The Killing Game (17 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

BOOK: The Killing Game
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“Did you? If I recall, I'm involved up to my neck. Why did you decide to cross me off your list?”

“You know why. I had to get Jane away even if I broke the law. You're a cop, Joe.”

“You think that would have stopped me from helping? I'd have done it
you, dammit.”

“I know.” She swallowed to ease the tightness of her throat. “I couldn't allow it.”

“You couldn't allow—” He had to stop to temper his tone. “Who the hell gave you the right to make my decisions for me?”

“I took the right.”

“And you shut me out.”

“I shut you out. Stay out, Joe.”

“Oh, no. I've let you sweep me into the background too many times. I can take that but I won't have you walk away from me.”

“I wouldn't be a good friend to you if I let you—”

“Screw friendship.” His voice was hoarse with barely contained violence. “I'm sick to death of it. Just as I'm sick of standing on the sidelines and having you treat me like some old hound that needs nothing more than an occasional pat on the head.”

Shock surged through her. “Joe.”

“It's happened too often, Eve.”

“The hell it has.”

“The hell it hasn't. You're not even aware of it. You block everything out, and what you don't block out, you interpret to suit yourself. You'll hang up the phone tonight and you won't look beyond what you want to see.”

“I've never taken you for granted,” she said in an uneven voice, “and I've never treated you as anything but my very dear friend.”

“Then why didn't you tell me? Why don't you tell me where you are?” He took a deep breath and then his voice lowered persuasively. “Last chance. Let me come to you now. Afterward I'll step back. I'll let you bury your head and not—”

“I can't. You can't help me. Not this time.”

He didn't speak for a moment, and she could sense his emotions seething in that silence. “Your choice. You know, I'm almost relieved. But I'll find you. I'm not going to let you close me out, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let that son of a bitch kill you.”

“I don't want you to look for me. If you call me, I'll hang up. Do you understand?”

“I'll find you.” He hung up.

She was shaking as she punched the off button. Joe was one of the bedrocks of her life, and she felt as if that rock had exploded beneath her feet. She had seen him angry before, but this was different. He had attacked her. He had said terrible, false things. She had never taken him for granted. She didn't know what life would be like without Joe. Why couldn't he understand she was doing only what was best for him?

Smother the hurt. Go to sleep. Try to forget.

She turned off the light on the nightstand.

I'll find you

His words had sounded like a threat. The intimidating Joe she had spoken to tonight was the tough cop, the ex-SEAL. Relentless, unswerving, deadly.

Nonsense. Joe would never threaten her. Joe was closer than a brother, more protective than a father.

You treat me like some old hound that needs nothing more than an occasional pat on the head.

She couldn't think about Joe. She didn't need any more turmoil in her life.

You block everything out.

Hell, yes, she'd block out Joe for now and she'd be damned if she'd feel guilty.

She closed her eyes, ignoring the stinging behind her lids. Go to sleep. Tomorrow she would find a way to make sure Jane was safe from Dom. That was much more urgent than Joe's hurt feelings and lack of understanding. That could be solved later. It was Jane who was important now.

I'm sick of standing on the sidelines.

God, it wasn't that she thought Joe was less import—

Don't think of him. The message beneath those words was as disturbing as a volcano ready to erupt. She'd always known it was there but had chosen not to see it. And she couldn't permit herself to see it now.

She turned over, willing herself to go to sleep.

I'll find you
. . . .


rousing her from sleep.

Joe? She wouldn't answer. She couldn't face any more arguments or—

It rang again.

Dammit, she had to answer or risk Jane being woken up.

She kept her voice to a whisper. “Hello.”

“Did you go to the alley off Luther Street?”



“Then you must have our sweet Jane. I thought she'd insist on going to help her little friend. She appears very fond of him. It's the kind of thing you would have done as a child, isn't it? Did I mention how much alike you are?”

“You killed the security guard.”

“Just helping you a little. He would have gotten in your way. How did you get her out? The drainpipe? I had considered it, but—”

“Why are you calling?”

“I like to hear your voice. Do you realize how full of tension and emotion you are? I can hear every nuance of it. It's very exciting.”

“I'm hanging up.”

“Then I guess I'd better get down to the business of guiding you in the direction I want you to go. It's too dangerous for either of us to remain in Atlanta. They could arrest you for kidnapping, and that would spoil everything. You wouldn't be able to bond with Jane and I'd have to slit her throat. I'm sure you'd surround her with protection, so it would be a very difficult kill.”

Her hand tightened on the phone. “If I were arrested, you would have no reason to kill Jane. Your little scenario would be spoiled.”

“But I gave my word,” he said gently. “I always keep my word. So you have to be careful not to get caught, don't you? That's why I want you to leave Atlanta.”

“Are you afraid I might find you if I stayed?”

“On the contrary, I like raising your hopes. The idea of you searching for me is wonderfully stimulating. It's been a long time since I've felt this much excitement. I was always so concerned about making the kill perfect and undetectable, I never realized I needed a certain amount of interaction.”

“You won't get it if I'm hiding away somewhere.”

“I don't want you to hide away. I just want you out of Atlanta. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Phoenix.”


“I've always liked Phoenix.”

“I know. You've killed there.”

“You know that?”

“The FBI already has a fix on two murders you committed there years ago. So you're not as clever as you thought. We'll get you, Dom.”

“Not from those kills. You won't find any evidence. I was very careful, and time will have erased what I didn't. It's only lately that I may have been bored enough to make a mistake. You have a small chance of catching me if you find a fresh kill.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I think it fitting that you find the woman who brought us together. She wasn't very interesting, but that kill made me finally realize that there was something very wrong and eventually led me to you. She showed me the light, and then I showed
the light.”

“In Phoenix?”

“Ah, you're beginning to sound eager.”

“What was her name?”

“I don't remember. It didn't matter.”


“Five or six months perhaps. I can't remember. There was an earlier kill who gave me a hint of my problem, but she was the one who lit the way. It's important that the way be lighted for us, isn't it? Find her, Eve, and you may find me.”

“Tell me where she is.”

“You know better than that. You have to work for it.” He paused. “She had a lovely voice, I understand. A soprano.”

“She was a singer?”

“Go to Phoenix. Take Jane with you. Cling to her, nurture her . . . mother her. Did you find the bone?”

“Damn you.”

He laughed. “You may have the complete set soon, and I'll have to start again. Doesn't Jane have an interesting bone structure?”

Don't lose your temper. He wanted to flay her with words so he would get a response. “Scatter all the bones you please. They're not Bonnie's.”

“You did that very well. I could almost believe you meant it. Go to Phoenix, Eve.”

“You bastard, why should I do anything you want me to do?”

“Phoenix. That's my last word on the subject.” He hung up.

The last word. How many last words had the son of a bitch heard over the years? How many screams, how many pleas?

Had the woman in Phoenix pleaded with him before he killed her?

“It was him, wasn't it?” Jane asked out of the darkness.

Oh, shit.

“The man who killed Fay? Why did he call you?”

“It's a long story, Jane.”

“I heard you say he wanted to kill me. Why? I didn't do anything to him. Neither did Fay.”

“I told you he wasn't sane.”

“But why does he want to kill me?” Jane's tone was fierce. “You
me, Eve.”

Eve hesitated. How much could she explain without terrifying the poor kid?

“Tell me.”

Forget trying to be kind and soothing. Jane needed to know the threat and where it was coming from. If she'd made Bonnie more knowledgeable about the beasts out there, maybe she'd still be alive.

“Okay.” She turned on the light. “I'll tell you, Jane.”


with his finger,” Spiro told Joe, who waited by his car in the entrance to the alley. “That would have been too lucky. We found a stick with blood on one end behind the box. We'll probably find wood particles in the blood on the box. We'll examine the stick for fiber, since he probably wore gloves. What the hell was he doing here anyway?”

“I've no idea.” Joe's gaze remained fastened on the four agents who were still swarming about the cardboard box. “Eve didn't confide in me. She just told me about the box and the bone.”

“She must have been pretty shook up.”

“No doubt.” Joe got back in the car. “How fast can you process the tests?”

“Couple of days.”

“Odds are the blood's the security guard's.” He started the car. “Let me know as soon as you can.”

“Where is she, Joe?”

“I don't know.”

“Kidnapping's a serious offense.”

“I know that.” He lifted his gaze to meet Spiro's. “And you know why she took her.”

“That's not my business. It's the court's. It's my job to catch her.”

“Your job is to catch Dom. For God's sake, get your priorities straight.”

Spiro smiled faintly. “My priorities
straight. I want Eve because she's my strongest lead to Dom.” His gaze narrowed on Joe's face. “Where is she, Joe?”

“I told you, I don't know.”

His brows lifted in surprise. “My God, maybe you don't.”

“But I'm going to find out.” He looked away from Spiro and said stiltedly, “I'd appreciate any information you can give me.”

“My, that was hard for you, wasn't it? You must be desperate.”

“I have to find her.”

“I was wondering why you didn't try to talk your department out of issuing that APB on her. You want her found even if it means she gets tossed in jail.”

“You didn't try to stop the APB either. You don't want her running around or hiding someplace where you can't contact her.”

Spiro didn't answer.

“Will you tell me if you find out anything?”

“Maybe.” Spiro shrugged. “Okay. Not that I have any faith that you'd return the favor.”

Joe started the car. “Don't be too sure. Wherever Eve is, Dom is. I might need your help.”

Spiro was still standing there as Joe drove off. He looked grimmer and more tired than ever in the harsh headlights. Would he call Joe if he got a lead on Eve? Joe wasn't sure. So don't trust Spiro to tell him.

All right, he had done all he could here.

Now it was time to stop feeling and start thinking.

And then go on the hunt.


sense,” Jane said. “I don't have anything to do with you. Neither did Fay.”

“I know.”

“I hate it. I hate you.”

Eve flinched. She should have expected Jane's reaction. “I don't blame you. But the fact exists that Dom is a danger to you. You have to let me help protect you.”

“I don't have to do anything.”

“All right, you don't have to do anything. You can run away and maybe Dom won't find you. You can get yourself picked up by welfare and let the police protect you.” She paused. “But you told me you don't trust the police.”

Jane glared at her.

“Or you can go with me and work with me to keep yourself safe.”

“I don't want to go anywhere with you.” She was silent a moment. “You're going to Phoenix, aren't you? You're going to do what he wants.”

“I don't think I have any choice, do you? He has to be caught, Jane.”

“Yes.” She lay as stiff as a stick in the bed. “He killed Fay. She never did anything to him and he killed her. I hate him. I hate the son of a bitch.”

“So do I. We, at least, have that in common.”

“He really thinks I'm your daughter? He's got to be crazy.”

“I believe he just wants me to consider you my daughter.”

She was silent a moment. “Was Bonnie much like me?”

Eve shook her head. “No. She was younger, softer, dreamier. You're more like what I was when I was growing up.”

“I'm nothing like you.”

“Have it your way.”

“I will.”

“But I believe you'll be safe as long as you stay with me. He wants us together. Will you come with me, Jane?”

Jane turned her back on Eve.

Don't push. Let her think. She's smart.

Eve turned out the light. “Let me know in the morning.”

No answer.

What would she do if Jane refused to go with her? The question scared her to death.

She would face that possibility when it confronted her.

You bury your head.

And she wouldn't think about Joe or his unfair words. They stung too much.

Joe . . .

“What do you mean? Softer?”


“Your daughter.”

“I loved her very much. I wanted everything to be sweet and sunny for her. I've been thinking lately that maybe if I'd shown her—Never mind.”

“You're saying you were stupid. Like I was about not talking to Fay.”

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