Read The Hard Way (Box Set) Online

Authors: Stephanie Burke

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The Hard Way (Box Set) (36 page)

BOOK: The Hard Way (Box Set)
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Her eyes drifted to the golden arm guards that seemed more like floral vines than any golden jewelry. They were highly stylized and seemed to have been created to twine around this creature’s arms. They curled over its biceps, emphasizing the delicate strength in those arms.

Her gaze traveled downward, over the cloth-covered bulge that she knew from personal experience was enough to turn the head of the most jaded and cynical person. There were still some things she had yet to experience, and it seemed this Sincubus was going to change that before she made her way out of this weird hotel room.

But her eyes dropped further, to gaze at the odd legs, splayed out in repose.

They were rather shapely to right below the knee. Then there was a fall of long, soft, black hair. It was like the hair on its head, black shot with a spray of diamonds, and it looked just as luxurious. Peeking out of the silky hair where feet would be on anyone else was a dainty set of golden hooves.

It was like someone took the best of all the Puck and Faun legends and added them to this awkwardly graceful creature. It was just as beautiful running with the wind dancing in its hair as it was in silent repose.

But then its black eyes opened and with its first words she was again reminded of why she wanted to bash its head in with a rock or any convenient log.

“You know you like what you see,” it purred, pursing those full red lips and blowing her a kiss.

“You are too obscene for words,” she growled.

“And yet you always manage to find a few for me.” It chuckled as it yawned, throwing both arms up in the air and stretching, showing off its magnificent form and its magnificently sharp set of teeth.

Rolling her eyes, Ash snorted, then turned her back to it.

“What? Not feeling frisky in the morning?” it purred. “I usually start my morning off with a quick… nibble.” Ash jumped as those words were growled gently in her ear. How it moved so quietly, she would never know. “Is that how you usually start your day?” He ended his question with a quick lap to her ear, making her shudder as her libido perked up and started paying attention.

But Ash was in control, not her traitorous body. She turned to smile at the Sincubus, noting that its breath smelled like flowers and mint, damn it. “Actually,” she snapped. “I generally start it off by taking a piss.”

He paused for a moment, and then snarled, “You have morning breath.”

“And you have to probably pee sitting down because you have so many holes.” A smirk curled her lips as she caught it gaping, off guard.

“I have just enough holes, thank you.” It moved a bit away from her. “Wanna see?”

“No, thank you.” She held in a grin at its innocent routine. Whatever this Sincubus was, it was certainly amusing.

“Well,” it began, almost childlike and eager, “Do you…” It paused, blinking down at her, a smile on its lips.

“What?” she asked, growing more and more comfortable with this creature and its ability to make her alternately want to kill it or kiss… maybe not, but she was getting more comfortable with it.

“Well?” It wriggled happily, nudging her shoulder with its arm. “Do you?”


“Want to fuck?”

“Holy mother of God!”

Ash couldn’t help but yell when it pounced her. Before she knew it, its face was in between her legs… and she was spreading them to give him greater access.

“God, yes.” Her head lolled from side to side, her back arching up off the ground as she tried to get closer. Her fingers tangled in the black silk of its hair, tugging as sharp shafts of pleasure shot through her body.

Its tongue slipped between the lips of her labia, seeking out the hidden pearl of her clit, sucking at the juices that flowed freely in response to his experienced touches. It growled in approval of her musky flavor, savoring the sweetness that stemmed from her desire. The feel of his fingers circling her opening made her thighs stiffen and tore a scream from her throat. “Yes, keep doing that!”

More familiar with her body, it sank three fingers deep inside, pressing upwards, seeking out her pleasure button. She screamed when it struck gold. It began manipulating her, widening its fingers, giving her a pleasurable burn as her walls adjusted to the stretch.

“You are almost so ready for it,” it purred, stroking inside her a bit faster, a bit harder. It reached down and gripped its cock, closing its eyes and sighing as its own wetness dripped down from its pussy, lubricating both its cock and balls. It began to stroke in time with the fingers that fucked her pussy, making her squirm and scream and lose control.

Ash loved this feeling of being taken, of being overpowered. Nothing had ever felt this way before. It was like this Sincubus could look deep into her soul and give her exactly what she needed. And the more it gave, the more she just wanted to take.

She relaxed back in the nest, threw her legs around its head and held on for dear life. This thing was going to kill her with pleasure.

She arched her hips, bucking for a stronger contact, which it immediately gave her. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see it stroking its own cock, to see the sun glinting off the metal embedded in its dick, and smell the flowery scent of its juices. It was as wet as she ever got, and the knowledge that she did that to it, that eating her pussy moved it to this point, made her close her eyes and want to scream like a mad woman.

“Eat it!” she bellowed, shuddering as its hair slid over her sensitive skin. “Eat it harder!”

Its tongue pressed harder against her clit, spiraling delicious sensations through her. It sucked and slurped and tossed its face from side to side. It nibbled at her labia, it licked at her vagina, and it drank her down in gulps.

And she screamed, she tugged at its hair, and she begged for more. It pumped its dick faster, its breathing matching hers as they spiraled higher and higher in this dance of ecstasy.

Suddenly, it slammed four fingers deep inside her, making her arch her back to the extreme as she felt a powerful itch in her clit. Then she screamed as her muscles convulsed around its fingers, as her juices shot from her as if she had a dick and was ejaculating hard. She felt waves of white lightning flow up her body, harden her nipples into peaks and shatter her soul, leaving her falling limply back to earth.

She opened her eyes to see it slide its fingers from her body and rise above her.

It sucked its fingers covered with her essence deep within its mouth as it began to pound at its cock with his hand. It eyed her legs, still spread, her pussy still clenching in mini orgasms, and closed its eyes.

Tighter and faster it held itself, thrusting itself into its fist until it stiffened. Spurt after spurt of hot seed exploded from the plum-colored head of its cock, showering her pussy with its scalding hot offering. It painted her with the creamy streaks of its cum, covering her stomach and her breasts before aiming once again for her pussy.

And as the last dredge was squeezed out, he dropped between her spread legs and began to lick the release from her skin.

“You…” she panted. “You… are… a freak.”

“Thank you,” it replied, but returned to its feast, cleaning every bit of its essence from her skin, taking extra care to part her labia and seeking out every drop of their combined release. “I do try.”

Chapter Six


“I think I’ve found your place in life,” it purred. “Right beneath me, with my face between your legs. Who knew that a bush could tease the insides of your thighs so much?”

Panting, all Ash could do was nod in agreement. Its hair had been alive on her body, tweaking her nipples, caressing her skin, driving her almost as wild as the bar through his tongue had. She hadn’t noticed the tongue ring before, but boy had she noticed it when he’d applied it to her clit with his vibrating tongue.

“How…” she panted, “how do you know what a woman wants?”

“Obvious,” it chuckled, pressing one final kiss to the insides of her thighs before sitting up and running its fingers through its hair. “I know what feels good to me. I have the equipment, pretty-pretty Ash. You just had your fingers and your tongue all in it.”

“Who knew I had lesbian tendencies?” Ash licked her lips, savoring the taste of it. Raspberries and chocolate… mmm.

“You just enjoyed yourself to the fullest,” it purred. “And I got a fairly decent breakfast.”

At his words, Ash felt a gnawing emptiness in the pit of her stomach.

“Speaking of meals…” She also sat up and ran her hands over her still quivering stomach. Why was she so hungry? Hadn’t she just supped on a Dryad?

“Feeling peckish?” it asked, showing some concern.

“A little, and I don’t know why. I just fed… yesterday?”

“Oh, it’s because you are giving up your orgasmic energy to feed me.”

“What?” As she shrieked, several jungle birds screamed and took off, flying into the growing daylight. It really was feeding off of her?

“Incubus and Succubus, remember?” He chuckled, leaning down far enough to tap her on the nose. “I have to get my meals somewhere. Either I eat you… or I eat you.”

“Great,” Ash sighed, shaking her head as she thought on his cannibalistic tendencies.

“So… about your stomach…” It again pursed his lips and blew her a kiss. “Because you were so good to me, I think I can allow you to sup. Pick a vein, any vein.” It waggled its eyebrows as it spread its legs.

“Has anyone ever told you that you have no shame?” Ash chuckled.

“Yes, and I took it as a compliment.” It grinned and stroked a clawed finger over the golden studs in its prick.

Ash shook her head and crawled toward it. “I can’t drink you down until I give you a name.” She crawled between its legs and ran her fingers up its chest, stopping to tug at a nipple ring before running her hands up to his neck. Once there, she cupped its face gently between her palms and tugged its face to hers. She leaned forward and her tongue flicked out at its lips, tasting herself on the soft plump flesh.

“Mmm,” she mused. “I think I have the perfect name for you.”

“What is that?” it asked, his voice raspy. It moaned as she ran her tongue along the crease of its closed lips.

“Nightshade.” Her breath teased at the wetness she left on its lips as she pulled back and awaited the fireworks.

“Nightshade?” Its lips curled up in amused disgust.

“Yes. You smell of flowers, you are pretty and dark like me… You, Nightshade, flower when you orgasm…”

“You are trying to make me a girl!” it sneered with disgust.

“Nah,” she laughed. “You have way too much arrogance for that.”

“Arrogance,” it snickered. “That is your measure for womanhood?”

“Not at all.” Ash chuckled. “But with your attitude, it would be stupid for me to try and turn you into a girl, despite the fact that you have a cunt.”

“But… but Nightshade?”

“You smell of Nightshades… sweet and deadly.”

“You chide me for washing too much? Just what kind of men have you been sleeping with?”

“It’s not that. It just seems to, in my opinion, fit you.” She chuckled at his moue of disgust and ran her fingers over his chest, flicking at a nipple with a long nail before she ran her fingers down to the long muscles of his thighs, feeling the already high heat of his body grow more intense.

“Fits me,” it sighed, running his fingers through her tangled hair. “I guess, pretty-pretty Ash.” It pulled her mouth to his chest and arched up into the gentle brush of her lips on his skin.

“Oh, that’s not where I want a bite, Nightshade,” she snickered, her hands tightening on his thighs and forcing them to spread even more.

“Ash, pretty one,” it informed her, its hands tightening in her hair as her head began to drop lower. “I am not Polish, nor do I specialize in sausage.”

“Not there.” Her hot breath on his skin made it shiver. “I need to go a bit… lower.” It moaned as her tongue laved the skin on the inside of his right thigh.

“Yes,” she breathed, smelling the sweet scent of his blood rise to the surface from her oral stimulations. “Hot, sweet, and all mine.”

“Damn,” it whispered as her fingers ran gently over its balls, caressing the wrinkled soft skin with knowing fingertips. Her other hand sank behind the swollen sacks, gently caressing the slit that lay between the hidden folds.

“Give me what you promised.” She sucked at the skin, drawing the blood to the surface. “Give me a little of what I need.”

She teased it more, letting the pads of her fingers tap at his labia and the wet opening to his pussy. “Open up and let me in…”

She looked up the long dark line of its body, past the small, full breasts with their hard nipples and their golden ornaments, to a pair of dark eyes shot through with silver. Those eyes seemed to swirl and grow deeper as she watched. They danced in excitement for her touch, for her caress, for her need.

“Whatever… your heart… desires.” It licked its lips with its red, red tongue, one hand moving up to cup the back of her head. “Taste me,” he urged, his fingers massaging her scalp and tugging downward at her thick hair. “Draw from the pleasures of this flesh -- complete us both.”

Ash grinned, recognizing that in this instance she had complete control. She sucked at her chosen spot, raising a bruise against the dark skin before nipping at it gently. It hissed at her actions and spread its legs wider, one hand going to pull and tug at his swelling cock, the other tugging at the rings that pierced its nipple. Ash could see that his little cunt was starting to grow moist and swollen.

It looked amazingly like her own, she decided, lifting his balls and running a finger over the dark pink flesh. It had a little clit that remained unhooded. Whether this was an aberration of birth or something that had been done to it along with the piercings, she didn’t know. But it made it so much easier to stimulate the nubbin of flesh. A high-pitched moan erupted from his throat, while a small gush of clear fluid came from his pussy.

She lifted a bit of the fluid to her lips and lapped it off, curiosity moving her. It tasted just as sweet as its cum, she decided, if a bit thinner and slicker in texture. She released his thigh for a moment to investigate further.

BOOK: The Hard Way (Box Set)
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