The Kyriakis Curse (21 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: The Kyriakis Curse
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She pouted prettily before taking a sip from her glass. “Oh, pooh, you know very well why I’ve come.”

“I’m not in the mood to try to read your mind, so how about telling me?”

Her eyes narrowed slightly before her smile returned. She placed her martini on the

coffee table. “You’re right, Paris. We’ve been through too much together for me to play coy with you. Yet it’s difficult for me, because I’m not used to apologizing.”

Paris lifted a brow. Eleni, apologize? He’d thought he knew her, but this surprised him.

“Have you come to say you’re sorry? I admit, this does shock me.”

Eleni reddened. “Don’t make this harder for me than it has to be.”

“The only one making this difficult is you. Please continue. I’m rather short on time.”

Eleni’s plum-colored lips tightened slightly. “Signomi, I have been a foolish woman, holding onto the hope you’d one day see me as more than just your mate’s sister and a pack member. I thought we’d be good together, but I suppose it’s time for me to realize it will never happen. Besides, I’d like cubs of my own, and as you yourself pointed out, there are plenty of men who wish to mate with me.” She seemed sincere.

For the first time in a while, Paris was able to relax in Eleni’s presence. The tension straining his muscles slowly disappeared. Now he didn’t have to think so deeply about his words for fear of their being misconstrued by her. Perhaps he and Eleni could be the platonic friends he’d always wanted them to be. “I appreciate and accept your apology. What, may I ask, brought on this change of heart?”

She shrugged one elegant shoulder, a slight twist to her lips. “Well, even you have to admit we didn’t part amicably. I’ve had a lot of free time to reflect; I missed the friendship you and I shared. I’d rather have you as a friend than as nothing at all.”


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“I’m glad to hear you say that, because your friendship would mean a lot to me right now. Do you plan to resume your job at Kyriakis Shipping? Of course, if you agree to return, I can’t have you storming off whenever you don’t get your way about something.”

She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “That won’t happen again, and naturally, I’d like to resume my position. I was selfish, only thinking of myself. Now I have the greater good in mind.” She lifted her glass from the table and took another sip, green eyes watching him shrewdly over the rim.

“Fine. Get in contact with Stavros. Your position remains open.”

Eleni grinned. “Ah. You knew I’d return.”

“I suspected. Look, I would love to sit here and chat with you longer, but I have a

pressing matter that needs attending to.”

She set her drink down, concern flashing in her eyes. “What is it? Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not really. It’s just...”

“Please tell me. Haven’t I been a sounding board for you in the past?”

Paris sighed. Why not? She’d find out eventually anyway. He explained the situation

with Constantine and Sarah. Eleni’s eyes never wavered from his face, and she gnawed her bottom lip with apparent worry.

“So now I have to get him first. I swear, if anything were to happen to either of those cubs, I don’t know what I’ll do with myself.”

Her hands had gone to her face, and her eyes widened with what looked like horror. “I will come with you, of course.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“How can I stay when my nephew is missing? I insist on joining you.”

Paris shook his head. “No. Aries will be with me. If you really want to help, please remain in case they return. Keep them here.”

“I could be so much more help if I were with you.”

“I do appreciate it, Eleni, but I don’t want to put you in harm’s way.”

A small smile crossed her lips. “Ah, so you do care about me, Paris Kyriakis.”

“Of course, I do. I care about all my pack members.” Did he imagine a slight frown?

“And that is why you’re such a wonderful alpha, and how you’ve kept this pack strong for years. I’ll remain in the house as you’ve instructed in case Constantine and his little friend return, although I wonder if getting involved with this half-breed will be more trouble than it’s worth.”

Paris didn’t particularly care for the way Eleni spoke of Sarah so dismissively, but he supposed it was to be expected, as most shifters didn’t think too highly of half-breeds. But Sarah was different.

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“She is under my protection, and I won’t rest until they are both back on this island and safe.”


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Chapter Fifteen

Constantine growled. “How much longer do I have to stay still?”

“Not much. I’m doing this as fast as I can. Sheesh. You need to learn a bit more

patience.” Sarah sighed as she moved her paintbrush across the canvas. “I’m trying a new technique, and I want this to turn out just right.”

He rolled his eyes as he leaned naked against the wall; this ridiculous pose was driving him nuts. When he’d brought her to the retreat in a small village outside of Nice, he’d surprised her by procuring painting supplies for her. Now he wondered if he’d made a huge mistake. His arms were stretched above his head, his back was arched, and his neck was strained taut. What he really wanted to do was make love to her, but she had told him he wasn’t allowed to get hard until she was finished.

Keeping still was difficult enough, but being around Sarah without being aroused was damned near impossible. It took every ounce of his willpower for him to keep his body from reacting. Even worse, she looked at him as dispassionately as she would an insect while she painted, and he didn’t like it one bit.

“My muscles are beginning to ache.”

“And I said I’d massage them when I done. Now stop moving.”

“With oil?” he asked hopefully.

“However you want, sweetheart,” she said, distracted. It was the first time she’d called him an endearment, and his heart raced. Added to that little triumph was the very thought of her running her hands over his taut body -- which, predictably, sent the blood rushing to his cock.


“What?” He gave her the most innocent smile he was capable of.

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“Don’t give me that look. You know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s a good thing I’m stopping.” She put her brush down with a smile.

“I can finally look?”

“Yes. Come here.” Constantine didn’t need to be told twice.

His breath caught in his throat when he saw her work. From the way her brush had

swished so rapidly across the canvas, he wouldn’t have guessed she’d created something so spectacular. She’d caught details on his body he wasn’t even aware of. And her use of colors and shadows brought made the painting incredibly real.

“The likeness is amazing. I mean, I saw the portrait of your mother, but this... I’ve only ever seen one other artist who’s as good as you.”

“Only one other artist? Surely, you’re pulling my leg. I’m okay, but surely I’m no


“No, you’re not. You’re even better. I love it.”

She’d painted him in a way he’d never pictured himself. The love he felt for her

gleamed in his eyes, there was a slight vulnerability about his mouth, and the proud tilt of his chin showed his strength. This could only have been created by a woman in love.

Sarah loved him! He’d only suspected before, despite her words about being halfway in love with him, but now he knew for sure.

“I’m glad you like it. Next, I’m going to paint you in wolf form.”


“Not now. I owe you that massage, remember? How about I run you a nice hot bath;

then I’ll give you it to you in the tub. It’s big enough for the two of us.”

“Mmm, I like how you think.” He pulled her into his arms, rubbing his cock against

her. “But I have an immediate need that must be taken care of.”

Sarah pressed her palms against his chest in a clear attempt to back away, but his grip tightened.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” She wiggled and squirmed, finally managing to get out of his grasp before she sprinted through the house.

Constantine quickly gave chase, catching up to her with little effort. He squeezed her against the wall before lowering his mouth. His balls pulsed with desire; he could make love to her a hundred thousand times, and it would never be enough.

He made short work of lifting her peasant skirt and tearing off her panties. When he lifted her in his arms, she twined her legs around him, gripping his shoulders tightly with her hands.

“I don’t know why I bother wearing underwear around you,” she grumbled as he

rubbed her clit with the tip of his cock.


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“Neither do I, although I have lots of fun ripping it off you. Look at how wet you are for me. I love the way this cunt gets so hot and moist.” Sliding two fingers inside her slick channel, he relished the smooth, warm sensation of her tight hole.

Her head rested on the wall as she groaned and wiggled on his hand. “You’re not going to tease me, are you?”

“Oh, like you haven’t been teasing me for the past couple hours, brazenly running that delectable pink tongue of yours over your lips every so often? Do you have any idea how many times I wanted to kiss, ravage, and fuck that sexy mouth? I think you knew exactly what you were doing to me, Sarah.”

She smiled slyly. “And if I did?” Her husky whisper drove him crazy. He wanted her

total surrender.

“Then payback is a bitch.” Constantine slid a third finger into her sheath, stretching it.

“Oh, Constantine, please. I want you so badly. Give me that cock!”

He loved hearing her moans. “Not until I say so. I want you to feel the torture I was put through.”

“Please. I don’t think I can stand any more.” She writhed against the wall that was

partially supporting her weight.

Constantine removed his fingers and brought them to her lips. “Suck them and

remember I did this to you. I’m the one who got you this wet.”

She clamped her lips around his fingers and laved them with her tongue. The way her

tongue slid over his flesh sent waves of scorching flames through his veins. Unable to hold off any longer, he thrust his dick into her tunnel with one hard lunge. Sarah gasped.

“Don’t stop what you’re doing,” he ordered. She continued to slide his digits in and out of her mouth, mimicking the motions of his cock. If she kept this up, he didn’t think he’d be able to last much longer, especially when a burst of carnal sensation raced from his groin.

Sarah nipped at his fingers, and he gave up. Removing them from her mouth, he then

captured the very lips he’d been fantasizing about over the duration of his posing. He caught her moans in his mouth as he pounded into her pussy with each stroke. Each plunge found him closer to completion. Sarah’s muscles rippled around him.

“Who does this pussy belong to?”

“Do you still have to ask?” She buried her face in the crook of his neck.

“I want to hear it, anyway.”

“It’s yours. Only yours. My body belongs to you.”

“And your heart?” He couldn’t help asking.

She lifted her head briefly, eyes wide, before hiding her face against his neck once more, nibbling and kissing his heated skin. His mouth firmed; he wasn’t pleased with the Kyriakis 1: Kyriakis Curse


way she continued to avoid the question. One day soon he’d have her admission, but for now he’d have to be content to take her delightful body.

He slammed into her one last time, shooting his seed into her, but he continued to

thrust, finally driving her to the point of a frenzied climax. She spasmed against him. Her legs fell from around his waist, and she leaned against the wall like a limp rag doll.

“You always get your way, don’t you?” She sounded tired.

“Not always. If I had my way, you’d say you love me.”


“I know. I’ll wait for you, but my patience is wearing thin. The men in my family are known for going after what they want.”

“And will I be just a possession to you?” Her dark eyes searched his face intently.

“You’ll be so much more than that. You are much more than that.” Constantine

whispered. His emotions for her made his heart swell to near bursting. He didn’t know what he would do if she didn’t confess how she felt soon.

* * * * *

“There has still been no word on Constantine and Sarah?” Dante asked.

Paris had moved beyond annoyance with his son into anger and fear. How could he do

this? Where could he be? There were still a few other places he had to check. He’d fly his private jet himself to chase Constantine down if he had to. In addition, his nephew Aries hadn’t been able to get a hold of the elusive Dark again to set up a meeting between Paris and the lone wolf.

Thank goodness for his friend Dante. Otherwise, he’d be out of his mind already.

“No, no word. But there are some more places they might be. It’s late now, and we’ve been on the mainland all day and out all night. I’m exhausted. I suggest we get some rest and start our search in the morning if we haven’t heard from the cubs by then.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea, my friend.”

Both men abruptly paused simultaneously. The quality of the air seemed to have

changed. Paris sensed that Dante was also aware of it.

Dante looked at Paris with a frown on his face. “You feel something, too, don’t you.”

“Yes, I--” Before Paris could utter another word, a tall figure in black appeared as if from thin air, two red-eyed wolves by his side. He didn’t have to see this man clearly to know exactly who he was. “Gage.”

“In the flesh. I see you’ve decided to pry into things that aren’t any of your business, Kyriakis -- just like your grandfather. It’s time to teach you a lesson as I did him -- the same way I plan to do to your son... and that precious half-breed.”


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Incandescent rage rushed through Paris; all reason flew out the window. He propelled himself toward the wizard. “You son of a bitch!”

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