The Highlander's Lady (19 page)

Read The Highlander's Lady Online

Authors: Eliza Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Scottish, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance

BOOK: The Highlander's Lady
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“That is better. Now clear out,” Wallace ordered.

The men grumbled but did as they were
, nodding at her as they passed. Myra tried her best to be pleasant, but some of the men were so gruesome looking she was sure to have night terrors recalling their visages.

“Would ye care to have a seat, my lady?” Wallace asked, pointing toward an overlarge chair in front of the hearth covered in a fluffy, warm-looking blanket.

“Aye, thank ye,” she said.

She tried to let go of Daniel’s hand, but he
willing to part with her. He walked with her toward the chair. It was only when they were within a few feet that the blanket she’d seen got up and jumped from the chair.

Myra shuddered. She could see the fleas jumping all over the furry monster from where she stood. Her skin automatically itched, and she felt as though a thousand bugs crawled all over her. Knowing it was a figment of her imagination she refused to scratch.
But Lord, the urge was overwhelming.

“I think I’ll stand.”

Chapter Seventeen


allace shrugged then moved to sit at the long trestle table
in the middle of the room
. Daniel followed and Myra felt she had to do the same. She swiped off some crumbs from the bench and sat down
, relieved she didn’t slide off from all the
. The place could use a thorough scrubbing

A bump on the top of her foot made her
and she
a critter just run over her foot. Trying not to cringe
she concentrated on Wallace and what he was saying to Daniel.
Doing so helped to ease her nerves a bit. Awkwardness didn’t even begin to describe how she felt sitting out in the open with so many strange
surrounding her. Found herself looking for cracks in the walls, oddly placed furniture and anything else that might indicate a hidden doorway. Not hiding was something she needed to learn well. Daniel would keep her safe.

“The Bruce is
here at present. But he should be back soon. Anything I can help with? That eager to begin training?”

The large warrior’s smile was contagious and Myra found herself smiling in turn. But her smile faltered as she realized that the Bruce was not within Eilean Donan’s walls.
All the struggles she’d been through had been for naught.

“Where has he gone?” Daniel sat forward, his brow creased.
Myra followed suit.

sat forward, sensing something was off no doubt. “What’s amiss, Murray?”

“We’ve come with urgent news. My wife must speak with the Bruce immediately.”

Wallace shook his head. “Impossible. He is

“When will he return?” Daniel’s tone turned impatient and Myra felt her own nerves reaching the breaking point.
She had to stop herself from interjecting.

“A couple days I suspect.”

Daniel’s hand clenched into a fist on top of the table but he didn’t say anything.
Myra watched his knuckles growing white.

“What’s this about?” Wallace glanced at Myra, catching her eyes. “Ye can trust me.”

Myra touched Daniel’s arm
. He jerked, then seeming to remember her presence,
at her. Unspoken words passed between them. She nodded and Daniel returned the gesture before
his attention back to Wallace.

“My wife’s home was attacked over a week ago. Her brother Laird Munro was slain.”

Wallace’s face filled with compassion. “My prayers are with ye, lass. Munro was a good man.”

Myra swallowed back her tears, gave an imperceptible nod.
At the moment she wanted to bolt. To leave this castle with its beautiful shell but inner stink. Her skin felt like it was crawling and Myra curled her hands into fists to keep from fidgeting or scratching.

“Who attacked Foulis?” Wallace asked.

Again Daniel turned to Myra for her permission, and she gave it.

“The Earl of Ross was behind the attack. Munro found out some information about the bastard and Ross sought to silence him and take what he believed belonged to him—my wife.”

Wallace’s face paled where he wasn’t covered in hair, and his eyes flashed with anger and fear. “The Bruce has left to meet with Ross. The man has been…a great ally to our cause.”

Nay! Myra shook her head, disbelieving what she was hearing.

Daniel let out a deep breath. “Aye. But the news gets worse.”

“I think I may know what ye’re going to say.” Wallace’s tone was hollow and Myra could practically read the plans he was etching.

“Ross is in league with the English. If the Bruce has gone to meet him, it’s a trap. Where were they to meet? My men saw a band of Ross warriors camped within the woods.”

“They were to meet at a nearby inn. Ross sent a message that he had news of a possible ambush…” Wallace’s words trailed off.

Myra’s stomach plummeted. The future of Scotland was walking into a trap.

“Did he take any men with him?” Daniel asked.

“Aye, but only a half-dozen. He feels safe around here. Every Scot wants him to succeed. Well, at least that’s what he thought.”

“I fear the warriors outside the walls await but a signal from Ross before they attack. I’d fortify the walls.” Daniel stood. “I need to speak with Ronan.”

“Wait!” Myra said louder than she’d planned. “What about the Bruce? Shouldn’t someone go and get him?”

“Aye, I will see about it.” Wallace stood and stomped away, anger in his every step.

Myra’s hands a
s he
pulled her to stand. “’Twill be all right, lass. Ye’ve given your message and now we can all work to see Ross brought down.”

Then why did she feel such dread? Why did it seem like everything was falling apart?

Myra nodded. “I think I need to rest. I’m so tired.” And that was partially true. She was completely exhausted. Her mind numb from having to be constantly on alert for nearly two weeks, all the suffering and loss she’d been through. Her body ached from travel, fighting off attackers and the physical rush of being in danger.
The emotional turmoil started to take
its toll.
But in truth, she felt the need to be alone. To sink into the comfort of obscurity.

Daniel’s face showed lines of strain. He was tired too, that much was obvious.

“Let us find ye a maid…” He glanced around, an eyebrow raised. “Not sure that will be possible.”

As if on cue, an older female servant melted from the shadows. “I can show ye both to your
. I am Marta, Housekeeper to Eilean Donan these past twenty years.”

Myra smiled at the older woman who stood proudly before them.

“I would be grateful for a chamber.”

Marta nodded and motioned for them to follow her up a winding staircase. “These chambers are meant for honored guests and I’m sure that would include ye and your husband, my lady.”

Myra’s tiredness ebbed a litt
le. They would
have to
share a chamber?
Ugh. She hadn’t the strength to argue it. Besides a chill had settled in her bones that only ebb
when she was in Daniel’s arms.
They’d make do. After all they’d been sleeping beside each other for the last couple nights. She would just make sure that
they slept fully clothed—boots and all. Although, the alternative was

They came to a chamber, decent in size, but smaller than her chamber at Foulis. There was a double bed pushed up against the left corner, a small hearth on the right wall, a wooden chest at the end of the bed and a table beside the bed with a washbasin. Two narrow slitted windows were fitted inside tiny alcoves that someone had set small vases of dried flowers in an attempt to make the fortified arrow slits

“Will ye be needing anything else, my lady? My laird? I can rummage a bath for ye.”

“That would be wonderful,” Myra said, hearing the tiredness in her own voice.

Marta nodded and retreated from the room.

Myra went to the slitted windows and glanced outside. The darkening clouds had moved closer and she was that much
that they’d arrived. But there was something so ominous about that threatening storm, as if it culminated everything she’
d been running from and toward.

“Are ye all right, lass?” Daniel came up behind her, placed his palm on the small of her back. “I know this wasn
the news ye were hoping for.”

Myra shook her head, glanced back at him for a moment before turning back toward the storm. “Nay. ’Ti
s not good, especially knowing
warriors are waiting just behind those trees. Feels like I missed the mark by a few moments. Story of my life.” She laughed bitterly.

“Myra, none of this is your fault. Ye could not have predicted that Ross would turn against his own people, his own country. Ye could not predict that he’d gain the trust of our revered king and draw him out alone. These are things that no one could have predicted. Not even Byron.”

Myra glanced down at her boots, dirty around the tips. The hem of her gown was dirty too and could use a good washing.
In fact, she’d be glad for
new one that fit.

“I know it, but it doesna mean I feel better about it.”

Daniel softly took hold of her elbow and pulled her into his embrace
and she let him, wanting to feel his strong arms around her, wanting him to take away some of the burden she carried
He ran his hands up and down her back, massaging the tightened muscles.

What can I do to make ye feel better?” he asked softly.

“Kiss me? Make me forget.” Myra was just as shocked by her own words as Daniel appeared to be. He
however, recovered from it much quicker than she did.

His lips descended on hers in yet another kiss that was completely different and magical in every way. Sparks shot from their connected lips to raise flames on every inch of her body.
She melted into him, sinking against the muscled
of his chest, stomach, thighs. Myra shuddered, unprepared for
the onslaught of sensation
brought on by
all that hard flesh
her softer curves.

Daniel deepened the kiss, his tongue sw
ping inside her mouth to tease hers. Myra leaned even further into him, wanting, needing so much more.
verything that had happened before, led up to this one, intense, desire
filled moment, and she didn’t ever want it to end. She gripped his shoulders, kneaded the muscles, ground her hips against his, frustrated when his sporran got in the way.

Instinctively, she reached down and undid the buckle that held it in place, hearing the piece thud as it hit the floor. Daniel pulled back a moment, his eyes wide, matching her own, but Myra couldn’t think on what she was doing. Thinking would only make her stop, and she didn’t want to do that. Right now she needed to feel loved, cherished and whenever Daniel kissed her, touched her, she felt those things.
She wanted to forget the past two weeks and to just

She tipped up on her toes and pressed her lips on
e more to his, crushing her breasts against his chest.

“Myra,” he growled, low and sensual, the sound sending ripples of rampant desire up and down her arms. “What are ye doing, lass?” He may have asked the question, but he didn’t stop her. His lips claimed hers once more, fierce and demanding.

He reached down and gripped her rear,
lifting her slightly as he
her pelvis once more close to his. She gasped when a new hardness pressed against that sensitive spot. His sporran was no longer there. Nay, the
length that now touched her, probed against her delicate parts was his…

Myra shuddered, loving the new sensations that his
brought about.
Tentatively, she explored his arms, his back, her fingers gliding over the ridges and sinew. He was so muscular, built like a rock. What would it feel like for all that
on top of her, inside of her? Her legs trembled and she felt suddenly boneless.

Daniel lifted her into the air, his mouth skimming to her chin, her ear, where he bit the lobe lightly, then toward her neck where he teased the flesh with the tip of his tongue, kissed then suckled.

“Oh,” she moaned, completely out of sorts, only living for the delicious and wicked movements of his tongue.

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