The In Death Collection 06-10 (35 page)

BOOK: The In Death Collection 06-10
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“You lying cunt bitch. I’ll cut out your tongue for your lies.”

“Turn on the screen.” She wanted to curl up, hide from the agony screaming in her arm. “See for yourself. Go ahead, Liam, turn it on. Channel 75.”

When he released his grip on her arm she had to swallow a sob. He bounded off her, raced to the recessed unit. “She’s lying, she’s lying. She doesn’t know anything.” He talked to himself in a sing-song tone as he switched on the viewing screen. “Hail Mary, full of grace. She’s going to
die. They’re all going to die. The valley of the shadow of death, but they’ll fear. God will destroy them, all of them, through me. It’s for me.”

“You have to stop this.” Summerset strained against his bonds as Eve crawled to him. “Get out. He’s mad. You can get out while he’s involved with the screen. He doesn’t even know where he is now. You can get out. He’ll kill you if you don’t.”

“I’d never make it to the door.” Her wound was bleeding again, dripping through the makeshift bandage. “I have to keep him focused on me. As long as he is, he’s not interested in you. I have to keep him busy, distracted, and he might not hear Roarke come in.” She dragged herself up to her knees. “If he doesn’t hear Roarke, he’ll have a chance.”

“Audrey’s his mother?”

“Yeah.” She gained her feet. “She’s responsible for all of it.” She looked over as Liam screamed at the images on the screen. “For everything. For him.” She steadied herself, bearing down when her knees threatened to fold under her. “Liam, I’ll take you to her. You want to see your mother, don’t you? She asked to see you. You want to see her, don’t you? I’ll take you.”

“Did you hurt her?” Tears began to leak from his eyes.

“No, of course not.” She took a shaky step forward. “She’s fine. She’s waiting for you. She’ll tell you what to do next. She always tells you what to do, doesn’t she?”

“She always knows. God speaks through her.” He started to lower the weapon, as if it were forgotten. “She’s blessed,” he whispered. “And I’m her only son. I’m the light.”

“She wants you now.”
One more step,
Eve thought.
Just one more.
She only had to get the stunner away from him.

“She told me God’s plan.” The weapon came up again, and Eve froze. “To kill you. God demands the sacrifice.
Him first,” he said with a sly smile as he shifted the weapon toward Summerset.

“Wait—” Instinctively Eve stepped between, and took the hit.

The jolt sizzling through her nervous system dropped her. Her body forgot how to breathe, her eyes forgot how to see. Even pain was gone. She never felt him kick her, bruising ribs as he screamed and cursed and stormed through the room.

“You try to spoil everything. Everything!” He ranted as he shoved over a table and its beautiful old Ming vase. “Cheater. Whore. Sinner. Even your weapon’s inferior. Look at this—pitiful. You have to manually increase power. Just as well, just as well, why kill you all at once?”

“She needs a doctor,” Summerset said. His breath was ragged, his arms and wrists raw and trembling from struggling with his bonds. “She needs medical attention.”

“I could have been a doctor, the way my uncle wanted, but it wasn’t God’s plan. My mother knew that. She knew that. My father loved me, he provided for me. Then he was taken from us. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. I am his vengeance.”

Shuddering with pain, Eve rolled onto her side. If she was going to die, by Christ she would have the last word. “You’re nothing but a pathetic and defective tool used by a woman who cared more about herself than her own son. Now both of you are going to spend the rest of your lives in a cage.”

“God will show me a sign. He’ll direct my path.” Liam walked over and stood above her, weapon aimed down and on full power. “As soon as I send you to Hell.”

Eve kept her eyes open and kicked upward with what strength she had left. The blow caught him at the knees, sent him staggering back. She pushed herself up, hoping for one last grab at the weapon. But the whine of a stunner
came from the doorway, shooting Liam back against the wall.

His body jittered in a death dance she’d seen before. The nervous system went into overdrive, sent the dying body shaking like a puppet, then shut down.

He was sliding to the floor when Roarke rushed across the room.

“Game over,” Eve said dully. “Amen.”

“Oh God, Eve, look at you. You’re a mess.”

Little white dots circled in front of her eyes so that she barely saw Roarke face as he dropped beside her. “I almost had him.”

“Of course.” Even as he gathered her up, rocked her, she fainted. “Of course you did.”

When she came to she was on the sofa, with Summerset efficiently treating her arm. “Get the hell away from me.”

“This needs tending. You’re badly injured, but Roarke seems to believe you’ll be more cooperative here than at a health center.”

“I have to call this in.”

“Another few moments won’t matter. The boy won’t be less dead.”

She closed her eyes, too tired and battered to argue. Her side was screaming, and whatever Summerset was doing to her arm was just one more small torture.

His hands were as gentle as a mother’s with an infant, but he knew he hurt her. “You saved my life. You stepped in front of me. Why?”

“It’s my job, don’t take it personally. It wasn’t set on full power anyway. Oh shit.” The moan escaped her clenched teeth. “Ten years I’ve been a cop. First time I took a stunner hit full body. Christ, it really hurts, everywhere, all at once. Where’s Roarke?”

“He’ll be right here.” Instinctively he stroked her hair
back from her damp face. “Don’t squirm. It’ll only cause you more discomfort.”

“Nothing could.” She opened her eyes again, looked into his. “I fired the weapon that killed Liam Calhoun. I fired it before Roarke came in. Do you understand?”

Summerset studied her for a long moment. Pain swam in her eyes, must have been screaming through her system. But she thought of Roarke. “Yes, Lieutenant. I understand.”

“No, you didn’t kill him,” Roarke corrected. “Summerset, I expect you to give a clear and truthful statement. You’re not going through Testing for this, Eve. Not for this. Here, you need to sit up a bit to drink this.”

“You shouldn’t have had the weapon. It’ll complicate—Where did you get the weapon?”

“You gave it to me.” He smiled as he eased her up, his arm supporting her neck. “Your clinch piece. I never gave it back.”

“I forgot.”

“I hardly think the authorities are going to give me any trouble about it. Drink this.”

“What is it? I don’t want it.”

“Don’t be such a baby. It’s just a soother—mild, I promise. It’ll help the pain.”

“No, I—” She choked a bit when Roarke simply poured some of the tranq down her throat. “I have to call this in.”

Roarke sighed. “Summerset, would you contact Commander Whitney and tell him what’s happened here tonight?”

“Yes.” He hesitated, then gathered up the bloody cloth. “I’m very obliged to you, Lieutenant, and I regret that you were injured performing your duties.”

When he walked out she pursed her lips. “I’ll have to get blasted more often. He didn’t even sneer at me.”

“He told me what happened. And that you’re the most
courageous and foolish woman he’s ever known. At the moment, I have to agree.”

“Yeah, well, we lived. I’ll take the rest of that soother now that he’s gone. The arm’s some better, but my side’s killing me.”

“You took a kick.” Gently, Roarke lifted her higher so that he could sit down with her resting against him. “My brave and foolish cop. I love you.”

“I know. He was only nineteen.”

“Evil isn’t the exclusive territory of adults.”

“No.” She closed her eyes as the pain eased away toward numbness. “I wanted to take him alive. You wanted him dead. He swung the tide in your favor.” She turned her head. “You’d have killed him anyway.”

“Do you want me to deny it?” He lowered his lips to her brow. “Justice, Eve, is weak and thin without the underpinning of retribution.”

She sighed, rested her head, closed her eyes again. “What the hell are we doing together anyway?”

“Leading lives that are often too interesting. Darling Eve, I wouldn’t change a moment.”

She looked around the wreckage of the lovely room, at the wasted boy on the floor. And felt Roarke’s lips brush over her hair. “Me either.”

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s Imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


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Holiday in Death
J. D. Robb

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.




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Nora Roberts

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First edition (electronic): July 2001

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?


Nobody shoots at Santa Claus.


chapter one

She dreamed of death.

The dirty red light from the neon sign pulsed against the grimy window like an angry heart. Its flash turned the pools of blood glistening on the floor from dark to bright, dark to bright, slicing the filthy little room into sharp relief, then damning it to shadows.

She huddled in the corner, a bony girl with a tangle of brown hair and huge eyes the color of the whiskey he drank when he had the money for it. Pain and shock had turned those eyes glassy and blind and her skin the waxy gray of corpses. She stared, hypnotized by the blinking light, the way it blipped over the walls, over the floor. Over him.

Him, sprawled on the scarred floor, swimming in his own blood.

Small, feral sounds rumbled in her throat.

And in her hand the knife was gored to the hilt.

He was dead. She knew he was dead. She could smell the ripe, hot stink of it pouring out of him to foul the air. She was a child, only a child, but the animal inside her recognized the scent—both feared it and rejoiced over it.

Her arm was screaming where he’d snapped the bone. The
place between her legs burned and wept from this last rape. Not all the blood splattered over her was his.

But he was dead. It was over. She was safe.

Then he turned his head, slowly, like a puppet on a string, and pain washed away in terror.

His eyes fixed on hers as she babbled, scrambled back deeper into the corner where she’d crawled to escape him. And the dead mouth grinned.

You’ll never be rid of me, little girl. I’m part of you. Always. Inside you. Forever. Now Daddy’s going to have to punish you again.

He pushed to his hands and knees. Blood fell in fat, noisy drops from his face, from his back, slid obscenely from the rips in his arms. When he gained his feet and began to shamble through the flow of blood toward her, she screamed.

And screaming, woke.

Eve covered her face with her hands, held one tight over her mouth to hold back the mindless shrieks that tore at her throat like shards of hot glass. Her breath heaved so painfully in her chest she winced with every exhale.

The fear followed her, breathed cold down her spine, but she beat it back. She wasn’t a helpless child any longer, she was a grown woman, a cop who knew how to protect and defend. Even when the victim was herself.

She wasn’t alone in some horrible little hotel room, but in her own house. Roarke’s house. Roarke.

And concentrating on him, on just his name, she began to calm again.

She’d chosen the sleep chair in her home office because he was off planet. She’d never been able to rest in their bed unless he was with her. The dreams came rarely if at all when he slept beside her, and all too often chased her in sleep when he didn’t.

She hated that area of weakness, of dependence, almost as much as she’d come to love the man.

Turning in the chair, she comforted herself by gathering up
the fat gray cat who curled beside her, watching her out of narrowed, bicolored eyes. Galahad was accustomed to her nightmares, but he didn’t care to be wakened by them at four in the morning.

“Sorry,” she muttered as she rubbed her face against his fur. “It’s so damn stupid. He’s dead, and he’s not coming back. The dead don’t come back.” She sighed and stared into the dark. “I ought to know.”

She lived with death, worked with it, waded through it, day after day, night after night. In the final weeks of 2058, guns were banned, and medical science had learned how to prolong life to well beyond the century mark.

And man had yet to stop killing man.

It was her job to stand for the dead.

Rather than risk another trip into nightmares, she ordered the lights on and climbed out of the chair. Her legs were steady enough, and her pulse had leveled to nearly normal. The sick headache that tagged onto the coattails of her nightmares would fade, she reminded herself.

Hoping for an early breakfast, Galahad leaped off behind her, then ribboned through her legs as she moved into the kitchen area.

“Me first, pal.” She programmed the AutoChef for coffee, then set a bowl of kibble on the floor. The cat attacked it as if it were his last meal, and left her to brood out the window.

Her view was the long sweep of lawn rather than the street, and the sky was empty of traffic. She might have been alone in the city. Privacy and quiet were gifts a man of Roarke’s wealth could easily buy. But she knew beyond the beautiful grounds, over the high stone wall, life pumped. And death followed it greedily.

That was her world, she thought now as she sipped the potent coffee and worked the stiffness of a still-healing wound out of her shoulder. Petty murders, grand schemes, dirty deals, and screaming despair. She knew more of those than of the
colorful swirl of money and power that surrounded her husband.

At times like this, when she was alone, when her spirits were low, she wondered how they had ever come together—the straight-arrow cop who believed unwaveringly in the lines of the law, and the slick Irishman who’d tangled with and over those lines all of his life.

Murder had brought them together, two lost souls who’d taken different escape routes to survive and, despite logic and sense, had found each other.

“Christ, I miss him. It’s ridiculous.” Annoyed with herself, she turned, intending to shower and dress. The blinking light on her tele-link signaled a muted incoming. Without a doubt who was transmitting, she leaped at it and unblocked the silent code.

Roarke’s face popped on screen. Such a face, she thought, watching as he lifted one dark eyebrow. Poetically handsome, with black hair falling long and thick to frame it. The clever, perfectly sculpted mouth, the strong bones, the shocking intensity of brilliant blue eyes.

After nearly a year, just the sight of that face could send her blood humming.

“Darling Eve.” His voice was like cream over strong Irish whiskey. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“Because I’m awake.”

She knew what he’d see as he studied her. There was so little she could hide from him. He’d see the shadows of a bad night hounding her eyes, the paleness of her skin. Uncomfortable, she shrugged and pushed a hand through her short, disordered hair. “I’m going into Cop Central early. I’ve got paperwork to catch up on.”

He saw more than she realized. When he looked at her, he saw strength, courage, pain. And a beauty—in those sharp bones, that full mouth, those steady brandy-colored eyes—she was delightfully oblivious to. Because he also saw weariness, he changed his plans.

“I’ll be home tonight.”

“I thought you needed a couple of more days up there.”

“I’ll be home tonight,” he repeated and smiled at her. “I miss you, Lieutenant.”

“Yeah?” However foolish she considered the warm thrill, she grinned at him. “I guess I’ll have to make some time for you when you get here.”

“Do that.”

“Is that why you were calling—to let me know you’d be back early?”

Actually, he’d intended to leave a message that he’d be delayed another day or two—and to try to convince her to join him for the weekend on the Olympus Resort. But he only smiled at her. “Just wanted to inform my wife of my travel plans. Go back to sleep, Eve.”

“Yeah, maybe.” But they both knew she wouldn’t. “I’ll see you tonight. Uh, Roarke?”


She still had to take a bracing breath before she said it. “I miss you, too.” She cut the transmission even as he smiled at her. Steadier, she took her coffee with her as she went out to prepare for the day.


She didn’t exactly sneak out of the house, but she was quiet about it. Maybe it was barely five in the morning, but she didn’t doubt Summerset was around somewhere. She preferred, whenever possible, to avoid Roarke’s sergeant-major—or whatever term you’d use for a man who knew everything, did everything, and poked his bony nose into what Eve considered her private business entirely too often.

Since her last case had shoved the two of them closer together than either was comfortable with, she suspected he’d been avoiding her as carefully as she had him for the past couple of weeks.

Reminded of it, she rubbed a hand absently just under her shoulder. It still troubled her a bit in the morning, or after a
long day. Taking a full blast from her own weapon was an experience she didn’t want to repeat in this or any other lifetime. Somehow worse was the way Summerset had poured meds down her throat afterward, when she’d been too weak to knock him on his ass.

She closed the door behind her, took one deep breath of the frigid December air, then cursed viciously.

She’d left her vehicle at the base of the steps mostly because it drove Summerset crazy. And he’d moved it because it pissed her off. Grumbling because she hadn’t bothered to bring along the remote for the garage door or her vehicle, she trooped around the house, boots crunching on frosted grass. The tips of her ears began to sting with cold, her nose to run with it.

She bared her teeth and punched in the code with gloveless fingers, then stepped into the pristine and blissfully warm garage.

There were two gleaming levels of cars, bikes, sky-scooters, even a two-passenger minicopter. Her city-issue vehicle in pea-green looked like a mutt among sleek, glossy hounds. But it was new, she reminded herself as she slid behind the wheel. And everything worked.

It started like a dream. The engine purred. At her command, the heat began to whir softly through the vents. The cockpit glowed with lights, indicating the initial check run, then the bland voice of the recording assured her all systems were in operational order.

She’d have suffered the tortures of the damned before she would admit she missed the capriciousness and outright crankiness of her old unit.

At a smooth pace, she glided out of the garage and down the curved drive toward the iron gates. They parted smoothly, soundlessly, for her.

The streets in this exclusive neighborhood were quiet, clean. Trees on the verge of the great park were coated in a thin sheen of glittery frost like a skinsuit of diamond dust. Deep inside its shadows, chemi-heads and spine crackers might be
finishing up the night’s work, but here, there were only polished stone buildings, wide avenues, and the quiet dark before dawn.

She was blocks away before the first billboard loomed up, spitting garish light and motion into the night. Santa, red-cheeked and with a manic grin that made her think of an oversized elf on Zeus, rode through the sky behind his fleet of reindeer and blasted out
ho, ho, ho
s, while warning the populace of just how many shopping days they had left before Christmas.

“Yeah, yeah, I hear you. You fat son of a bitch.” She scowled over as she braked for a light. She’d never had to worry about the holiday before. It had just been a matter of finding something ridiculous for Mavis, maybe something edible for Feeney.

There’d been no one else in her life to wrap gifts for.

And what the hell did she buy for a man who not only had everything, but owned most of the plants and factories that made it? For a woman who’d prefer a blow with a blunt instrument to shopping for an afternoon, it was a serious dilemma.

Christmas, she decided, as Santa began to tout the variety of stores and selections in the Big Apple Sky Mall, was a pain in the ass.

Still, her mood lifted as she hit the predictably snared traffic on Broadway. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, there was a party going on. The people glides were jammed with pedestrians, most of whom were drunk, stoned, or both. Glide-cart operators shivered in the cold while their grills smoked. If a vender had a spot on this street, he held it in a tight, ready fist.

She cracked her window a sliver, caught the scent of roasting chestnuts, soy dogs, smoke, and humanity. Someone was singing out in a strident monotone about the end of the world. A cabbie blasted his horn well over noise pollution laws as pedestrians flowed into the street on his light. Overhead the
early airbuses farted cheerfully, and the first advertising blimps began to hawk the city’s wares.

She watched a fistfight break out between two women. Street LCs, Eve mused. Licensed companions had to guard their turf here as fiercely as the vendors of food and drink. She considered getting out and breaking it up, but the little blonde decked the big redhead, then darted off into the crowd like a rabbit.

Good thinking, Eve thought approvingly, as the redhead was already on her feet, shaking her head clear and shouting inventive obscenities.

This, Eve thought with affection, was her New York.

With some regret, she bumped over to the relative quiet of Seventh, then headed downtown. She needed to get back into action, she thought. The weeks of disability had made her feel edgy and useless. Weak. She’d ditched the recommended last week off, had insisted on taking the required physical.

And, she knew, had passed it by the skin of her teeth.

But she’d passed, and was back on the job. Now if she could just convince her commander to get her off desk duty, she’d be a happy woman.

When her radio sounded, she tuned in with half an ear. She wasn’t even on call for another three hours.

Any units in the vicinity, a 1222 reported at 6843 Seventh Avenue, apartment 18B. No confirmation available. See the man in apartment 2A. Any units in the vicinity . . .

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