The Janson Command (4 page)

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Authors: Paul Garrison

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #General

BOOK: The Janson Command
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“Right about that. Come to my office.”

They followed Doug Case’s wheelchair down a wide hall lined with closed doors.

“How was your flight?” he asked over his shoulder.

“On time.”

In Doug Case’s front office an elegantly dressed middle-aged woman he introduced as Kate presided over a pair of assistants with polished Junior League smiles. His private office faced south. “You can see the Gulf of Mexico on a clear day.”

“But at this moment,” Janson said, “you would prefer to see the Gulf of Guinea.”

“Where did you get that idea?”

“What shape is ASC in?”

“Terrific shape. Our safety standards are the highest. We’re don’t screw up in the field and we’re tops at controlling costs so we pull more profit out of a barrel of oil than anybody. Plus, American Synergy kept its head when everyone else was going nuts for alternatives and sinking dry wells.”

“But you didn’t sink that many wet ones, either, and if there is anywhere in the world right now where ASC can boost its dwindling oil reserves it’s West Africa. Cullen hit it big off the Ivory Coast and you’re probably hoping for the same, before the Chinese snap it up. So your problem is in the Gulf of Guinea.”

“You’ve done your homework, Paul. Per usual. But not for this assignment. It has nothing to do with oil reserves.”

“What is your problem?”

“You may have heard that we lost an offshore service vessel last week.”

“I saw a report that an OSV sank with all hands in the Gulf of Guinea. I was not aware it belonged to American Synergy. It was registered to a Dutch firm.”

“We’ve since learned that the boat was attacked by Free Foree Movement insurgents.”


“They murdered the crew.”


“Who the hell knows? The problem is, the murdering lunatics snatched one of our people. We’ve got to rescue him. That’s where you come in.”

“That will be a tall order if the Free Forees took your man to their base on Pico Clarence,” said Janson.

“Pico Clarence is exactly where they have him, high on that mountain, deep in the interior.”

“Getting back to my questions, why?…  FFM insurgents murdering your boat crew doesn’t make sense. FFM is winning its war. ‘President for Life’ Iboga is roundly hated.”

“Eating the testicles and brains of your political rivals tends to piss people off,” Case agreed. “Even in Africa.”

“Iboga is losing,” said Janson. “He’s about to be toppled.”

President for Life Iboga had wrecked the economy of Isle de Foree, which had broken away from Equatorial Guinea, backed by the Nigerian military. Iboga, opposition leader in Isle de Foree’s parliament and former fighter in the Angolan wars, seized power in a coup. Renaming himself Iboga after the rain-forest hallucinogen, the dictator had handed the coffee and cocoa plantations to his corrupt friends and let the island nation’s small, antiquated oil infrastructure go to hell.

“As I understand it, the rebels are buying munitions from Angolan and South African gunrunners. They’ve already cleared the sky around Pico Clarence of Iboga’s helicopters. And they just broke their leader out of Black Sand Prison, which is another reason why killing your people doesn’t make sense. Ferdinand Poe is a beacon of democratic hope. Why would Ferdinand Poe’s fighters endanger his righteous rebellion by slaughtering innocents? He can’t afford to outrage nations he needs to recognize his new government as legitimate.”

“Good question,” admitted Case. “But I repeat, who knows? Fog of war? A signals screwup? Revenge? It’s been a long, bitter fight with plenty of brutality on both sides.”

“Have they demanded ransom?” asked Jessica Kincaid.

“No. Our guy is a doctor. Looks like they wanted a doctor for Ferdinand Poe. You can imagine what the Black Sand jailors did to him.”

“But if the boat sank,” said Kincaid, “and the crew was murdered and the rebels didn’t ask for ransom, how did you learn that FFM took one of your people?”

“Guess,” said Douglas Case.

“Guess?” she said, shooting Janson a who-is-this-jerk? look.

Janson, already aware that Jessica and Doug had formed an instant dislike for each other, answered soothingly, “Since ASC holds positions in several Gulf of Guinea Joint Development zones, I would imagine that Doug takes time off from his SCADA exploits to maintain contact with African arms dealers to keep abreast of events in the insurgent camp. Correct, Doug?”

Douglas Case winked. “Score another for The Machine.” He turned to Kincaid and said, “The guys supplying FFM’s artillery reasoned that I’d be interested in what was happening on Pico Clarence.”

“Why don’t you hire the gunrunners to rescue the doctor?”

Case laughed and winked again at Janson. “Out of the mouths of babes.”

“What?” snapped Kincaid.

. They sneak stuff in; they don’t sneak it out. Besides, they won’t do anything to disrupt the next sale. If FFM is winning like Paul thinks, the gunrunners are going to tread very lightly, hoping to move up the food chain from runners to dealers by selling more expensive weapons to their victorious friends in the new government.”

A cell phone buzzed. Case snatched it from a molded dock among the buttons and controls that studded his chair’s armrest. “I said no calls.… Right, thank you.” He hung up and said, “You’re about to meet Kingsman Helms, president of ASC’s Petroleum Division.”

“We saw the video,” said Kincaid.

Case grimaced. “Corporate arrogance embodied,” he said, and mimicked Helms’s speech, “ ‘It isn’t a matter of telling our story better. We have to create a better story.’ How about this for a story: Big oil and coal have squelched production of American natural gas for twenty years. For some reason the shareholders think the sun rises and sets on the son of a bitch.”

“You seem conflicted about your employer.” Janson smiled.

“Helms is top snake in Buddha’s nest of vipers.”

“Who,” Jessica Kincaid asked, “is Buddha?”

“That’s what we call the Old Man.”

“By ‘the Old Man’ you mean American Synergy’s CEO, Bruce Danforth?”

“Correct. Kingsman Helms is one of four men and two women who would eviscerate their own mothers if that’s what it took to replace Buddha as American Synergy’s CEO.”

“Are you another of those men?” asked Kincaid.

Case returned a cold smile. “Security is not on that career track.”

“Security,” Kincaid shot back, “just phoned you a heads-up that Helms is coming. You’re keeping tabs on the competition.”

“Security chiefs—and security consultants—are servants, Jessica. Which is something you’ll come to understand if you stay in our business. We protect; we don’t command.”

The door flew open. The tall, blond thirty-eight-year-old Kingsman Helms barged in without knocking. “Doug, I understand you’ve called in the Marines.”

Helms’s piercing blue eyes lingered on Kincaid. “Hello, Marines.” Then he bore down on Paul Janson. “Kingsman Helms,” he said, thrusting his hand out. “Who are you?”

Kincaid hid a smile as she watched Janson step into the space Helms was heading for, blocking his rush, forcing him to pull up short. “Paul Janson. CatsPaw Associates.”

“Which cat’s paw would that be? Keats’s ‘quick cat’s paws’ that kill the fat straggler? Or the cat’s paw the pope’s monkey used to pull his nuts out of the fire? Or our modern pry?”

“We’re a full-service outfit.”

Helms grinned appreciatively. “Nice.”

“This is my partner Jessica Kincaid.”

“Nice to meet you, Jessica.” Helms smiled, then turned on Janson in a tone all business. “So who are you two with, Janson?”

“CatsPaw Associates is independent.”

“Independent is small.”

“The clients we accept trust us to be nimble.”

“I question,” Helms replied coolly, “whether a small outfit can field the resources to do the job.”

Douglas Case surprised Janson by interrupting, curtly: “Back off, Kingsman. This is my call.”

Helms ignored him. “I cannot imagine the reasoning behind paying two individuals—one middle-aged, the other a woman, no offense to either of you—to execute the sort of military operation required to rescue our employee.”

Douglas Case spun his wheelchair in a half circle to face Kingsman Helms. Then Case stabbed a button in the armrest that raised his seat hydraulically while the base extended wheeled outriggers to balance the higher center of gravity. Eye to eye with the executive, Case spoke in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Imagine this: Our doctor is trapped in a war zone in the middle of a remote island by a bloodthirsty rebel army surrounded by a vicious dictator’s army. The kind of ‘resources’ you’re spouting civilian fantasies about would blow it into a three-way war and get the doctor killed in the process.”

“I am merely—”

Case cut him off, again. “Isle de Foree is two hundred and fifty fucking miles offshore and none of the jumping-off points on the African coast are all that amenable to corporate bullshit. Corporate won’t save our guy. Quick and light will. He’s in a hell of a jam, and I don’t know anyone better qualified to get him out of it than Paul Janson. I’ll stake my job on it.”

“That’s quite an endorsement,” said Helms. “It sounds like you got the job, Paul. What’s this costing us?”

“Nothing until we produce your man. We cover our expenses. Doug gets the family rate. Five million dollars.”

“That is a lot of money.”

“Indeed it is,” said Janson.

“All right! Here are your marching orders: Save the doctor at any cost; spare nothing. ASC stands by its people. We are a family.”

“We haven’t accepted the job,” said Janson.

“What? What’s stopping you?”

“We need to know more about the circumstances. What was the doctor doing out there?”

“Doing? He was doing his job.”

“What is his name?” asked Kincaid.

Helms glanced at Doug Case, who then said, “Flannigan. Dr. Terrence Flannigan.”

Janson asked, “What was Dr. Flannigan doing on an offshore service vessel? Six-man boats don’t carry company doctors. Or was the OSV ferrying him somewhere?”

Again Helms looked to Doug Case as if the job description of a company doctor was not his concern. Case said, “We’re presuming they were ferrying him out to a rig to care for somebody who got hurt.”

“Why didn’t they helicopter the victim to shore? That’s how it is usually done.”

“Look into it, Doug,” Helms told Case. “Find out where Dr. Flannigan was going.” He showed his teeth in a grin. “Better yet, Paul, if you manage to rescue him quickly you can ask him yourself. Pleasure meeting you. And you, too, Jessica. I must go. I really do hope you take the job,” he said, and left.

“What do you say, Paul?” asked Doug Case. He was deferential all of a sudden, even pleading.
certainly wanted Janson to take it. Janson did not put much weight on that. People preferred working with people they knew.

“We will look into the feasibility of the operation,” he said. “You’ll have our answer in twelve hours.”

Jessica got to the door first and held it for him. But Doug Case called, “Paul, could you wait a moment? I’d like to speak with you alone.”

Janson stepped back into Case’s office and closed the door. “What’s up?”

“I really appreciate what you’re doing.”

“I will do what is feasible.”

“Once again, I owe you.”

“I told you before: If you owe anything, pay the next guy.”

“Thank you. I will do that. Now, listen, whether or not Helms is our next CEO has no bearing on this kidnap situation. Buddha is not retiring tomorrow. So don’t worry about Kingsman Helms.”

“I’m not.”

“What I told him is true. I can’t think of anyone else who could pull this off without accidentally embroiling the company in a fucking civil war. All we want is our man back. And I don’t have to tell you that it would solidify my position here.”

“If I feel I can pull it off, I will take the job.”

“Is Jessica Kincaid the sniper you told me about? The one who was the best you’d ever seen?”

“None of your business.”

“I’m only asking because I’m hoping for both our sakes that if you’re working with a woman she’s someone you’ve worked with long enough to really count on.”

“I count on her,” Janson answered patiently. “She excels at everything she turns her hand to.”

“A Machine-ette?” Case grinned.

Janson reflected momentarily. As he had told Case already, Kincaid’s operator training, mastery of the “deadly arts,” and service record were nobody’s business. But Janson saw no reason to hide his admiration. “She is a perfectionist and hungry to learn—dance, saber, telemark skiing, swimming, boxing. She takes elocution lessons from an acting coach to learn how to mimic body language, she throws herself into foreign languages most people never heard of, and she’s close to getting certified to fly jets.”

“Are we a smidgeon smitten by our protégée?”

“Awed,” said Janson. “Is there anything else? I need to get going.”

He headed for the door and had his hand on the knob when Case said, “I’ve worked with women. They’re smart. A hell of a lot smarter than we are.”

“Based on all the evidence, I agree.”

“But I never worked with a woman in the field. At least not under fire, never when the lead was flying. What’s it like?”

Janson hesitated. Doug’s question—even if he was asking in general what it was like to work with a woman—caught him off-stride. That surprised him. He was a man who reviewed his life in small ways on a constant basis. But the survival habit of compartmentalizing his thoughts and emotions and desires ran deep. Was it possible that until this moment he had never fully considered, or allowed himself to consider, how central Jessica Kincaid had become to his life as protégée, business partner, and friend?

“Do you have a dictionary in that computer?”

Case rolled across the office, lowered his chair to desk height, opened a computer window, and poised his powerful hands over the keyboard.

Janson smiled, suddenly clear in his mind. “What is it like? Look up ‘Comrade-in-arms.’”

Doug Case typed in the old-fashioned warrior phrase, scrolled down the entry, then read aloud: “ ‘An associate in friendship, occupation, fortunes’?”

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