The Highlander’s Witch (14 page)

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Authors: Jennifer France

BOOK: The Highlander’s Witch
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Skye waited for the queasy feeling but all she got was a moment of blurriness.

Trying once more gave the same results.

Sinking to her knees, she shook her head in disbelief as she stared at the same four walls she’d been in for the last couple of nights.


“It didn’t work.”

“Where are you?”

Shaking her head in despair, Skye rose to her feet and turned in a circle.

“I’m still
.” She said in disbelief. She sank onto the mattress and looked in the flickering flame. “Dammit.”

Her aunt piped in. “Maybe we should do the spell.”

“Man, I suck as a witch.” Skye whispered.

“Don’t say that, what you can do will save Doug and our baby. Modern medicine doesn’t seem to have a clue and if so they might be too late.”

“I’m sorry. A moment of self-disgust got the better of me. You two go ahead and try.”

She climbed off the bed and stood in the center of the room taking calming breaths as they repeated the spell.


“No way.” Skye ground through clenched teeth.

“Did anything happen, dear? Anything at all?” Gladys asked.

Flopping back on the bed, she clenched her fists, trying to keep herself from making a noise that would draw the attention of the guard.

“A quick moment of blurriness, but that happened when I did it.”

“And what did you feel when I sent you there the other day?”

“I got nauseous and almost blacked out.”

“So we’re on the right track. I just cannot fathom why it is not working. Sarah and I went over the spell with a fine tooth comb, so to speak.”

Closing her eyes as something occurred to her, Skye asked, “Would a fairy circle have anything to do with this?”

“There was a fairy circle? Where? On the other end?” Sarah asked excitedly.

“Ummm, yes. Does that make a difference?”

“It may very well be why you were able to go into the past, child.” Her aunt mused from behind Sarah. “I was wondering how that happened since normally you go from point A to B with no time involved or at least that was my intention with my enchantment. This house is a magical spot in itself, add the fairy circle at the other end, and it makes sense. A portal of sorts I suppose.”

“This is not good. Do you know how far it is?”

“We’ll try to think of something here,” Sarah smiled weakly. “but try to get there if you can and I know that is easier said than done.

“Yes, dear, do try. I’m thinking the spell works because you do feel some of the same things, just not as strong, so being in that circle would give you the added
to get you back.”

Feeling hopeless, Skye tried to keep from thinking of the impossible and changed the subject.

“How is Doug doing?”

“He has finally taken some vacation time and is holed up in the spare room looking over his family history. Keeps him busy and his mind off things he has no control over. Which you know is a very difficult thing for that man.” Sarah actually chuckled. “He’s dy—excited to talk to you about the Scotland you are in now.”

Skye heard the change in words and acted as if it had not occurred. “Tell him I’m up for a long night of storytelling.”

They ended the conversation soon after and Skye slipped into bed wondering how in the hell she was going to get back to the fairy circle.

*     *     *

Skye cracked open the door after Aiden called out for her to enter when she knocked on his study door.

“May I come in?”

“Aye, lass.”

Not daring to look at him, she crossed the room, taking a moment to pat the dogs before standing in front of the desk Aiden sat behind, trying to steady the pounding of her heart.

Having been absent-minded all day, she fretted over how she would say what she needed, waiting for a rare moment like this when Aiden would be alone.

Skye took a deep breath. “Am I a prisoner?”

Aiden straightened and paused in his perusal of her and took in her tight features and the nervous way she played with a ring on her thumb.

“Why do ye ask?”

“I need to go home.”

Aiden ignored the way his gut clenched at her words.

“Ye can go home any time ye wish, just tell me where home be, lass.” He answered carefully.

Glancing up, she saw his face, hard in its intensity and her heart cried out at the wall she was creating.

“I just want to go back to where you found me is all.”

“An do what? Leave ye there?”


“Do ye ken how dangerous that be?”

Skye searched for an answer while her heart hammered so loud she worried he could hear it.

“I just need to go home. Now.”

“Aye, ye have said so before. What makes it so urgent that ye seek me out now?”

“My sister is pregnant too and the problem with Anna is making me concerned for her.” She couldn’t help wringing her hands as she silently willed him to just let her go. “Please.”

“I need a better answer than that.”

Squaring her shoulders, she forced herself to straighten her spine and hold her head up.

Begging hadn’t worked. Not like she thought it would, but no other option had come to her.

“So I am a prisoner.”


“You are keeping me from my family.”

“Tell me who they be an I shall send a missive informin them of yer stay here.”

“I cannot do that, and you know it.”

He stood and placed the palms of his hands on the desk and leaned towards her.

“Nay, I doona ken, but ye will be stayin put til ye can give me answers to the questions I have.”

“I don’t have answers I can give you.” Skye cried out.

As his face cleared of all expression, she gritted her teeth, fighting to hold back the tears, knowing his trust in her had taken a step backwards but she didn’t have any other choice.

“Then this conversation is moot.” His voice was deathly soft.

“I really wish you would reconsider.”

“Doona think of leavin, Skye.” His voice was slow and precise. Its unyieldingness surprisingly made her insides clench in desire. “Ye wouldna get far.”

Aiden watched her walk out of his study, his belly tied in knots. He couldn’t help but wonder why she came to him now with her wish to return home. Although mentioned before, this time it seemed more urgent.

He began to doubt the very instincts he had relied on in battle. There was no help for it. He had too many simple questions she refused to answer.

Now he wondered if she had been here long enough to gather whatever information she needed and was ready to turn that over to someone.

“I saw Skye leave an now here I see ye with a stone mask over yer face. This doesna bear well, I be thinkin.” Collin commented from the doorway.

Aiden looked up at his brother-by-marriage and shook his head. “Tis no good, Collin. The lass wishes to go home.”

“What makes this request so disturbin, Aiden? She has wanted that from the beginnin.”

“She was very adamant this time.”

Collin watched as Aiden brooded for a bit before he smiled and sat in a chair.

“Ye be thinkin once again the lass be a spy.”

“What else can it be?”

“Then give her what she wants an put an end to yer worries.”

“What be ye suggestin?” Aiden asked as he watched the man’s roguish smile.

“Return her to the glen, if she be a spy ye will ken then. If she isna, then it will put yer worries to rest.”

“An set meself up fer an ambush, man?”

“Nay, brother, ye take yer time gettin there. Stay the night at the old shepherds place. I will take some men an pass ye. We will get to the place before ye, check it out an stay hidin til ye call us. If she wishes fer ye to leave then so be it.” Collin shrugged. “Ye can double back an join us as we wait to see what the lass does.”

Aiden looked at his friend with mild amusement. “Why be it that I dinna think of this?”

“Because ye be smitten with the lass an yer heart be overridin yer brain too much to be thinkin clear.”

That caught Aiden in the chest. Were his feelings that strong in such a short time?

He quickly brushed it aside, knowing his desire was to take Skye to his bed, nothing more.

Smiling, he nodded his agreement. “I will speak with the council today an plan on leavin on the morrow. Gather three good men, more will just attract attention—if there be attention to be attracted.”

Collin nodded before leaving the room.


Skye left the study with her heart pounding heavily in her chest.

When she looked at Keir’s unyielding face, she knew he had heard.

Placing her hands on her hips and refusing to let the tears fall, she frowned at her guard.

“We all have secrets we can’t tell. But mine won’t destroy any one other than myself.” She huffed. “All I want is to go home, to be surrounded by those who trust and love me. Who wouldn’t want that?”

Not seeing Collin standing off to the side, she turned on her heel and stomped away, not caring who followed.

Frustrated and unsure what to do next, she wandered aimlessly until she noticed a light coming from under Anna’s door. Tapping lightly, she slowly entered when Anna answered and noticed the girl’s pale face.

She walked up to the bed smiling though her concern. “How are you, hun?”

Anna reached out and clutched Skye’s hand. “I no be doin too good, truth be told.”

Skye swallowed back her uncertainties. “Tell me what you are feeling, Anna.” She encouraged as she fought these new fears.

“Tis the bairn.” Tears formed and fell freely from her face as she gripped Skye’s hand harder. “I doona ken why I canna carry a babe.”

“Did you call for the midwife?”

Anna shook her head vehemently. “I doona want her, she does nothin for me or the bairn. Keep her away from me, please!”

When Anna’s voice caught and sweat broke out, Skye forgot everything and clutched the girl’s hand.

Leaning forward, she whispered. “I can help you, Anna. Let me help you.”

Anna’s body stiffened in pain.

“Please help the bairn.” She gritted through clenched teeth.

“I will, I promise.” She said as she forced her hand from Anna’s and lifted the covers, barely covering a gasp at the blood starting to spread across the sheets.

Warmth suffused her body as her powers quickly gathered, removing the chills the sight of blood had caused as she lifted the bloodstained gown and touched the swollen belly.

Not removing her gaze from the first hand, she lifted the other to touch Anna’s forehead and sent calming thoughts as she focused her energy.

The room became hazy, her eyes narrowed, faced flushed, and Skye felt like she was floating as she followed the controlled energy into the womb. Her powers fanned out, stopping the bleeding and doing a general healing. All the while soothing Anna, telling her all would be well, feeling the girl’s body slowly relax as the pain eased and surprise and hope took over.

The bleeding stopped and Skye focused on the baby.

Smiling down at the perfect little boy, she wrapped him in gentle warmth and love before searching for the cause of Anna’s continuous miscarriages.

Muffled noises distracted Skye and she frowned, trying to concentrate on the colors her healing powers used to show her where she needed to be.

She was following the womb when she suddenly felt herself falling.

Dizziness distorted the sounds around her and as she felt her body smack against the floor and wall, her stomach reacting violently to the sudden movement and disconnection from her healing.

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