Read The Lady and the Earl Online

Authors: Diedre Clark

The Lady and the Earl (38 page)

BOOK: The Lady and the Earl
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wanted to hit something in frustration.  He would be glad once he was rid of these rumors and back in his own home in
.  If the journey went smoothly, he could be looking into Allana’s eyes in two days time.
  Then he would know for certain if the rumors were true.  Her eyes could not lie to him.
nodded to himself
as he climbed into the carriage that would take him home.




The weeks without
went by slowly for Allana.  She was bed ridden for the first week, and the second week she left her bed only with another’s assistance.  In the weeks following, she healed enough and gained enough strength to spend most of her time with Lancelot, talking to him and soothing him.  The poor animal had lost his confidence in humans.  He was jittery and skittish, allowing only Allana and
near him. 

Allana worked with Fredric frequently
.  Aside from her father and Connor
she avoided men.  They made her nervous
even Fredric’s
.  Why should she fear any except Lucas?  She should not, yet she did.  But Fredric was different.  He was just a boy.  He was her friend.  He could not hurt her, and he would not.

t first
was distant.  Allana
caught him eyeing her in reserve, which saddened her.
a good friend to her, and she knew he harbored feeling
for her.  Had Lucas taken that friendship along with everything else? 

reddy, what is bothering you?” s
he finally asked him one day.

He shook his head and moved to muck out the stall next to Lancelot’s. 

Allana followed him. 

“Please Freddy.  You have
looked at me
the same
since…since it happened
.  Why?  Do you truly see me differently now
?” she
asked quietly.

He still would not look at her.  He was shaking, though.  “I
know,” he finally said.

Allana froze.  “What do you mean?”

“I know who it was.  I know what happened,” he said
in a whisper
.  He looked at her, and she saw hate in those deep brown eyes.

Allana swallowed a lump in her throat.  “You know?”

“I do, and I did nothing.  I did
t know he would come for you,” he said as tears leaked out of his eyes.  “I’m so sorry, my Lady.  I failed you.”

Her breath caught in her throat.
  The hate was not for her.
  “What happened, Freddy
?” she

“I came to visit Lancelot.  He is my favorite. 
was already
.  I tried to stop him, but failed.  He bruised me up pretty good, but nowhere anyone could see. 
Just my ribs and back.
  I told my
Lancelot kicked me when I went near him.
e threatened me. 
Told me not to say anything.
All I could do was
at him.
  I couldn’t do anything.  He laughed at me and left.  I thought he’d left for good.  I didn’t know.  I swear I didn’t know
he was coming for you
the boy
finished.  Allana could tell he was fighting back emotions.  He did
want to appear weak in front of her.

Oh Freddy,
m so sorry.”  She walked to him and wrapped him up in her arms.  “It was not your fault.  You did
know.  How could you know?”  She could feel him shaking beneath her embrace.  She shed her own tears with him.  The torment this boy must have been putting
himself through was wrong.  He should
blame himself for something he could
have predicted
, n
obody could have predicted.

“I am sorry.  I couldn’t protect Lancelot.  I couldn’t protect you,” he cried.

“No, Freddy.
  Do not be sorry.  You stood up to him.  You fought him, and for that, I am grateful,” Allana said in earnest.


e tried to argue, but she
stopped him

“No.  You listen to me.”  She pulled away from him and forced him to look at her.  “You are not to blame.  Do you understand me?  You are an honorable, strong young man.  But Lucas is much larger than either of us.  We fought, and that
is what matters.”  Those words
hit her like a hammer. 
fought, but what good had it done?  It had saved her virtue
that is what it had done.  Of course, had Connor not arrived when he had, her virtue would be gone as well.

stared at her and nodded.  “Should I have told someone, my Lady
?” he
asked quietly.

Her eyes widened.  “No.  I still fear his threats.”

Fredric’s eyes turned angry.  “I hate him for what he has done to you.  You should not fear any man.  You should tell Master Connor…no, Lord Cunningham.  He would dispatch Lucas easily, and you could be free of him.  If only I were older, I would do it for you!”

Allana smiled.  “Yes, I believe you would.  But I cannot tell anyone.  I dare not,” she said sadly.

“Then I shall keep your secret, my Lady.”

“Our secret, Freddy.
  It is now our secret.”


The weeks that followed were much better for Allana.  She had an understanding soul
who knew her secret.  It was healing to be able to confide in someone even if that someone was a boy of twelve.  The two of them worked with Lancelot together, and eventually Allana was able to mount her proud horse without
fear he would throw her. 
Unfortunately, it would be another week or two before her ribs would be well enough for her to ride her magnificent horse. 

She thought of
often when she
t caring for Lancelot or
reading the endearing letter he left for her over and over, looking forward to the day she would see him again. 
She was gaining confidence slowly.  She
presence any longer.  But she
been exposed to many other men since her incident, and she was afraid of how she might act toward Declan
when she saw him again
.  Would she be
skittish and jittery
as Lancelot had been toward everyone except her
and Fredric
She loved
with all of her heart.  It was ridiculous to even think of being afraid of him
because he would never hurt her.  Thus, she pushed her fears aside and waited patiently for the day he would return to her.


was gone
four weeks before returning.  Allana
was in the library trying to read a book when he finally arrived. 

Lilly sat next to
reading her own book while Allana tried to concentrate on the one in front of her.  She
feel like reading
.  She was too restless to read, but Lilly had insisted and had shushed Allana several times already for striking up conversation instead. 

So Allana
stared a
t her book blankly and thought of
.  One week and she would be his.  Her ribs should be healed enough by then for her to have a normal wedding night, shouldn’t they?  She would hate to have to wait any longer to be his in all ways.  Allana blushed at the thought, glancing toward Lilly to make certain she hadn’t noticed her sudden change in color.
  Surely, it was inappropriate to think such things.

Voices from the main hall caught her attention.

“Did you hear that?”
Allana asked Lilly.  Had
even heard it?  She strained her ears to listen.

Lilly sighed irritably.  “Will I ever be able to read without interruptions?”

m trying to listen,” Allana said, ignoring Lilly’s remark. 
Was that
voice she

Lilly lifted an eyebrow.  “And what, may I ask, are you listening for?”

I think I heard…yes, I did!

Allana said excitedly.

“Heard what?”
Lilly asked in bewilderment.

I heard

He’s here.  Lilly, he’s finally here
jumped to her feet and rushed out of the room.  She wanted to run, but her ribs
were still too sore for such an act.  She would have to walk instead.
  But she made it a
very quick
walk, speeding to the entrance hall as quickly as possible.  She stopped short when spotting him.  Her heart skipped a beat and butterflies filled her stomach. 
almost forgotten how handsome he was.  When he looked at her, she grew warm all over, and she knew, healed or not, she would be his on her wedding night.


see her enter the room, but somehow he knew
was there.  He turned in her direction and smiled slightly at her.  The look in her eyes
was just as he had remembe
red, yet distrust clouded his mind.

“Excuse me, Connor.  Marcus.  There is someone I
say hello to,”
said motioning toward Allana.  She was absolutely breathtaking.  He watched for a moment as she came toward him before he in turn walked toward her.  His mind was whirling.  How should he
approach her?  He wanted to
pull her to him,
kiss her thoroughly.  He could not, of course, not in front of Marcus and Connor.  But even
if they weren’t there
, could Declan do as he wished? 
been poisoned while in London, and that poison ran deep.  For the first time since rescuing
from the lake of mud, he doubted himself and her. 

He reached her in three long strides, bow
politely to her and receiv
a curtsy in
“Allana,” he said, looking into her lovely green eyes that sparkled warmly.

,” came her reply.  She smiled affectionately at him, heating his being. 

“How have you been
?” he
asked.  Desperately his eyes searched hers looking for a sign it truly was love radiating from her.  He hated not knowing.  Why had he let himself grow so attached so quickly?

“Terrible,” she replied, “but
much better now that you are back.”

It was said with such honesty

He smiled. 

Would you care to walk with me
?” he

“I would
be delighted
to,” she replied softly.

“Good.”  He turned to
Tananguard and Connor.  “Marcus, Connor.  Do you mind if I bypass your company and take
Allana for a walk

“Of course not, but when you return, I would like to meet with you if you do
Tananguard said to

nodded in reply.  He turned back to Allana and offered her his arm.  “Shall we
?” he

BOOK: The Lady and the Earl
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