The Healer (21 page)

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Authors: Allison Butler

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Highlands, #Warrior, #Scotland, #Highlanders, #Scottish Highlands, #Highlander, #Love Story, #Scottish Higlander, #Romance, #Scottish Medieval Romance, #Scots, #Medieval Romance, #Scottish, #Scottish Highlander, #Highland, #Scotland Highlands, #Highland Warriors, #Scotland Highland, #Warriors

BOOK: The Healer
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The potion William was determined to sample.

Saint Jude, save her. She wanted this.

‘Don’t do this,’ she pleaded, afraid not for herself but her sanity.

‘I must.’ His head lowered.

‘‘Tis madness,’ she whispered.

‘I know,’ he said softly.

Her lips remained closed beneath his gentle assault. Strong hands caressed her arms and shoulders, his palms cupping her head as his expert fingers kneaded her neck, making her tremble. His tongue skimmed and pressed against her sealed lips and she shivered with delight.

The insistent pressure lifted from her mouth as a finger pushed against her chin.

‘Open for me, Lynelle.’

She obeyed, enslaved by the low rasping sound of her name. His lips settled over hers once more and her eyes drifted closed. Tingling warmth spread from her mouth to her scalp and down until her entire body quivered with wanting. His probing tongue slid inside her hungry mouth and she forgot who she was.

Clutching the fabric of his shirt, she stretched onto her toes, seeking more. Her tongue tangled with his. Heat engulfed her, inflaming her senses until all she knew was his taste, his touch, him.

Powerful arms enfolded her and she sank into his embrace. Her nipples hardened, crushed against the solid wall of his chest. Her insides turned into liquid fire and she floated on a sea of sensations, so foreign, yet invigorating.

With a suddenness she was unprepared for, his tongue and lips withdrew, leaving her chilled. As she slowly drifted back to earth, the pounding of her heart and her panted breaths filled her ears. Lifting her lashes, she focused on her hands still curled within the folds of his shirt. His heart thudded beneath her fingers and his breathing rasped, swift and shallow.

‘That was foolish.’ His voice was unsteady.

She peered into his handsome face. His dark brows drew together, giving him a troubled expression. A glow from the flickering torch shone in his eyes and resembled a streak of lightning slashing across a bruised and clouded sky.

‘And completely unnecessary,’ she said breathlessly, releasing her hold. ‘You must know the potion wasn’t tainted.’

Her legs were weak and her body strangely unbalanced, but somehow she managed to stand on her own. She watched as he raked his fingers through his dark mane. He looked wild, untamed and far too appealing.

Yes, the kiss had been foolish, but she didn’t regret it. Never had she experienced anything so glorious, so hot. His kiss had ignited a flame deep inside her, a burning craving for more. She pressed her fingertips against her lips, marvelling at how sensitive they were.

‘I don’t believe it was completely unnecessary.’

‘Why?’ Her hand dropped to her side. ‘What have you gained by confirming I hadn’t poisoned Edan’s tonic?’

‘Gained? Nothing about the potion, but I have learned something that has tormented me for far too long.’

‘What?’ She hated the way her voice shook, but she couldn’t help it. He loomed over her, unconcealed desire glinting in his gaze.

‘I discovered your lips are as soft as they look, and your buried passion is fuelled by more than anger.’ His voice lowered to a hoarse whisper. ‘I want to taste you again.’


Lust surged through William’s veins. His groin leapt and swelled under his plaid as he devoured her swollen lips with his gaze, plump lips that tasted of innocent yearning and honeyed herbs. Her eager response proved he wasn’t suffering this maddening desire alone.


The sound of his name washed over him on the single breathless word. His heart raced. The hand she gently pressed against his chest seared the flesh beneath his shirt. He closed his eyes, savouring her willing touch and drew a deep, shuddering breath, fighting for control. When he kissed her again, he wanted to relish each skim of her lips, every tentative slide of her tongue.

‘I have fulfilled my promise.’

His eyes flew open and fixed on her round, blue-eyed stare. ‘What promise?’

Her palm fell from his chest and coldness rushed in to replace the warmth.

‘Edan is almost fully recovered.’

Her pink tongue flickered out and moistened her lips, distracting him.

‘My allotted time here ends at dawn.’

Dawn. Nae. Too soon

Anger and unfulfilled desire swept through him. Had she returned his kiss so eagerly knowing she’d soon be gone from here, out of his reach? His hands turned to fists. He could kiss her again, now, certain she’d respond as keenly as she had moments ago. His rampant desire demanded action. His cursed honour screamed in protest.

William stepped back, giving her space, an opening for her to escape. His lust howled in silent denial.

She didn’t move.

‘Donald will take you home at dawn.’ He turned, heading for the healing room door. He should never have entered this cursed chamber.

‘Wait. Please.’

He stopped at the room’s threshold, his heart beating a dull thud.

‘I can’t leave at dawn.’

Hell’s fire!
William strove for patience, for calm. He stared into the dim passageway, suddenly desperate to be gone from this place, far from her alluring presence.

‘What time of day better suits your departure?’ He forced the mannered question through gritted teeth.

‘The time of day is not important. I cannot leave here and return to Fenwick with certain matters unfinished.’

His heartbeat quickened. Slowly turning his head, he studied the woman splashed with dancing torchlight. ‘Certain matters?’

‘I promised to aid Leslie during birth.’

Disappointment twisted his insides. Was her promise to Leslie the only reason for prolonging her stay? ‘When will the bairn arrive?’

‘A sennight, perhaps two.’

Relief ploughed through him. He had seven days, two weeks at best, to explore the maddening lust she inspired.

‘Done.’ William strode from the room.

Chapter 19

LYNELLE stared at the empty doorway until William’s footfall faded. The hissing of the torch and her thudding heart were the only sounds filling the chamber.

Saints and Glory. William had kissed her and she’d responded with unfettered abandon. She could still feel the gentle pressure of his hands on her neck, her shoulders. Still taste his masculine heat on her lips, her tongue.

Sliding her arms about her middle, she hugged herself, afraid the warm tingling feeling would disappear if she let go. A shiver of relief blossomed from inside out. She wouldn’t be leaving tomorrow.

While Leslie’s condition provided a reason to remain, William’s kiss inspired a desperate need, an uncontrollable longing to stay and to have him kiss her again.

Emboldened by certainty and a sense of purpose, Lynelle brewed Edan’s potion and left the healing room. Potion and herb sack in hand, she returned the torch to its holder on the landing and climbed the remaining stairs with excited determination.

She paused to catch her breath outside Edan’s chamber and a niggling doubt pricked holes in her newly found resolve. How would William treat her now? What must he think of her? Her heartbeat quickened. Did she look different?

Smoothing a wayward strand off her brow, she tried to quell the fluttering in her stomach. She inhaled deeply and knocked on the door.


The deep-voiced command reached through the wooden panel and her breath hitched. Tucking her sack under one arm, she unlatched the door and stepped inside.

William stood two paces in front of her, his powerful form blocking the view of the night outside the window. Her heart pulsed at a feverish rate and fire burned in her cheeks.

‘What took you so long, healer?’

Healer? Why didn’t he use her name? He knew full well the reason for her delay. Had he forgotten their kiss so soon? She searched his eyes and noted the steely glint lurking in the grey depths. Heat pooled in her belly.

He hasn’t forgotten

‘Edan wanted to surprise you,’ William said.

Edan? Dear Lord. She’d forgotten why she was here, hadn’t even noticed Edan standing beside William.

‘You’re standing,’ she finally said.

‘Aye. I walked the full length of the room.’ A beaming smile lit his young face. ‘Will had Keith fashion a crutch to aid me. See.’

Lynelle studied the thick, wooden staff propped under his arm. She’d removed the stitches from his thigh two nights before, but hadn’t expected him to be walking so soon.

‘Oh Edan, what a splendid surprise.’ Resisting the urge to look at William, she lowered her healing sack to the floor. ‘Perhaps tomorrow, if the weather is fine, your brother could help you outside for some sunshine.’


‘Yes.’ She smiled at Edan’s whoop of delight. ‘But you must take it slowly and be careful not overdo it.’

‘I won’t. I promise,’ Edan said. ‘Is that the potion you brewed for me?’


‘May I have it now?’

‘Of course.’ Stepping closer, she noticed the fine sheen of sweat dampening Edan’s brow. Despite the crutch and William’s support, standing proved a strain for him.

Lynelle quickly lifted the cup and sipped, before passing the potion to William to sample. She caught his warning glance and swallowed the suggestion that Edan should return to his bed. Her gaze fixed on his throat as he drank and a rush of longing to press her lips against his neck stole her next breath. She wanted his mouth to cover hers, to feel his hands wander the length of her body.

Her heart leapt at the prospect, but she could discern nothing of William’s feelings from his guarded expression. Was she alone in yearning for more?

‘Ah. I thank you, Lynelle.’ She started at Edan’s words and accepted the empty cup he held out to her. ‘Now, allow me to see you safely to your room.’

‘Oh, ‘tis unnecessary, Edan.’ She heard the desperation in her voice. Time alone with William as he walked her to her room suddenly seemed precious.

‘After your tireless care of me, it would be my honour to escort you.’

She stared into grey eyes so similar to William’s in hue, but so different in how they viewed her. Instead of fire and ice, gratitude shone clear and bright. The strain of being on his feet after two weeks confined to his bed showed too, yet he suffered without complaint, for her. Shame for thinking to refuse his offer squeezed her selfish heart.

‘It would be my pleasure to have you accompany me to my door.’

He stretched to his full height, which left the top of his head even with William’s shoulder, and gave her a brisk nod. The tightness about her heart eased.

‘I fear I cannot take your arm... ‘

‘Hush, Edan,’ she chided gently, noting the pained grimace he fought to hide. ‘I am weary and would appreciate your escort now.’

She retrieved her sack and glanced at William, who remained steadfast beside his brother. She opened the door wide, wondering at his silence.

With a small smile for Edan, she slowly left the chamber. Each dull thud of his staff on the wooden floor preceded a sharp, indrawn breath. She winced at every harsh inhalation but refused to turn about and let him witness her concern, afraid of wounding his pride.

Reaching her door, she threw it wide and the light from the lit candles within her room spilled out into corridor. She cleared the worry from her brow and, forcing a smile, she looked behind her.

Edan panted slightly and his face was flushed.

‘Thank you for your escort,’ she said, inclining her head.

‘It pleasure.’

‘I bid you good night,’ she said and entered her room.

‘Till the morn.’

William’s deep, rumbling voice shattered her feigned calm. A threat or a promise? She gripped the door latch with white fingers. As the brothers awkwardly retraced their steps to Edan’s chamber, William looked over his shoulder and his gaze collided with hers.

Lynelle closed the heavy door, spun around and sagged against the solid timber. Her sack slid from her fingers and she pressed her palms onto the cool wood.

Her pulse thudded wildly in her neck and her knees threatened to give way. How long must she wait to feel his hot, hungry mouth upon her starving lips?


William prowled the windowed wall of Edan’s chamber, keeping double-time to his brother’s slumbering snores. He threw the door another menacing glance, daring it to open of its own accord, affording him an excuse to march into the passageway and pound on her door.

Did she sleep while his lust for her robbed him of rest, stole his very mind? One more taste of her sweet lips would confirm whether this maddening desire was for her alone, or if he’d simply gone too long without slaking his base needs.


Throwing himself into the large, sturdy chair he’d pretended to sleep in for the last two weeks, he wiped roughened hands over his face. Kissing her had ignited a fire in his blood, sparked a burning need to sample more than her lips.

He didn’t believe he was alone in his torment. She’d kissed him back with equal ardour and he hadn’t mistaken her struggle to keep her attention fixed on his brother afterward.

Edan mumbled and shifted in his sleep. William leaned forward to study him in the dim light. Praise God his wounds were healing and his spirits were high. William’s chest tightened at the memory of Edan’s chivalrous display. He’d felt Edan’s trembling weakness and wanted to order the lad to bed, but he didn’t have the heart to trample on his brother’s burgeoning pride and sense of honour.

Slumping back in the chair, he closed tired eyes. Edan had called him a hero days before. What name would Edan brand him when he discovered William planned to seduce the woman responsible for saving his life?


Lynelle clutched her herb sack in one hand and brushed stray wisps of hair from her cheeks with the other. It seemed she’d been standing by her door for untold hours, waiting for William to come for her.

Last night sleep had eluded her, providing her with boundless time to think. William held sway over the one thing she desired most.

To live. To feel alive.

His kiss had awakened a need so great, so real, she didn’t believe she’d survive without more. It showed her the difference between enduring life and living.

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