The Journey

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Authors: John Marsden

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John Marsden accidentally put himself through the perfect training to become a novelist.

He read vast numbers of books, acquired a love of language, and became insatiably curious about other people. He also had a variety of jobs, 32 at the last count, including working in abattoirs, hospitals, morgues and a haunted house.

In 1985, rather to his own surprise, he found himself teaching English in the Australian bush, at Timbertop School. Noticing a complete lack of interest in reading among his Year 9 students he tried his hand at writing a short novel that he thought they might enjoy.

The rest is history. John Marsden is now the world's most successful author of teenage fiction. He has sold a million and a half books world-wide, and has won awards in Europe, America and Australia. His first love however is still teaching, and he spends most of his time running writing camps at his property, the Tye Estate, near Hanging Rock, Victoria.

You can visit John Marsden's website at:

Also by John Marsden

So Much to Tell You

The Journey

The Great Gatenby

Staying Alive in Year 5

Out of Time

Letters from the Inside

Take My Word for It

Looking for Trouble

Tomorrow . . . (Ed.)

Cool School

Creep Street


For Weddings and a Funeral (Ed.)

This I Believe (Ed.)

Dear Miffy

Prayer for the 21st Century

Everything I Know About Writing

Secret Men's Business

Series 1999 Diary

The Rabbits

Norton's Hut

Marsden on Marsden


The Head Book

The Boy You Brought Home

The Magic Rainforest


While I Live

A Roomful of Magic



Tomorrow, When the War Began

The Dead of the Night

The Third Day, the Frost

Darkness, Be My Friend

Burning for Revenge

The Night is for Hunting

The Other Side of Dawn

Pan Macmillan Australia

First published in hardback 1988
First Pan edition published 1989 by Pan Macmillan Pty Limited
1 Market Street, Sydney

Copyright © JLM Pty Ltd 1988

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the Publisher.

National Library of Australia
cataloguing-in-publication data:

Marsden, John
The journey
ISBN 978-1-74334-616-7
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A823'. 3

Printed in Australia by McPherson's Printing Group

This electronic edition published in 2012 by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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The journey

John Marsden

EPUB format 978-1-74334-616-7

Macmillan Digital Australia

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Though I've known much kindness from many people in recent years, some have given me particular help in writing this and other books, and I'd like to thank them here. They include the Austin family of ‘Mundarlo', the Laycock family of Khancoban, the Madin family of Christ Church Grammar, the Montague family of ‘Osterley', the Rose family of Mosman, the Utz family of Mosman, and especially, Mary Edmonston, of all over the place. And I thank my own family very much for their support and loyalty.


A voyage that never leaves shelter

Is one for the weak and the small.

The strength a ship has, comes from its fight

To weather the rips and the rocks and the squalls . . .

Chapter One

very year Argus asked his father, ‘Is it time yet? Am I old enough?' And every year his father replied, ‘No, you've got a while yet' or ‘No, sorry son'. The first few times he laughed as he said it, as though the question were a droll one to be asked by someone of his son's age. But as Argus grew older his father ceased to smile and instead answered irritably, as if he didn't want to think about the matter. Perhaps though, his impatience was a reflection of his son's; for every year Argus put the question in a more insistent tone, feeling guilty as he did so, but driven strongly to ask.

Once, Argus tried to gain some insight into his father's mind, and in so doing to bring about a change in his attitude. He asked him, ‘Why do you think I'm not ready?' But his stern father, busy trimming a new curb for a horse, replied briefly, ‘You can't even do your jobs around here properly. I asked you two days ago to fix that fence in North Austin.' And after a moment's silence the boy walked away, trying to maintain his dignity. He was too proud to say that he had fixed the fence when asked, but a fox had made a new hole in it overnight, three panels along from the repair.

One afternoon, when Argus had just turned fourteen, he and his father were working in South Austin, checking for cows that might have calved in the long grass, and tagging the ones they found. Argus held a wet and slippery new calf between his legs while its anxious mother hovered nearby. Somehow the calf got the boy slightly off-balance; sensing its advantage it twisted, bucked, flung its head and escaped, treading heavily on Argus' father's foot as it fled. Argus was buffeted about the face and body by a storm of angry words as his father raged. Knowing his father had lost his grip on two calves one morning just a week earlier, the boy said nothing. For the rest of the day the two worked together in silence, each reliving the argument in his mind, each trying to convince himself he was right. The unease between them lasted through the evening.

It was this incident that convinced Argus his time had come. In recent months he had been asking his father not ‘Am I old enough?' but ‘How soon before I go?' Now he decided he must take matters into his own hands; yet so great was his awe, love, fear and anger that it was three more days before he was able to speak of his decision. Finally, one night as his parents were folding astronomy charts, he told them.

Their reaction was an anti-climax: they both barely hesitated, but went on with their tasks, until his mother asked, ‘When do you want to start?'

‘At the end of the week,' he replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

‘You can't go,' his father said. ‘I'll need you for the harvest.'

But Argus was prepared for this. ‘You can use Ranald again, the same as you did when I was ill.'

No more was said that night; no more was said on the subject for two days following. But on the eve of his going, his father brought Argus the book from its glass case, and placed it in his hands. ‘You'd better read it,' he said, ‘and then it will be time for us to talk.'

Argus was not able to look at his father, but instead watched his own hands, damp on the soft leather, as the silver-haired man left the room. And the boy, full of nervous excitement, began at last to read.

Argus learned from the book that there were seven stories, and the journey would not be over until he had discovered and could tell all seven of them. The seven stories that he found would be uniquely his, yet they would also be the stories of all people — the same for everyone, recognisable by everyone. The harder he searched, the more difficult the stories would be. The book warned him that nothing was simple: everything was complex, whether it be a leaf, a human, an idea, a word. Even the statement that nothing was simple was too simple, and was probably not wholly true. For the book also warned him that there were no absolutes; such extreme terms as good and evil, true and false, alive and dead, might be convenient words, but should only be seen as indications, not as definitions.

Argus read slowly, trying to understand and remember everything. He felt his mind opening up to infinite possibilities, yet at the same time he was disappointed that there were no practical directions in the book. His mind was sated but his body was restless. The book seemed to assume throughout that the journey was dangerous; it was implied in every sentence. Yet there was no indication of the form the danger might take, nor any suggestion of how to overcome it.

His father was of more practical help, though still vague. ‘You take what you choose, and go where you choose,' he said when he came back into the room. ‘What you take and where you go will tell you a good deal about who you are. Each item you pack will slow you down with its weight. If comfort is important to you, then you might take toilet paper. If safety is important to you, take bandages. If time matters, then take a clock. But remember, speed is not everything. The slow traveller sees detail.' He laughed. ‘But as for me, I always regretted not taking toilet paper.'

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