The Heretic Queen (20 page)

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Authors: Michelle Moran

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical

BOOK: The Heretic Queen
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"Let me taste you," I whispered.

He rolled so that his back was against the pillows, and I began with the inside of his thighs, licking my way up to his chest and the tender flesh around his new scar. He cupped my breasts in his hands, feeling the nipples harden beneath my sheath, and he groaned as I licked my way back down to the hardness between his legs.

"Undress for me," he begged.

I knelt above him, slowly unfastening the cloak, then my sheath, and finally taking off my wig so that my nakedness was covered only by my hair.

"You are even more beautiful than I thought." Ramesses sighed. I'm sure that I flushed at being called so. Henuttawy was beautiful. Iset was beautiful. But as I straddled him in the position that Aloli promised would increase fertility, I wondered for the first time if it might be true. His breath was ragged, and as I balanced above him, he thrust his hips forward in his eagerness to be inside of me.

I had dreamed of what it would be like with Ramesses a hundred different times. Yet when the moment came, everything that Aloli had taught me flew out of my head and I knew nothing but the feel of his body against mine, the taste of his skin, and the burning sensation that began as pain and soon became pleasure. When it was done, and Ramesses had spent himself inside of me, I looked down at the linens. I was no longer a virgin.

In the amber light of a setting sun, Ramesses caressed my cheek. Our reverie was only broken when a heavy fist pounded on the door outside of his chamber. He looked at me, and then both of us were rushing to find our clothes.

"Your Majesty," someone called from without. "The feast has begun and Pharaoh wishes to know where you are!"

"How long has he been knocking?" I exclaimed.

"Probably for a while!" Ramesses laughed, then took me in his arms. "You must move back into your chamber," he said. "No more of the temple."

"I shall have to ask Woserit," I said coyly.

"Forget Woserit! If I make you my wife, she can't take you back. I
you here." He cupped my breast in his palm. "I
you here."

"And they want you in the Great Hall," I said teasingly.

EVERY NIGHT since he had been married, Ramesses had entered the Great Hall with Iset. But that night, on the celebration of his first victory as leader of Pharaoh's army, he would enter with me and everyone would know where he had been. From the table on the dais, Henuttawy would see us, and Iset would turn to her ladies from the harem and unleash a storm.

Be brave,
I told myself.
Iset is the granddaughter of a harem wife but I am the daughter of a queen.
We left the royal courtyard as the chill of evening had settled over the palace. I sheltered beneath Ramesses's strong arm, and as we passed through the halls the whispering began. I heard my name behind me and I shivered.

"You'll grow used to it," Ramesses promised.

"The whispering or the cold?"

He laughed, but as we approached the Great Hall and the herald who would announce our presence, my stomach clenched. I could already hear the murmur of surprise from within.

"Pharaoh Ramesses II," the herald declared, "Lord of the Two Lands and son of Pharaoh Seti."

Ramesses stepped forward and waited for me.

"Princesses Nefertari, daughter of Queen Mutnodjmet and General Nakhtmin."

Ramesses took my arm, and as we moved through the hall a horrified murmur passed through the court, that on this night--of
nights--Ramesses should appear with me instead of his wife, who would bear his child. I caught my name several times before we reached the royal thrones, and at the table on the dais, a servant hastily added a chair between Pharaoh Seti and Ramesses. Iset's eyes narrowed into tiny slits, and next to her, Queen Tuya's face became hard as stone. Her
Adjo, sniffed at the air, and though there was no one else in Thebes he seemed to dislike he raised his lips in a silent growl as I passed.

I took my seat in the uncomfortable silence, and it was Queen Tuya who finally spoke. "How nice of you to escort the princess Nefertari into the Great Hall. I would have thought you might have chosen to escort your wife."

Woserit caught my gaze across the table, and I knew that she was willing her strength into me. I kept a smile on my face and replied, "I'm afraid it is my fault, Your Highness."

"What does it matter?" Seti demanded. "My son is returned from war, and the Nubians are crushed!" He raised his cup, and the rest of the table did the same. "So Nefertari," Pharaoh Seti exclaimed with mock surprise. "Not so little anymore."

I lowered my head bashfully. "No, Your Highness."

"Well, we have missed your smile in Malkata. My son, especially, I believe." He glanced at Iset, who was sulking next to the queen. The pair of them looked like Tuya's long-faced

"It's true," Ramesses replied, meeting my gaze. I knew there was more he wanted to say.

"So tell me, Nefertari." Henuttawy lowered her cup. "What was it that you and my nephew discussed? He must have told some very exciting tales to have taken all afternoon. Why don't you share one with the table?"

I'm sure my face turned as red as the cinnamon burning in the braziers, and Ramesses said firmly, "We spent our time discussing how Nefertari will be returning to the palace."

Henuttawy exchanged a look with the High Priest, Rahotep. "
Was her time at my sister's temple so unbearable?"

"Of course not." Ramesses's voice became stern. "But she is of greater use here than in the Temple of Hathor."

I looked across the table at Woserit. Was it true? Did he want me simply because he thought I was useful to him? But Woserit avoided my gaze.

"So you have decided not to become a priestess?" Pharaoh Seti confirmed.

I nodded. "My wish is to return to the palace of Malkata as soon as possible."

Pharaoh Seti sat back. "Then perhaps you will be here for my announcement in the Audience Chamber tomorrow. In a few days, my court will be leaving for Avaris."

I glanced at the queen, whose face was still drawn.

Pharaoh Seti nodded and began to cough. "I shall make Avaris the capital of Lower Egypt," he said, "and be closer to our northern border. I want to keep an eye on the kingdom of Hatti."

In that moment I realized how difficult it must have been for him to watch his son lead the army into Nubia.
He still wants to protect Egypt and watch over her enemies, even if he can't join his son on the battlefield.
When he continued to wheeze, Ramesses scowled.

"It will also be better for his health to be away from the heat and disease of a large city like Thebes. That is the most important reason."

But Pharaoh Seti waved Ramesses's concern away. "I will be taking a few of the viziers with me. And half of the army. We want to sail before the weather turns." His kind eyes rested on me. "I hope you will be able to bid us farewell when we leave."

Ramesses placed his open palm on my knee, and I smiled. "Of course, Your Highness."

ON THE boat ride back to the temple, I told Woserit what Ramesses had said before we left his chamber. "We will pack tonight to be ready for the Audience Chamber in the morning," she said, sounding pleased. "Shall I assume that you--"

"Of course they did!" Aloli cried over the splashing of the oars. "Look at her face. You did, didn't you?"

I nodded, and Merit stifled a gasp. "This
my lady?"

"There is no point in leaving love up to the gods," Woserit said. "He wants her now, and we had to put her in front of him so that he knows what he'll be fighting for."

I tried to make out Woserit's expression in the dark, but there was only a single oil lamp in our boat.

"It will certainly be a fight. And not just between my brother and Queen Tuya. While we were on the dais, Aloli was sitting among the court. She heard their whispers."

"About me? What did they say?"

Aloli nodded. "Things I shouldn't repeat, my lady."

"And you saw Henuttawy's reaction tonight," Woserit went on. "The High Priest's response will be even worse if Ramesses asks to marry you. Especially if the gossip is true and Rahotep has been visiting my sister's chamber. But my brother loves Ramesses and rarely denies him. I doubt he will now."

"But Henuttawy can be persuasive," I said.

"Not as persuasive as a man in love."

"But what if he's not in love with me? You heard what Ramesses said at the feast--that I'm more useful in the palace than in the temple."

Woserit gave me a long look from beneath her cloak. "He will say what he must to convince his father. Pharaoh Seti may see you as a daughter, but thinking that you are a good choice for a wife is something different."

I turned my face to the river, so that no one would see my hurt.

Aloli added gently, "You'll know if he loves you by how long he's willing to fight."

"And if he gives up the fight, he'll have decided I'm not worth it," I said as the boat approached the quay.

"So make sure you are," Woserit remarked.

We passed through the gates of Hathor's temple, and Woserit sent an army of servants to help pack my belongings. In my chamber, Merit ordered hot water for my bath.

"At this hour?" one of the servants questioned.

"Of course, at this hour. Do you think I want it for the morning?" Merit chided.

When the hot water came, I lay back in the tub and tried to remember everything that had happened in Ramesses's chamber. I wanted to go over it again and again so there was no detail I would ever forget. As Merit scrubbed at my back, I told her what had happened from beginning to end, and when I was finished, she let out a huge sigh and wept, "Oh, my lady, you are a woman now! And soon . . ." She sniffed. "Soon, you will belong to Ramesses."

don't cry. I will never leave you. Not for a hundred Pharaohs."

Merit blinked and raised her chin. "I'm crying tears of joy, not sorrow," she promised. "It is what I always imagined. Queen Nefertari. Mother to the future King of Egypt."

I lay in the warm water and sighed. "And we wouldn't be afraid of anyone," I said. "Not the High Priest or Henuttawy. Even Iset couldn't touch us if I were queen." I stood from the water and Merit handed me a heavy linen. I wrapped myself in its length and shivered. "But what if I can't have children?" I worried.

"Who would say such a thing?" Merit hissed. "Why wouldn't you be able to have children?" she demanded.

"I am small."

"Many women are small."

"Not as small as I am, and my mother died giving birth to me," I whispered.

"You will have plenty of children," Merit blustered. "As many as you wish."

I put on a sheath. Outside the robing room I could hear the servants moving baskets and placing my belongings into the many chests I had returned with from Malkata. I passed through the bustle and stood on the balcony overlooking the groves. The sycamores were bent like old women in the moonlight, thin and twisted, and I wondered when I would see them again. I shivered in my linen, and when Merit saw me she gave a sharp cry.

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