The Hunger of Sejanoz (9 page)

Read The Hunger of Sejanoz Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: The Hunger of Sejanoz
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Beyond the spray from the erupting geyser, you see movement at the edge of the encampment. One of the troopers standing picket duty there is struggling with a large worm-like creature that has emerged from one of the bore holes. His desperate cries begin to alert the other guards, and you catch sight of their shadowy forms slowly crossing the treacherous ground. Despite the stinging pain of your scalded skin, you also respond to his cries. You are skirting around the rim of one large fissure when another worm-like monstrosity suddenly appears. It rears up from this hole and spits at you. Your stomach churns when your senses detect that its saliva is a highly corrosive alkaline.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 156

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it,
turn to 142

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it,
turn to 73

If you do not possess these skills, nor a Bow, or if you choose not to use any of them,
turn instead to 262


The caravan arrives at the ford shortly before dusk. You greet Captain Chan and inform him of the fight that took place here earlier. He is relieved to see that you and his scouts survived the deadly encounter intact.

Chan orders that the carriages of the caravan be positioned so that they form the points of a large triangle, with the horse teams parked at their centre. You approve of his order, for it will make a good defensive formation, one that will be easy to maintain if the encampment is attacked during the night.

You tie your horse to the rear of Princess Mitzu's carriage, and then you walk over to the spring and bathe your face and drink your fill of its crystal-clear waters. You are about to return to the encampment when Captain Chan and Sergeant Yeng approach you on horseback. Chan tells you that his scouts have reported sighting movement in the nearby woodland. He wishes to investigate it, but night is closing in and soon it will be dark. Aware that you possess the ability to see in the dark, he requests that you lead Sergeant Yeng and his party on this scouting mission.

If you wish to agree to Captain Chan's request,
turn to 157

If you refuse to lead the scouts,
turn to 264


Your mastery of Kai herbcraft enables you to recognize this vile gas. It is Vozga, and it makes you cough and retch violently (lose 1

As your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus begins to neutralize the toxins that have entered your lungs, you order Princess Mitzu to help her father to safety. You fear that the Vozga will swiftly be fatal to the aged Khea-khan if he should inhale its poisonous vapours. The brave Princess obeys your command. As she helps her father to reach the far end of the burial crypt, you run through the poisonous cloud and set off in determined pursuit of the tyrant and his young hostage.

Turn to 6


The Princess gasps aloud upon hearing you mention the name of the deadly poison. You ask her if Kamada is in the habit of chewing his playthings.

‘Sometimes,’ she replies. ‘But he's only had that toy for a day. He was given it as a present when we were in Rakholi.’

‘And who gave him this toy?’ you ask.

‘I did,’ says a voice from behind you.

Turn to 196


The branch strikes your legs as you are diving through the air, and you suffer serious lacerations to the backs of both thighs: lose 4

If you have survived this wounding,
turn to 19


You leave the
and return at the gallop to the caravan. The repair of the damaged wheel has nearly been completed, and within the hour the column is moving eastwards once again. An overnight camp is pitched on the highway itself, near a sleepy hamlet called Sansei, and the following day you make good progress on the sun-baked trade road to Rakholi.

Shortly before noon of the third day of your journey to the tented city, the caravan column crests the rim of a wide valley that lies 50 miles from the banks of the Tkukoma. Spread out before you now is the Vale of Nahba, a spectacularly strange region of the Chai Plain that is punctuated with hundreds of bore holes and geysers. Great columns of steam and scalding water are hurled skywards, driven by the pressure of gases escaping from deep below the surface. Some fissures descend for miles and pass close to the planet's molten core.

The highway traverses this alien landscape and, as darkness approaches, you find yourself at a place near the eastern rim of the vale. A night camp is established here among the bubbling pools and hollows, and an evening meal of poached eggs and steamed fish is prepared. After supper, you settle down and try to get some sleep, despite the constant distraction of the noises that echo eerily across this strange valley.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 288

If it is 5–9,
turn to 30


You are in combat with an Imperial Guard Captain, an élite warrior of Autarch Sejanoz's personal bodyguard.

Imperial Guard Captain:

If you win the combat,
turn to 173


The bandit tells you that his name is Xango. He also reveals that he is the brother of the renegade bandit Captain Kronar. He has been observing the caravan encampment while his brother, and the rest of his gang, have been preparing an ambush on the forest road, five miles distant. Kronar plans to attack the caravan when it passes this place tomorrow morning.

‘Treacherous dog!’ spits Yeng. ‘Death would be too good for you!’

‘Hold, sergeant!’ commands Captain Chan. ‘We may have use for this outlaw yet. Let's hope his brother values his worthless hide more than you do. Chain him up to a carriage wheel until morning.’

To continue,
turn to 129


You form your mouth in readiness to utter the Old Kingdom power-word
and you project its concussive energy at the chest of the signalman. It strikes him squarely and lifts him off his feet. For a few moments he disappears from your sight, hidden by the floor of the platform; then you see him tumbling limply to the ground on the far side of the flag-tower.

To continue,
turn to 195


Kumal is disappointed that you refuse to trade with him, and he walks off in a huff. Fearing you may have insulted the brother of your host, you decide to leave the tent and give Kumal time to cool down. Once outside, you check the caravan to make sure that everything is correct. The carriages and the horses are in good condition, and so you wander out of the encampment to explore this quarter of Rakholi.

Opposite the entrance to Bazan's encampment, you see a card game taking place between rival families of Lissanian horse traders. When one of the players drops out, you are invited to take his place.

If you wish to accept the invitation,
turn to 234

If you choose to decline the invitation,
turn to 124


You hurry along the tunnel and reach a closed door at its far end. Without slowing your pace, you barge this portal open and find yourself confronted by five Bhanarian soldiers who have entered the chamber beyond by way of a hole in the roof. The black-suited warriors roar with rage and attack you and Sergeant Yeng with their razor-tipped polearms.

Illustration IV
—You are confronted by five Bhanarian soldiers armed with razor-tipped polearms.

Bhanarian Assault Troops:

If you win this combat,
turn to 125


You let out a yelp of pain when you are struck by one of the onrushing missiles. It pierces your boot and lodges in the back of your left calf muscle. The sudden agonizing pain makes your ears ring and your vision blur: lose 4

Quickly you draw upon your Kai healing skills to deaden the pain and staunch the gushing flow of blood. You grit your teeth and reach down to snap the arrow in two. Then you tug the barbed head free from your aching leg and cast it to the ground.

To continue,
turn to 112


By the use of the Brotherhood Spell
Breathe Water
you are able to stay alive until the ceiling begins to rise and you are released from this watery tomb.

To continue,
turn to 287


You hear the whistle of a large projectile, and then a deafening explosion tears a hole in the battlements less than 10 yards away to your left. Splinters of stone pepper your legs, and a pear-sized chunk of shrapnel grazes your shoulder: lose 3

To continue,
turn to 24


The dusty streets of Pensei are filled with the din of coarse shouting, the smells of sweat and spices, and the anxious murmurings of a populace living in fear of the Bhanarian invaders. Your heart goes out to the citizens of this proud city and you pray to Ishir to help them keep the enemy at bay. Upon arriving at the great north gate of Pensei, the column passes beneath its crenellated arch and out onto the plains road beyond. As the gate crashes shut behind you, you notice a stone marker by the wayside. It indicates the distance to the next town: Javai — 100 miles.

Captain Chan calculates that it may take nearly three days to reach Javai. Fearful that the vanguard of the Autarch's army may find the caravan on the open road and threaten its precious cargo, he orders his troopers to take up positions around the column in order to shield it. You are impressed by the speed and efficiency with which they carry out his orders, and you feel greatly reassured that you are in the company of highly-trained warriors. They will be useful allies if the need should ever arise to repel an enemy attack.

Once you are beyond the outskirts of Pensei, the villages pass by with less frequency the further you travel north along this broad trade road. At dusk, you stop to set up a night camp on a hill which overlooks a small hamlet called Xiostai. Captain Chan posts pickets to patrol the camp perimeter, and details some of the remaining men to guard the Khea-khan's carriage. You are invited to share a meal of rice and fish with Chan and some of the carriage drivers, and you accept their hospitality gladly. While you are eating you listen to their jovial conversations and learn something about the Chai people that you never knew before. The majority of them have a keen interest in astrology.

If you possess Astrology,
turn to 289

If you do not possess mastery of this Discipline,
turn to 166


Chan joins you at the main gate. Missiles are hitting the battlements with increasing frequency and accuracy; it would be suicidal to stay there a moment longer.

You are peering through an arrow slit in the main gate, when you suddenly see something that makes your blood run cold.

Turn to 140


Once inside the gate, you can see an open crypt door directly ahead. You are approaching it when suddenly you hear the sound of distant voices and instinctively you dive for cover among the gravestones. Peering out from behind one of these great grey headstones, you see six saddled horses standing at the rear of the crypt.

If you wish to approach the open crypt door,
turn to 274

If you choose to stay where you are and observe the crypt,
turn to 183

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