The Knight and The Healer: A Medieval Romance (4 page)

BOOK: The Knight and The Healer: A Medieval Romance
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Chapter 11

"I told you we would have an outing on Monday. Are you ready?" Beth took Mal's arm to steady him as they went down the winding stairs, through the main hall and on to the outside. The sun was very bright, Mal covered his eyes. They were used to the dim bedroom. "It's alright, I have your arm."

It was a short walk through the barbican and down a dirt lane to Beth's home. The building was small, but it did have two stories. The house seemed relatively new, the whitewash was still fresh.

Red hollyhocks and purple gladiolus were blooming in profusion on either side of the front door. Entrance to the garden was through the house.

Beth said "I had to house built to my specifications a few months ago when I learned I was to be the healer here. I was able to pay for it with some of the income from my late husband's estate."

The first-floor interior was divided into two rooms. The larger room was in the back and looked like where Beth would see her patients. Various mysterious instruments adorned the walls. The front room was essentially a kitchen with a small table and two straight-back chairs. Mal thought this must be where the various potions were prepared. There was a peculiar and not too pleasant odor.

"I think we should have some herbal tea, are you game?"

"Sounds like a very good idea."

Beth quickly prepared the tea, handed a mug to Mal and led him by hand through the back room and into the garden. The warmth of his hand sent a thrill into Beth's core.

"Well, here it is." While the house was small, the garden was quite large. There were two paths that ran parallel down the length of the garden. Mal was struck with how tidy the garden seemed. Each individual plant was grown in a designated plot for that variety. The largest patch was devoted to Yarrow.

"I had to add the fence after some unfortunate experiences early on. Critters loved to graze on some of my prizes and as much as I love the wildlife here, I'm not into feeding them every night. Plus poachers would help themselves, too. In this corner, I'm growing burdock and over here, this tree is a buckhorn. Its bark is very useful as a purge or laxative. Here, I am growing blackberry. You might know it as 'goutberry'. I make syrup from the berries that is useful against dysentery."

"You have so many plants, where did they come from?"

"Monasteries mostly, the monks garden constantly so they often have a surplus. I did have to pay for some of the more rare herbs though, but it has proved well worth the expense and the effort."

"Thank you for the tour and demonstration. Now, let's see the upstairs.

"There is not much to see. Just a bed and table".

"So show me, you're not afraid are you"?

"Frankly, I am, a little," she smiled.

"I promise I won't hurt you."

"I know. It is just the idea of being alone with a handsome man in my bedroom. That is a little troubling and quite unconventional." It didn't bother her downstairs, but this was a different matter. Her breath was coming more deeply and she felt warm inside. She heard herself say "Oh, Come on, let's go."

She took his hand and led him up the narrow staircase. Her mind was racing. What was she thinking? She had just invited Mal into her bedroom. She could feel warmth oozing into her chest. Didn't she just tell him kissing was not to be repeated?

Her beautiful bottom was squarely ahead of him as they climbed the stairs. He could feel his passions stirring. In his mind, he could already see it naked in all its glory. He knew he would be kissing her soon, even over her objections.

He said, "Beth, I'm a little light-headed. Can we sit on the bed for a bit?" He walked her to the single cot. As they sat, he put his arm around her. "I really haven't had a chance to thank you properly for all you've done for me." With the hand of the free arm, he gently turned her head toward his. "I'm sorry. This just can't be avoided. You are such a desirable woman."

"My gawd, how long has it been since anyone found me desirable. Years, at least." She scoffed.

He kissed her gently at first. She responded in kind. They exchanged gentle kisses several times. Both could feel the heat of passion growing within their cores.

Mal reached under her smock and put his hand on her thigh. Quietly, he moved the hand in a circle, slowly moving to the inside of her thigh. Slowly squeezing it, he began kissing her neck. Instinctively, he knew he had to approach intimacy very slowly. She was softly moaning as the combination of the thigh pressure and the kissing was building a fire within her she had never experienced.

"This is so wrong, but it feels so good. This is a new feeling for me."

Slowly, he moved his hand further up the skirt finally resting on her bare Mons. By now, he was fully erect and pressing uncomfortably against the inside of his pants. With his free hand, he quickly released his pants and with that his turgid erection.

Beth had seen him in a flaccid state, but the erection startled her. "You are so big, can I touch it?" Oh my, it is hot and hard. It's a little scary." I've never seen one so big!."

"Let's get rid of these clothes. It will be even better that way."

Beth removed her top freeing her breasts. Her nipples stood proudly from her light pink aureoles. He immediately took her left nipple in his mouth. He knew from experience, the left was usually the most sensitive one. He went on with a combination of licking, kissing and sucking. He gently kneaded her breasts. Beth squirmed and pushed her chest toward him. "Don't stop. My god, that feels good. Don't stop."

With his hand on her Mons, he lightly caressed her clit with his forefinger. He entered her with the middle finger. He could feel how smooth and damp the inside of her vagina was. A fire was steadily building inside both of them. She was very wet now. She continued to make the sweet moaning sounds although they were getting louder. Her breath was ragged.

He rolled her onto her back and she spread her legs. She was more than ready for what he had to offer. He put his cock at the head of her vulva, looked into her eyes and slowly entered her, her eyes shut and she smiled broadly. Mal gathered himself before he began slowly pushing deeply inside her.

Beth's hips began a slow rhythm of the ages. She began to push hard against Mal's body as though she couldn't get enough of his thrusting penis.

Her hips were moving rapidly now, suddenly she froze, a loud cry and Beth experienced her very first orgasm. Mal was but a few strokes behind her. The excitement of her climax quickly pushed him into his own orgasm as he pumped hot semen into her waiting vagina.

They were exhausted and very quiet as they sprawled across Beth's cot.

Beth broke the silence. "I need to be honest. The power you have over me is frightening. I am an adult woman and I have never experienced anything like this. I have to tell you, I find it very troubling. But, on another level, the feelings you generate are beyond description and I worry they might be addictive."

Mal replied, "You are not alone in what you are feeling. This is new territory for me. I can't stop thinking about you. It interferes with what I need to do. I have responsibilities to my Laird and to the castle, but, now I am constantly distracted. Frankly, I don't know what to do. I just know I want to be with you every hour."

They lay side by side for a while, neither speaking much. They made love again, the experience surpassing the first effort.

Chapter 12

The next morning, they met in the great hall for breakfast. "Well, where do we go from here?" Beth asked. "We can't continue to have sex every time we feel like it. I'm not your whore. I admit it is truly incredible while we are doing it, but, honestly, afterward I can't help but feel cheap and maybe a little used."

Mal was offended. "First off, let's get this straight. You are the last thing from a whore. Trust me, I know something about that. I have to tell you, you make me feel like a squire his very first time. I have not felt this way in a very long while. The simple fact is I must be with you. I wasn't lying when I said you are in my mind virtually all the time. I know I am repeating myself but in your company I just want to babble on."

"Mal, as you know, I am new here. I have no close friends. My uncle is my best friend and I can only see him once a week or even every fortnight. So who do I talk to about this?  Who is there to advise me? Before you and this, I had a plan and the plan was working well. Now, I just don't know. I am afraid to ask 'what are your intentions?'

Mal gently took Beth's hands and looked into her beautiful eyes. "I really don't know. It makes me literally feel sick though to think our lovemaking makes you feel cheap or used. Honest to god, Beth, that is not my intent in any way. I guess only time will convince you, my intentions, as you say, are truly honorable. I swear to you, on my knight's oath, I would never use or abuse you in any way shape or form. The simple fact is I've come to love you, only you, and in a way that forsakes all others.”

"I have a history with men that is not good. My husband did treat me like a whore who existed solely for his pleasure. Sadly, I know that's the reality of many arranged marriages. But, even before Sir David and I wed, my experiences with men were not good. I was shunned because I wanted to learn the healing arts. I was not popular. My father was thrilled to collect the bride's price and be done with me."

Recalling this brought quiet tears to her eyes and they ran down her cheeks. She thought "What is going on here. Why am I exposing my inner secrets to a man I barely know?"

Mal got up from the table. He saw a linen towel lying next to a basin. He retrieved it and returned to her. With the towel, he gently dried her tears. He kissed her and hugged her. "Please don't cry, Beth. That is in the past. Let's look to the future."

To what future, Beth thought, a life as a mistress to a wayward knight? It was enough to make her shudder. What a combination; great sex and great shame!

"Beth, I very much want to meet your uncle. I'll wager he is a pretty good judge of character. He enjoys a huge reputation. He has spent time with royalty and aristocrats as well as the common man. Perhaps he can share some wisdom you might find useful. Can we start with that?"

"Alright, Mal. You can be my escort this Saturday. I'll let Reginald know. I'm sure he will be pleased. I don't get the feeling he likes this assignment all that much."

"Just to make sure your reputation is in no way compromised, I'll see if Sir Paul's brother, Friar Tobias would enjoy the outing. I'm sure he can find some church business to conduct in Mossley.”

Chapter 13

Dawn was just beginning to shine at Castle Klayloch when Mal, Tobias, and Beth met at the stables. The heat of the horses had warmed the stables to a comfortable temperature. Horse dung and hay contributed to an earthy smell Beth enjoyed. The stable boys had both Mal's stallion and Beth's mare fed, in tack and ready to go. Tobias arrived on his own horse.

Beth had with her snacks for a mid-trip break. Her flaxen hair was loose on her shoulders. Mal had only seen her in work settings with her hair up. He was struck again by her beauty.

"I'm nervous about you riding so soon, Mal. Promise me we will ride at a walk, no trotting or loping. I know you tell me you have spent half your life on horseback but I don't think you appreciate how severely you were wounded."

"Alright, Beth, you have my pledge. I'll ride like a little old lady."

The dew across the fields was glistening in the morning sun. Mal was by her side. She felt a special peace. The sounds of the horses' hooves hitting the hard soil had a rhythmic quality that provided its own music. She was on her way to see the man she loved the most in all the world, her uncle. What could be better, she wondered.

“I noticed you are riding a great beast of a horse today. Is that your horse, Black? I thought he was lost in your fight."

"He was, but Paul's squires were able to find him not far from where I was struck. He was grazing away as if nothing had happened. I guess he proved too much of a horse for those sons of bitches to ride."

"Have you owned him long?"

"Aye, I have. Paul's Da gave him to me the day I passed from Page to Squire. That's more than fifteen years ago. You might have noticed I'm a man of good size. When I am wearing full armor, I weigh a considerable amount so just any horse couldn't handle the weight for very long. But, with Black here, I can ride for hours and he never seems to tire. Plus, he is totally fearless. You should see him when we joust. I swear he understands the game and he is all for it. It is probably something I shouldn't say to you, but some women you know they come and they go, but Black here is my constant companion. Nothing changes with him. We've been through many a battle, we've both been wounded but now we are both sound and ready to go again. Unless you've ridden the same horse for hours and hours, you wouldn't feel the special bond, a kind of communication that builds between the two of you. It's a great feeling.

"I know we're nearing the end of our partnership and it really saddens me. There is a sway in his back he didn't have when he was younger and he is showing gray hairs about his muzzle. It tears me up inside knowing I'll have to move to a younger horse soon. Still, Black is a stallion so he has a number of colts and fillies on the ground. Maybe, I can find a son of his who is a lot like his dad. I keep looking. When the day comes to turn him out to pasture, I expect he'll enjoy finding a few more mares to cover. Listen to me; I'm talking your ear off, what about you? How did you become a healer?"

They had come to a narrowing of the path with woods on both sides. It was easier to ride single file, so no conversation was practical for a bit. When they again could ride by side, Beth began. "I suppose my interest in healing really began when I was just a young girl. My Uncle, who never married, always treated me like the child he never had. He spent every holiday with us and many other days as well. My mother, his sister, and he were very, very close. I was fascinated with the tales he would tell about the years he spent in college becoming a physician. That, and the fact my mother was a healer as well, more or less foreordained I would become one, too.”

"I don't know if my interest in healing had anything to do with Sir David choosing to marry me. I think it was more about land, and my father was happy to be rid of me. I was a handful growing up, always questioning why this thing and why that thing. He was often exasperated with me. In the year or two before my marriage, I spent considerable time with both my mother and my uncle learning the basic elements of healing. I must say when the person you are treating recovers, you have a tremendous sense of satisfaction."

“After I married Sir David, I had free time on my hands. He was away doing his Knight things during most of our marriage. So I started accompanying my mother, incognito, on her visits to patients. I found it fascinating. After she passed away, I began spending more time with my uncle, Alfred. Alfred was a great comfort to me when mother died. He and I have become quite close. Plus the fact, he is my only living relative."

At mid-morning, the three took a break near a copse of birch trees. It gave each a chance to relieve themselves. Beth opened the parcel of food and handed Mal and Tobias an apple and a slice of cake.

"Do you enjoy knighthood?"

"I do, I really do. The trainings were arduous and it takes many years to become qualified; fourteen, in fact. I didn't enjoy the early years when I served as a page, but I made some good friends, like Morgan and Paul, who were fellow pages. We are like brothers now. When you're a page, you're subject to the commands and wishes of just about everyone in the Castle.

"After seven years, I was promoted to squire. That's when the real training began. I spent the next seven years learning archery, riding skills, hand to hand combat, and, of course, the rules of chivalry. As I advanced, I became actually involved in real combat with real people trying to kill me and that can be very exciting. There is also considerable competing, both formally and informally.

"My placement once I became a knight depended on how well I did as a squire so, as you might imagine, that adds a level of competition in just about everything I did.

"The teaching Knights arrange tourneys where squires battle other squires. I was usually fighting fellow squires from within the Castle, but once in a while, I would get the chance to engage another laird's squires.

"When not in training, I served as a servant to the Castle's knights and that can be tedious. I spent a fair amount of time polishing armor, sharpening blades and exercising battle horses."

"I gather you are something of a favorite, judging from people's reactions to your wounding," she observed.

"Well, I have been a knight for a number of years. As it happened, a few years ago, I was engaged in a situation where I was able to rescue three Ladies who were being held for ransom. Frankly, it involved a fair amount of luck but no one saw it that way. I'm afraid I had to kill the kidnappers and that just added to the drama.

"The women were so pleased to be free, they exaggerated the tale. A troubadour heard about the rescue and wrote a ballad describing the events. He sang the song all over the place. He even gave me the nickname "The Lion of the North". It became popular and hence, I became famous.

"I've lived with this fame ever since. I must tell you, it can be a big nuisance. I was forever being challenged by knights wanting to enhance their own reputations. I won the jousts and duels with those idiots, killing several. So, I am not challenged so much anymore. But, I believe that is why I was nearly killed in the woods. It was an ambush by yet another would-be challenger. The hell of it is, the coward was in full armor without markings so I can't identify him. I will find him, though."

Beth was filled with many questions, but she sensed Mal was done talking about his exploits. After about an hour, they were approaching the uncle's village.

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