The Last Heroes Before Judgement (35 page)

BOOK: The Last Heroes Before Judgement
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Outside of the slums in south Ulfbar, the Weary Lamb was the single oldest brick and lumber construction that I had ever seen. They had a side yard cleared for expansion, but, especially given the outdated name, right about twenty years ago the Goat Pox convinced them otherwise. The rear corner of the yard was repurposed for a small private bath house and the rest was scattered with tables and chairs. The bar just inside the entrance was sparsely populated. Thankfully, they were all peasants and freaks like myself, so no one bothered to make a scene of my mark.

“Bar Keep. Sir, you have a room for Matthius.”

“You got yer chock son?”

I looked around in an exaggerated manner, knocking my shells together loudly.

“Do you have any idea the price for donning this uniform as an impostor?”

The attendant behind the bar rolled his eyes, but the older man knew what I said to be true. I turned full around and parted my hair to show my hilt. The room was not exactly pleased by my display of Lantos related authority. The whispers fell so quiet that I could hear the crackling fire and the squeaky rag wiping the inside of a glass mug.

“Alright son, calm down.”

The Bar Keep pulled a chock from under the bar. A keyed loop was run through it with the number eight carved into the wood.

“Yer room eight. You got from mid-day to mid-day. You break anything, the guards will hear of it.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Run along now. Yer scaring my customers.”

I nearly did run- right out of the place. The other patrons were giving me the dirtiest of looks. In my best act of misdirection, I moved quickly to the stairwell across the room and stopped loud. I turned, pretending to be lost in a question, scratching at my face. The mark of shame became so obvious that people turned to look without worry that I might catch them staring. Then I walked up the stairs listening to the noise level return to normal. Some of the women folk suggested that I must have spoken out of turn to Kane or his daughter and my term as a Commando would soon be terminated. They also loudly floated the question about the monthly amount of pay I received. It was the most open display of harlotry imaginable, and it had me smiling from ear to ear. My mood changed upon reaching my room and finding the door to be unlocked. I could feel a presence on the other side. I quietly lifted off my shell and spun it around front for a shield. Then I kicked the door open and rolled in to take a defensive position in the far corner.

“Are you drunk already?”

My face turned red so deeply that I could see it with my own eyes. Waiting on my bed was the Lantos women who had replaced Bratley at the front gate. She had a bored look on her face, despite my surprising introduction. Her short black hair did not fool me, as her green eyes, pale skin, and bright red freckles looked to be a gift from her fathers.

“Another McCallus? I did not know there were so many. I am Matthius, and you are?”

“Ugh, marker. I am Jee. That is all you need to know.”

“Well met, uh, Jee.”

“We did not meet. You do not know me, especially in public. I don’t know what the princess see’s in you, a teenage barbarian savage.”

“Yes ma’am, understood. Thank you for the many insults. Good bye.”

“Excuse you? I am in charge here.”

“Will you be getting to the point then?”

“I will. Once you lower your voice, close the door, and lock it up.”

I rolled my eyes at her and locked the door, waiting for the secret message. The room was so plain that I mistook a chest for a foot rest. She was pointing to it, but staring at the open space under the door.

“Your primary mission is to deliver the chest to Major Swiftblade. Don’t open it!”

I moved it to the bed and looked inside immediately. Jee kicked my hand with her little foot but it did not hurt at all. Under some hay, I found fresh powder bags and my stomach rejoiced. Digging a little deeper, I found a set of three brand new Nitrosus cartridges. Jee kicked out again, digging her heels into the lid. The chest slammed shut with my fingers still inside.


Jee slapped me with one hand, and put a finger over my lips with the other.

“Oh my, you big brute. You didn’t pay for all that.”

Her ploy worked well. Whomever was listening, just outside of the door, walked off giggling with the fool in her company.

“Your secondary mission, idiot, is to infiltrate the drug smuggling ring based out of the Weary Lamb.”

“Ugh. I should have known.”

“Shut up- shut up- shut up!”

I folded my hands and forced a courteous smile. While Jee fumed at me, I sat on the bed and waited patiently for her to regain her composure.

“You have experienced the Root of Colors before. Someone in Embraun is distributing this drug.”

“Oh no, someone will walk all wobbly and see funny colors. Where am I, in the White Coal Nation?”

“They are not here to amuse anyone. This drug is poisonous, especially mixed with alcohol. No one is seeing funny colors you idiot. The people are suffering through horrible waking nightmares and then their organs begin to fail. Are you concerned now?”

“Yes ma’am, I’m sorry for interrupting.”

Jee straightened her clothing and bounced her wig. Satisfied with having established dominance over the young man many times her size, without a word, she hopped off the bed and left.

“Well, now we have soap.”




Jee did not wait downstairs in the bar, however, I knew that the Lantos would not leave me to uproot a drug smuggling operation on my own. The hour grew later and the patrons filed in. I was well hidden at the far side of the bar, shell tucked under the bed with the chest stuffed inside. Only one other man bore the mark on his chin. His bearded face was so heavily inked that I did not notice until he was wiping away a spill caused by the giggling harlots. His mates all joined him in exposing the massive arms of a metalsmith and comparing sizes. Their odor convinced the bar back to open the window on their side of the room.

“Bar Keep, one beer please.”

“We don’t take teeth for pay son.”

“Wait, I have one whole silver.”

The older man took my silver coin and inspected it for flaws. When he slid the thing into the closed safe, he nodded to the bar back. The younger man was barely older than myself, and clearly jealous of my hilt. He could ignore me no longer. Just like Priest Sloan, the status and the service meant nothing to the boy, he only cared for the regenerative capability and the unnaturally long life. He kept his words short and his tone ugly with disrespect.

“So, a beer is three copper- or four?”

“Four. That leaves you enough for two, and a tip as well.”

“Oh my, thank you. Of course, here you are.”

The bar back was uninterested in becoming friends, or so much as revealing his name. I knew the price of a beer to be two coppers. His face did not flinch at overcharging me and he took his tip with another expressionless nod. I did not possess any of the power exhibited by Princess Caliya, but still, I tried to make him choke his self with all my might. Before I could slip the five copper into my vest, a harlot sat down beside me and stole one.

“Hello there.”

“Um, hello stranger. I believe that was mine.”

“You still got enough for another beer, eh Jullo?”

“That’s right, hon.”

The woman had such bright golden hair that her brown eyes struck me as odd. Out of instinct, I checked every bit of exposed skin for spots. She looked a stranger, and I had certainly never met her before, but she smelled familiar.

“You like what you see?”

“Oh, sorry. I thought I recognized you.”

“And here I thought the Lantos didn’t hire eunuchs.”

The bar back, Jullo, laughed with the girl. Their little trick went unnoticed by the head Bar Keep, mainly because he too was distracted by a red headed harlot with her breasts spilling out of her too tight blouse. When I looked back to my right, the girl was already walking back to her table. She was shaking her hips with every step and Jullo was fully enjoying the show. I, however, was more concerned with her tightly wound bun. The knot of hair was held together by two throwing knives. I closed my eyes and felt my way outwards with the hilt.

“I knew it.”

“Knew what?”

Jullo was quick to react to my statement, as if I had figured out that he was a crook.

“That harlot just took my coin. Can you believe that?”

“Ah, worth the show. Go and get it back, I dare you.”

I took my mug of beer to the other side of the bar. It was heavier than I thought. I was so focused on not spilling the hot poison on my hands that I got lost from looking down. My feet carried me to the window that looked out onto the courtyard. I turned my back on everyone and pretended to play with my lion’s tooth. The harlot that had robbed me was simply doing whatever she had to do to gain the trust of the bar back. When I had focused on it, I felt her hilt humming a calm tune outward. Over and over, I heard her name, ‘Captain Besha, Captain Besha.’

Since the Bar Keep himself had to be distracted, I knew he was not at fault. Against the noise of the travelers and off duty workers, I did not hear the excess coin slid into the safe. Jullo kept them hidden in a secret pocket in his belt. Staring at him would have been a mistake, and the same went for approaching Captain Besha. I sighed from being all alone. What followed was a collective drawing in of the breath from every harlot in the room. The sound of loneliness- their call to arms. I thought a phoenix had come to save me, but, he was only there to ignite the lighting globe in the courtyard. The poor sod that had melted on the low wall was taken by surprise. He was so drunk, when the light exploded from all around him, he slowly stood to check his seat for the fire that he had not noticed. I laughed at his stupidity, especially given his proximity to the stinking bath houses. I raised my mug to him and took a deep swig. I spit half of the nasty stuff back into the mug as politely as I could muster, and was promptly busted by Jullo.

“You don’t like it?”

“Sorry, I’m used to freezing cold water from the stream. Just burnt my tongue is all.”

“Well, let me know when you want another.”

He was truly investigating my level of drunkenness. On his way back to the bar, he gave a nod to one of the harlots. They were very experienced. From a single mention of the untamed forest, they decided to send a wild girl after me. She was heavily tattooed with the many spirits of nature. She had tree trunks on her legs with a skirt that was more of a frayed belt. Her exposed hips were inked over with a flowing waterfall headed straight into the abyss. She sat next to me without asking, raising her hands high to mock stretch while readjusting her tiny shirt. The lady even rolled up her shirt from the bottom to further accentuate her small breasts.

“Your hair is green.”

“Do you like it?”

The professional harlot pulled my mug to her and drank her fill. She finished by burping loudly without any shame. If I had not understood it to be part of Jullo’s corrupt game, I would have fallen for it. With me distracted, doing my best to mimic an interested conversation, Jullo decided that it was time for his break. The poor girl at my table was so starved for attention that, the more I ignored her, the closer she scooted her chair.

“What is your name?”

“I am Blowing Wind. What your name is?”

“I am Matthius. Have you ever been to the Sheek-tee valleys? Where did you get that name?”

“I earned it.”

Her face finally turned somewhat red. My cheeks burned hot enough for my own eyes to see. I offered her my mug. She was glad to hide her face behind it. I caught Jullo crossing to the bath house. He dropped his excess coins on the ground under the light and kept moving. The man waiting on the low wall scrambled to grab them all up and scamper away. I thought he would run, but he decided to come inside the bar. When he walked through, I was staring much too hard for it to go unnoticed. Blowing Wind slammed my mug on the table.

“What are you a gay?”

“Oh please, you are not Leiza. For me, it’s just that simple.”

“Ugh, I don’t care about your wife little man. Am I getting paid or not?”

I looked at her with enough loathing written on my face to answer without any need for words. She looked at the raggedy robed criminal, then back at me, then she got up to walk his way. Just like Captain Besha, she shook her hips with a purpose on her way over to him. I decided that I no longer wanted any of that beer- for my own safety. She sat at his table and began flirting extra hard, much to his surprise.

“Oh my, Bo-art. What a strong name. Ugh, what do you want?”

“Can’t you see we’re busy?”

“So, Bo-art is it? Well met, I am Matthius- Cadet Commando.”

“He does not care.”

“I do not care.”

They both tried to wave me off. I upended the mug over the girl so she would move back. The bar went silent enough to hear my deep draw through the nose.

“Are you moon mad boy?”

“You forgot to cover that sack of dirt. I smell poisonous toadstools.”

“What’s this? You are joking. Aha, I see.”

Bo-art flicked his eyes about in the most unfortunate and obvious display of preparation. I saw his attack coming, and knew Jullo was standing just behind me. I had faced real monsters before and their hesitation made for an easy counter. I dug my heel into Jullo’s mids without looking. Bo-art grabbed my hair when I leaned forward for the kick. The small knife in his right hand could have killed a lesser man, but I was much too quick. Bo-art’s blade swung wide and I grabbed his wrist on the way in, pulling it across his chest and planting the knife into his left shoulder. While his partner screamed in pain, Jullo smashed a wine bottle over my head.

“You think you dirty little thieves can kill the son of Gojinus so easily?”

The pain, the alcohol, and the pheromones from all the women watching drove me mad with bloodlust. The red shadow consumed everything in a single blink. Jullo was backing away, again giving up his partner with his eyes. I feinted toward him, causing him to fall back into the bar stools. I spun just in time to back hand the knife, sinking it into the wall down to the hilt. Bo-art ate three heavy rights before falling back into his chair. I dug my hand into his robe and pulled out the dirty bag of poison- tossing it into the fire.

“You want to poison the citizens of Embraun- you’ll have to go through me!”

“And me!”

I turned to see that Captain Besha had revealed herself because Jullo was ready to spear me with the broken leg of a stool. He was stopped dead in his tracks. Her hair was down to her hips from having the ties removed. Both of the knives were in either side of Jullo, draining the last breathe from his lungs. She left the knives in him and marched to the door. She threw him out and whistled loudly from practice. Two guards in full dress uniform rushed in with drawn swords demanding that we all back away.

“Corporal Benson?”

“Eh? Ah, you.”

“Thank you for the help.”

“Shut it.”

The guard with him stifled a laugh. They dragged Bo-art from the bar and I followed them out.

“Excuse me, miss. Is your name Captain Besha?”

“Yes, Cadet Matthius. You fight well- for a little boy.”

“I just wanted to say, thank you for saving my life.”

“No man would ever admit such a thing. You do not think you would have been better off on your own?”

“No ma’am. Without you, I would not have known Jullo was involved.”

I held out my hand for her and she slapped it away. Once her guards were completely gone, she grabbed my hips and pulled me towards her.

“Well then, shall we celebrate our victory?”


“Jullo would have traded his whole horde for one night with me. What’s your excuse?”

“It wouldn’t be right.”

“Because I out rank you?”

“Because I have the mark. I think, perhaps, you have been undercover too long.”

Captain Besha laughed and shook her head. Scanning the streets once more, she slammed me into the wall of the Weary Lamb and forced herself onto me. She was so rough with me that my lips were fully bruised while she was still amusing herself.

“Could you stop?”

“You do not get to refuse me marker.”

I punched her low in the gut.

“You do not speak to the son of Gojinus in such tones.”

“There it is. That’s what I want. Give me what Bertrada got.”

The story of my father invading Ulfbar flooded through my mind. I recognized Besha because she was Major Talon’s cousin. The poor thing literally asked me to beat on her- and worse. I was so horrified that I could not move.

“What? Now you are going to cry? Give me what I want soldier. That is an order.”


“Even better.”

“I said no.”

Captain Besha stopped wrestling with me and slapped me hard.

“You are so weak. That is why the Lantos brought you in. You are nothing but bait for the Monster Hunter. Do not ever speak to me again.”

She slapped me extra hard, and walked away furiously grunting. Like a child, I wiped my tears and bit my swollen lip to keep it from quivering. The few remaining patrons of the bar laughed at me as I ran through. Once I had the chest and my shells, I marched straight to the guard stables. I was the first of the low ranking soldiers to make a bed. Someone tried to complain about having their spot taken, so I tossed him all of my coins. There was a bit of a scramble with his mates, followed by everyone deciding to head for their favorite pub. In that way, I was asleep before any of them returned.

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