The Last Boy (58 page)

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Authors: Jane Leavy

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groin tear of, 235-37, 245-46

guilt of, 244, 247, 249

hamstring pull of, 150

Hickok Belt of, 153, 168-69, 287

high pain threshold of, 111, 213

hip abscess of, 226, 228-32

home crowd’s mobbing of, 192-93

hometown estranged from, 184-85

income of, 67, 81, 117, 140, 168-69, 190-92, 243, 248

injured knee of.
Mantle, Mickey, injured knee of

insecurity of, 69

intensity of, 69

last home game of, 279-80

last major league home run of, 279

last press conference of, 373-74

last public appearance of, xx

in leadership role, 213-14

liver cancer of, 367-69, 374, 378

liver disease of, 114, 313, 360, 365-67

liver transplant of, 367-70

living will of, 378

loafing incident and, 187-88, 189

media criticism of, 190-91

in minor leagues, 68-69

mood swings of, 70, 295

moved to center field, 8-9, 12-13

in move to Dallas, 185

in movie appearance, 234

muscle memory and batting of, 157-60, 161

musical ambition of, 55

Mutt’s death and, 78-81

Mutt’s relationship with, 26-28, 50, 52, 57-58, 69-70, 147-48

MVP award of, 182-83, 247, 248, 287, 386

naiveté of, 23-24

naming of, 50, 147

nickname of, 181 in 1951

spring training, 10-11

1954 contract of, 117

1955 season of, 172

1957 contract of, 168-69

in 1957 World Series, 182-83

1960 holdout of, 190-92

1963 contract of, 248

1968 farewell tour of, 274-75

osteomyelitis of, 61-63, 69, 105, 106, 335

panic attacks of, 332, 340

as part-time player, 356-60

people skills of, 239-40

physical decline of, 274-76

postage stamp in honor of, xiv

pranks and, 173-75

prejudice of, 44, 242

recurring dreams of, 285-86

in rehab, 339, 343-47, 349, 351

religion and, 52, 376-77, 380

retirement of, 282-83

rookie training debut of, 9

as roustabout worker, 42-43

scouting of, 64-67

Senate testimony of, 198-99

sexual abuse suffered by, 333-37

shin splints of, 183

as shortstop, 9-10, 122-23, 124, 126

shoulder injury of, 184, 268

shyness of, 9, 22-23, 64

sobriety of, 351-54, 365

Stengel’s relationship with, 118-20, 124, 189, 198

strength of, 153-56, 159-60

suicidal thoughts of, 341

talents of, 9, 13-15, 69, 190

as teammate, 238-42, 247

temper of, 119, 196-97

Triple Crown of, 152-53, 287, 289

uniform number of, 11, 22, 28

wedding and honeymoon of, 73-74

will of, 364

womanizing of, 29-30,
, 174-78, 183, 218-19, 291, 309-12, 330, 331-34

Yankees’ signing of, 67

Mantle, Mickey, injured knee of, 103-18, 365

Baker’s cyst in, 117-18

brace for, 104, 110

congenital muscle-tissue imbalance and, 106

deterioration of, 105, 109-13, 146-47, 267

DiMaggio and, 32-34, 36

extent of damage to, 107-8

forensic diagnosis of, 109-11

Gaynor’s assessment of, 72-73

initial injury to, xviii, 32-37, 108

medical history of, 108

MRI on, 105

Mutt and, 32-33, 35-36

opposing pitchers and, 161-62

pain of, 111-12

post-surgery, 114-15

reinjury of, 104

speed affected by, 104, 111, 122

state of sports medicine and, 107

surgery on, 103-4

swing affected by, 161, 412-13

Mantle, Mickey Elven (Mickey, Jr.), 54, 58, 194, 217, 282, 291, 319, 320, 321, 323, 366, 377, 378, 382

as baseball prospect, 357-58

MM’s relationship with, 182, 295, 296-97, 332, 356

naming of, 84

in rehab, 387

Mantle, Ray, 50, 57, 103, 115, 120-21, 153, 362, 379

Mantle, Roy, 50, 52, 57, 115, 120-21, 153, 362, 378, 387

Mantle, Tommy, 247

Mantle, Will, 386

(film), 406

Mantle Family Fund, 387

“Mantle: The Man and His Memorabilia” (O’Connell), 316

Mantle-Mays-Snider debate, 123, 129-38

Durocher and, 130

Mays and, 123, 131-37, 417-20

media and, 129-30

MM and, 131-33, 136-37, 417-20

onset of, 129

race question and, 135-38

revisionist history of, 133-35

Snider and, 130-33

song about, 133, 289, 316

“what-ifs” in, 133-35

Mantle Men and Namath Girls, 293

Mantle rule, 105

Mantle’s Men’s Shops, 293

Maris, Pat, 226, 227

Maris, Roger, 148, 186-87, 197, 200, 210, 219-20, 255, 262, 265, 268, 275, 310, 355, 363, 382

death and funeral of, 306-8

in home run race of 1961, 221-24, 226-28, 231

later career of, 228

media’s animosity to, 234

traded to Yankees, 192

Marrero, Connie, 276

Martin, Billy, xix-xx, 15, 22, 25, 39, 76, 84, 88, 118, 120, 127, 142, 145, 148, 168, 172, 179, 205, 208, 217, 239, 286, 313, 324, 328, 329, 348, 355, 361, 363, 367

Copa incident and, 163

death of, 319

MM’s friendship with, 115-16, 117, 173-74

traded to A’s, 180, 183-84

Martin, Dean, xx, 164

Martin, Frank, xvii

Martin, Jill, 329

Masterson, Walt, 287

Mathis, Johnny, 212

Matthews, Eddie, 123, 137

Mauch, Gus, 106, 220, 229, 231

Mayo Clinic, 108, 179

Mays, Willie, xviii, 1, 2, 30, 36, 123, 127, 128, 133, 273, 274, 302, 308, 316, 317, 318, 322, 337, 354, 355, 381

banished from baseball, 140, 142, 143

Mantle-Mays-Snider debate and, 123, 131-37, 417-20

in 1951 World Series, 31-32

1954 batting title of, 124-25, 126

The Catch of, 128, 132

Mazeroski, Bill, 203, 247

Mazur, Gail, 280, 282-83

McAnany, Jim, 154

McCammon, Cathy, xvi-xvii

McCarthy, Joe, 118

McCarthy, Joseph, 123

McCarver, Tim, xiv, 155, 168, 239, 269-70

McCollough, Maxine Dunaway, 93-94

McCollough, Walter, 93-94, 98

McCorkell, Jim, 47-48

McCormick, Mike, 258, 260

McCovey, Willie, 129-30, 137, 138, 247, 322

McDonald, James E., 252

McDonald, Tommy, 359

McDougald, Gil, 10, 14-15, 21, 30, 33, 77, 88, 163, 170, 173-74, 195, 202, 239

McDougald, Lucille, 77, 112, 163, 170, 172, 173, 195, 216-17, 219, 312

McDowell, Sam, 153, 182, 325-26, 353

McGraw, John, 118, 119, 200

McGwire, Mark, 16

McLain, Denny, 216, 277-79

MacPhail, Lee, 10, 140

McQueen, Steve, 358

Meader, Vaughn, 211

Meier, Jack, 169

Meier, Mike, 54-55, 169

“Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard” (song), 318

Mele, Sam, 235, 271

Meli, Larry, 60, 308-9, 334

Melio, Len, 269

memorabilia industry, 309, 310, 314-18, 322-23, 353, 375

Mantle family in, 323

after MM’s death, 385-86

see also
baseball card industry

Memphis Blues, 301

Men’s Journal
, 320

Mercury Seven, 248

Meredith, Don, 274

Messer, Frank, 279

Meyer, Bertram, 104

MGM, 7

Daily News-Record
, 10, 62

Michael, Gene, 239, 280

Mick, Malcolm “Bunny,” 9, 68, 107, 112, 120

Mick, The
(Mantle and Gluck), xxi, 28, 60, 72, 78-79, 80, 168, 217, 225, 308, 345-46

Mickey Mantle Invitational Golf Tournament, 144-47

Mickey Mantle Memorial Trust, 48

Mickey Mantle Museum, 48

Mickey Mantle’s Country Kitchen, 293, 304, 386

Mickey Mantle’s Hodgkin’s Disease Research Foundation, 181, 271

Mickey Mantle’s Holiday Inn, 185, 243

Mickey Mantle’s Restaurant, 317, 323, 374, 380

opening night of, 327-29

Mickey Mantle’s Southwest Chat All-Stars, 116

“Mickey’s Team,” 372-73, 386

MickLit, xxi

Miller, Marvin, 282

Miller, Turk, 28, 73

Miller, Zell, 352, 382

Millman, Robert, 344

Milwaukee Braves, 183, 185

Minnelli, Liza, 344

Minnesota Twins, 155, 233, 234-36, 276, 277

Minogue, Denny.
Cashman, Terry

Mize, Johnny, 7

Molito, Tom, 297, 326, 331, 341, 377

Monroe, Marilyn, 123

Monroe, Wayne, 342

Morante, Tony, 222

Morgan, Tom, 77

Morgan, Wanda, 77

Morong, Cyril, 419

Moschitto, Ross, 275

Mosely, Bill, 25-26, 42, 52, 56-57, 58, 60, 62, 73

Mosely, Neva, 73

Most Valuable Player Award, 182-83, 247, 248, 287, 386

Movie Fan
, 7

Mueller, Don, 124, 126

Mulligan, David, 367-69, 372, 373

Mumford, Thad, xvii, xxi

Murcer, Bobby, 33, 64, 382

Murray, Arch, 19, 124

Murray, Bill, 328

muscle memory, 157-60, 161

Musial, Stan, 21, 56, 150, 267, 302, 337, 381

My Favorite Summer 1956
(Mantle), xxi

Myron (sculptor), 415

Namath, Joe, 272, 293

Nathan, Alan M., xxiii, 98-102, 369, 413

National Football League Players Association, 109

National League, 28, 221

National Observer
, 298

National Sports Collectors Convention, 316

NBC (TV network), 261, 297-98

(TV show), 350

Neeman, Cal, 9

Neiman, LeRoy, 294

Nelson, Ed, 376, 380

Nelson, Rocky, 202

, 246

Newcombe, Don, 30

Newman, Joel, 370-71

, 130, 193, 222, 240, 252

, 35

New York
, 356

New York Daily Mirror
, 11, 15, 18

New York
Daily News
, 15, 88-89, 126, 141, 145, 187, 191, 205, 220, 221, 229, 252, 291, 305, 308, 329, 372

New York Giants, 8, 28, 30, 32, 123, 124, 131, 132

New York Giants (football), 170

New York Herald Tribune
, 11, 22, 88, 126, 152, 197, 203, 224, 258, 279

New York Instant Lottery, 301

New York
, 164-65, 167, 171, 183

New York Mets, 133, 293

New York
Morning News
, 134

New York Post
, 19, 67, 124, 165, 167, 187, 189, 192, 224, 226, 228, 240, 251-52, 258, 268

New York Times
, xxi, 24, 35, 36, 72, 77-78, 89, 94, 150, 154, 171, 184, 192-93, 215, 218, 223, 225, 251, 254, 257, 277, 291, 371

New York Yankees, xviii, 65, 72, 92, 105, 116, 120, 122, 126, 133, 137, 150, 155, 171, 197, 244, 246, 301

decline of, 270-71, 273

Great Harmonica Crisis and, 264-66

Jensen traded by, 77

logo of, xviii

Maris traded to, 192

MM as first base coach for, 297

MM-DiMaggio rivalry and.
DiMaggio, Joe

MM scouted by, 65-67

MM signed by, 67

1951 spring training of, 7-8, 12-13, 14-16

See also
Yankee Stadium

Nieberding, Velma, 62

Nixon, Richard M., 178, 204, 319

Noren, Irv, 77-78, 83-85, 112, 115, 127-29, 163, 173, 178, 179, 196, 241

Northern Virginia Surveyors Association, 91

Oakland Oaks, 8

O’Connell, T. S., 316, 323

October 1964
(Halberstam), 267

O’Donoghue, Don, 109-10

Ogle, Jim, 246

Oklahoma, University of, 45, 109, 220

Oklahoma Department of Mines, 43

Oklahoma Malt Beverage Association, 301

, 319

Oliva, Tony, 271

O’Malley, Walter, 125

on-base percentage, 134

One Hundred Years of Baseball History
(recording), 99

Operation Bullpen, 322

Operation Foul Ball, 322

Orr, Jimmy, 325, 351

Orser, Bruce, 253

Osborn, J. Mark, 44

Osteen, Claude, 161-62, 406, 408-13, 422

O’Toole, Jim, 229, 231-32

Ott, Mel, 119

Ottawa County
, 26

Pace, Kim, 44-45

Pacific Coast League, 8

Pafko, Andy, 30

Paige, Satchel, 24

Palmer, Pete, 419

Parnell, Mel, 287

Parsons, Louella, 12

Pascual, Camilo, 149, 151-52, 156, 216

Passan, Jeff, 99-100

Patkin, Max, 301

Patterson, Arthur E. “Red,” 11, 23-24, 88-89, 91, 94, 96, 99

Patterson, Red, 11, 23-24

Paul, Les, 44

Peaches (girlfriend), 29

Peavy, Preston, xxiii, 159-60, 406-14, 422

Pepitone, Joe, 235, 237, 241-43, 251, 252, 262, 265, 267, 272, 279

Perez, Tony, 276

Perkins, Don, 245

Perot, Ross, 378

Perry Como Show
(TV show), 223

Petrillo, Frank, 127, 193, 267

Petrillo, Frank, Jr., 128, 193

Petrillo, Jay, 128

Petrocelli, Rico, 281

Philadelphia A’s, 126

Philadelphia Card and Sports Memorabilia Show, 315

Phillips, Troy, 332, 350

Physics of Baseball, The
(Adair), 99

Pierce, Billy, 154

Piersall, Jimmy, 148

Pietro, Randy, 341, 381

Pilarcik, Al, 10

Pileggi, Nick, xvi

Pink, Marilyn, 406-7

Pinsky, Robert, 301

Pitts, Wylie, 67

Pittsburgh Courier
, 95

Pittsburgh Pirates, 15, 16, 126, 201-2

Pizzo, Angelo, 346

Plimpton, George, 229

Podell, Jules, 164

Podres, Johnny, 262

Polo Grounds, 3, 31, 128

Povich, Shirley, 91

Powell, Boog, 153, 155, 255, 257

Power, Vic, 236

Preminger, Otto, 212

Prensa, La
, 129

Presley, Elvis, xiii, xiv, xv, xx

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