The Highwayman of Tanglewood (38 page)

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Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

BOOK: The Highwayman of Tanglewood
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As each patron of the restaurant applauded—cheered in chanting, “Zorro! Zorro! Zorro!”—my three friends drew the rogue near to them! To be in the company of the dashing rogue Zorro—it was the making of their evening!

With one last kiss to my tender lips, he vanished—hastening from the restaurant with gallant legerdemain and leaving a cheering wave of awe in his heroic wake! Ah! Such a night it was—the night I first met and kissed him that was, in truth, the Highwayman of Tanglewood!

Now—it is very necessary that all who read of my romantic and epic encounter with “Zorro” understand that my husband (Kevin) is not one to seek after attention or notice. Tall, dark, and handsome, Kevin possesses a unique wit and sense of humor, as well as a sheer naiveté to his magnetism. To dress up as Zorro, race through a crowded restaurant, and deliver such a scene—mortifying! This was the reason for Tara’s unsettled appearance—Kevin was an hour late in appearing as Zorro, having had to draw upon every ounce of courage known to mankind!

Dressed in the less-than-perfect rental costume (the only one Tara could find in the tiny town of Bellingham, Washington), Kevin stood for long moments before the mirror in our master bathroom contemplating his rogue’s ride! In fact, he made two phone calls to other men—acquaintances who might offer support. Both friends encouraged him, and he was finally able to make it out to the car and drive to the restaurant. It was there that Tara found him—sitting in the car—having been there for over thirty minutes, attempting to find the nerve to run through the crowded restaurant dressed as Zorro.

At long last, Tara was able to convince Kevin to go.
“Is there anyone in there from work?” he asked (as if Tara would be in any way familiar with Kevin’s business associates).
Tara assured Kevin there was not (as if Tara would be in any way familiar with Kevin’s business associates).
“Just run in, say your line, hand her the flowers, and run out!” Tara ordered.

With a heavy sigh and having to muster more courage than it might have taken for him to face the guillotine, Kevin rushed into the restaurant behind Tara.

Upon entering, however, Tara turned, holding up her hands in a gesture to keep Kevin from approaching our table and exclaiming, “Wa—wa—wait! They’re singing to her now!”

There he stood—Kevin the Brave—standing ’midst a sea of restaurant patrons, waiting for the waiters and waitresses to finish singing “Happy Birthday” to me. All around him, people chanted, “Zorro!” Women sighed with delight, men rolled their eyes wishing they could be so bold, and Kevin stood behind Tara dressed as Zorro.

In truth, I know Kevin could best any other man we know at fists, swords, or basketball! Yet, to me, this memory stands out as one of the most heroic deeds of his entire life! What did it take for a man who avoids the limelight, prefers to observe, seeks nothing as far as attention and recognition goes—what bravery indeed—to dress up as Zorro and race through a restaurant filled with people that may or may not be his work associates? That, my friends, is the mark of a true hero!

Oh, he is rapscallion enough—owning the stripe of a rascal, the skill and dexterity of any medieval knight, and a rogue’s own power of flirtation, persuasion, and allure. Yet this one brave deed stands out to me—in my mind and heart forever—because I know how challenging it was to perform!

And now, at last, you have the story behind the story—the true inspiration for the Highwayman of Tanglewood’s appearance in
An Old-Fashioned Romance
—the true inspiration for the Highwayman of Tanglewood himself!




My thanks to Kathy, Rhonda, and Tara (pictured here with Zorro/Kevin/The Highwayman of Tanglewood) for orchestrating one of the greatest moments of my life!

And, of course, my eternal love and humble thanks to Kevin…

for loving me enough to follow through with it!










To my husband, Kevin…

The Highwayman of My Dreams!



About the Author


arcia Lynn McClure’s intoxicating succession of novels, novellas, and e-books—including
The Visions of Ransom Lake
A Crimson Frost
The Rogue Knight
, and most recently
The Pirate Ruse
—has established her as one of the most favored and engaging authors of true romance. Her unprecedented forte in weaving captivating stories of western, medieval, regency, and contemporary amour void of brusque intimacy has earned her the title “The Queen of Kissing.”

Marcia, who was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has spent her life intrigued with people, history, love, and romance. A wife, mother, grandmother, family historian, poet, and author, Marcia Lynn McClure spins her tales of splendor for the sake of offering respite through the beauty, mirth, and delight of a worthwhile and wonderful story.




(To date by first
in print
publishing date.)


The Heavenly Surrender
(2001, 2002, 2009, 2011)

The Visions of Ransom Lake
(2002, 2007)

Shackles of Honor
(2002, 2009)

Dusty Britches
(2003, 2008)

Desert Fire

To Echo the Past
(2003, 2011)

The Fragrance of her Name
(2004, 2009)

An Old-Fashioned Romance
(2004, 2010)

Divine Deception

The Touch of Sage
(2007, 2010)


Born for Thorton’s Sake

Sudden Storms
(2007, 2011)

The Whispered Kiss

The Prairie Prince

The Highwayman of Tanglewood

Love Me

The Time of Aspen Falls

A Crimson Frost

Saphyre Snow

Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine

Weathered Too Young

The Windswept Flame

The Anthology of Premiere Novellas Romantic Vignettes

The Pirate Ruse

The Rogue Knight

The Heavenly Surrender 10
Anniversary Special Edition

Kissing Cousins

The Trove of the Passion Room

Sweet Cherry Ray

Midnight Masquerade

The Light of the Lovers’ Moon

Kiss in the Dark

The Tide of the Mermaid Tears

A Better Reason to Fall in Love

Take a Walk With Me

The Pirate Ruse

Historical Romance

Abducted! Forcibly taken from her home in New Orleans, Cristabel Albay found herself a prisoner aboard an enemy ship—and soon thereafter, transferred into the vile hands of blood-thirsty pirates! War waged between the newly liberated United States and King George. Still, Cristabel would soon discover that British sailors were the very least of her worries—for the pirate captain, Bully Booth, owned no loyalty—no sympathy for those he captured.

Yet hope was not entirely lost—for where there was found one crew of pirates—there was ever found another. Though Cristabel Albay would never have dreamed that she may find fortune in being captured by one pirate captain only to be taken by another—she did! Bully Booth took no man alive—let no woman live long. But the pirate Navarrone was known for his clemency. Thus, Cristabel’s hope in knowing her life’s continuance was restored.

Nonetheless, as Cristabel’s heart began to yearn for the affections of her handsome, beguiling captor—she wondered if Captain Navarrone had only saved her life to execute her poor heart!


Weathered Too Young

Historical Romance

Lark Lawrence was alone. In all the world there was no one who cared for her. Still, there were worse things than independence—and Lark had grown quite capable of providing for herself. Nevertheless, as winter loomed, she suddenly found herself with no means by which to afford food and shelter—destitute.

Yet Tom Evans was a kind and compassionate man. When Lark Lawrence appeared on his porch, without pause he hired her to keep house and cook for himself and his cantankerous elder brother, Slater. And although Tom had befriend Lark first, it would be Slater Evans—handsome, brooding, and twelve years Lark’s senior—who would unknowingly abduct her heart.

Still, Lark’s true age (which she concealed at first meeting the Evans brothers) was not the only truth she had kept from Slater and Tom Evans. Darker secrets lay imprisoned deep within her heart—and her past. However, it is that secrets are made to be found out—and Lark’s secrets revealed would soon couple with the arrival of a woman from Slater’s past to forever shatter her dreams of winning his love—or so it seemed. Would truth and passion mingle to capture Lark the love she’d never dared to hope for?


The Windswept Flame

Historical Romance

Broken—irreparably broken. The violent deaths of her father and the young man she’d been engaged to marry had irrevocably broken Cedar Dale’s heart. Her mother’s heart had been broken as well—shattered by the loss of her own true love. Thus, pain and anguish—fear and despair—found Cedar Dale and her mother, Flora, returned to the small western town where life had once been happy and filled with hope. Perhaps there Cedar and her mother would find some resemblance of truly living life—instead of merely existing. And then, a chance meeting with a dream from her past caused a flicker of wonder to ignite in her bosom.

As a child, Cedar Dale had adored the handsome rancher’s son, Tom Evans. And when chance brought her face-to-face with the object of her childhood fascination once more, Cedar Dale began to believe that perhaps her fragmented heart could be healed.

Yet could Cedar truly hope to win the regard of such a man above men as was Tom Evans? A man kept occupied with hard work and ambition—a man so desperately sought after by seemingly every woman?


Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine

Historical Romance

Civil War—no one could flee from the nightmare of battle and the countless lives it devoured. Everyone had sacrificed—suffered profound misery and unimaginable loss. Vivianna Bartholomew was no exception. The war had torn her from her home—orphaned her. The merciless war seemed to take everything—even the man she loved. Still, Vivianna yet knew gratitude—for a kind friend had taken her in upon the death of her parents. Thus, she was cared for—even loved.

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