The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (35 page)

BOOK: The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series)
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He grabbed
one of my legs and pulled it spinning me on the smooth leather until I was spread-eagled
into the corner then pushed me right back and got between my thighs, one knee
on the sofa and one foot on the floor, then grabbed my ankles, thrusting them
in the air and I gasped with delight. He pulled my feet apart and leaned in
between them, draping my legs over his shoulders before leaning right down, until
my knees pressed into my chest, then turned his head and bit my calf until I
groaned. He yanked the crotch of my knickers to the side and rammed himself
into me grabbing the back of the sofa with his left arm for support, and
shoving his right hand fingers into my mouth. I bit and sucked and he started
to fuck me. There were no slow leisurely strokes, as requested he was using me
as a vessel to offload in again, but this time with my knowledge and consent and
that turned me on so much. His balls were so heavy they cracked against my
smarting backside and he was grunting like a wild animal with every thrust.

‘Gabe, keep
doing it, please don’t stop … o yes, don’t … stop.’

‘You’re so
wet for me baby, it feels so good inside you,’ he groaned. He leaned right
down, almost cutting off my breathing and tried to kiss me. I grabbed the back
of his head and pulled as I lifted mine up and our teeth clashed as we
awkwardly and frantically kissed as he worked in me. I started to climax and howled
as it hit me and he carried on without coming.

‘You’re ...
a ...
,’ I groaned as I felt another wave coming and rode it
screaming at the top of my lungs as the sweat covered my face, chest and

‘O fuck
Mia, your face … God your face as you come … I love it … come again, come again
for me,’ he ordered. I thrashed my head, biting my lip, I couldn’t, it was too
much. ‘Mia baby, I need you ... to come … now,’ he groaned. I looked up at him
through half closed eyes, my mouth wide open trying to tell him to slow down,
but nothing was coming out. He’d sweat on his brow and his face was screwed up
with that look of pleasurable pain. I looked in awe, I was doing that, he was
like that for me. Despite my resistance I started convulsing again and sobbed
his name and saw him tense up as he ejaculated and groaned loudly and started
to move in me slowly, circling his hips around and around until I’d finished
coming. He let go of the sofa and let my legs drop either side of him before he
collapsed on top of me and buried his face in my neck as we panted and heaved. ‘Fuck,
that was amazing,’ he groaned. ‘You ok baby?’

fantastic, I’m tingling all over ... You were Vin.’

‘Vin? You’re
comparing me to Vin Diesel?’

‘Fast and
furious baby,’ I giggled and he laughed and raised his head and kissed me
tenderly. ‘In fact you’re the Terminator of sex, a sexinator,’ I laughed and he
joined me.

‘I’d love
nothing better than to just spend a whole day in bed with you, Mia. I’d love to
just sink into you every single time I got hard.’

‘I only
have fifteen minutes to get cleaned up for my appointment, so keep that fantasy
on hold. Maybe we can do it at the Edinburgh hotel, just get room service and not
get up?’

‘I’m liking
your thinking. I’m sure that can be arranged.’

‘I love you
Gabe Austin, and not just for my multiple orgasms,’ I replied kissing him
tenderly and making him smile. We got up and sneaked into the bathroom with our
clothes and I pulled my hair up and quickly showered and washed myself
carefully before passing him the floating shower head, winking at him. I dried
myself off and put on some fresh knickers and dressed again in the same outfit
and let my hair down and gasped in the mirror. I had sex hair, all matted at
the back and I didn’t have time to sort it. I grabbed it and backcombed it all
before scrunching it into a seriously messy bun on the top of my head. Gabe was
drying himself off as Lexi yelled for me to hurry up. I grabbed his face and
kissed him. ‘See you back here? I’ll be at least a couple of hours and we could
have an early dinner together before I have movie night with Lexi.’

‘Ok baby,
have a nice time.’

‘If I find
out another woman’s hands have been near that cock you’re going to be in so
much trouble,’ I responded with a stern glare.

‘I promise,
I’m seeing a guy, under much sufferance.’ He blew me a kiss and I rushed out
and headed downstairs with Lexi.

‘So you
obviously sorted out yesterday’s
not letting you come
issues by the
sounds coming from the lounge,’ she laughed as we headed downstairs.

‘Sorry, we
were a bit noisy weren’t we?’ I grinned. ‘Yes we did. He’s taking his swimming
one day at a time and has booked into see the psychiatrist from Monday, so
we’re doing ok.’

‘Seem more
than ok from what I heard,’ she replied as she elbowed me in the arm and opened
the main door to the street. We walked past the builders and this time we got a
polite ‘
Afternoon Ladies’
so I replied with a smile and called ‘


slightly insulted that we just walked past a load of builders and got no
comments or whistles,’ Lexi said as she looked back sussing them out. ‘Whatever
Gabe said obviously had the desired effect.’

‘Yes, he
seems to have that way with people, yet he’s so young. What the hell will he be
like when he’s older? Will you stop looking back at that dark haired guy,’ I
exclaimed giving her a smack.

cock spotting and his looked decent, I’d give him an eight, though the one with
the hairy arse was way on the small side so just a one.’

‘You don’t
rate the ones of guys you’re with, do you?’

‘Christ no,
well, not to their faces anyway, not since I laughed once when I saw one and it
got even smaller and the guy ran out of the room. I never saw him again.’

that’s awful. The poor guy’s probably scarred for life. So what score would
Doug get?’

‘I’d say an
eight, what about Gabe?’

‘Well, I
may not have seen many but he’s b.i.g and the
on it is like … wow,
so I’d have to give him a ten if ten is the absolute max you can give, Lex.’

‘There is
such a thing as oversharing you know.’

‘Since when?
We always share and you’ve always been desperate to know about Gabe’s penis.’

‘Not since I
started having non-mind blowing penetrative sex, you just depress me with
super amazing sex life.’

‘Lexi you
have to talk to Doug, you really do. It’s unfair to fake it and I don’t want
you cheating on him and making things uncomfortable. Fix it or end it nicely.’


apparently I have it going on today, but Lex, like it or not you’re in a
relationship now. I seem to recall you saying to me on our first day of Uni
that relationships were a whole share and fuck deal. So you need to start
sharing. How’s your therapy going?’

‘Good, I
can’t believe I’m still going and you quit. I’d have thought it’d be the other
way around.’

‘There wasn’t
anything wrong with her, I just felt like we were going around in circles with
her expecting me to come up with the answers. I don’t expect someone to fix me,
but I need them to ask the right questions to get me thinking about my
reasoning and it just wasn’t happening with her. Robert’s paying for me to see
his private therapist to give him a try, the one Gabe’s going to see and maybe
when we’re ready we can have joint sessions.’

‘I say,’
Lexi laughed, putting on her best posh voice. ‘Robert, not Mr, Austin, eh? You
getting comfortable with this whole steady relationship deal. And other than
his recent mood swings, what does Gabe need counselling for? His control issues
or his sexaholicism?’

‘For your
information Mr. Austin insisted on me calling him Robert. He thinks of me as
family, which is really sweet. He says Gabe’s never been so happy so if he can
help me resolve my marriage and children issues he will.’

nice of him. So what’s Gabe’s deal? It’s the sex, isn’t it?’

‘No, it’s
not the sex. He has a high sex drive and it turns out so do I, so it’s not an
issue to either of us. He was eight when his mum died Lex, and he’s holding
onto a lot of guilt over it and apparently has abandonment issues from her
death, his dad withdrawing from grief and then having to work away a lot, it’s
all hard for him.’

I get, why guilt?’ she asked looking puzzled. I looked at her, still not ready
to tell her the whole truth, so decided to leave out the miscarriage.

‘They had
an argument, he stomped off and she ran after him and had an accident and
that’s how she died.’

‘Fuck, poor
guy. He can’t blame himself surely?’

‘He does
and I think that’s why he’s so controlling, like I tried to be. We both want to
be in charge, to minimise the risk of getting hurt again. He’s so scared I’m
going to leave him, or he’ll lose me, which is why he gets so …’

possessive and over protective?’ she volunteered as I stalled.

‘Yes,’ I
replied, giving her a sideways glance to see if she got it and she nodded and

‘Yeah, fair
enough. I’ll try and back off bugging you both about it. So tell me what’s
going on in the apartment next door and what you’ve been buying.’

We chatted
all the way to the beauticians and I was starting to regret still wearing my
heels instead of my trainers. As Lexi was only having a facial I told her not
to wait for me and asked Amy if I could fit in having my eyebrows threaded as
well, which she agreed to. I turned off my phone and headed in, finding the wax
painful having forgotten to take a painkiller earlier. An hour and a half long
facial and neck massage soon relaxed me, eyebrows were sorted and I settled in
to a deluxe paraffin wax and a mani/pedi with black shellac to last through my
trip away. It was nearly sixthirty by the time I paid up and it had already
gone dark. I stepped out onto the pavement in the little square and was surprised
to see Gabe’s car in the open air car park right opposite. As I stood looking
at it he jumped out and marched overlooking furious.

‘Mia, what
the hell?’ he barked.

‘Hello to
you as well. What’s with the attitude and why are you here?’

‘You said you’d
only be a couple of hours and I get back to the apartment to find Lexi home
without you and it’s already pitch black outside. You haven’t answered any of my
calls to see if you were alright. Why the fuck do you think I’m angry?’

‘Lexi only
had one treatment, she wasn’t going to hang around waiting for me.’

‘Why didn’t
you answer your phone?’

‘You have
to turn your phone off when you’re in a beauty area so you don’t upset other

‘So what,
you were going to walk home alone? In the dark in fucking heels like that?’ he
snapped as he put one hand on his hip and ran a hand through his hair. He was
really agitated and I bit my lip and looked at my shoes. He was right, I’d not
thought it’d be so late, or so dark.

‘I’m sorry,
I wasn’t thinking, please don’t be mad.’

‘Too bloody
late, Mia. How many times are we going to have this conversation? You don’t
look after yourself and you expect me to be ok with that?’ He grabbed my hand
and pulled me to the car and opened the door for me. I climbed in without
looking at him and sat with my bag on my lap as he closed the door. He climbed
in with a heavy sigh.

‘Were you
waiting long?’ I asked as I looked at him tentatively.

‘An hour,’
he replied rubbing his eyes with his hands.

‘Gabe, I’m
really sorry. Thanks for being so considerate.’

‘Baby I
love you, you know how I feel about you putting yourself in potentially
dangerous situations. Don’t you care what it does to me when you do?’

‘Of course
I care, how can you think I don’t care?’

you keep bloody doing it, Mia,’ he snapped with scowl at me. ‘You’ve skipped
your self-defence class again tonight. How many have you actually been to?’

‘Just the
three hour induction,’ I replied tensing up waiting for him to flip, which
would have been preferable to the stony silence as he started the car and drove
us home without speaking to me. He parked up and just sat there, his hands
gripping the steering wheel tightly avoiding looking at me. ‘Gabe, I’m sorry ok,
I wasn’t thinking. It’s still pretty new to me getting used to someone caring
about my wellbeing so much. I’ll try harder, please don’t stay mad with me.’

‘What have
you been doing on a Tuesday when I thought you were at self-defence?’ There was
an unexpected coldness to the tone of his voice, which immediately put me in
defensive mode.

‘I never
lied to you Gabe, you never asked me if I went there and I didn’t say that I

‘Where the
were you, Mia?’ he barked as he stared ahead out over his bonnet.

extra pole dance training with Cindy at Peppers.’

weren’t with
?’ he hissed angrily.

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