The Hum (18 page)

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Authors: D.W. Brown

BOOK: The Hum
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beginning, and I’ll do anything to please them.”

“What exactly are they?” Kevin asked, unsure whether or not he really wanted to know.

“Just keep doing what you’re told, and you’ll find out soon enough, Kevin. Their rewards are beyond anything you ever could’ve imagined, their power unfathomable.”

*         *         *

It was such a good morning in Wise that Sam decided to go for a walk in the woods behind their house. She was really worried about Russell, and had been praying all morning for his safety.

She didn’t like the thought of him traveling all the way to New Mexico, especially when he was involved in something as big as his latest case. Since Russell’s parents had the kids for the day, she thought the woods might be a nice getaway for a while. She needed time to pray and clear her head.

The flowers were in full bloom, and she even spotted a baby doe snacking on a few of them. There was a small creek bed off to her left with crystal clear water flowing through it. She remembered Russell telling her it was from a natural spring that began at the top of the hill. She decided go over and get a quick drink.

Bending over the side of the creek bank, she cupped her hands and scooped up a handful of clear water. It was cold and refreshing as it went down. Sam was surprised that the water didn’t have the normal sulfur taste and smell that often accompanied water in the area. As she went in for another scoop, she heard the sound of crunching gravel back near her home.

After a car door slammed, she heard a man’s voice say, “Mrs. Jent? Hello? I have an urgent message about your husband, Sheriff Jent. Hello? Are you in there, Mrs. Jent?”

Sam could make out the man’s words clearly, even from over four hundred feet away. Slowly, she began making her way back to her house. Even though she didn’t recognize the man’s voice, she was too afraid not to answer back. The man’s tone made it sound as if Russell was in some sort of trouble, and this caused her to act with her heart instead of her mind.

“I’m out here.” Sam yelled as she came out of the woods. “I was just going for a walk down by the stream. Is Russell okay?” She did her best to hide the fear in her voice, but a slight crack gave her away

Kevin waited until she was within a few feet before responding. “I’m afraid not, ma’am. Sheriff Jent was in a car wreck over in New Mexico, and he’s asking for you.”


“Oh no. Is he okay? Where is he? Is he still in Taos?” Sam asked. She could feel the trees closing in around her.
Please Lord, let Russell be okay. I can’t lose him.

“Calm down, Mrs. Jent. First off, my name is Frank Buck and I work closely with the mayor of Taos. Second, your husband is doing much better. He just came out of emergency surgery and seems to be recovering nicely. You’re more than welcome to come with us. We’re flying back there in the next hour or so.” Kevin said quite convincingly.

Glancing over at the vehicle in her driveway, Sam noticed  another  individual  wearing  a  priest’s  collar and quickly put aside her initial hesitance. She thought Frank Buck looked familiar, but her mind was too focused on Russell to give it much thought.

“Let me call my mom and tell her I’ll be out of town for a few days.”

As soon as Sam turned to head into her house, Kevin whacked her on the back of the head with the large rock he’d been hiding behind him. She fell to the ground, out cold. Looking over his shoulder at Father Gregory, he gave a slight smile and quickly gathered up Sam’s body. Since she only weighed a little over one hundred pounds, it took little effort to carry her back to his car.

With Sam sleeping soundly in the backseat, Kevin pulled away from the rustic looking home of Sheriff Jent. Phase 1 of his plan was now in action; phase 2 coming up.   “Well done, Kevin. Well done.” Father Gregory said approvingly.

Driving back to the hotel was the easy part—getting the limp body of Mrs. Jent inside without being spotted not so. Supporting her arms across both of their shoulders, Kevin and Father Gregory managed to block her bobbing head from most of the people going to and fro around the place.

Tossing her body onto the bed, Kevin looked over at Father Gregory and said, “Now to get Sheriff Jent back here and away from Taos.  Once he’s here, you know what I’ve got to do, right?”

“Not only do I know, I believe it’s required, Kevin. This is too important to have some redneck Sheriff interfering with. If he knew what we were doing, I believe he might even offer up his own life.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Father. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to call Sheriff Jent and listen to him curse and threaten me for taking his wife.” Looking over at Sam, he said, “She really is a pretty woman. The Sheriff is one lucky man to have her.  Too bad they’ll both be dead soon.”

“At least they’ll die together. I know numerous couples that would take that option any day over living through the death of their significant other.”

“That’s what I like about you Father Gregory; you always look at the bright side.”

*         *         *

Still frustrated and a bit confused at not finding the sinkhole, Russell began to wonder if the people around the area were getting to him—maybe even the town itself.  After all, it was a bit far-fetched to think that something could magically appear out of thin air and soak up his blood.

The ringing of his cell snapped him out of his thoughts.  “Hello, this is Sheriff Jent.”

“Good to talk with you again, Sheriff.  I’m afraid this won’t be a friendly conversation like our last one though. I know we’ve been through a lot, and I want you to know this isn’t anything personal towards you or your family.”

“What?  Who is this?” As soon as he asked the question, Russell recognized the voice on the other  end.   “Mr.  Black?   Kevin  Black?   What’s  going on? Did you say
my family
? What are you talking about?”  The concern was more than a little obvious in Russell’s voice.

“You need to leave Taos immediately, Sheriff, and come back home.  I have someone here waiting for you.”

“What?   Is  this  some  kind  of  joke?”   Russell asked.  He could see the questioning look and concern on Dean’s face from the seat next to him.

“No joke, Sheriff. Your wife, Sam, is sitting here with me as we speak.  Well, maybe not sitting—she’s taking a little nap.”

Feeling like he was being lifted out of his seat, Russell tried to hold back the feelings crashing through him.  He knew he had to focus on Sam, but the unseen hand thrust into his chest and squeezing his heart, made it almost impossible. Anger flooded him, but a strong sense of helplessness crowded it out. He was hundreds of miles away, what could he possibly do?

“Are you still with me, Sheriff?”

“Uh, yes, I’m here.” Russell managed to say, but he was having trouble forming complete thoughts. Finally, he managed to say, “What…what about my kids? Do you have them too? What do you want, Kevin?”

“No, I didn’t take your children, but it would be very easy for me to do so. Listen, I want you to get back here, and I want the FBI out of Taos. Make up whatever lie you need to, but get your friends from the

Bureau out of my hometown!”

“I…I can’t do that—they’ll never believe me.” “Make them! Sam’s life depends on it! I really don’t

think that’s too much to ask, don’t you agree?”

Black clouds threatened to completely close off Russell’s brain from the rest of his body.  He slowly pulled off the side of the road, closed his eyes, and bit down hard on his tongue in an effort to clear things a bit.

“What’s going on, Russ?  Are you okay?” Dean asked.

Waving him off, Russell said into the phone, “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you and everyone in this precious town of yours!  Do you...?”

A loud roar of laughter cut Russell off.

“I really can’t believe how predictable you are, Sheriff. I was just telling my friend here that you’d threaten and curse me, and just like that, you did. Maybe I’m psychic. Would you like me to tell you what you’re thinking now?”

“Do you think this is some kind of game, Kevin?  Do you think you can kidnap my wife without repercussions?  Sure, I’ll play your game—I’m on my way to the airport as we speak. But make no mistake about it—when I get there, I will kill you and Father Gregory!”

“Father Gregory?  No one said anything about Father Gregory.  What makes you think he’s involved?

“It’s pretty obvious that he’s in this thing up to his neck. What priest travels halfway across the country to see a patient? Ask him if he thinks he’s doing God’s work?  On second thought, don’t bother.  I’ll ask him when I get there.  Where are you holding her?”

“Let me make myself clear, Sheriff: You know my record, and you know what I’m capable of. Sam is sleeping like an angel in an old hotel room that we just checked into, in Virginia. I’ll tell you where we can meet once you confirm your landing. If I feel threatened in any way when you get here, I’ll slit Sam’s throat right in front of you. Sure, you might be able to shoot me before I get to you, but you’ll live the rest of your life regretting the way things went down.  You’re a smart man, Sheriff.  Think this thing through, and do what’s best for your lovely wife here.”

“What’s going on with you, Kevin? I don’t get it.  You seemed to genuinely regret killing all of those people when you confessed to me out in those woods. I thought you felt the same as me about Taos and the people here. Why are you doing this?” Russell asked as more fog lifted and clearer thinking prevailed.

“I...I uh, never mind that, Sheriff. Just get back here and pick up your wife before she has a terrible accident.” Kevin was rattled by Russell’s questions. A little more than 24 hours ago, he was thinking that he had a connection with the man, and now here he was taking his wife. A fleeting thought entered his weary mind,
whose work am I doing here

Not allowing himself to be pulled into another tirade, Russell focused his attention on rattling Kevin. “Is this Father Gregory’s doing?  Did he talk you into this, Kevin? Is he forcing you to do something against your will?”

“Good-bye Sheriff!” Kevin said as he slammed the hotel phone back down in its cradle.

Shocked and steaming mad, Russell sat staring at his cell. Worry and fear quickly found him.

“What was all that about, Russ?  Did someone take Sam, again?”

“I need to ask you a favor, Dean.” “What?  Anything.”

“Kevin Black just kidnapped Sam.  You have to pull out of here until I can get her back.”

“Why?  He said that?”

“Yes. Something must’ve happened because when

I spoke with him here before he left Taos, he genuinely

seemed to feel the same way as I did about this place and these people.”

“He could’ve been putting on a show for you. His plan all along could’ve been to kidnap Sam. Did he tell you where she is?”

“Just somewhere in Virginia. With the aid of some priest from Michigan, he flew over there and kidnapped my Sam. How could I be so stupid? I should’ve known better than to allow him back in my town after what he did. Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Russell said smacking his hand against his forehead.

“What are you waiting for? Take us to the airport.” Dean said.

“Uh, you can’t come with me, old friend. This man is a killer—if he sees you with me, he won’t hesitate to slit Sam’s throat.” Saying those words was more than a little hard for Russell. He couldn’t imagine living without his wife.

“Well, I’m not about to allow you to go in there by yourself. You know as much as anyone that kidnappers don’t think straight—he might try and kill her even if you go in there alone.”

“Maybe. But I can’t take any chances. All it would take is for his priest friend to see you get off the plane with me, and Mr. Black would hurt Sam.”

“Then we’ll take separate flights. I want to be close

by, just in case you need backup.”

Unsure, Russell said, “Just promise me you won’t come busting in, guns blazing. If Sam doesn’t make it out of this alive, I don’t know what I’m going to do, man.”

“That’s the reason why I’m going with you.”

“Oh,  and  this  is  just  between  me  and  you, Dean. You can’t report this back to the Bureau, until Sam is safe and her kidnappers are either dead or in jail.”

“Now you’re talking my language, partner.  I like this new side of you.”

Pulling back onto the road, Russell floored the accelerator all the way to the airport.  He didn’t care if the local Sheriff caught him speeding, thinking him more than likely in on the whole madness anyhow.

It was more than a little hard for Russell not to picture his helpless wife in the hands of a convicted murderer. It was heartrending to have a loved one kidnapped, but just knowing what Kevin Black was capable of, made it seem ten times worse.

During that short drive, Russell had Dean access Father Gregory’s record in Michigan via the Bureau. He wanted to know all there was about the wayward priest, mainly something to use against him when the time came.

The look on Dean’s face told Russell that he probably didn’t want to hear what the voice on the other end of his cell was conveying to him, but he had to know, nonetheless. “What? What did he say?”

Closing his cell, Dean said, “My guy in D.C. finally dug up something on Father Gregory, and from what he just told me, it wasn’t easy. It seems the Catholic Church has quite a few ties in the area, and they managed to bury his past pretty deep.” Changing his expression to one of deep concern, Dean said, “What he said, I’m afraid you’re not going to like, my friend.” “Look, this priest is already involved in kidnapping Sam—it’s pretty obvious that he’s not going for sainthood. I don’t think what you’re about to tell me will be

too surprising.”

“Well it seems that Father Gregory, aka Clint Gregory, moved to Arizona when he turned twenty-one, and attended college at the University of Phoenix there. His stay was short-lived, thanks to an incident involving his roommate at the time. It seems he went home over Memorial Day weekend and decided to hack his roommate’s entire family to pieces. When the police showed up, they found him rearranging their body parts—he placed the heads of the father and son on top of the mother and daughter, and vice versa. He spent five years in the loony bin, and was released after receiving his seminary degree. The church made overlooked his arrest record, allowing him to enter priesthood at twenty-seven years of age.”

“They allowed someone with his background to become a priest?” Russell asked incredulously.

“It’s Catholicism, my friend. Their standards aren’t very high.”

“I thought you had to be older to become a priest,

say 40-50?”

“No, they all just look that old. Wouldn’t matter though; this guy had someone pulling some strings for him. How else would you explain him becoming a priest at all? This whole thing stinks, Russell. If the Catholic Church is somehow behind all of this, it could involve some high ranking officials and leaders from all around the world.”

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