The Ice Queen (16 page)

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Authors: Bruce Macbain

BOOK: The Ice Queen
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And this was only the beginning.

Two things happened in the course of our dinner that pretty well squelched the festivities.

The first concerned Father Vorobey, who always put in an appearance at the Christmas feast. As the hour progressed and he did not appear,
Yaroslav grew worried. The starets had not been at mass that morning either and no one, in fact, could remember seeing him since the week before last. Finally, the prince went himself to look for him in his hut, and found him—kneeling before an icon of the Virgin with his hands raised above his head in an attitude of worship.

It was only when Yaroslav ventured to touch him that he perceived the man was frozen hard as a rock. Apparently his supply of fuel had run out during the night while he was lost in meditation.

In tones of sorrow Yaroslav reported his bizarre and melancholy discovery to us. He hoped, nevertheless, he said, to prevail upon God to restore life to his holy fool, and the bishop hastened to assure him that nothing in the way of beseeching would be left undone.

We had scarcely recovered from this first blow to our spirits, when the second and by far the more serious one occurred—though it began innocently enough. The Christmen have a custom of giving each other gifts on Christmas day. Accordingly, while we ate, small presents from Yaroslav were handed round the table to each of us, Thordis acting the part of the babushka, or old woman, who customarily delivers them. In every case they were either glass beads, or copper-gilt brooches, or some other cheap trinket.

“Einar Sveinsson as goes by the name of Tree-Foot,” said Thordis stopping beside him. “Nor not only something from the prince but a little bit of a thing from me as well, which hoping it won't be took amiss.” Her old cheeks covered with blushes, she thrust two small packets at him and fled to the farthest end of the table.

Einar unwrapped the first packet, which contained a tarnished brass belt-buckle from our generous prince and provider. On opening the second he let out a merry cackle and held up for all of us to see—an eye-patch, made of red silk and embroidered all around the edge with golden thread. Not waiting a moment but whipping off his customary soiled rag, he put the patch on, adjusted it just so, and hobbled—one might almost say danced—directly down to where his lady-love stood and, before she could flee again, delivered a loud smacking kiss upon her lips, which caused the children to shriek with delight.

When the uproar had died down a little, Ingigerd said sweetly, “Thordis dear, if you can walk without your knees trembling—and I shall certainly forgive you if you can't—come here to me now for there is one
more present I would have you deliver.”

The nurse obeyed, some whispered words passed between the two women, and Inge placed an object in her hands.

“To Harald Sigurdsson,” said Thordis, “with the compliments of Princess Ingigerd and may you always think of her when you look at it.” This speech she mumbled very rapidly and, setting the thing down at his elbow, beat a swift retreat. You would suppose she knew what was coming.

The object, whatever it was, was in a cloth bag tied at the neck with a drawstring. With a wary look, Harald undid it, reached inside, and brought forth a silver pig—small enough to just fit in the palm of his hand and cunningly formed in every detail.

“Why—?” he began. Then turning it over he saw that it was a sow with teats.

“Happy Christmas,” called Eilif with a grin all over his ugly face.

Great One-Eyed Odin, I remember thinking, here's the end of us for sure!

I was very nearly right.

Eilif and Inge, you see, were openly ridiculing Harald's inferior birth. He and his half-brother Olaf, you may recall, had the same mother, but while her first husband, Olaf's father, sprang from the Ynglings—the ancient royal line of Norway that boasted the god Frey as its progenitor—her second, whom she married many years later, was only a minor kinglet named Sigurd Sow. He had earned this ignoble nickname by caring so little for his dignity as to work side by side with the laborers on his farm, even to slopping the pigs with his own hands. Here, then, was Inge's revenge on Harald for trying to usurp Magnus' place as Olaf's heir and in daring to court her daughter. For, concubine's son though Magnus was, the Yngling blood ran in his veins but not a drop of it in Harald's.

“Suee, suee, suee!” Eilif cried, cupping his hands and yelling down the length of the table. There was scattered laughter, though most of those present hadn't the least idea what any of this was about. They only saw Harald's fist, white-knuckled, close around the pig.

Of course, he should have laughed too—that's what Dag would have done. If the enemy had sunk to such childishness as this, it was as good as an admission of their impotence. But Inge and Eilif knew their man better than that, and he didn't disappoint them.

“Eilif Ragnvaldsson, I keep pigs on my farm too,” said Harald in a
voice tight with anger, “nor am I ashamed to feed 'em with my own hands. And d'you know what I shall feed 'em with, Eilif? You! And the princess can call me ‘sow' all she pleases while I feed you to my pigs!”

Dag tried to quiet him but, as usual, without success. Harald only got louder as resentments that had festered for years found their voice at last.

“You fancy Olaf's blood more than mine, do you, Princess? Why, when I saw it flow at Stiklestad it looked no different from other men's—no different from mine! Admire his blood, is it? Almighty God, his blood was cold as ice-water, for the man hadn't a human heart in him at all! But maybe you know that, eh, Ingigerd? Maybe you found that out for yourself, eh? Come, Princess, we know what he was like: selfish, cruel, stupid; if that's how saints are made, then I reckon he is one!”

It was exactly what she'd hoped he would do. Every Norwegian face in the room wore an expression of shock.

Clutching the pig in his huge fist, he rose and came along the bench towards her. She stood to face him—fearless, though he towered over her. Eilif, the coward, kept to his seat behind her, doing his best to look innocent.

“Princess,” said Harald, “it's a fine gift you've given me—too fine for a farmer's son. You would have spent your silver better, Lady, to hire more assassins, more heathen witches! That's your style, isn't it?” He drew back his arm. “So I give it back to you, Princess, to remember me by—”

Harald flung the pig in a downward direction at Inge's head but she dodged to the side and instead it struck Eilif square on his forehead. The whites of his eyes rolled up and he slid senseless to the floor. The pig, rebounding, skittered along the table top and came to rest in front of Yelisaveta. She, with a flair for gesture worthy of her mother, picked it up and touched it to her lips.

Immediately Eilif's Swedes, those who were at table with us, leapt to their feet—not that they gave half a damn for their captain but the honor of the druzhina was at stake. Of swords and axes there were none, thankfully, for on Christ's birthday we were forbidden to come to the table armed for war, as we usually did. Still, there were lots of knives about.

What saved us was Yaroslav, for a change, behaving almost like the master of his house.

“Harald Sigurdsson, in God's name, have you gone mad? Shedding a man's blood on this day and breaking the peace of Christ? No, gospodin,
it can't be tolerated. Now I shall ask you to, ah, to take your men and leave this hall at once. D'you hear me? Nor show your face again until I give you permission. There. There you are, sir.”

To my great relief—for I figured he was quite capable of battering Yaroslav too in his present mood—Harald obeyed. Our men, reluctantly leaving behind their roast pork and sausage all but un-tasted, fell in behind him and we stalked out of the banqueting hall in silence. As I turned to go, I saw a smile on Ingigerd's face. Short of producing a bloody riot, this had surpassed all her expectations. She had dealt her enemy a death wound this time.

When we had Harald alone in one of those little rooms nearby the hall, Dag was not slow to tell him why:

“Idiot! What do you think has kept us afloat at this court? Olaf! That king, whose name you made so free with, happens to be our only piece on the board—without him we have no game at all! Nobody but Ingigerd cares if you're a bloody Yngling or not. You are brother to a saint! You fought at his side. To save his precious life you shed your blood. That is why our Norwegians follow you instead of Magnus. And what do you do? You mock him, you insult his memory! God in heaven! She set a trap for you and you fell right into it! Does nobody here use his brains but me!” He paced around the room, pounding his fist into his hand. I'd never seen him so angry.

But Harald put an end to our little discussion with a bellow of rage and frustration, “Out of my way or I'll break you! I want no more advice from you or anyone!”

Assuming that ‘anyone' included me, I stood back and gave him a clear path to the door, where he was headed. So did Dag at the last moment, or I'm sure Harald would have torn an arm off him at the very least. As it was, Dag looked crushed. Our game was finished. It had been a piece of folly to begin with. Ingigerd had only to find out Harald's weak spot, stick in the knife and twist it; he had done the rest all by himself. Damn the woman!

Harald rode off to his dvor, no doubt to beat the servants bloody and have a good brood. Dag and I pushed our way through the mob of Norwegians who crowded round us in the vestibule, shouting angry questions, and hastened off to an ale house in the town, where we too could brood, like black-hearted Loki, over the ruin of our world. Not
wanting to spend the night either at Harald's, or in the barracks, or the palace, we wound up sleeping there.

By the next morning, however, Dag had regained his spirits somewhat. Harald had been victimized, dammit; insulted most intolerably! What man of spirit would not have taken offense? Prince Yaroslav was a fair man and must already be regretting his wife's low attack on the most enterprising of his officers. We must get to Yaroslav, he said decisively, without a moment's delay.

Unfortunately, we couldn't, thanks to Father Vorobey having picked this inconvenient moment to die. Yaroslav, to my amazement, was quite serious about restoring him to life. For three solid days and nights, stopping only for a little sleep and nourishment, Yaroslav badgered the Virgin Mary to carry his prayers to God, while the bishop (whom I always suspected of despising the Holy Fool) laid on the incense and the music. Meanwhile the grumblings of the Norwegians grew louder as their chief continued to hide from them. Finally, Yaroslav had to admit defeat and ordered the carpenters to prepare a coffin for Vorobey which would fit his unusual posture—it proving, by this time, impossible to straighten him out. (I barely controlled the urge to suggest that they mount him on the palace roof until the spring thaw; what a striking masthead it would have made!)

The funeral at last concluded, we were admitted to Yaroslav's study where we found the old man weary and depressed.

I won't try to recount all our conversation, which was halting and disjointed, as the prince seemed barely able to concentrate on our words. Dag mentioned Ingigerd's name but Yaroslav silenced him with a gesture of annoyance. Plainly, he would hear nothing against her. All right, we decided, ignore Ingigerd, concentrate on Eilif. That line of attack succeeded beautifully. Yes, of course, Yaroslav agreed, the whole business was Eilif's fault and he must be made to pay. Messengers were dispatched at once to summon Eilif and Harald to an audience, and the one to Harald was instructed to say that he would find the outcome very much to his liking.

The captain of the druzhina was first to arrive, with a nasty purple lump on his forehead. Mind you, he'd only just gotten rid of the splint on his right wrist a week or so before. The question, I thought, was not so much whether Harald or Inge would prevail in the end but whether Eilif would live to see it.

To be brief, Eilif was found guilty of provoking a fight on the Lord's birthday and condemned to pay Harald twenty times the weight of the pig, an amount equal to forty grivny, in silver. Harald's spirits lifted instantly as Eilif's plummeted, and he went straight from the palace to the Norwegian barracks, where he found most of his men sitting about the place idle, disgusted, and truculent. But here was Harald at his best. Stick him in front of some fighting men and no one had to tell him what to say. Ingigerd had thought to divide him from his men, to whom Olaf's name was sacred, but she made the mistake of underestimating his enormous natural talent for talking to simpletons—which is surely the greatest part of being a successful commander.

Leaping up on a table and calling them his fellow soldiers, he looked them squarely in the eyes and swore he hadn't said any of the things they'd heard him say, and offered to lay his hand on a red-hot anvil if his word wasn't good enough for them. Without giving them too much time to think that over, he promised to divide amongst them the entire amount of silver owed him by Eilif, because it was they who had been insulted, as much as himself, and damned if he would let some bloody Swede get away with that! And didn't they wind up cheering themselves hoarse and carrying him round the barracks on their shoulders!

But there was still worse to come, from Ingigerd and Eilif's point of view. Dag that very night came up with an inspired idea, the sort of thing only he could have thought of, and instructed me to mention it to Harald. His advice would get a better hearing, he knew, if it came from me, which, after all, was what I'd been enlisted for in the first place.

The result was that after dinner the following day Harald asked Yaroslav's permission to speak to the assembled court. In the hearing of all the druzhiniks, both his Norwegians and Eilif's Swedes, he proposed the dedication of a church to Saint Olaf, to be built entirely from contributions and to be a place of worship for all the Catholic Scandinavians in Novgorod. If the prince and princess would give his project their blessing, he himself was ready to lay down a hundred pounds of silver on the spot to start it going.

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