The Heartwood Box: A Fairy Tale (16 page)

BOOK: The Heartwood Box: A Fairy Tale
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As soon as they went under the tent, there was a thunderous cheer
The crowd had grown from the ceremony at Titania’s Altar
A number of men wearing
black uniforms had arrived

fellow officers from the
Genevieve also
realized that while they’d been occupied, the ale casks had been bre
ched, and the guests were already well along in the revelry

Moments after they made their entrance, Donal was on hand with a great stein, apparently some family heirloom, insisting that they drink to their marriage
Damian put her on the ground so she could drink first
Genevieve couldn’t abide ale and took the tiniest sip possible, which led to mock cries of outrage
Apparently it was bad luck if they didn’t finish it

The cup was given to
Damian who had to drink it down
as the men counted
Thankfully, Derek was also th
ere, holding a cup to her mouth
that turned out to be filled with iced lemon-water
She was parched and for once didn’t mind his bossiness

There was an explosion of cheers as Damian drained the stein and turned it upside down
Donal immediately began yelling for the musicians to begin
just had time to return her cup to Derek, when Damian spun her into a fast reel

The next half hour passed in a blur of motion as she danced with her father, Declan, Donal,
and several officers
She was relieved when she saw Donal leading Sally to the floor

at least one of the Black brothers had decided to make peace with her friend
She was even happier when she saw Sally joyfully spinning around
the floor with Peter Crane.

She was less relieved when Donal dragged her over to
shadowed corner where Derek was standing (hiding really), enjoying himself about as much as the average prisoner of war
Derek had not danced once and gave his brother a deadly look when Donal shoved her hand in his
Genevieve tried to back away, not wanting to make Derek uncomfortable, but he made an impatient sigh an
d pulled her out on the floor.

To her surprise, he was an excellent dancer
For all his stiffness with people, he moved with the same uncommon grace of all the men of his family
His refusal to dance was just his usual temper

Genevieve felt some pity for him
She knew too well what it was like to be surrounded by people enjoying themselves while
she felt like
a miserab
le blotch on their happiness.

Her good will was short-lived
They’d circled the floor one time, when Derek demanded in an accusatory tone, “Have you eaten anything since breakfast?”

Genevieve’s back was immediately up
In fact, she’d been too nervous to eat, but she had no intention of bowing to Derek’s
at her own wedding.

“Congratulations on your marriage, Genevieve, I wish you every joy
What a lovely dress,” she said, with insincere pleasantness
“Why thank you, Derek, how kind of you to say that.” 

His expression became livid, and he gave her a very sharp shake
“I asked you a question

Genevieve wasn’t sure what possessed her, but she said in
an insolent
tone, “Not a single bite!” 

She’d never spoken to anyone like that in her life, but something in Derek made her desperate to provoke him
Derek immediately stopped dancing and grabbed her by the
upper arm
Genevieve turned crimson but forced herself to smile in spite of her rage as Derek marched her over to the banquet tables that had been laid out with all their neighbors’ contributions

He gave her a warning look, before letting go
her arm so he could fill a plate
Genevieve sensed that if she tried to escape, Derek would simply drag her back
She searched the crowd for Damian or Donal who might rescue her from Derek’s tyrannical form of care
But Damian was dancing with the priestess, and Donal with her mother

When he’d piled her plate, Derek pulled her along to one of the
tables, which were mostly filled with old men who preferred ale to dancing
He found them an unoccupied end, pushed her onto the bench, and took a seat next to her

She took the fork he offered
and looked at the plate
In the middle was a large slice
of tongue, surrounded by apple
sauce, peas and carrots
and plain boiled potatoes—bland dishes for those with indigestion

He was punishing her!  His expression said unmistakably that he would feed her himself if she didn’t cooperate

Genevieve was seething
If they’d been at home she’d have dumped the plate in his lap!  But unlike Derek, she wasn’t totally indifferent to the opinions of everyone around her
he couldn’t face making a huge scene at her own wedding, distressing her parents who were so happy for her, and causing even more talk than she’d already done
She gritted her teeth and
started eating

When she’d
everything but the meat, she pushed the plate back
and hissed,
“I’m done!”

Derek flashed her a look of dark warning
Genevieve swayed dizzily, instinctively sensing that beneath his cold stubborn
ness lurked something
Once again, s
felt that
overpowering urge to run from him

was saved
for the second time that day
by Sally
who walked up practically dragging Donal behind her

“You or me, Donal Black,”
said, giving Donal an elbow in the ribs.

You undersized termagant!” 

Oh for Pete’s sake
!”  Sally said impatiently
With a
overly sweet smile, she
, “You
all right

“Perfectly fine,” Genevieve
, drawing courage from their arrival
“I was just reminding my dear brother, Derek, that I do not eat tongue
He seems to be suffering from memory loss.” 

Derek gave her a thunderous look, and Genevieve, possessed by some alien mischievous spirit, stuck her tongue out at him

Donal roared with laughter and then elbowed Sally back
old you she could handle him
I’ve seen blood-soaked Reavers qu
ail before that
of his.”  Sally and Donal
joined them at the table

Derek visibly made
an effort to master his temper
and finally said coldly, “You’ve not eaten enough.”  He moved the pie
ce of tongue onto another plate
and stood up to refill hers

Insufferable despot! 

“Fine!” she snapped
“Please be sure to take plenty of the
stew then
I’m quite partial to

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I warned you what would happen if you
refused to eat your meals
,” and went to get more food

Luckily Genevieve’s reaction to this threat was covered over by Damian’s arrival

“There you are!” he said, ki
ssing her lavishly on the mouth
to Sally’s smirking disapproval

to the other side of the tent

Her fathe
r was mounting the little stage
holding his wooden flute!  “This is for my little girl
I love you, kitten,” he said awkwardly
e was ever a man of music
not words

He began one of her favorite ballads
Genevieve kept a smile pasted on her face, but her emotions were rising dangerously
Her father played the rustic instrument so beautifully, it was impossible not to feel her own loss
If she’d not had all her problems, she would be up there
with him
Her parents had always shown her so much love and patience, so much more than she deserved…

Thank Titania Damian had his eyes on the stage and couldn’t see her distress, but Sally and Donal were watching her closely
Sally take her hand
Grateful as
was for rediscovering her old friend, Sally’s kindness was in danger of pushing her towards one of her attacks

at her wedding, the happiest day of her life
What would it do t
o Damian

At that moment, however,
Derek returned with the second helping of food
“Finish it!” he said in that iron tone so beloved of her new family

irritation succeeded where her willpower had failed to wrestle her unruly emotions
his time
Derek had fille
plate with all of her favorite dishes
The wretch had been deliberately baiting her

he made a silent vow of revenge
as she dug in, genuinely hungry
She could listen now like everyone else, apprec
iating her father’s rare talent,
without feeling overwhelmed by regrets
There was
applause when he finished, and Genevieve felt nothing but joy when she jumped up to embrace him

Her mother had her moment of triumph soon afterwards as a splendid cake was unveiled and the puddings simultaneously set alight to enormous cheers
As was tradition, she and Damian held the knife together and cut the first piece
Damian seemed almost giddy as he fed her the first bite
His happiness was contagious
She could almost believe in the old superstition that the sweetness of the cake foretold the sweetness of their married life

As the cake and puddings were served, Donal leapt up to give a toast, followed by Mr. Richards, the tavern-keep and her father’s closest friend, and then
two officers from
the garrison
, who said something, bawdy probably, that caused all the men to roar

She noticed Donal whisper something to Sally, who gave him a wry nod
Sally stood and totally unabashed pretended to solemnly thank Genevieve for snapping up the f
earsome Damian Black so quickly,
so the other girls might relax and enjoy the
Bridal Week

Only Sally could carry off such impudence without giving offense
Damian chuckled, and Donal practically howled
Then with a mischievous wink, Sally announced that it was time for the bride to retire

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