The Iso-Stasis Experiment (The Experiments) (11 page)

BOOK: The Iso-Stasis Experiment (The Experiments)
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“Because I wanted it to be between you and me and I don’t want any of the scientists to know what we’re doing. Not yet. And they will. Our rooms . . . are bugged, microphones and cameras.”

“How . . .” Cal tried to turn her head back to him but stopped, she didn’t want to chance losing her balance. “Wait. They said they only observed the dining room and gathering room.”

“They lied.” Jake shook his head. “I suspected as much, started really looking last night. You know the smoke detector in the corner of the room? Bingo. I lifted the cover, a camera embedded in the wall. If there’s a camera, there’s a bug somewhere too. I couldn’t find it.”

“Did you pull it out?” Cal asked.

“No, besides the fact it’s in the wall, we agreed to be observed. Hey, if I’m here, I might as well take the money, right? I’ll check your room today.”

“Good.” Cal was relieved. “I guess we have to watch what we say or do in our rooms then, right?”

“Especially anything obscene.”

“There goes inviting Carlos over,” Cal joked.

“Funny.” Jake paused. “Now that we’ve talked, want to go eat?”

“Yes, I’m starved.” Cal looked down. “Let me go first, all right?”

“I’ll help you.” Jake kept hold of her in every step she took as she lifted herself from the branch and grabbed for the rope. Hoping she didn’t fall, he watched her climb down with ease.

Cal felt the safety of the grassy ground. She shielded her eyes and looked up at Jake as he took the rope.

“Whoa, babe,” Rickie’s voice was right behind her. “That was really cool.”

“Rickie?” Cal turned around to see that both he and Jennifer stood there. “What are you guys doing up here?”

Jennifer looked up at Jake as he got closer to the ground. “We saw you up there from below. Going to breakfast yet?”

“On our way,” Cal answered and then turned back as Jake dropped down right beside her.

“Dude.” Rickie smiled as he looked toward Jake. “We were walking around down there and we thought we saw you in the tree. Man, I’d never think of a tree to be a make out spot. Cool thinking. Way to not be interrupted.” He lifted his hand and gave a flower to Cal. “A beautiful flower for a beautiful babe.”

“Ah.” Cal sniffed it. “Thank you, Rickie.”

“No problem, look, I gave some to Jennifer, too.”

Cal knew at that point that Rickie’s compliment to her was minuscule, meaningless, and polite. “Gee, Jennifer has a bouquet.”

Jennifer held up the multitudes of flowers. “Isn’t he sweet, Cal? He thinks I’m beautiful.” She grabbed hold of Rickie’s arm. “Come on, Richard, let’s head down to breakfast.” She tilted her head back to Cal and Jake. “We’ll meet you down there.”

Cal glanced down at her single flower, then at the two who trotted down the hill. The petals of Jennifer’s bouquet bounced as she walked. Not meaning to come off a little jealous, she shook her one lonely flower and said to herself in a whisper. “She got a bouquet.” Cal started to walk.

“Hey.” With a smile, Jake grabbed Cal’s hand that held the single flower that was supposed to be Cal’s compliment. He lifted her hand and whispered as they moved. “Rickie just wants to get laid.”

Caldwell Research Institute, Atlanta, GA
August 9 - 8:45 A.M.

Dr. Jefferson, wearing what seemed to be a brand new lab coat, its whiteness almost fluorescent, walked quickly around the observation room. His secretary trailed him--tablet in and--like a puppy. He ran his fingertips across each of the furnishings as he passed them. “Get the cleaning crew up here, Carol. I want another once over before the Holding Event this afternoon.”

“Yes, Doctor.” She made a note.

“And coffee, freshly brewed should be ready, a fully stocked bar. And have the appropriate luncheon arrangements been made?”

“Yes. Calabria’s will deliver at three.”

“Excellent.” Dr. Jefferson stopped, standing next to Tina. He placed his hands on his hips holding back his jacket as he stared at the screens. “Carol, note for the cleaning crew to clean every monitor. I want them to shine.”

“Will do,” She said and jotted it down.

“Tina and Barb, I want this cork board hidden away some . . .” He turned his head to the ‘
’ that came from the two observing women. “What?” he asked as he saw them looking toward the monitor.

Tina, smiling, pointed up. “Look. Isn’t that sweet?”

Throwing his hands up in the air, Dr. Jefferson charged to the door. “This isn’t a soap opera, ladies.” He opened the door, waited for his secretary and walked out. The holding event was starting in a few hours. Dr. Jefferson had better things to worry about than what was happening in Cal’s room.

I-S.E. Twelve - Seal River Complex, Manitoba, Canada
August 9 - 9:05 A.M.

Once again, Cal picked at her breakfast. Never being a cereal eater, she chose granola every day, and every day, she barely touched it. In fact, she barely touched anything placed out to eat despite Jake’s nagging. She pretended, but the choices of food were limited, and she supposed she would have to make herself eat it or wither away.

Cal was glad it was her day to cook. Though the others chose to just pick from the bin and heat and serve, Cal intended to make it a time consuming project. The shelves were stocked with miscellaneous items and she was going to make use out of them. She wanted to eat, and she wanted something she knew would be at least semi-good. Preparing a meal somewhat from scratch would ensure that.

A long hot shower was what Cal took, longer than usual. She was hoping Jake--who was waiting his turn--wouldn’t complain too much when the hot water ran out. Cal stayed in the bathroom a little longer to give the water heater time to catch up.

Hair blown dried, Cal knocked on Jake’s side. “Sorry I took so long. I’m done now.” She heard his ‘thank you’ and before she heard anything else she slipped into her room. The smell caught her attention right away. She wondered as she stepped further into her bedroom what it was. The answer came to her as she slid to a stop. On her bed was a virtual blanket of wild flowers. Her mouth dropped open. Quickly her head swung to the bathroom and she ran to the door, knocking once. “Jake, are you decent?”

“For me, yeah, come on in.”

Cal opened the door just as he was pulling his shirt over his head. “Jake. Can you come with me for a second?” She wiggled her index finger to him.

“Can it wait? I want to hop in the shower.”

“Just for a second,” she said and turned from the bathroom and walked back in her room. She waited until he stepped out. “Look.” Cal held her hand out toward the bed.

“Whoa.” Jake rested his hand on top of his head. “What a mess.”

“Jake.” Cal turned her head to him. “Did you do this?” she asked softly.

“Um . . .” He shook his head. “No, Cal. I didn’t. Are you mad about it?”

“Not at all. Why would I be mad? I would probably say it’s one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me.” Cal said stepping to him. “If you didn’t do this, who do you think did?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Jake mustered up a clueless look. “Don’t know.”

“It wasn’t you?”

“Nope. It’s a kind of mushy thing to do.” He shook his head, stepping further back. “Not my style. I’m uh . . . going to take a shower now.”

“All right,” Cal said and smiled at him, not believing him for a second, knowing he was copping out. “Jake?” She looked at the bed. “If Rickie gave Jennifer a bouquet just to get laid, whoever did this must be trying to secure a bed spot for the entire experiment, don’t you think?”

“Nah.” Jake opened the bathroom door again and walked in. He slowed down before closing it, turned around and looked back out into Cal’s room. He gripped the side of the door as he peered at her. “Cal . . . perhaps whoever did this . . .” he head motioned to the bed, “perhaps they did it, because, just because . . . they like you.” After a soft tap with his palm on the edge of the door, Jake closed it quietly.

The Holding Event - Caldwell Research Institute, Atlanta, GA
August 9 - 2:00 P.M.

In a single file line, stopping only briefly at the door to show the guard their identification, the investors walked in one by one. Different shapes, sizes, ages. Not all of them gave the appearance of having the money needed in order to be in attendance at the event.

He called himself Aldo, no last names were ever made known early in the experiment. Maybe it was a matter of trust, but within a month all of the investors would know each other very well.

Aldo entered first. He wore a flashy work-out suit with its zipper jacket half open to reveal several heavy gold chains almost buried by the thick, curly black hair covering his chest. He was a big man, not so much in height, but in build, and he jingled as he walked over to shake hands with an uptight Dr. Jefferson. “Here we are again. How do you think it will fare this time?” Aldo asked.

Dr. Jefferson looked into Aldo’s dark brown eyes and at the wrinkles that became predominant when he smiled. “I’m hoping it will be very good. We’ve got five new faces this year.”

Aldo watched the other seven men walk in. He ran his fingers down his thick black mustache. “The new ones are always hopeful. But what is it that they say, third time’s the charm? This is my third time.” He held up his small sealed blue envelope no larger than a business card and held it briefly to his lips. “I made sure I picked first this year.”

“Does it ever make a difference?” Dr. Jefferson smiled.

“Never does.” Aldo looked at the monitor wall where the screens were hidden. His eager anticipation of their opening was apparent. Leaning close to Dr. Jefferson and lowering his voice in secrecy, he asked, “So . . . how’s the uh . . . inside betting poll with the observers? You know I loved participating in that last time. Started yet?”

“Yes, first day. You need to speak with Barb; she has the cork board put away. They have a few different categories started, some very weird ones.” Dr. Jefferson nodded.

“I’ll do that. I want to go speak to the investors I remember from the last two and claim my spot at the table. Are we going to start soon?”

Dr. Jefferson glanced at his watch. “We will, very shortly. If you want to look at your information, we’ve included notes from the first week. But . . . not much has happened.”

“It’s early.” With a pat to Dr. Jefferson’s back, Aldo stepped back and moved toward the other two investors.

Ivan recognized Aldo right away as he approached him and Douglass. How could he not? Ivan very vividly recalled his first impression of Aldo years before. He smelled of cigarettes and looked like a two-bit thug off the street. Ivan referred to him as ‘the wop’ for the first three months until he realized that Aldo was the richest of the investors his money made in casino action and undisclosed businesses. Aldo did throw business Ivan’s way which Ivan didn’t mind. His three plastic surgery offices were state of the art, compliments of gifts from Aldo. So Ivan smiled broadly, showing the proper courtesy when Aldo approached.

Douglass, on the other hand, standing side by side with Ivan, didn’t care much for Aldo. He merely tolerated his dry sense of humor, but Douglass did enjoy Aldo’s enthusiasm Aldo during the experiments. It made the dry times seem a lot less dull.

Aldo held up his blue envelope. “Are you ready gentleman?”

Ivan held his up and like Aldo’s, his remained unopened. “Very much so. I see our newest additions look puzzled at what’s in these little blue things.”

“They should wait,” Aldo said. “But did we?”

Douglass’ envelope was semi-folded in his pocket, perhaps out of nervousness from holding it in his sweaty hand. Though this was the fourth experiment the Texas oilman had invested in, he was always nervous at the beginning. “Heck, I’m even afraid to open it when it’s time.”

As the three men, acting more like old high school chums instead of the business enemies they were, made their way toward Barb, Dr. Jefferson called for attention. The event they awaited with much anticipation, the experiment, was about to begin.

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