The Lady and the Earl (30 page)

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Authors: Diedre Clark

BOOK: The Lady and the Earl
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She laughed.  “I guess that’
s better than planning one
and failing miserably.”

He smiled at her. 
his conversation
ould have been strange to him.  A lady who did not want to throw a party?  Unheard of!  But after getting to know
and her unique ways
the things she was telling him were perfectly normal. 
It was marvelous.
  He could picture her following him out to work or accompanying him on a morning hunt or simply joining him for a nice afternoon horseback ride.  She would do anything except the typical things women did. 

“What are yo
plans while you’
re in London, my

Why did she insist on calling him that? 
He stopped walking, turned her toward him, and placed both hands on her shoulders.  “Allana, how many times do I have to tell you to stop
calling me
?” he
asked pointedly.

She smiled playfully, and he realized
done it on purpose. 
“At least once more…my
  Light danced in her eyes as she looked up at him.  

He frowned.  She was t
g with him.  He wanted to laugh, but that
plaguing desire to lean down and kiss her washed over him for the hundredth time that day. 
Damn it!  Stop it! 
He shouted in his head. 

.  If it makes you so
, I’ll stop doing it,” Allana said lightheartedly.  “I promise.  You can stop scowling now.”

“What?  I’m not scowling, and if I was, it wasn’t at you,”
replied defensively.

She giggled.  “Not at me? 
Then at whom?
  I don’t know about you, but I don’t see anyone else about.” 

He looked around and realized she was right.  They had walked to the rose garden and were very much alone. 
Just one kiss.
One simple kiss.

“I believe you’
re right,” he said as he stepped purposefully toward her, moving one hand from her shoulder to
the back of her neck.
  They were so close now; he could almost feel the rise and fall of her
as her breathing increased. 

He studied her
but a moment
eyes searching her face
looking for anything that would tell him to stop his intended actions
.  Her smile had slipped, but what replaced it was nothing short of plain desire.  She stood there expectantly,
looking up at him
as though waiting for him to finally kiss her.  And so he did.

It started innocently, a gentle touch of the lips, but when she parted her lips slightly,
touching his face with a trembling hand
and releasing a soft sigh of pleasure
, the innocence slipped.  Impulsively, he pulled her to him, deepening the kiss.  Their lips moved together,
melding and gliding, searching for more.
Fire burned through him
, fed violently by her
  Why had he resisted this ecstasy for so long?
  Why hadn’t he tak
en her in his arms days ago and—

Logic tried to force its way through th
raging fire that drove his need for her.  There was a reason he hadn’t kissed her
since the mud incident.  He knew there was
, but he couldn’t fathom what it was. 

They kissed almost savagely. 
She seemed as hungry for him as he was for her
.  One arm wrapped around the ba
ck of his neck to pull her
tightly against him as
through his hair.
His hands roamed greedily up her sides and down her back; anywhere and everywhere except for where he really wanted to place them.

were a wild, tangled mess, but it was glorious!

His eyes opened just enough to scan the area for a place t
o take her, to lay her down and—

gain logic tried to force its way into his mind. 
sn’t the way
you want
to do this!
seemed to say to him.  Oh, but he wanted her!  And he was certain she wou
ld let him—
  He couldn’t do this to her, not here, not now! 

He forced control, forced himself to slow down, forced his hand from her leg he had dragged up around his hip.  It was difficult, damned difficult.  And she seemed just as reluctant as him to end their moment of passion. 
But it had to be done!  He would wait to have her until their wedding night! 

He held her close, breathing raggedly and felt her do the same.
  He pulled away just barely to look at her beautiful face and possibly brush her lips once more with his.  Instead, he simply frowned at her.  When did he pull her hair from the bun?  “This will not do.”

Her face paled, and she looked panic-stricken.  “What?” she whispered in worry.

“Your hair is a disaster!  I don’t recall doing that to it,” he answered with a low laugh.

Relief flooded her
features with his words.  She must have been thinking the worst possible thing.  She fumbled with her hair to feel the tangled mess he had turned it to, and smiled.  “No
I suppose this won’t do
at all
, will it?”

He tucked a strand of it behind her ear simply to touch her face.  “I cannot return you to the house in this condition.  Can you fix it?”

She giggled.  “Of course I can.  But first I’d better straighten yours.”  Her eyes danced in delight as she ran her fingers through his hair in an attempt to lay it back in its original place, sending that heated fire through his veins
.  The next few weeks were going to be torture for him. 

She played with his hair for only moments, but it seemed like an eternity as her gentle touch fed the blazing torrents inside. 

“There, that’s better

she said when she was done.
  She leaned up on her toes and brushed his lips with hers before slipping away from him.

He reached for her, but it was too late.  She was already out of arms length, gliding to the small bench
within the rose garden while pulling stray pins from her long auburn locks.  He sighed in disappointment as she sat so gracefully on the bench and began reworking the bun.  His disappointment turned to fascination as he watched her.  He’d never watched a woman fix her hair before, and it was
quite tantalizing
.  Was there anything she did he
find attractive?

ead tilted down and eyes watching him from an angle
, she smiled at him. 
“You could help if you wish?”

“I would only destroy it again.  Besides, I prefer to watch,” he said honestly.

Her cheeks flushed a healthy shade of red, but she did not look away.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are when you blush?”

sweetly.  “No
, but thank you I suppose.”

“You suppose?” he asked with
his own

“Yes, I don’t like blushing.  It’s a weakness, and I seem to do it quite frequently around you.”

“A weakness?
  You mean it portrays how much I affect you,
” he said, guessing her true reasoning behind her statement.

Her face flushed again, but she answered honestly.  “Yes.”

smiled softly at her.  “Well, it’s
something I like very much.”

She finished her bun and placed her hands in her lap.  “And what weaknesses do you have?” she asked.

He came toward her
, crouching down next to her to place his hands over hers.  He stared into her eyes and said, “Just one. 

She smiled, and surprised him by kissing him
quite thoroughly
.  Oh, the next five weeks were going to be
long and torturous.


Lucas stepped out from behind the rose bushes when the couple was finally gone.  He
been waiting for Allana, knowing she came to the garden often after lunch.  He hadn’t expected her
just yet
and with company. 

Jealousy and anger surged through him
.  That bastard, Cunningham, was trying to take
her from him
!  And Allana!  She
that willing with Lucas.  In one moment of passion, Cunningham could have done what Lucas had tried to do for several months!  It was
unacceptable!  Allana was his! 
Did she honestly think she could be rid of him so easily?  S
he belonged to him
, not that self-righteous e
  And now
was going to have to remind her of that however unpleasant it might be. 


Chapter 18


Allana and
d with grace around the
spacious ballroom. 
Carmon and Edmund had been wed just hours before, and now it seemed the entire district was joining in the post-wedding celebrations. 

Allana’s engagement to
Cunningham had spread through the crowd and was now old news.  And Carmon glowed radiantly for everyone to see. 

Lucas watched it all with distaste.  Allana wasn’t just frolicking around with the Earl; she was engaged
to be married
to him as well
Anger rippled through him. 
regret this.
  He would make it so.
  He slipped
the room and wasn’t seen the rest of the


” Connor’s voice said.  “Allana

re home.”

?” she
asked, forcing her tired eyes open. 
fallen asleep. 
y were in the carriage on their way home from the celebration.  Lilly and their father had left hours ago.  Lilly’s pregnancy simply did not allow for too much excitement. 

The night had been lovely, and Allana was exhausted.  She had danced

d just been dreaming about him, and it brought a smile
to her lips. 
e was everything she ever imagined and more.  And he was going to be hers in a matter of weeks.  Her stomach fl
excitedly at the thought. 

She yawned.  “I
mean to fall asleep.” 

had a busy day and evening.  Do not apologize,”
said with a smile. 
stepped out of the carriage and offered her his hand.  She took it
and allowed him to guide her
to the house.

“You are going to be happy with him, aren’t you,” Connor stated rather than asked.  He smiled down at her.

“Yes, I think I am.  He is a good man
, Connor.”

“And you love him
” he supplied. 

She knew her cheeks were red, but she did not deny his words.  “
I do.”

He nodded.  “
Then I am very happy for you.”

in silence
.  It wasn’t an awkward silence, rather a comfortable one two siblings might share,
and it
that way until they were
inside Tananguard Manor
ascending the stairs to their rooms
  They reached the middle landing together where they would part ways.

“Good night, Connor,” Allana said.

“Not so fast, Pet.  You are not Lady Cunningham just yet.  I require a hug before bed, so come give me one.  I’m exhausted,

Connor demanded.

She smiled, shaking her head but obeying his request. 

“I really am happy for you,
” he repeated before kissing her forehead. 

“Thank you, Connor
,” she said.

He nodded in reply. 
.  If you need anything, go wake someone else
up.  I did not get a nap in the carriage

She laughed. 
“Don’t worry.  I’
ll be pounding on your door in an hour.”

“You had better not,” he said indignantly.

She shook her head and began ascending the stairs to her room.  “Goodnight, Connor,” she said over her shoulder


Connor watched his loving sister go with a smile.
  She was finally out of
grasp, and she was happy.  Declan would make her very happy.

When she was out of his view,
had a sudden feeling of unease.  Something did
t feel right, but he did
t know what it was.  He felt
as though he should
be with Allana right then.  A small voice inside his head seemed to whisper,
Go with your sister.  She
But he shook it off.  He was overprotective.
  He always had been, especially since returning home.
  The feeling kept persisting, though, tempting him to at least check on her.  He stood
in place
for several m
before finally deciding he was losing his mind.  Y
ou’re being paranoid,
he thought to himself as he ascended the stairs
to his room


r 19


Allana thought about lighting a candle upon entering her dark room, but decided against it.  Usually
her maid
Martha was waiting for her in her bedchambers with a fir
e lit and her bed warmers ready.  B
it was
late, and Martha was nowhere to be seen. 
wondered if the older woman may hav
e fallen asleep waiting for her to return home

Allana would have to do it all herself.  She did not mind.  It gave her time to simply be alone and enjoy her happiness. 

She walked across the dark spacious room to the terrace and threw open the doors, breathing in the cool, night air.  It was a perfect night to end such a perfect day.  She glided onto
the terrace until she was near the brick railing and looked out into the night. The sky was beautiful with a bright full moon slightly overshadowed by clouds and a few stars that seemed to shin
brighter than she could ever remember.  Crickets
could be heard in the distance, and
the breeze rustled
through the trees.  Everything was beautiful.  She was sure her senses were heightened from the pleasure of the evening and
love she held for
.  These feelings made everything seem more alive.  She sighed as she leaned up against the railing thinking about
.  Yesterday had been marvelous, and tonight’s party had been exhilarating.  Her body grew warm as she thought of their time together the past
How eas
it was to be with him.  There was no wondering.  There was just knowing
, knowing she belonged with him
.  K
nowing she wanted him and only him
.  She had been so foolish to think Lucas was for her.

Something clicked behind her, catching her attention and bringing her out of her thoughts.  It was a small noise that didn’t quite fit into the regular sounds of the night, but she couldn’t identify what it had been until she heard it again.  It sounded like a key turning in a lock; and it had come from inside her chambers.  She turned around to find the source of the noise and froze.  A tall, dark figure stood blocking the huge double doors to her bedchamber.  Allana’s breath caught in her throat as fear gripped her, and her heart beat rapidly as she stared through the darkness at the figure.  She wanted to run, but she was trapped on the terrace, and he was coming toward her. 
She glanced over the edge of the balcony and shook her head.  It was too far.  She would break something for certain if she jumped. 
She balanced on t
he balls of her feet and prepared herself to flee or fight
if needed.  She wasn’t completely helpless.  Whoever this was, he was in for a surprise. 

“You are daring, aren’t you,” said a
, smooth voice she recognized.   

?” she
asked.  What was he doing in her
chambers?  Anger quickly replaced
her bewilderment as she wondered this.  Did he think he could bring her to submission by seducing her in her own chambers?  “What are you doing here
?” she
letting down her guard as he approached her. 

“I waited in the garden for you yesterday
you’d eventually come there, and
do you know?
  I was right.”  Lucas paused when he was within a few feet of her.  There was an edge to his voice, causing the hairs on the back of Allana’s arms to rise in alarm.  “You came, but you weren’t alone.”  He smiled coldly.  “And then tonight I
you’re engaged to be married
  You’ve been busy while I’ve been away.” 

She didn’t even see his arm rise.  He barely seemed to have moved at all.  One moment she was looking into his cold blue eyes, the next she was flailing through the air and to the floor, a throbbing ache on the right side of her face.  He had backhanded her hard.  Blood oozed from her lips as she lay on the floor trying to gain her senses.

!” h
e hissed, picking her up off the floor and grabbing hold of her throat. 

She struggled under his grasp, trying to breathe.
“Lucas, stop.  I can’t breathe,” she rasped as she pulled at his hand.  Tears welled in her eyes as the feeling of helplessness overwhelmed her.  If only she hadn’t let down her guard, she might ha
ve seen this coming.  But she’
d thought he was here for a different reason.  “Please.”

There was a knock at the door, followed by jiggling of the door handles.  Lucas pulled Allana in to him, putting her back up against his chest and covering her mouth tightly with his free hand.

“Miss Lana, are you in there?”  It was Martha.  If only Allana could find a way to let Martha know her mistress was in trouble.  She struggled against
fit body trying to break from his grasp.  The struggles weakened as the need for oxygen began to weigh upon Allana. 

“Make her go away,” Lucas whispered against her ear.  He squeezed Allana’s throat tighter, emphasizing the control he had over her. 

The ability to breathe was growing harder between the hand around her throat and the one covering her mouth.  How was she supposed to make Martha go if she
lost consciousness
?  She was pulling at his hands, trying to relieve the pressure and allow herself some fresh air when he spoke again. 

“Tell her to go away, or I wi
ll squeeze tighter,” he threatened. 

Fear gripped Allana as her sight began to dim. 

“Do you understand?” 

She nodded as best she could in reply, causing him to release his hand from her mouth and slacken his grip on her throat. 

“Good.  Now tell her.” 

Allana gasped as the air hit
her lungs.  She felt like she’
d just sprinted a great distance with how hard she was breathing.  She took in a few deep gulps of air before obeying Lucas.  “Go away, Martha,” she panted.  “I do not need you tonight.”  She tried to say it as calmly as she could, but her voice was hoarse and shaky.   

ady, are you all right?”
Martha asked with concern.

“I’m perfectly fine
.  Now go away.”  She was trembling,
fighting back tears.
  Oh, Martha.  Help me!
  A small sob escaped her lips.

“You don’t sound fine.  Should I go get
Master Connor or your father?”
Martha asked in worry. 

Lucas tightened his grip once more.
“I could kill you, you know,”
threatened quietly.

“Go ahead, you fiend,” Allana tried to say fiercely, but it was distorted by the grip he had
on her throat.  She was terrified.  This was a side of Lucas she had only glimpsed. 

“That’s what I like about you, Allana, your fire.  But since your own life does not seem to matter to you, I will have to pick someone else’s like Lancelot’s or perhaps Connor’s, and then there’s Lilly and the baby.  You know I could hurt any one of them
.  N
ow make her go away.” 

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