The Heir and the Spare (10 page)

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Authors: Emily Albright

BOOK: The Heir and the Spare
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“Thank you.” I met his eyes and smiled.

“Anton was right, you do look just like her.” Standing, he placed the photo back by the miniature Eiffel Tower, then came over and sat next me. “So, is there anything I can do to help?”

Under the pretense of adjusting my shirt, I maneuvered myself so our shoulders now touched. I loved how warm he always felt. That, and the fact I was close enough to feel it. “Um, I don't think so. I'm just trying to make sure I cover everything.”

Our assignment was to pick a Renaissance artist and compare and contrast his portfolio of work. I picked Leonardo da Vinci—he'd always been a favorite. But his large and varied body of work made it tough to wrap everything up.

“Mind if I give it a read?”

“Go for it,” I said and passed my laptop to him. Leaning back against the wall, I closed my eyes. Every now and then I'd peek at Edmund. I noticed his lips moving as he read, which I found charming. What I wouldn't give to lean over and kiss him.

When he finished my twenty-three pages he said, “This is really good, Evie. I don't know what you're struggling with.” He reached over and awkwardly patted my knee, then rested his hand there. “All you need is a conclusion.”

“You think?” I tried to sound normal, but his touch had me off kilter.

Our eyes met for a second before his gaze fell to my lips. “Yeah, it's great. Really . . . brilliant.” His voice was soft and his breathing grew shallow. This sudden change in him sent tingles trilling through me.

Is this it?

Slowly, his head moved toward mine.

He closed his eyes, so I did the same.

My heart felt like it was going to explode straight out of my chest. Seconds passed and his lips didn't touch mine. My eyes flittered open as he cleared his throat and leaned back.

I inhaled sharply, mortification flooding my system. If I could disappear never to return, I so would.

Why didn't you kiss me? What do I have to do?

All I'd been thinking about since he sat next to me was how badly I wanted to curl myself into his arms and nestle my head in his nook. Unfortunately, we weren't on the same wavelength.

“What are you going to Caroline's Halloween party as?” he asked.

I was grateful he spoke first. Shaking my head, I said, “I haven't decided yet, you?”

“Well, I wanted to talk to you first.” He glanced down at his hands.

“Why's that?”

Edmund smiled, his face flushing. “I wanted to ask you if you'd go with me?”

“As in a date?” My eyebrows shot up.
Okay, maybe we are on the same wavelength after all.

“That's kind of what I had in mind.” Not meeting my eyes, he ran his fingers along the edge of my laptop.

I paused, ignoring the reasons why I probably shouldn't. “I'd love to go with you.”

He set my laptop aside and stood, a boyish grin on his now scarlet face. “Fantastic. That's bloody brilliant.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he said, “Um, I should probably let you finish your paper. I'll meet you and the gang tomorrow at the costume shop.” On his way to the door his eyes never left mine. My desk chair nearly took him out when he walked into it.

I followed him over, neither of us sure if we should hug or not.

“See you tomorrow, Edmund.” I feebly waved, my heart on rapid beat.


After closing the door, I leaned against it with a sigh. An actual date with Edmund.
Holy shit.
I jumped up and down, my fists pumping the air. If there was ever an occasion for the happy dance, this was it.

I was glad Mom brought me here. Right this very moment I didn't care why. I just loved my life.

Chapter Nine
Best-Laid Plans

Caroline commandeered Suzy and me early Sunday morning. We trudged behind her in Marks and Spencer, shopping for party goods for her Halloween bash.

I glanced at Suzy. An awful queasiness settled in the pit of my stomach. I knew she was upset that Edmund had asked me out. I'd completely ignored her feelings.
I need to fix this
. “Is everything okay, Suze?” I whispered.

Caroline was on her phone, looking frustrated. She pointed toward the front of the store and mouthed, “Be back in a minute.”

Suzy and I continued to wander, looking for munchies.

“I'm fine. Why?" She picked up a bag of chips and read the back label.

I sighed. “'Cause I'm a shitty friend.”

“What?” Her head jerked up and she looked me in the eye.

“You like Edmund.”

Her mouth opened and closed like a goldfish.

“I've suspected for a while, but I never did anything to stop him from flirting with me. I feel horrible. And now this date and the Halloween party . . .”

Suzy chewed her lower lip and tossed the crisps in the cart.

“I want to tell you everything's okay, but I can't.” She spun the ring she wore on her right hand and looked away from me. “The way he looks at you—God, I'd kill for that, even just once. The moment he met you I could tell he fancied you. He's barely taken his eyes off you since then. I know it's mental, and I hate feeling this way, but I'm so damn jealous.”

“Suze, I'm so sorry.” I met her big blue eyes and felt worse. “I should've stayed away from him. I never expected he'd take an interest in me. When he did, I just . . .” I'd let my hormones overrun my senses. My stomach in knots, I felt like crying. I pulled my navy cardigan tightly around me, hoping its soft fabric would hold me together.

Suzy's hand came to rest on my arm. “I don't blame you. Well, not much anyway.” She smiled and patted me. “Edmund's a great guy, a prince, and hot as hell. Any girl would be absolutely barmy to turn him down. If I were in your shoes, I'd have done the exact same thing. I'll get over it, but if I seem distant, it's how I'm coping, okay?”

I returned her smile. “Okay.”

“Promise you won't chuck him because of me. I'd rather him be happy with you than miserable with that toxic Barbie doll, Jax.”

I put my hand over Suzy's and gave a squeeze. “I promise.”

“You girls haven't done anything. Come on, we've got to get moving.” Caroline returned, tucking her cell phone in the butt pocket of her jeans. She grabbed the cart from me and rushed down the aisle, randomly tossing things into the basket.

“This party is going to cost a fortune.” I chuckled.

“Caroline's family has money. This is pocket change.” Suzy gestured for me to follow.

Never had I been this excited about a Halloween party. Nearly ready, I felt incredible.

Edmund suggested we go as a literary couple. Apparently, he'd noticed my Jane Austen collection. We ended up settling on Emma and Mr. Knightley. To say I was eager to see Edmund in his costume was an understatement.

My curls were piled atop my head and I kept my makeup light and fresh.
Gwyneth Paltrow, eat your heart out.
For the final touch I stood before the mirror and tucked a white ribbon through my curls.

Satisfied, I slipped into my costume.
It was a light green empire-waist dress with a sheer overlay embroidered with little white flowers. It reminded me of a dress Jennifer Ehle wore as Elizabeth Bennet in the BBC's
Pride and Prejudice
—by far the best version. The cut hugged the girls, making them look extra perky.
These dresses should make a comeback.
Comfortable and flattering, they were awesome in my book.

Shawl around my shoulders, I grasped the bonnet. Not wanting to mess up my hair, I opted to carry it.

Finished with myself, I went to check on Caroline. The sheer layer of my dress grazed the floor as I walked. For reasons I can't explain, this made me feel incredibly girly.

I knocked at Caroline's door and it flew open. There stood Suzy and Caroline, posed with hands on hips, looking bored. I burst into laughter. Standing before me were Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, circa when they were still besties. It was perfect. The sequins on their skimpy dresses glinted in the dim light. Large sunglasses, lots of makeup, and a designer bag stuffed with a plush dog completed the look.

“Oh my God, you guys look fantastic.”

“I know. We're hot.” Suzy spoke in a nasally tone, trying to imitate Paris's American accent.

“You look gorgeous.” Caroline broke character and came over, spinning me around as she pulled me into her room. “Edmund's not going to know what to do with himself.”

“Thanks.” I chuckled and smoothed imaginary wrinkles from the front of my skirt.

“You meeting him downstairs?” Suzy asked, closing the door behind me.

“No, Mr. Knightley is coming upstairs to pick me up.” I tried to suppress my grin, but it was no use.

“You realize people are going to think you're Elizabeth and Darcy, right?” Suzy adjusted her pink minidress, attempting to pull it down further than it wanted to go. “You should slip your copy of
into your bonnet.”

“That's a great idea.” I spun and ran to the door.

When I stepped into the hall I saw Edmund. He stood outside my room, black top hat in a leather-gloved hand, the other poised to knock.

Hello, Knightley.

He looked at me. His mouth popped open and then quickly transformed into a grin.

His navy tailcoat hugged his broad shoulders to perfection and the tan breeches were snug in all the right places. It was the tall leather riding boots that did me in. I sucked in a deep breath after having momentarily stopped breathing.

“Wow, Evie, you look incredible.”

A tingly sensation unfurled low in my belly and spread throughout my body.

“Thank you.” I cleared the frog from my throat. “You make quite a debonair Mr. Knightley.”

“Oooh, that's hot.” Paris Hilton appeared in the doorway behind me. She pulled her big glasses down and gave us a cheeky wink. Edmund reached over, took my hand, and pulled me close to his side.

“Nice. Where's Nicole?” He laughed.

The rich sound warmed me to my core. A hand settled on my waist and I angled into him, wanting to be closer. It was wonderful, yet a little strange, to know that we were on a date.
An actual date.
My mind was already jumping to the end of the evening.
Will he kiss me?

“Come on, Nicole. It's time to make our entrance,” the Paris impostor called to her phony sidekick.

“Coming.” Caroline appeared in the doorway. “Don't stay up here too long, you two.” She sashayed past us in her white minidress.

“Are you ready to go down?” Edmund asked me.

“I just need to grab something. I'll be right back.” I rushed into my room, snatched my worn copy of
, and placed it inside my bonnet. Back in the hall I turned to him.

“Shall we?” He held his arm out to me.

Twining my arm with his, I met his eyes. “Let's go.”

“I've been meaning to ask you, have you gotten your next task?”

“I have. It's just some research.”

He held open the stairwell door. “On what?”

“My mom's side of the family, the Elliots.”

“Have you started?” The look on his face was hard to decipher.

I lifted my hand and waved it back and forth. “A little. Not much.”

“I'm happy to help. I'm good at research. Excellent at research, actually.”

I smiled at his offer. He really was a great guy. “And so humble.”

He laughed and placed his hand over mine. “Yes, yes, I am.”

We hadn't opened the door into the commons yet, but I could hear, and feel, the bass thumping a steady beat. Edmund swung it open. The room was nearly dark, aside from orange and purple fairy lights strung from the ceiling in loops. Colorful and crazily dressed people filled the room, undulating in time to the rhythm.

I kept a firm hold on Edmund as he guided me around and through the chaos. If I lost him now, I might not find him again.

“Wow, I wonder if Caroline anticipated it being so crowded. This is insane,” I shouted so Edmund could hear me.

He spoke near my ear. “Oh, she knew. You want to dance?”

I nodded. Edmund wove a way for us to the dance floor. As we arrived, the music transitioned to a slow dance.

Edmund and I looked at each other. He didn't appear nervous, but I sure was. His hands settled confidently on my hips.


Nervously I wound my arms around his neck and averted my gaze to his chest. When I glanced up, he was watching me, smiling.

I took a mental snapshot of the way the copper flecks in his eyes caught the light, how the soft waves of his hair brushed across his forehead, and how his lips . . . they were so invitingly close. I wanted to remember every detail.

If only I could spend forever like this. With him.

“Edmund!” The shrill call cut its way across the crowded dance floor.

We both turned toward the voice. It was none other than Miss BitchyBoobsInYourFace, Chloe Saunders. Dressed as a slutty devil, she held her pointed tail in her hand.

How appropriate.

“You'll never guess who I invited to Caroline's little party.” Her voice was singsongy as she gestured to someone behind her. With a sneer on her thin lips, she aimed her smugly satisfied smile at me.

Edmund stiffened and his hand captured mine. I tried to see what he saw, but couldn't. A feeling of dread washed over me. If Chloe was this happy, it couldn't be good. I knew, without a doubt, this was her payback for our first meeting.

“Edmund, darling, you should have told me there was a party tonight.” Jax appeared from behind Chloe and grabbed him. Wrapping herself, like a snake, around him, she planted a long, wet, slurpy-sounding kiss on his lips. Her fingers threaded themselves through his blond curls, knocking his hat off.

I felt like I'd been slapped. Edmund was forced to let go of me, or be knocked over by Jax's attentions. His eyes widened and his hands went to brace himself against her shoulders. I looked around the room, waiting for him to disengage. Jax's moans of satisfaction made me want to vomit.

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