour rose as Jane remembered her task and approached.

William said quietly, “Good morning, Miss Bennet. Are you the

Jane’s eyes widened, and she nodded.

“I am aware of how this looks, but nothing untoward has occurred here. After the
, Miss Elizabeth drank the brew, and then fell asleep. I did not wish to wake her, so...” he trailed off, shrugging his shoulders.

“May I ask how you came to be here, Mr. Darcy?”

“I could not sleep and took a walk. Miss Elizabeth’s song led me here. My parents came to speak to me and explained.” He hesitated, not knowing how much he should tell Jane, and then continued, “When the ritual was complete, I caught her and helped her to drink the brew.”

Jane gasped. “You

William reddened once again and nodded.

Her look changed from shock to one of understanding. A slow smile spread across Jane’s features. “Elizabeth should be awakened now, Mr. Darcy. She will need to eat and drink to regain enough strength to return to Longbourn. Once home, she will sleep most of the day.”

“I will accompany you both to Longbourn and assist Miss Elizabeth. I must speak to Mr. Bennet as soon as possible to arrange for training.”

Jane was surprised once again by William’s knowledge, but grateful for his assistance. She stroked Elizabeth’s cheek as she said, “Lizzy? Lizzy, you must wake up now.”

Elizabeth snuggled her face against William’s chest. “Jane?” she asked as she yawned. “I had the strangest dream…”

“Lizzy!” Jane interrupted before her sister could say something she might later regret. “Mr. Darcy helped you drink the draught, but you must take in some nourishment. We are expected at Longbourn soon.”

Elizabeth’s eyes flew open, and she looked up into William’s eyes. The comforting sound she had been listening to had been his heartbeat.

“Good morning, Miss Elizabeth!” he said with a wide smile. After seeing the way she was looking at him, William thought,
I must smile at her more often if it affects her this way!

A deep blush spread upward from the neckline of her gown, thinking of their relative positions. After regaining her senses, Elizabeth cried, “Oh, I am sorry, Mr. Darcy! It seems I fell asleep. How long have you been… here?”

“I apologize if I have offended you, Miss Elizabeth, but I did not wish to lay you down on the cold ground and did not know the particulars of what would happen next. My parents only told me the
would come, and so I waited until your sister arrived just now.”

Suddenly remembering that she was
lying in his arms, Elizabeth attempted to rise from his lap. Lifting her easily, he stood and placed her in a sitting position on the tree stump, and then stepped away. A deep sense of loss came over Elizabeth, surprising her greatly. She did not guess that William was feeling much the same.

“You have not offended me, Mr. Darcy. I thank you for your assistance and your kindness.” Elizabeth blushed again.

Jane decided to end the awkward moment that followed. Handing William two cups, she asked if he would fill them with water from the stream. He bowed and headed off in that direction, happy to be of service.


The ladies watched William walk across the meadow towards the stream, and once he was out of hearing range, Jane turned to Elizabeth with eyebrows raised. “Is there anything you would like to tell me, Lizzy?”

“Oh, Jane! So much has happened since I departed Longbourn last night! Grandmama and Mr. Darcy’s parents told me that Mr. Darcy is my Soul Mate! I could not believe it, but after a discussion with Grandmama, I do think that I have misjudged him greatly. I told her I would start over and proceed with an open mind, but I made no promises. As you well know, I refuse to marry without the deepest love and respect for my partner in life. But, Jane, I do suspect that he may have feelings for me. The expression in his eyes when I awoke….” her speech ended as she became lost in the memory of the way he had looked upon her.

was perfectly clear to me as well. We both know that Mr. Darcy must have been holding you as you slept for at least an hour, perhaps two, before I arrived.”

“Yes, I know! Oh, how mortifying it is that I fell asleep!”

Jane laughed. “Lizzy, I had been watching him for several minutes before he noticed my presence, and it is my opinion that he did not mind in the least!”

A thoughtful expression passed over Elizabeth’s features before she blushed even more deeply than before. “I must admit that I have never been more comfortable or felt so safe in my life! Could Grandmama be correct? Could he be my Soul Mate?”

“I suggest you spend time with Mr. Darcy—be true to your word and give him a chance to prove himself. Get to know the gentleman before even considering that question and
your feelings to develop naturally.” Jane sent her sister a scolding look in answer to Elizabeth’s expression of innocence. “Lizzy! Do not think that I am unaware of your tendency to resist any alteration of your previous opinions!”

“You are so sweet, Jane. Anyone else would call me ‘stubborn’!”

The conversation ended when the ladies saw William move toward them through the trees. Jane began to rifle through her basket. As he approached, Jane asked, “Would you hold Lizzy’s cup for me, Mr. Darcy? I must pour an exact amount of this liquid into the water for her to drink, and then we three can break our fast together before returning to Longbourn—if that is agreeable to you both?”

When Jane finished measuring the liquid, he handed the cup to Elizabeth. “I would not wish to inconvenience you, Miss Bennet. I am certain you were not expecting my presence. I can eat when I return to Netherfield later today.”

Uncovering the basket to show William the contents, Jane insisted, “Please, I do believe Mrs. Hill packed enough for four!”

“Then I accept. It would be an honour to share a meal with the High Priestess of
and her
.” His smile made Elizabeth’s heart beat in a way that she had never before experienced.


After their meal, the trio took the path to Longbourn. Conversation was sporadic since Elizabeth was extremely tired and both Jane and William were distracted with concern for her. As they progressed, Elizabeth’s pace slowed and she leaned more heavily on William’s arm. When Jane realized that William was supporting most of Elizabeth’s weight, her look convinced William this was not usual for this occasion.

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