The Immortals (7 page)

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Authors: S. M. Schmitz

BOOK: The Immortals
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Chapter 8



As night fell and long after Colin’s voice had turned rough and hoarse, he was finally pulled from the forest. He was exhausted and weak and wasn’t even sure who was dragging him away from here – away from the place where Anna had disappeared. He knew he tried to fight him, but he was too weak now. He wasn’t brought back to his apartment though, and it wasn’t until he was sitting on Dylan’s sofa that he really understood it had been Dylan who finally got him into his car and drove him away from those woods. It was Dylan who handed him a bottle of water and a plate of food, but Colin couldn’t eat. He sipped at the water, but stared blankly at the wall in front of him.

Dylan waited for a while before asking him what Colin knew would eventually come. “You knew she was missing. How?”

Colin just shook his head, not because he still felt obligated to keep their secrets for them, not after today, but he just couldn’t bring himself to talk about her. He was pretty sure it would kill him, and she was still missing. Whatever had happened to her … this had broken their agreement. All deals were off as far as Colin was concerned.

“Colin, I want to help you. I want to help Anna. But you’ve got to level with me. I’ve been watching you both for the past two months, and I’ve always thought there’s something … weird about you two. Beyond how good you both are at this job. If you need help now, then let me help.” Dylan’s eyes, so dark they were almost black, were full of a sad compassion, and Colin wanted to tell him. He wanted to tell him everything. But he couldn’t. He did want his help though, so he figured half-truths were better than stubborn silence.

“We’ve worked together a long time. We sensed something odd was happening here and were trying to be careful. We didn’t want to risk being recognized as the partners these assholes were most likely looking for.”

Dylan arched an eyebrow at him. “A long time? Dude, you’re both like, what? Twenty-five?”

“Twenty-six,” Colin corrected. “Some of us start younger than others.”

“Guess so.” Dylan sighed and collapsed back into his chair. “Funny. Why is it everyone’s heard of you, but no one knew you worked with a partner?”

Colin kept staring at the same empty spot on the wall, fingering the bottle of water in his hands. He didn’t know how to answer this question honestly. Not even with half-truths. “Anna never wanted people to know about her. Not many people travel around working like we do, and as far as we know, we’re the only partners who do. It would make us awfully conspicuous. We try to hide as much as we can from others.”

Dylan was watching him carefully, and Colin knew he was too smart to be fooled into thinking this was all there was to it. “None of this tells me how you knew she was missing. How far away were we? We must have been at least a quarter of a mile away.”

Colin sighed, defeated. “We’re telepathic.”

Dylan snorted then seemed to realize Colin was serious. “Oh.”

Colin closed his eyes but only for a few seconds. “Can you drive me to a church?”

He opened his eyes and studied Dylan, who was looking back at him quizzically. “Ok … any particular church?”

“A Catholic one.”

Dylan pulled himself out of the chair, groaning as he stood up again, sore from the exertion of chasing a ghost through the woods of south Louisiana all day. “There’s one not too far from here. If it’s open. Don’t they keep churches locked now?”

“Yeah, but I’m not waiting for a priest.”

Colin walked out of Dylan’s apartment first and waited by his car. Dylan finally caught up to him, shaking his head, muttering something about gratitude and manners, but Colin couldn’t care less about his bad behavior. Anna had disappeared. She had disappeared from

Dylan didn’t expect Colin to talk on the drive to the church; Colin wasn’t sure he had much more to say right now anyway. As expected, the parking lot was completely empty and the church was dark. It was almost 10:00 p.m. on a weeknight. Why
anyone be here? Dylan parked near the front doors and Colin walked to the handles, tugging on them, but they were locked as he’d anticipated. It didn’t matter. He’d wait.

Dylan caught up to him and stuffed his hands in his pockets, leaning against the dark bricks of the church’s exterior. “Waiting on divine intervention to unlock these doors for you?”

Colin glanced at him then leaned against the wall himself. “Something like that.” He could hear the accent in his voice growing thicker. He was too tired and too scared to try to fight it tonight.

“You don’t have to wait, Dylan. You can go back home. I’ll be alright.”

Dylan raised an eyebrow at him again, as if to ask him if he’d lost his mind after the shock of losing Anna today, and he didn’t move. Colin just shrugged. “Suit yourself then. But this could take a while. Angels work on their own schedules, not ours.”

Dylan stood up straighter and studied Colin carefully, perhaps evaluating him to see if he were, in fact, crazy. “You’re waiting on an … angel.”

Colin studied him just as carefully. “You kill demons. How can you believe in one and not the other?”

“Because I’ve
one and not the other. If angels exist, where the hell are they and why aren’t they helping us not get our asses kicked? Or killed?” Dylan was still pissed off about Jas’s death. Colin couldn’t blame him. He was pretty damn pissed off himself right now.

“It doesn’t work that way. It never has. Angels can’t kill, not even something evil. It would cause them to fall and that’s the last thing we need, more of these bastards. And fallen angels become the hardest demons to kill, worse than these archdemons who are after us now.”

“Yeah,” Dylan interrupted, “I’ve heard all of this Biblical nonsense. But it doesn’t explain why they can’t help

“What makes you think they aren’t?” Colin asked, and this time, he wasn’t being a smartass. It was a genuine question.

not telepathic,” Dylan grumbled.

“You think angels or Heaven owe us something? We’re not selected, you know. Our ability to see demons and kill them is random. We can choose to fight them or not. Those of us who do fight them do it because we want to protect even those humans who are stupid enough to be suckered into bartering their souls. But look around you. How many churches did we drive by on our way to this one? Salvation is everywhere. Hell’s the one with the cards stacked against them.”

Dylan crossed his arms and kept eyeing Colin, who sighed and put his head back against the bricks. He knew Dylan was about to try to have a theological debate and he was far too exhausted and stressed for it tonight. “But you asked me to take you to a
Church. Are you saying that’s the

Colin snickered. “There’s no such thing. I’m Irish. I was raised Catholic, that’s all.”

“Bullshit. They can’t
be right. Some of them flat out contradict each other.”

Colin shrugged and wished this angel would hurry the hell up. “Most religions have contradictions within themselves. So what? Religions were made by men, not God.”

“Well, does it have to be a
faith?” Dylan asked.

Colin shrugged again. He’d never been told one way or the other. There were some things he just chose to accept still on faith.

Dylan wasn’t satisfied by Colin’s noncommittal answers and kept pressing for more specific information, but Colin had grown tired of this conversation. Actually, he was getting tired of standing, too. He sat down and leaned against the metal door of the church and closed his eyes again. He
wished she’d hurry up.

Eventually, Dylan gave up and sat down beside him. He’d occasionally exhale impatiently, but apparently had no intention of leaving. Colin kept trying to reach Anna, but his mind was just as blank and empty as before, filled only with his own thoughts, his own panic and anxiety and despair. How could he have lost her? Surely, this must be a nightmare because
was impossible. They had been promised.

It was past midnight when Colin finally heard the bolts on the thick metal doors slide out of place. He stood up quickly and pulled on the handle, the door swinging easily open. Dylan had fallen asleep and watched with groggy astonishment.

Colin entered the church with as much reverence as he used to as a child, pausing by the font to dip his fingers into the holy water then crossed himself as he entered the interior of the church. It seemed empty but Colin knew it wasn’t. As he neared the sanctuary at the front of the church, he genuflected and crossed himself again, sitting at the edge of a pew. He kept his eyes fixed on the altar in front of him.

Dylan hung back, sitting in one of the pews at the rear of the nave. Colin suspected he’d never even been in a Catholic Church before, and even the rituals he’d just displayed probably seemed bizarre and archaic to someone like Dylan. But Colin would never be able to abandon them, even if they were mostly contrived by men for no other purpose than people like ceremony.

Colin had been in countless churches before, but he liked the familiarity of Catholic Churches, knowing he could find the same Stations of the Cross adorning the walls or pillars, the crucifix above the altar, the tabernacle at the center of the sanctuary with the candles always burning in the presence of the Host. He had held these buildings, these structures in such reverence as a child, and as a man, they promised the comfort of tradition and home.

He felt her presence before he could see her, but suddenly, she was sitting next to him. Colin didn’t turn to look her, but kept his eyes on the crucifix hanging above the altar.

“Where is she?” he asked.

The Angel shook her head. “Oh, Colin. I don’t know. She’s disappeared.”

Colin shot her an angry look, defiant, irate. “How can
not know where she is?” he hissed at her. “You
she would be safe. That was part of the deal.”

She nodded sadly. “I know. I remember. You’re the only one who can find her, Colin. I do believe that you can.”

Colin exhaled and clenched his fists. There was no use trying to fight an angel though. “How? I can’t even sense her anymore. How am I supposed to find her? What the hell
these things we’re dealing with anyway?”

Colin heard Dylan gasp from the back of the church. Apparently, he didn’t know angels weren’t particularly concerned with the language humans used. That was just another invention of man that didn’t concern them.

“They’re demons. Powerful demons. They’re somehow eluding us, and we haven’t figured out how. That’s why we wanted you and Anna to be so careful here. We think they’ve been looking for you, and if they’ve taken Anna, we must have been right.”

Colin shot her another sharp glance. “Why not just tell us all this three months ago? Do you have any idea what we’ve been through?”

The Angel nodded sadly again. “Yes, Colin. I do. But I know you, and if you’d known she might be in danger, you would have tried to hide her, and at least here, you have help. You can’t do this on your own.”

Colin studied her. She hadn’t changed at all, but then again, he suspected no angel ever changed. She still had the same long, flaxen hair, always shiny and smooth, the same pearlescent skin and soft gray eyes. But he also suspected she only looked like this for his sake. Angels probably didn’t look any more human than demons. He’d never asked her because the few times he’d ever talked to her, he’d had far more pressing matters to discuss.

“You’ve got to help me find her. If she’s dead …”

“I can only do so much, Colin. You know that.”

“Goddamn it, do whatever you can then!” he yelled. Dylan stood up in the back. Colin figured as far as Dylan was concerned, he had just committed two cardinal sins – in a church, no less. Taking God’s name in vain and yelling at an angel. Or better yet, taking God’s name in vain
yelling at an angel.

She was unfazed though. After all, they were just words. She knew Colin, and that’s why she was here. “You must use your gifts and your friends to find her. But it won’t be easy. And it will be even more difficult to save her, if she’s still alive. I can’t feel her either, or I would guide you. I can give you one more gift, Colin, but it’s all I can do. If it fails … if you cannot save her, then you will be released from your obligations. That was our deal.”

The sorrow in her eyes was genuine. Colin had known her long enough to understand she didn’t play games or lie or manipulate people. She simply told the truth, and was usually quick and efficient about it. But he’d seen this look from her before. He recognized these expressions.

Colin turned away from her and studied the altar in front of him again, the crucifix and the flickering candles at the side of the tabernacle. “They can’t take her?” he whispered. “Against her will? Her soul will still be hers?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to talk her out of it. To trick her even. But if they kill her and she hasn’t surrendered it, her soul will always belong to her.”

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